August 13, 2006, - 5:41 pm

Reunion: Southfield High, Class of ’86

Last night was my high school class’ 20 year reunion, and it was a great time. I graduated from Southfield High School in 1986 (no, I’m not 38; I skipped a grade).
Southfield High, which was then and remains now a majority Black high school, was a great school with a great mix of people. My class was half White, half Black, with Christians, Jews, Chaldeans (Iraqi Christians), and almost every ethnic group you can think of. And for the most part, we all mixed and got along pretty well. Very little racial strife or PC BS.
Just two miles from Eminem’s famed “8 Mile” (we were on 10 Mile), our class and our school was what America is all about. (That includes the twins from Saudi Arabia from the graduating class below ours, whose parents wouldn’t let them mix after schools with the Infidel Jews and Christians. Now, they are anti-War activists for Islamofascism. Wonderful.) Some of my schoolmates lived in Detroit and used other addresses to get a better education and a better shot at life two miles beyond the border. And who can blame them?

I remember all my classmates fondly, as those were 2.5 great years (I transferred in from a private Jewish school). My class had a world class model (Natasha Jameson who appeared in all the high fashion magazines), a pro football star (Torin Dorn, an All-American running back, who played 5 years in the NFL for the Raiders and Rams), a top rock and jazz guitarist (Duminie DePorres, who played with the Red-Hot Chili Peppers and other big rock bands), a left-wing law professor/author (Spencer Overton, who teaches at George Washington U and has a book attacking the elections), a FOX Sports reporter from the rival high school who was a fellow DJ on WSHJ, our school radio station (Shireen Saski).
One classmate, Andy Smith, was my nemesis from the left in high school (but always a friend). He now lives on a commune. Another was a Madonna look alike at the height of Madonna’s fame and won a spot in a Madonna video (Rena Werstine, who still looks good, while Madonna doesn’t). Other classmates are successful lawyers, doctors, sales professionals, paramedics, and full-time parents.
I remember all my friends from high school, most of whom were there last night. It was so great to see how well everyone is doing and how successful they are, sad to see that 8 passed away. Good to see how life goes on, see pics of everyone’s kids, and give and receive good wishes.
Southfield High, Class of ’86–I was glad to be a part of it, made me a lot of who I am today. Thanks, Lisa Rader, for putting together such a good time.

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9 Responses

What, Debbie? No scan of your senior yearbook photo to go along with the posting?? 😉

William Smith on August 13, 2006 at 6:27 pm

To be fair Madonna’s face may have gone off a bit but from the neck down she’s kept it together.

shleppy on August 13, 2006 at 8:58 pm

How neat of you to share this Debbie. My Mom used to work as secretary to various of the Southfield schools assistant superintendents till she retired about 5 years ago.
It’s sad how the idiots make a special experience like you had with such a diverse class impossible today. I’m glad you put those evil people on the defensive.
I too would like to see your high school photo!

BB on August 14, 2006 at 12:22 am

Class of 86? Damn you’re young! I’m 84 at Reseda high. Class of the 1984 summer Olympics. Those were great years, I ripped off a lot of Olympic memorabilia…hehehe. I also have ALL the Sam the Eagle coke cans un-open, 10 of each and a case of the 1984 Olympic Coke glass bottles. Gawd, those were good years. Hope you enjoyed your reunion. I didn’t, I didn’t go HA!

KOAJaps on August 14, 2006 at 5:26 am

Nice piece on how people can agree to disagree and get along. We can all be similar and different at the same time and hopefully not kill each other for it (though defend ourselves when necessary). While my politics are nowhere near as overall rightward as yours (though more in the line of “moderate” than “liberal” and probably somewhat close to yours on the terrorism stuff which is why I read your column), my hometown/high school was a “New York” version of yours and I graduated just 1 year earlier, so your piece let me reminisce a little.
Thanks for the great memories it brought back for me! Take care.

hairymon on August 14, 2006 at 11:00 am

Hi Debbie, I do have to say that our class (SHS-’86) is by far the best class to come out of SHS. My oldest son is now attending SHS. I see so many changes between then and now, and frankly it’s disturbing what has become of such a great school. At a risk of repeating everything you wrote, I would also like to add that I had a great time as well, and the list of thanks should also be extended, along with Lisa Rader, to Jim Whiteford, Tom Beach, Paul Bernstein, and Jeff Pergament for their respective roles in bringing our 20th reunion together.

PaulB on August 14, 2006 at 1:26 pm

Sorry… I also meant to add that it was great to see you again… You look great! 🙂

PaulB on August 14, 2006 at 1:29 pm

I graduated from SHS in 87- the school was not half black, but to be fair, it WAS a great mixture of all kinds of people. Best years of my life here 🙂

S: In fact, the class of ’86 was the last half-White class at Southfield High, so it was already a majority Black high school when I graduated, and even more so when you graduated, despite what you may think. Was a great school when I went there, too. DS

shs graduate on March 17, 2012 at 9:54 pm

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