August 11, 2006, - 1:55 pm

Where’s ICE?: 2 Missing Egyptian Students Found @ Mysterious Pizza Shop w/ Terror Ties

You know the who never showed up at Montana State University?
While some of them have been found, Safa Pizza–the Maryland pizza shop where two of them showed up as “employees“–should be a place of interest to federal counterterrorism investigators . . . if it isn’t already.
Ditto for its owner, Egyptian Attia Gouda, who was harboring these missing aliens in his Baltimore area apartment. Why isn’t ICE arresting him? And why won’t the Baltimore Sun name his pizza shop in their article on the 2 students? Attention, reporters: It’s Safa Pizza a/k/a Safa’s Pizza.
Last October, when officials closed down the Baltimore Fort McHenry and Harbor Tunnels because of an alleged terror plot to blow it up, they arrested several men in connection with the alleged plot on immigration violations. Some of them had maps of the tunnels, etc. Guess where they arrested two of them? Safa Pizza. From a Baltimore Sun account:

Pizza: Sometimes a Cover for Islamic Terrorists & Illegal Aliens

Suied Mohamad-Ahamad, 25, and Mohamed Ahmed Mohamady Ismail, 30, both Egyptians, were taken into custody at Safa’s Pizza on Merritt Avenue in Dundalk.

The men may have been working there (other Tunnel plot suspects were working at other Muslim-owned businesses). And now the missing Egyptian “students” were found working there. Here’s more on the absurd story of 9/10 behavior by the Feds from the Baltimore Sun:

Federal agents arrested El Sayed Ahmed Elsayed Ibrahim, 20, and Alaa Abd El Fattah Ali El Bahnasawi, 20, in the Holabird Avenue apartment of a pizza shop owner from Egypt, Attia Gouda. Ibrahim and El Bahnasawi were being held in an undisclosed location, pending possible deportation proceedings, authorities said. . . .
According to Gouda’s wife, Jennifer Evans, Ibrahim and El Bahnasawi apparently stayed with her husband for several days while she was on vacation this week. When she returned Wednesday, she said, her husband introduced them to her as friends from his native village of Mansoura, Egypt. . . .
“These guys would not hurt a fly,” said Evans. “They’re very shy. They respected me very much in the house.”

BFD. Potential terrorists usually respect the stupid Infidel wife of the man who harbors them while they are here illegally doing who knows what.

Missing Egyptian “Students” El Sayed Ahmed Elsayed Ibrahim & Alaa Abd El Fattah Ali El Bahnasawi Found @ Pizza Shop w/Terror Ties

At his pizza shop in Glen Burnie last evening, a visibly agitated Gouda expressed dismay at the attention that the Egyptians’ failure to appear in Montana was stirring up. He worried that Americans jump to conclusions “too quickly.”

Uh, too quickly? More like, not quickly enough.

Gouda described Ibrahim and El Bahnasawi as farmers who had gotten “lost” and overwhelmed in a foreign land. But it was their dream to come to America, he said. “They’re good people.”
The Dundalk arrest took place at the second floor apartment on the 7200 block of Holabird Ave., a brick rowhouse on a busy thoroughfare. A window on the first floor is smashed, but neighbors said the first-floor apartment is vacant and that the window had been broken for a while.
Before rushing out of the apartment yesterday afternoon on her way to work, Evans said the two students had been helping out at her husband’s pizza shop but that she believed they had come to the country with the intention to study. When she asked one of the men why he had come to the United States, he replied in halting English, “I want to better my future,” she said.

What a fricking fool this woman is.

Evans said she and her husband were not knowingly helping the students violate the terms of their visas. “We had no idea about any of this.”

Uh-huh. And if you believe that, I have some land in the Baltimore Tunnel to sell you.
Since ICE Chieftess a/k/a “The ICE Princess” says she’s serious about arresting workplace immigration offenders, why is she not arresting Attia Gouda and shutting down Safa Pizza? Is it just a little too un-PC for her to do such a thing to Muslims? Just asking.
Incredibly, ICE spokesman Dean Boyd doesn’t think there’s a problem at the mysterious Safa Pizza shop. He claims “we have no indication they pose any threat,” regarding the students. Yet, they just so happened to show up at a pizza shop with strange ties to alleged terror plots. A shop whose owner employs and harbors illegal aliens on the lam. No threat. Ri-i-i-i-i-i-ight.
Next time you order extra cheese or sauce, make sure you’re not ordering from a place that employs illegal alien Muslim “students” and has ties to tunnel-bombing plots.
Thanks to reader Rona, who asks

Think about it, why would some foreign students want to work in a pizza shop instead of going to college?

