August 2, 2006, - 5:08 pm

Video From My FOX News Cavuto Appearance

To those who missed ,” blogger and online video master Ian Schwartz of Expose the Left has the video here.
Thanks, Ian!

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71 Responses

To Descent into Darkness,
Very intelligent posts.
You also vomited; “…go back and read some of the posts we shared in agreement on about Islam.”
Please tell me precisely where you and I agree about Islam. You NEVER, in any of your posts, said anything critical of Islam. The only thing you ever said in any of your posts was that you “don’t agree with most of it”. That doesn’t say too much. Please cite ten things with which you don’t agree with Islam about.
BTW, you said that I give the right a terrible, terrible name, well, what are you complaining about? You’re a LIB so you should be happy.

Thee_Bruno on August 4, 2006 at 9:50 am

I’ve simply GOT to get a wireless connection to the internet for when I’m traveling! Look at all these great comments I miss! 🙂

Eric on August 4, 2006 at 10:26 am

Uh, Thee_Bruno, you definitely misread that. It was avatar that wrote that you two have agreed about Islam in the past, douche bag.

Descent on August 4, 2006 at 11:22 am

I wonder if Debbie enjoys the fact that you’re simply alienating people that would other wise repeatedly visit her site for her take on the news and lively forum discussions.

Descent on August 4, 2006 at 11:23 am

How be Thee_Bruno:
First, in responses to someone, start off by turning their name into a pun. For example, Thee_Completely_Foolish_Bruno.
Step two, repeat something they said that you disagree with, and add either “You vomitted”, “You regurgitated”, “You spewed”, “You verbally defecated”…You get the idea.
Prove your superiority over the internet by providing several, strongly worded counter points, pausing in between to snicker and say “I’ll show him”
Make sure you attempt to demean the victim as much as possible. Remember no matter what, YOU’RE always right, YOU’RE the man. And whoever that is, being reasonable, and polite, they’re the enemy no matter what they’re saying! And how dare they ask a question! They’re just begging for a IMEDIATE flaming response. So make sure you do that! And when you’re done with this step, you can move on to the next.
Now that your flame post is completed, you can stand up from you chair, stretch, take a walk up the stairs of your mothers basement that you’ve converted into a bomb shelter, and, after putting sun glasses on, of course, since you haven’t been out side in so long, take a walk. Interact with real “people”. Talk to them. Politely. Respect them. Realize that you’re not above them. Drop that facade of self-importance you so proudly wear when trashing people online. I know it makes you feel better about yourself, but honestly, you’ll never make any friends that way.
Once you’ve succesfully completed steps 1-5, with the exception of actually being nice, and polite, and respectful, and GOD FORBID you think any less of yourself and more than others, you too can be an internet bully with a really nick name like “Thee_Bruno”

Descent on August 4, 2006 at 11:47 am

Quick changes, since we can’t edit :\
It should read How TO be Thee_Bruno, and “think any less of yourself and more than others” should read ” think any less of yourself and more OF others”

Descent on August 4, 2006 at 11:50 am

I was not being sarcastic. I missed Debbie and all her regular commenters. The new one’s are interesting too. Wish I could’ve seen the Cavuto show.

Eric on August 4, 2006 at 12:00 pm

To Descent into the Netherworld,
You puked; “I wonder if Debbie enjoys the fact that you’re simply alienating people that would other wise repeatedly visit her site for her take on the news and lively forum discussions.”
I see that doesn’t stop YOU from coming back.
You vomited; “Make sure you attempt to demean the victim as much as possible. Remember no matter what, YOU’RE always right, YOU’RE the man. And whoever that is, being reasonable, and polite, they’re the enemy no matter what they’re saying! And how dare they ask a question! They’re just begging for a IMEDIATE flaming response. So make sure you do that! And when you’re done with this step, you can move on to the next.”
NOW, you’re finally getting something correct.
You regurgitated; “…take a walk up the stairs of your mothers basement…”
You can’t even be original. You stole that line from me. Pathetic!
You threw up the following; “I know it makes you feel better about yourself, but honestly, you’ll never make any friends that way.”
You mean to tell me that all of those e-mails I’ve sent to Dr. Phil were in vain?
You retched and upchucked the following; “Once you’ve succesfully completed steps 1-5…”
I’m sorry, can you go back and number those steps. I lost track.
Descent, I’m surprised that as a Muzlum, you don’t think very much of yourself. Usually, Muzlumz are too full of themselves. Even though Muzlums are pretty low on the totem pole of intelligence; even though Muzlums still can’t bring themselves out of the Stone Age, they think that they’re the best people on Earth.
They’re the ones who are constantly telling Jews and Christians that they’re nothing more than pigs and apes.
They’re the ones who keep telling the world how pure, modest, and enlightened they are.
They’re the ones who keep telling the world that any religion other than Islam is a false religion, and that all religions (except Islam) will be wiped from the face of the Earth through jihad.
So, Descent, don’t think so lowly of yourself. Be as arrogant, violent, and unbending as the rest of your sub-human species who worship an invented moon god, and who follow a demented pedophile prophet.

