May 31, 2010, - 9:45 pm

UPDATED VIDEO: Yup, Looks Like a “Peaceful” Convoy/Flotilla To Me, Too

By Debbie Schlussel

**** UPDATED w/ NEW VIDEO ****

Watch this video of how the pro-HAMAS “peace activists” beat Israeli soldiers to a pulp with iron pipes.  Those aren’t weapons?   Uh, try arguing that in any criminal court.  But, hey, the soldiers are just supposed to give up and die and allow their fellow soldiers to die at the hands of these torturous “peace activist” murderers, right?  Would the United States do that?  Would our Coast Guard and Customs and Border Protection agents just sit by and allow that as an Al-Qaeda “peace convoy” flotilla ship’s passengers did this?  Hell, no.

Israel should have sunk this ship and killed all the barbarians aboard this ship and let their waterlogged bodies wash up at their intended final destination of Gaza. Israeli soldiers inspected five ships and were ready to let them go through. It was on this sixth ship that this barbaric attack was planned and deliberately carried out by these, as we call them in Yiddish, vildah chayahs [wild animals] or, as they are called in Arabic, bahayim. Animals aboard the Turkish ship, the Mavi Marmara . . .

Check out more excellent coverage of the truth regarding what happened with the HAMAS Gaza Flotilla at Solomonia and The JIDF. Check ’em both out!


HAMAS Naval Police Exercised Protecting Terrorist Flotilla

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108 Responses

A partial list indeed SpottyDog. Israel’s brutal and illegal occupation of Palestinian territories goes back to 1967 and, despite numerous UN resolutions requiring it to retreat to its pre-1967 borders, it still has not complied. Indeed, it has relentlessly increased and extended its theft of land.

I take it that your point is that the sooner Israel complies with International Law, the sooner will the attacks against it cease. I agree with you whole-heartedly.

MJ on June 1, 2010 at 6:08 pm

    I hope people have noticed that MJ and the rest of the animals (i.e. Muslims) can’t actually argue a point. All they can do is copy and paste the cliches and non-sequiturs which they have been fed. Those who are the purest Muslims just defecate here.

    skzion on June 2, 2010 at 10:50 am

Who cares what the United Nations think about anything.I am supposed to care about a bunch of useless resolutions made by terrorists in countries run by despots and dictators?

They are a bunch of parasitic criminals that live off the misery and corruption in everything they do. Remember the oil for food scandal, remember the UN Child Sex Slave Scandals remember the bribery scandal and financial misconduct, remember sex trafficking by U.N. officials in Bosnia and the Congo?

How can you justify the beating of solders before anything was done by the IDF?
How about the fire bombs?
How about the weapons found on the so called peace protesters that were supposed to be unarmed?

Nope, if it were up to me Israel would finish the 1967 war and send the so called Palestinians packing back to the Arab countries that put them there.What I mean by finish,is good old testament fire and brimstone until they are gone or surrender.

It used to be called winning the war instead of PC UN crap.

ScottyDog on June 1, 2010 at 9:57 pm

Scoottydog, in order to be against the genocide of millions, you do not have to condone the desperate actions of extremists.

The list of acts of terrorism conducted by the israeli government is ten times as big as the one you just showed us.

Predicted on June 2, 2010 at 4:18 am

Amazing how all of you, Muslims, afraid to give your names, just calling yourself nicknames. I’ll tell you why: because you come from countries that if you identify yourselves, you’ll be killed, or better yet, murdered, sometimes hanged, to show your people what happens when you resist you regime. And that’s the reason why you can never tell about the criminal actions that are being done in your country: you either die, or you rot in prison. I hear that a while ago in Iran, they just shot off the connection to the internet, so people won’t be able to tell the world about what happened there. So, welcome to democracy, where you’re allowed to know the actions of your country, you’re allowed to protest it, and better yet, you allow your enemies pick which things to show to their UN-DEMOCRAT Countries, run by dictators full of hate, yet greedy, VERY rich, who want to justify the fact that the people of their country are starving. Go ahead, blame Israel, but know, It’s sad to think anyone lives with so much hatred to one country, and just by feeling like that, you’re being punished.

Tal on June 2, 2010 at 8:24 am

Wow nice, hide behind a nickname and complain others do it too, hypocritical at a whole new level.
That being said, you don’t know much about computers do you?
I really doubt that any totalitarian government would single out individual comments on some inbred lowlife’s blog, it would rather either track down the IP’s of every visitor and find the ones from your country or ban it all together, that is if they have control over the ISPs.
Secondly, learn to spell, also expand your vocabulary, or did you really mean that most Muslim regimes are republican?
Thirdly, you are making assumptions, yes some countries are controlled by a corrupt and morally corrupt government we, the west are the main cause for their suffering, had we not used the middle east as our political playground during the cold war we would not have been in this mess, and going even further back you can see that our imperialistic expansions of many European countries that still goes on today through the World bank’s pressure to open third world countries borders for international corporations to exploit their natural riches and leave them with nothing, this is in large what we build our standard of living upon.
Is it odd that they hate us?
But I got off track, my point is, that even if some morally corrupt people have taken advantage of the destabilization that we in the west have caused, we shouldn’t apply those philosophies to an entire people or religion.

Predicted on June 2, 2010 at 3:15 pm

    To the most adorable Predicted, who said:

    “Thirdly, you are making assumptions, yes some countries are controlled. . . .”

    Now, sweet Predicted lectures others on writing. Alas, this Muslim does not know what a run-on is.

    skzion on June 2, 2010 at 8:35 pm

      Nice to see you focus on what I was wrong about 🙂

      Predicted on June 4, 2010 at 9:33 am

I meant hypocrisy.