Good question.
Rona adds:

It was reported that these two Egyptians are from rural backgrounds and felt uncomfortable heading to Montana. Well Montana (which I have been to) is a heck of a lot more rural than Dundalk, MD- which is near the former General Motors Plant and Bethlehem Steel. Dundalk is a blue collar enclave. The only thing country here is the music playing out of the jukebox. . . .
In the end, probably nothing will happen to any of these students…..They will get deported and try another scheme.

Sad to say, Rona is probably right. And it’s not a sure bet they will even be deported, given the lackadaisical way ICE is treating the missing students case.

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16 Responses

But it was their dream to come to America, he said. “They’re good people.”
“I want to better my future,” she said.
Great. So after lying about their intentions to enter the US in order to get student visas to facilitate their entry, they will be applying for asylum, then, or looking for a new US wife in the meantime?

LSmith on August 11, 2006 at 3:07 pm

The eleven “students” are messengers. The “real” operatives blend in, stay off the “net”, old world deliveries e.g. face to face. What a better way to get in “legally”…”Student Visa”. Ooops, and when you over stay your “Visa”, Voila, free ride home courtesy of the good ol’ U.S.A. taxpayers. I wonder if anyone has checked out the “House of Kalal” in Germantown, MD yet… How about the “Imam Learning Center”? Hmmm. I wonder if, when there is another attack upon our shores, if a Federal Emergency will be declared, and as in New Orleans post Katrina, guns will be “secured” by “Officers of the Law”? A catalyst is all that is needed to set off Joe Six-Pack. I mean, even the “Minutemen” were officially labeled “vigilantes.” All this bullshit, in plain English, makes me sick.
…and WE are the ones tossing out toothpaste and Sprite. How about throwing THEM out??

SickBoy on August 11, 2006 at 3:14 pm

Bizarrely, the Baltimore Sun refers to the ’05 tunnel plot at the end of its article but FAILS TO MENTION the most interesting twist to the whole story, which is that the same pizza parlor and the same Mr. Gouda were involved in both. Now, these three intrepid reporters are not stupid, and they assuredly know the link between the two cases.
They don’t report it because the Baltimore public is considered too stupid to handle the information. The Calvert Street crew doesn’t trust its readers. They fear that some redneck in Glen Burnie will hop into his pickup and drop off a load of manure in front of the pizza joint. And so the Sun leaves out the most curious and interesting part of the whole story.
But, hey, at least poor Mr. Gouda doesn’t have to worry about any extra scrutiny now. He has enough on his hands, what with illegally employing potential terrorists and all, which of course is a serious offense…not.

ErnestD on August 11, 2006 at 3:37 pm

It’s TAQIYYA!! These scum-bags were doing what their Imams back home taught them; TOTAL DECEPTION AND DISHONESTY!! The dumb, dhimmi, nit-wit wife and her terrorist-fluffer husband should be arrested and charged as part of this. F – Them!

Yiddish Steel on August 11, 2006 at 4:14 pm

They are letting these potential terrorists in for a month of English instruction out in the sticks?? Come on, tell me it ain’t so. Time to shut down ALL student visas. The only purpose of such programs is to enrich these hick colleges.

Madhank on August 11, 2006 at 5:25 pm

They are letting these potential terrorists in for a month of English instruction out in the sticks?? Come on, tell me it ain’t so. Time to shut down ALL student visas. The only purpose of such programs is to enrich these hick colleges.

Madhank on August 11, 2006 at 5:28 pm

Pizza shops can be useful places.

