August 13, 2006, - 6:28 pm

Inside Scoop on Islamic Cell Phone Buyers Who Planned to Blow Up Mackinac Bridge

By now, you’ve probably read the news that the three Palestinians caught in Caro, Michigan with 1,000 TracFone cellphones are involved in a plot to blow up Michigan’s Mackinac Bridge (it connects both Michigan peninsulas). Mackinac Bridge site here.
Adham Abdelhamid Othman, Maruan Awad Muhareb, and Louai Abdelhamied Othman planned to attack the bridge which holds an annual Labor Day walk across the 5-mile long bridge. Walkers include the Governor of Michigan.
But here’s what you didn’t read:
Sources tell that the men are from Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the group that works in concert with HAMAS in performing homicide bombings in Israel. The group once even considered merging with HAMAS, at the time that it was headed by University of South Florida professor Sami Al-Arian, a founder of the group. Maybe now sleepy Americans will awaken to note that Palestinian terrorism is not just Israel’s problem. It’s America’s.
Sources say the plot was uncovered because law enforcement personnel observed two or more other men videotaping the Mackinac Bridge.

Sources also say that it is very unlikely the men could have succeeded in blowing up the Mackinac Bridge–even with the chips from 1,000 phones for 1,000 bombs–as it is several miles long (it’s the world’s third longest suspension bridge). At a total length of 26,372 feet, the steel structure can support 38,486 tons of weight and is very, very strong and fortified. The sources say that, likely, the plan would have succeeded in bombing cars driving on the bridge, but not bringing the structure down.

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32 Responses

so we now have a plan for a large scale palestinian terrorist attack in america by an organization with hezbollah ties… will this wake anyone up…
probably not

sultan_knish on August 13, 2006 at 8:32 pm

Please, PLEASE tell me this “leader’ is not still employed by the university of South FLA!!!! If so, we’re finished…..

Skippy on August 13, 2006 at 9:45 pm

Of course it won’t wake anyone up. 9-11 was just five years ago and they’ve already forgotten that.

MarySJ on August 13, 2006 at 9:45 pm

“Tuscola County Prosecutor Mark E. Reene told reporters Saturday that investigators believe the men were targeting the Mackinac Bridge. He declined to say what led investigators to that belief.”
“Investigators said they were concerned that the men could be targeting the landmark bridge that connects Michigan’s Upper and Lower peninsulas, said Cpl. Mark House of the sheriff’s department. He declined to elaborate.”
Debbie, any idea why House and Reene are being so tight-lipped?

Avalon on August 13, 2006 at 10:57 pm

It’s unfortunate that until we get the next dose of 911 terror in our country, we will not understand as a nation that “WW3” is already underway. We just don’t want to face that now–we’ve got more important things like entertainment to focus on.
I still ask the question, “When will the moderate Islamists call for a shake out among their own number–to out the terrorists?” You know why they won’t–they really do support the terrorists!
Iran, Syria, related to Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad etc–the play is always the same–say “we renounce violence of all kinds” as simultaneoulsy back the homicidal actions you say you renounce–yeah, we get it. The Islamists want a confrontation right now–I pray we give them their wish. No more free passes to kill, you scum!

BB on August 14, 2006 at 12:38 am

Great info as usual Debbie. The first stops on the internet when looking for the latest inside news on the Jihadders?: 1st here and then Michelle Malkin. We need you ladies workin’ in Homeland Security.
These folks are sure in high gear plotting to attack us with this 5th anniversary coming up, and these are just the ones we know about. Imagine the schemes that they are managing to keep secret so far but unable to act upon. In addition, this is with an admninistration that’s at least trying to kick their a^^es around a little bit, imagine what we’re in for if the wackjob Dems ever get the keys back!

Chicagoray on August 14, 2006 at 8:42 am

The large majority of Americans don’t/won’t/can’t believe the danger. These are the same people that believe profiling is wrong. They all drink ACLU Kool-Aid. Debbie, keep up the flow of info, eventually it will sink in.

