August 2, 2005, - 2:01 pm

More Spielberg Soft on Terror BS

By Debbie Schlussel
I’ve written quite a bit on Steven Spielberg’s phony new project about the Israeli athletes murdered by Palestinian terrorists at the 1972 Munich Olympics and the Mossad’s tracking down and killing of the terrorists. Read my work on this absurd movie that humanizes Islamic terrorists and decries their being killed , , and . Yesterday’s San Francisco Chronicle has yet another article exposing the Spielberg movie as bogus and based on an apocryphal, fraudulent book.
Frankly, these two pics capture all you need to know about why these terrorists deserved to go meet Allah, but unfortunately went without being tortured to death first:

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9 Responses

Unfortunately, Spielberg (a really nice man actually)has been taken in by a con artist named Juval (Yuval) Aviv. Aviv’s exploits have been well documented and it’s a shame that Spielberg’s advisors failed him so shamelessly.
Here is an article in English for you all.
Debbie is the best!

Tamar on August 2, 2005 at 4:15 pm

Unfortunatly, Spielberg is a part of Hollywood, & shares in it’s biases & ignorance. This is a group of people who live insulated from real life in an artificial world, expecting them to be logical might be asking too much.

NYgirl on August 2, 2005 at 8:46 pm

HMM, Tamar and Debbie in agreement, how shocking!

hairymon on August 2, 2005 at 9:10 pm

Does it really matter? It’s just a movie…and anybody with any real intellegence will actively find out mroe about the events that the movie portrays if the subject interests them.
Movies like so may other forms of expresion such as music, books and even your own blog are about a point of view, or a persons interpretation of something. If it really bothers you so much, why not contact Spielberg himself to express your concerns?
After all…nobody will be forced to watch this movie, or take it at face value.

rusty on August 3, 2005 at 12:01 am

Rusty, if it matters so little, why you making such a fuss over Debbie’s column?
I think TRUTH matters a lot. If you clicked on the first link Debbie provided Spielberg himself called it, “a defining moment in the modern history of the Middle East,”, so it sounds like he agrees on one point with Debbie that it is important. I think it’s just lazy to say it’s just someone’s “point of view.” That doesn’t mean it’s factual.

Jeff_W on August 3, 2005 at 12:41 pm

I’m not making any fuss, just putting forth my own opinion.
Just because it was a defining moment in histroy, doesn’t mean it is not open to interpretation, and we need to allow for this before we start shouting people down.
I just think it’s more constructive to first understand where somebody is coming from, in order to better out your own point forward.
But y’know…that’s just me.

rusty on August 3, 2005 at 9:19 pm

Spielberg: worse than we thought

The San Francisco Chronicle (via Debbie Schlussel) reveals that even the book on which Steven Spielberg and his hired writer, Tony Kushner, base their upcoming monstrosity, is even worse than it seems

Tel-Chai Nation on August 5, 2005 at 9:16 am

Spielberg: worse than we thought

The San Francisco Chronicle (via Debbie Schlussel) reveals that even the book on which Steven Spielberg and his hired writer, Tony Kushner, base their upcoming monstrosity, is even worse than it seems

Tel-Chai Nation on August 5, 2005 at 9:17 am

Spielberg: worse than we thought

The San Francisco Chronicle (via Debbie Schlussel) reveals that even the book on which Steven Spielberg and his hired writer, Tony Kushner, base their upcoming monstrosity, is even worse than it seems

Tel-Chai Nation on August 5, 2005 at 9:24 am

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