MarcH on August 11, 2006 at 5:40 pm

Boycott Safa Pizza. Break this bastard so that he goes home to his terrorist-loving Egypt.
A lot of those “One Dollar and Less” stores, or “Dollar Shops” are run by Muzlums from the Middle East. I avoid those places as I try to avoid gas stations that are also owned by these barbarians. I guess you can call it MY version of profiling – just as they are profiling us.
Boy, this story is just chock full of reasons not to trust these “people”.
Here you have a guy who runs a pizza shop (he should be selling halal meat, instead) where terrorists have been arrested. Now, he’s harboring two “students” who violated their visas, who’ve been all over the radio, TV, and newspapers and this pizza owner had no clue that they were wanted?! Bullshit!
Then, he tries to lie about how these farmers felt “afraid” in this country but were able to make their way from JFK to Baltimore on their own. If they were so afraid, why did they apply to come here in the first place. And, since these two skells knew we were looking for them, why didn’t they turn themselves in. I agree with Rona who pointed out the absurdity by stating that they came here all the way from Egypt to better themselves working in a pizza place and forsaking a college education. It reeks!
And this bastard Gouda was visibly upset and criticizes Americans for jumping to conclusions too quickly. Well, I have this to say to him: Get the fuck out of MY country!
Here you have a barbarian whose fellow barbarians are plotting to blow up planes; fly planes into buildings; blow up innocent people; behead innocent people; burn down churches and temples; blow up trains; all over the world, ALL in the name of his religion Islam – and HE feels like a target?! Fuck HIM!
What I’d like to know is when these two farmers contacted him. If they concocted this scheme while in Egypt, then they had no intention of attending school and falsely applied for visas. If they contacted him after arriving at JFK, that indicates that they had no intention of going to Montana. I’d also like to know how these skells knew of Gouda in the first place. It’s all very suspicious – terrorists getting arrested at his shop, now he’s harboring farmers who had no intention of honoring their visas. He needs to be investigated and the whole student visa program need to be overhauled. Remember: some of the 9/11 hijackers had student visas that expired.
(AS an aside, as Mark Levin pointed out, if we can’t monitor the student visa program, then how in the hell are we going to monitor a “guest worker program”?)
Take a look at the following passage from the Baltimore Sun regarding Gouda’s wife;
“According to Gouda’s wife, Jennifer Evans, Ibrahim and El Bahnasawi apparently stayed with her husband for several days while she was on vacation this week. When she returned Wednesday, she said, her husband introduced them to her as friends from his native village of Mansoura, Egypt. . . .”
The way this is written implies that Gouda didn’t even inform his wife that these two skells were living in her house until she came back. Now, what husband doesn’t inform his wife that two “strangers” are living in their house while she’s away? Couldn’t he have told her by phone? Why wait until she came back. If this is how it played out, then it’s VERY suspicious.
These two “farmers” had no intention of going to school. They were here under false pretences and, I believe, to plot. Gouda had terrorists arrested in his shop, these two farmers just happened to show up at his home, he knew these two skells were wanted and did nothing, and he’s angry that Americans are justly concerned. He’s an enemy of America. The LIBERALS should love him.

Thee_Bruno on August 12, 2006 at 11:31 am

Yup, because we all hate americans. Very true. Hit the nail right on the head there, you did.
You vomited…well..really, everything you have written has been I guess that about takes care of that…umm…cool.

Descent on August 12, 2006 at 1:48 pm

And before you say it bruno, the sarcastic “we all hate americans” was WE as in liberals.

Descent on August 12, 2006 at 1:50 pm

Just wondering if there are any ties to Mujtaba Rabbani Jabbar, 24, of Owings Mills, MD. He was the Loews Movie Theater murderer who may have sought out random Jews to kill. Sadly, he found one. That was on the night of 15 June. Two months ago.

bvw on August 13, 2006 at 8:20 pm

BTW, thanks for your good work.

bvw on August 13, 2006 at 8:20 pm

Farmers! What a joke. Arab males abhor manual labor, especially agriculture.

dms on August 14, 2006 at 11:29 am

as far as I understand, the foreign student [or his sponsor] has to pay tuition before he comes to America and before he gets his US visa. So, by not showing up for the course, he forfeits the money that he paid for tuition. And maybe other fees and charges, such as registration fee, food & lodging, books, etc. So here we have a case of somebody forfeiting the tuition fee in order to work in a pizza shop. Kind of fishy, ain’t it?

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