Codekeyguy on August 14, 2006 at 10:48 am

If you have been reading Debbie’s investigative reports, you would know this administration is not trying to kick their butts. They are playing wack a mole after the fact.
They are hiring people like Tommy Lasorda to give speeches for Ice Managers on paid junkets courtesy of the taxpayers. The nepotism and political appointees have zero law enforcement backgrounds and are more concerned with Political Correctness than deporting followers of the “Religion of Peace”.
Then there is Julie Meyers who has our borders wide open and practices catch and release. The only thing the Ice Queen is qualified for is advanced Mall Shopping along with her feminist affirmative action appointees.
Meanwhile the Borders are wide open thanks to GWB.

ScottyDog on August 14, 2006 at 11:00 am

Was that Caro, Michigan, or “Cairo”, Michigan?
Here we have yet another plot by the practitioners of the Religion of Peace to murder more innocent men, women, and children in the name of their false god, allah.
If these 7th century barbarians used 1/2 of the effort they use to plot against the infidel into bettering their lives back home, their lives wouldn’t be so “desperate” and “impoverished”.
I’m so sick and tired of hearing about these murdering Muzlum scumbags. Change the Constitution and kick their asses back to the Turd-World shitholes from whence they came. Kick their American-born spawn with them, as well.

Thee_Bruno on August 14, 2006 at 11:06 am

You vomited “Kick their American-born spawn with them, as well.”
Being 1/2 Iranian, I take particular offense to that statement. As I said, I take no part in any Muslim activities, or any religious activities at all for that matter, and my father, while being Iranian, is not Muslim, however, I have a feeling that you’d more than love to include me the group that you’d like to “kick over there”, even though I’m a proud American, and am very grateful of all of our freedoms that we enjoy in this great country.
However, with that being said, I do agree with the following statement you made:”If these 7th century barbarians used 1/2 of the effort they use to plot against the infidel into bettering their lives back home, their lives wouldn’t be so “desperate” and “impoverished”. ”
That’s very very true. Please, don’t construe this as an attempt to “kiss your ass”, as I think you’re a complete tool. I simply agree with what you said, and thought I’d put our differences aside and point this out.

Descent on August 14, 2006 at 11:29 am

I wonder if anyone has really checked out the economics of this. Is it really possible to purchase a tracfone in Michigan for $20 and resell it in Texas for $38? With that kind of return, you’d think Wal-mart would be flooding Texas with all the tracfones they can get their hands on. Why is this fantastic marketplace opportunity known only to a few young men?

Nasty, Brutish & Short on August 14, 2006 at 11:45 am

As soon as you used the prhrase ‘homicide bomber’ you lost all credibility. No need to continue reading.

knowsmore on August 14, 2006 at 11:54 am

To Descent into Madness,
You hacked-up, retched, and vomited the following;
“Being 1/2 Iranian, I take particular offense to that statement.”
Here’s $.50. Now call someone who gives a shit.
“As I said, I take no part in any Muslim activities, or any religious activities at all for that matter, and my father, while being Iranian, is not Muslim…”
I posted about Muzlums. Why are you offended? If you’re NOT a Muzlum (as you claim, ha, ha), then why the problem? If I post about Christians, does some Hindu living in India have a problem with that? (There are Christians living in India, btw). And, even IF you’re offended, do I have to curtail my FIRST AMMENDMENT RIGHTS just to placate you? This isn’t the totalitarian, Islamic theocracy shithole of Iran. You’re a little fucked-up in the head. Get some help.
“…however, I have a feeling that you’d more than love to include me the group that you’d like to “kick over there”…”
You’re correct, I would love to kick your ass to Iran because you hate America – just go back and re-read your posts. You sympathize with America’s enemies.
“…even though I’m a proud American, and am very grateful of all of our freedoms that we enjoy in this great country.”
That’s a lie. You hate America – just go back and re-read your posts. You’re an apologist for America’s enemies. However, you DO enjoy freedoms that this country affords. Freedoms that America’s soldiers fought and died for. Freedoms that allow a half-bred Iranian, such as yourself, the freedom to be employed by an American company (I see you’re still blogging from work), and enjoy the American standard of living that Muzlum-dominated Iranians can’t enjoy.
“Please, don’t construe this as an attempt to “kiss your ass”, as I think you’re a complete tool.”
Thank you. I, however, consider you to be a complete FOOL.
“I simply agree with what you said, and thought I’d put our differences aside and point this out.”
How nice of you to put our differences aside when you opened up with a contentious post.
If you want to communicate in a civilized manner, then don’t be so angry with America or with me.
BTW, can’t you be original? Why do you have to steal my; “You vomited” salutation?