Thee_Bruno on August 4, 2006 at 1:36 pm

Dear Carolyn2
The problem with your advise to read Quran on line is that if everybody does so then would would not cost any money to CAIR. On contrary, what everybody should do is to go on CAAR’s website and order free hard copy of Quaran. It is very heavy too (as it contains original text in Arabic and the trancription of how it is pronounced in Arabic and English translation) so it costs a pretty penny for postage too. I alrady received 2.
Rememer, every dollar taken away from CAIR is one dollar less towards purchasing explosives for suicide bombers and for the rockets fired into Israel.

sk on August 4, 2006 at 2:00 pm

Hmm, that was your weakest post yet Bruno. Come on, I know you can do better than that. FYI, though, I’m not Muslim, I’m an atheiest. Sorry, that’s one less grenade you can chuck at me.*pauses* Yes, an athiest! Can you believe it? I look forward to your next post, that I’m sure will further condemn me to “hell”. Tell me about how I’ll be smited by your “God” for not having faith. I’m sorry, but any story where magicians turn water into wine, part red seas, and involve talking bushes that are in flames belong next Tolkiens work in the fantasy section. Tell me how that’s any more believable than any other crack pot religion. That being said, I don’t need to bring any religion into this to know that you’re just an ass. So, go worship YOUR imaginary diety, and shut the fuck up.

Descent on August 4, 2006 at 2:26 pm

To Descent into the Valley of Death,
You dropped your pants, squatted, parted your cheeks, and out flowed the following; “I’m sorry, but any story where magicians turn water into wine, part red seas, and involve talking bushes that are in flames belong next Tolkiens work in the fantasy section…”
That you don’t subscribe to, but you believe that if you murder the infidel, you’ll get 72 virgins in paradise. BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…………
You also actually believe that a murdering, thieving, raping, deceiving, degenerate piece of shit, illiterate, demon-obsessed pedophile was actually a prophet!
BTW, I see that you still have no problem posting from work during your breaks at Wendy’s. Don’t let your manager find out. He’ll put you on the night shift where you’ll also have to mop up at the end of the day.

Thee_Bruno on August 4, 2006 at 5:00 pm

@DescentÖIF YOUí RE going to be an ATHEISTÖat least learn to spell it properly~
SLAM the Jewish and Christian faiths all you like, but the TRUTH remains~~
MOST ATHEISTSÖfrom what Iíve seen are fairly decent folk. My trouble with them is that while they have maintained a strong fitness regimen, balance their diets, pursued their careers, invested savings, gotten married, started families etc. they have devoted absolutely no time to the GOD QUESTION.
JESUS already told you what to do IF YOU WISH to test the authenticity of his teachings.
Put His teachings into practice and YOU WILL see!
And be won over!!
Custody of the eyes.
Custody of the mind.
Bridle your tongue.
Observe the Commandments.
Total surrender to God.
For the glory of God.
You are far from GodÖBUT HE is close to you!
Donít ever think that God pushed you awayÖYOU PUSHED God out of your life by your actions, inattention, and lack of interest.
And so, He left.
And your confusion, alienation, and loneliness remain.
So why did the NOBLE ATHEIST pursue ALL OTHER worthy goals at a fever pitch, and yet not trouble himself with delving into the mysteries of God? THAT is the question that needs to be answered, not only here and now, but for all timeñ
EVERY QUESTION you have about God can be answered.
But ARE YOU ready yet, to make that effort?

The Canadien on August 4, 2006 at 7:34 pm

The Canadien: I don’t have any problem with the teachings of God, etc. It’s the fact that I simply don’t believe any of it. Plain and simple. People like Thee_Bruno, and sucide bombers tend to scare me away from religion. If that’s what it makes people do, then I really don’t want anything to do with it.
Hardy har har har. You said I work at Wendy’s. How deeply offending. Oh my God, I don’t how I could ever cope with anything like that. An “insult” of that magnitude…sheesh. I’m not going to validate your comment, and tell you where I work now. You’re an ass. I made an attempt to be civil, you discarded it. You’re simply a bully, and I imagine you get off at belittling others.
Debbie, do you really aprove of his antics?

Descent on August 5, 2006 at 11:10 am

Of course Debbie approves of his antics. As long as the racist and hatred he’s spewing is against all Muslims it’s ok.

DudeSteak on August 5, 2006 at 11:41 am

Ironically enough, I’m not Muslim.

Descent on August 5, 2006 at 12:20 pm

As long as you disagree with him you are Muslim…and an America hating liberal.
To be honest, I think he’s really just a joke account and is intentionally trying to incite arguments.

DudeSteak on August 5, 2006 at 12:28 pm

Wouldn’t suprise me.

Descent on August 5, 2006 at 12:34 pm

Descent into Oblivion and TubeSteak are two LIBERAL, America-hating, Islam-loving Froot Loops.

Thee_Bruno on August 6, 2006 at 1:00 pm


DollarsandCents on August 6, 2006 at 1:13 pm

Bruno: I love you SOOOoooo much!

DudeSteak on August 6, 2006 at 2:40 pm

“And KILL them where ever you find them…” Quran 2:191
Know the real picture of Islam …
finally Exposed !!!!

TheLegend on November 6, 2007 at 7:49 am

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