Predicted on June 2, 2010 at 3:15 pm

Dear Debbie,

Firstly thank you for your tireless fight to expose the truth & counter-reponse to the culture of lies & anti-Semitism by modsy Muslims/Arabs & those who support/appease to them. May God Bless you & keep you safe.

Secondly, here are some important facts:

The organizers of those ships allegedly have ties with global Jihad, al-Qaeda and Hamas. They have a history of arms smuggling and deadly terror.
Those organizers also hired Special Forces of radical, semi-militant Muslims/Arabs to whom they paid significant sums of money to carry out such acts e.g. the planned lynching of the Israeli soldiers.
Significant amount of various weapons were found on board that ship, prepared in advance and used against the Israeli soldiers. The organizers intent & method was violent which they initiated.
Upon their landing, the Israeli soldiers were attacked by extremists with live ammunition, axes, metal rods and blunt instruments. At least seven Israeli soldiers were injured, two in critical condition.
As such I ask again what are the protests about? Not being able to lynch more Israelis?

This is a call to every truth & justice seeking person. What happened on that ship is that those false “Peace Activists”, ambushed & brutally lynched those young Israeli soldiers.
Those soldiers came unto that ship initially without fire arms, with paint balls guns which are not fire arms & with no intentions to hurt anyone. They have made it clear well in advance that they will only be coming to negotiate with what they thought were “Humanitarians”.
Yet many of those false “Peace Activists” attacked them as soon as those soldiers arrived, brutally beating & stabbing them with knives, axes, iron rods, dozens against each one such soldier.
Those false “Humanitarians” turned out to be a well equipped, brutal lynching anti-Semitic mob, on which that tragic, unexpected development is to be blamed.
If anything, many of us are concerned that those soldiers did not defend themselves a lot earlier than they did. Any soldier, who eventually did defend himself did so in the midst of being brutally lynched by dozens & after much suffering & having firearms held by those “Humanitarians” fired at them.

Where were those activists when Israelis civilians suffered from over 8,000 rockets launched at them by Hamas & Co., in the few years AFTER Israel withdrew from Gaza? Could it be that the losses of Jewish/Israelis lives was not worth protesting about?
Also for the record, Israel continues to allow into Gaza tones of food & other humanitarian aid on a daily basis and over a millions tones of it in the past 18 months alone.
Israel also offered those “Humanitarians” to do the same with their good, but they refused for it to be inspected & transferred through the land crossing. The world is also being reminded that the last such ship which refused inspection by the IDF originated from Iran & carried massive amount of rockets & various weapons, most of which were use against Israeli civilians.
This was not a Humanitarian mission but rather a gross provocation by people who do not care about Human Rights.

Zion-Israel on June 2, 2010 at 10:59 pm

    “The organizers of those ships allegedly have ties with global Jihad, al-Qaeda and Hamas. They have a history of arms smuggling and deadly terror.” Proof please.

    “Those organizers also hired Special Forces of radical, semi-militant Muslims/Arabs to whom they paid significant sums of money to carry out such acts e.g. the planned lynching of the Israeli soldiers.” Again, proof please, there where no weapons on that boat.

    “Significant amount of various weapons were found on board that ship, prepared in advance and used against the Israeli soldiers. The organizers intent & method was violent which they initiated.” No, equipment usually found on ship where found on that boat, had they planned to fight there would have been guns, of which there where none.

    “Upon their landing, the Israeli soldiers were attacked by extremists with live ammunition, axes, metal rods and blunt instruments. At least seven Israeli soldiers were injured, two in critical condition.” That’s a lie, a blatant lie. There is eye witness reports that the Israeli soldiers shot at the boat before landing warranting the people to defend themselves. The only reports of live ammunition being used where weapons that was taken from isareli commandos, and there isn’t any tape on that.

    “This is a call to every truth & justice seeking person. What happened on that ship is that those false “Peace Activists”, ambushed & brutally lynched those young Israeli soldiers.”
    Israel EXECUTED a US citizen, shot him once in the chest and FOUR TIMES in the head. Secondly you had no right to attack the boat, and thirdly, they where defending themselves.

    “Yet many of those false “Peace Activists” attacked them as soon as those soldiers arrived, brutally beating & stabbing them with knives, axes, iron rods, dozens against each one such soldier.”
    That is what happens when you shoot at people.

    “Those false “Humanitarians” turned out to be a well equipped, brutal lynching anti-Semitic mob, on which that tragic, unexpected development is to be blamed.” That’s bull, they took equipment needed on the boat and turned them into weapons in an hour of need.

    “If anything, many of us are concerned that those soldiers did not defend themselves a lot earlier than they did. Any soldier, who eventually did defend himself did so in the midst of being brutally lynched by dozens & after much suffering & having firearms held by those “Humanitarians” fired at them.”
    There where no firearms.

    “Where were those activists when Israelis civilians suffered from over 8,000 rockets launched at them by Hamas & Co., in the few years AFTER Israel withdrew from Gaza? Could it be that the losses of Jewish/Israelis lives was not worth protesting about?” How about the fact that the ratio of killed israeli to Palestinian is 1:10?

    “Also for the record, Israel continues to allow into Gaza tones of food & other humanitarian aid on a daily basis and over a millions tones of it in the past 18 months alone.”
    The demand is that 400 trucks are sent in, you send in 170, second of all israel wait for almost a year to send in new human aid spoiling a lot of food and clothes in the process.

    “This was not a Humanitarian mission but rather a gross provocation by people who do not care about Human Rights.”
    I’ll give you this.

    Predicted on June 4, 2010 at 9:41 am

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