Thee_Bruno on August 14, 2006 at 12:09 pm

“Was that Caro, Michigan, or “Cairo”, Michigan?
Here we have yet another plot by the practitioners of the Religion of Peace to murder more innocent men, women, and children in the name of their false god, allah.”
Not that you have any evidence of that besides Debbie’s statement:
“Sources say the plot was uncovered because law enforcement personnel observed two or more other men videotaping the Mackinac Bridge.”
Hearing is this Friday. Let’s see it what comes to light.

Avalon on August 14, 2006 at 12:14 pm

Bruno, trust me, I don’t hate America. Most of my mothers side was in the military, and my brother just got back from Iraq, so don’t give me any shit about hating what our soldiers died for. I’d like to see you go out and fight. And the reason I brought up what you said in your earlier post is because the way I read the post is that ALL middle-easterners/half middle-easterners should be sent back, not just the Muslims. If you want to send the Muslums back, be my guest. I personally think WE SHOULD send them back, and then implement a better set of immigration rules, and background checks for anyone who wants to come over.
Tear me down again, if you wish.

Descent on August 14, 2006 at 12:38 pm

You’re right, Avalon, this is all blown out of proportion. These were a bunch of Palestinian Islamic Jihad boy scouts who had photos and videotapes of the bridge, along with 1,000 cell phones. They were scoping it out for a campsite and had all those tracfones to call their relatives back in Gaza to inform them what a good time they were having.
As Leslie Nielsen in the Naked Gun movie said to the gathering crowd at the scene of an exploding building; “There’s nothing to see here. Keep moving, there’s nothing to see.”

Thee_Bruno on August 14, 2006 at 12:45 pm

Actually, it wasn’t just Debbie saying that, here’s a WP article:
Snippet: “CARO, Mich. — Three Texas men were arraigned Saturday on terrorism-related charges after police found about 1,000 cell phones in their minivan, and prosecutors say they believe the men were targeting a bridge connecting Michigan’s Upper and Lower peninsulas.”
So, now you have more than just Debbies word to back this story up.

Descent on August 14, 2006 at 12:52 pm

Let’s think about something for just a minute.
Labor Day is 21 days away (provided I counted correctly).
In Michigan, what happens on Labor Day?
The Mackinac Bridge Walk.
Where thousands of people walk across the Bridge.
Maybe taking the Bridge down wasn’t the plan?

cjhill on August 14, 2006 at 2:36 pm

Not one news report has stated that these guys had pictures and videotapes of the bridge. You’re making this up. Please produce some evidence, someone.
You’ve got three guys with brown skin on a cross-country trip from Texas with 1,000 cell phones, and an overzealous prosecutor named Mark E. Reene who declines to say what led him to believe these guys are guilty.
You’ve got nothing, Thee Bruno, except a lynch-mob mentality. That’s America to you, huh?

Avalon on August 14, 2006 at 4:15 pm

If they wanted to “resell the phones in party stores”, as claimed, then why did they tear open the packaging and discard it along with the chargers and batteries. This is the lie stated today by Mr. Beidun of the Arab American Chamber of Commerce” and quoted on all the clueless newscasts.

Tim on August 14, 2006 at 4:33 pm

Thee Bruno, I’m going to be fair with you. is finally just now reporting that
“William Kowalski, assistant special agent in charge of the FBI’s Detroit field office, said authorities believe concern about the bridge was connected to images of the Mackinac Bridge found on a digital camera belonging to the men.”
So we’ve got a digital camera with pictures of the bridge abd 1,000 cell phones intended for resale.
And the crime is?

