August 3, 2006, - 3:40 pm

Today’s Baltimore Hebrew U Bombing is NO Suprise; Saudi Muslim & Convert Wife Cased, Video’d Baltimore Jewish Establishments in ‘ 03

Is it any surprise () that someone (probably a Muslim) just bombed the Baltimore Hebrew University? It shouldn’t be.
It just so happens to be located next to a burgeoning Muslim neighborhood filled with extremists and their mosques.
In 2003, a . And yet, clueless federal authorities said they had no reason to believe that a) anything was amiss; or that b) the Muslims were targeting Jews by sneaking into Jewish institutions and secretly videotaping them.
Get a clue, people. Take your heads out of the sand. Wake up, America!
And by the way, why bomb a Jewish establishment, today? Maybe it’s because many Jews around the world, like me, are fasting today. It’s Tisha B’Av–a Jewish fast day. No food or liquid (incl. water) for 25 hours.
What follows is the about the Muslims casing the Jewish joints of Baltimore (it only mentions the womens’ school, but other Jewish locations were cased and videotaped by the Muslim couple, too).
Why were an Islamic Saudi man and his American Muslim-convert wife secretly videotaping a Jewish school in Baltimore? And why did they send the footage back home to Saudi Arabia?
Gee, maybe they wanted to convert to Judaism and start a Jewish girls’ school in the Kingdom of Saud. Fat chance.
A reader sent us this frightening Boston Globe story from late 2003, which is still relevant and frightening today:

The Saudi man, who came to the United States on a student visa four years ago, and his wife were seen videotaping an Orthodox school for girls, Beit Yakov, on Oct. 26 and fled after witnesses wrote down their automobile’s license plate number, officials said. Law enforcement officials were contacted and later interviewed the couple, who said the video was intended for the man’s parents in Saudi Arabia.
The couple has not been charged, and law enforcement officials have declined to identify them.
Federal and local law enforcement officials emphasized that they have not uncovered any reason to believe the couple was casing the school.

Hmmm . . . . Maybe they were looking for a soda machine . . . or doing an “architectural study.”
We’re less concerned that the feds won’t release the names of the videographer Muslims who’ve taken a sudden interest in Judaism. We’re more interested in getting the names of the feds.The feds referred to in the story are Homeland Security and FBI personnel. Which begs the question: Does one need a negative IQ to get hired by either of them? A Muslim couple surreptitiously videotapes a Jewish school and sends the tape back to “philo-Semitic” Saudi Arabia. And the feds have “not uncovered any reason to believe the couple was casing the school.”
Remind us NOT to hire them as my security consultants. And, oh yeah, they let the videotape go, too.

[A]uthorities reported that the man and his wife, a Muslim convert, were not initially asked for a copy of the tape by local authorities because they had no legal grounds to seize it. But he said officials at the US Embassy in Saudi Arabia are trying to help the FBI recover it as part of the investigation.

[DS: We’re sure that effort will be really successful. Not.]

“The tape that he had used ended up not being seen by local authorities,” [Baltimore Jewish Community Council Executive Director Arthur C.] Abramson said. “It ended up in Saudi Arabia.” He added that officials said the Saudi end of the investigation has been delayed somewhat, in part because American officials there have been focused on the aftermath of recent terrorist attacks on a housing complex in the Saudi capital of Riyadh.

Jewish schools (and Christian ones, too) all around America need to be on the alert. The feds certainly aren’t doing it for them.

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7 Responses

These law enforcement types are more concerned about eating their donuts prior to a good nap in their cars than about doing their jobs protecting Americans. They’re so afraid of offending the calculating barbarians and getting hosed by their superiors. They should either do the jobs they were hired and paid to do or cash-it-in and become garbage collectors.
This is an outrage! I don’t know who’s worse!

Thee_Bruno on August 3, 2006 at 5:38 pm

It’s not safe for Jews in the U.S. … umm now that I think about it, where is it safe for Jews?

AmericanIsraeli on August 3, 2006 at 7:52 pm

Its been 5 years after 9/11 and our Feds are still in denial about Islamofascism. That why they call it the “War On Terror.” Every one is afraid of offending the tropic Religion Of Peace. TM And no one wants to be bothered with the fact they all want us dead. Iran’s President headlined the message for all to hear in Malaysia today. Coming on T’Bv, I do not think this is by accident. Nothing happens by accident in this world. And some people still think its rhetoric. Yeah, right.

NormanF on August 3, 2006 at 9:03 pm

As to why “it’s not safe for Jews in the US…”,I’d recommend ‘Why The Jews’ by Dennis Prager and Rabbi Joseph Telushkin,which was reprinted with an additional chapter after the massive reappearance of Jew-hatred in “Fraunce.”Beyond that,I feel incredibly safe in the US;I’d be shocked if I were “victimized” in a “fair fight”.

jaywilton on August 4, 2006 at 1:16 pm

I live about 4 blocks from the Baltimore JCC. I don’t think it was done by Muslims. There has been a decent amount of vandalism from the Black community directed toward the Jewish Community (although generally realtions are good). I think it likely that a black teenager saw the Seattle attack on the news and thought it would be neat to get some attention.

Michoel on August 7, 2006 at 3:56 pm

When times are bad America goes back to what America always does; blame it on the blacks or any other minority group available.

leantotheleft on August 7, 2006 at 5:32 pm

I don’t know if your comment was addressed to me or not. I am just giving an honest evaulation of the facts on the ground from up close. It has nothing to do with blaming Blacks. Baltimore is %85 Black so the that is who the local teenagers are. If there were other local teenagers we could blame them instead if that would make you feel better.

Michoel on August 8, 2006 at 10:05 am

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