Avalon on August 14, 2006 at 4:40 pm

Hey Debbie,
Our good neighbors to the north (Canada), the folks at Soo Today performing due diligence in their reporting was able to ascertain that one of our friendly “would be terrorists”, (Adham Abdelhamid Othman) is a Registered Sex Offender in the state of Texas.
See story from Soo Today here –>
Those wonderful Canadians even provided a link to the Texas State Sex Offenders Database page where he is listed here –>
Now who doubts that some low life like this could even remotely be involved with the “wrong crowd?”
Btw… those innocent young boys claim that they have been “hassled” and questioned in every state they have bought cell phones in. Surely they know there is a War on Terrorism in progress. And that the prime enemy being Young Radical Muslim Extremists, and that IED’s used in homicide bombings throughout the region are often triggered by cell phones or parts of cell phones. My question is, Why would they continue with such an “innocuous interprise” as buying thousands of cell phones for no purpose other than re-selling them to good ‘ole boys back in Texas? Naahh… I’ll stick to believing that the intended purpose for the phones was for nefarious uses abroad. I believe they continued their buying spree because they are “dedicated to their cause” like all little terroists in hopes of meeting Allah one day. Oops… Did I say that out loud?
Debbie, keep up your tireless vigilance. We need good people like you!

Bark'n on August 14, 2006 at 7:35 pm

Responding to Avalon; If you watched all of the interviews by prosecuter Mark Reene you would have heard him very quickly say during one interview yesterday that they found “Bridge pictures” in the laptop they had in their possession. He did not elaborate any further than that. I made a leap of faith in believing he was refering to Mackinac Bridge. Btw, I haven’t heard it repeated other than the one time.

Bark'n on August 14, 2006 at 7:47 pm

“So we’ve got a digital camera with pictures of the bridge abd 1,000 cell phones intended for resale. And the crime is?”
Is there something wrong with the police being proactive? Do the police have to wait until a terrorist act occurs before they act to prosecute those responsible? Do you really think the police are going to broadcast to the media all of their evidence prior to it being introduced in court? When have you ever heard of that happening?
Were those three driving all the way from Texas to verify that the jpgs they had were really the Mackinaw bridge?
“Hearing is this Friday. Let’s see it what comes to light.”
This is the best common sense you’ve used so far. Or better, why don’t you wait to see if there is a not guilty verdict, before making comments like…
“You’ve got nothing,…., except a lynch-mob mentality. That’s America to you, huh?”

True American on August 14, 2006 at 8:21 pm

True American,
“Is there something wrong with the police being proactive?”
Of course not.
“Do the police have to wait until a terrorist act occurs before they act to prosecute those responsible?”
How do you prosecute a criminal before the crime occurs? That makes no sense. A shred of credible evidence, a tip-off of any kind would substantiate proactive measures, but in this case, none exists.
“Do you really think the police are going to broadcast to the media all of their evidence prior to it being introduced in court? When have you ever heard of that happening?”
Just last Friday. From Fox News, regarding the London liquid bombers:
“After the first arrests in Pakistan some days ago, word went from Pakistan to the London plotters to move ahead quickly, a message intercepted by an intelligence agency, a U.S. official disclosed on condition of anonymity. That prompted British police to move in on the conspirators, long under watch.”
Also from FOX:
“The alleged terrorists were planning to assemble their bombs aboard the aircraft, apparently with a peroxide-based solution disguised as beverages or other harmless-seeming items, and using such electronic equipment as a disposable camera or a music player as a detonator, two U.S. law enforcement officials told The Associated Press.
And this:
“One arrested there, a Briton named Rashid Rauf, is believed to have been the operational planner and to have connections with Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, Pakistani and U.S. officials said.”
This too:
“Pakistani officials said British information led to the first arrests in Pakistan about a week ago, of two British nationals, including Rauf, called a “key person” by the Pakistani Foreign Ministry.
Pakistan’s interior minister, Aftab Khan Sherpao, said Rauf has ties with al Qaeda and was apprehended in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border area. The Foreign Ministry in Islamabad spoke of “indications” of a link between Rauf and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.”
Plenty to chew on here. And that’s just the most recent case. Do I have to remind you that Al Qaeda has claimed responsibility for many terrorist acts, 9/11 the most prominent?
“Were those three driving all the way from Texas to verify that the jpgs they had were really the Mackinaw bridge?”
These three guys had been through many states scarfing up cell phones — legally — a widespread practice going on for several years.
They accumulated 1,000. Still no crime.
From wikipedia on ‘Tracfone’:
“For several years Tracfone has had the problem of its heavily subsidized handsets being bought and resold in bulk. In a common practice handsets are bought in large quantities, the airtime is harvested by removing the sim card and the handsets are sold to bulk resellers. The bulk reseller can sell the parts such as the battery and charger legally, but may commiting an illegal act if they manipulate the internal software and “unlock” the handset.”
What’s more, from
“Defense attorney Nabih Ayad said that based on Monday’s statements by the FBI and [Michigan State Police Director Col. Peter] Munoz about the lack of a threat, he planned to file an emergency motion Tuesday for his clients’ release on bond.
He said the photos of the Mackinac Bridge were innocent tourist snapshots taken while the men were stuck in traffic.
“That’s what people do when you see a tourist attraction: They take pictures,” he said.
Perfectly plausible. I’d snap a photo of the bridge’s expanse myself. It’s awesome. Lucky for me I don’t have brown skin and an accent. Can you cite evidence that they had the photos while in their home state of Texas??
“Why don’t you wait to see if there is a not guilty verdict, before making comments like…
“You’ve got nothing,…., except a lynch-mob mentality. That’s America to you, huh?”
Because you’ve got nothing, and Debbie has nothing, and Thee Bruno has nothing . . .but a despicable lynch-mob mentality.
You’re looking awfully foolish here, especially for a “True American.”

Avalon on August 14, 2006 at 10:23 pm

Boy Avalon,
I wonder how you would feel being prosecuted based upon news media reports. You think that little amount of info released to the media will get a prosecution?
Take a look at the Eastern District of Virginia’s website of the Moussoui trial exhibits.
You have your opinion on who is looking foolish, and I have mine.

True American on August 15, 2006 at 6:20 am

“I wonder how you would feel being prosecuted based upon news media reports. You think that little amount of info released to the media will get a prosecution?”
The info I presented was enough for authorities to take proactive measures and arrest at least 24 Britons on suspected terrorist activity. That’s what we are talking about.
“Take a look at the Eastern District of Virginia’s website of the Moussoui trial exhibits.”
Are you defending Zacarias Moussaoui now? You are a piece of work.
“You have your opinion on who is looking foolish, and I have mine.”
I however have presented facts that substantiante my take on all this. You’ve got nothing but speculation and unAmerican mudslinging.
Yes, I certainly do have an opinion on who is looking foolish: you, Debbie, Thee Bruno, and Bark’n.

Avalon on August 15, 2006 at 7:06 am

To Franki Avalon,
“Keep moving. There’s nothing to see here. Keep moving, there’s nothing to see.”
Frankie Avalon must be another Muzlum lawyer working for the ACLU.

Thee_Bruno on August 15, 2006 at 11:22 am

Is your brain addled? Defending Moussaoui? Do whatever it takes to clear up your thought process.
Maybe if you went to the website, you might see how extensive the exhibit list was. Then you might conduct a search for all the Moussaoui news media reports dated prior to the trial and compare the information in the media reports to the trial exhibits. (This doesn’t include the direct testimony either.) and realize what it takes to convict someone of a crime. Then you might also see what is needed to convict ONE defendant, not 20+. Also, I don’t remember the British arresting them after the news media reported what they were planning, rather, the British announced to the media(in general terms ) what they had arrested them for.
I am done with you!

True American on August 16, 2006 at 12:22 am

Look, you originally asked me “Do you really think the police are going to broadcast to the media all of their evidence prior to it being introduced in court? When have you ever heard of that happening?”
Now of course they are not going to broadcast “all of their evidence,” but since the London arrests, they did present some evidence to the press as to why the arrests were made.
In the Mackinac Bridge case, not a shred of evidence has come to light. Just three Palestian-Americans with a bounty of cellphones, pictures of the bridge and brown skin. Now read through the threads on this and other posts: the lynch-mob mentality is sickening.
Now remember, you’re done with me.

Avalon on August 16, 2006 at 5:41 pm

Yes,(Chuckling) I remember.

True American on August 17, 2006 at 7:20 am

It’s going to be finish of mine day, but before finish I am reading this wonderful paragraph to increase my knowledge.

??? ????? ??????? on March 9, 2015 at 3:51 am

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