August 2, 2006, - 8:17 am

Radio Appearances Across America

This morning, I will be appearing on the following shows to discuss , & :
* 8:37 a.m. Eastern: “The Denny Schaffer Show,” on WGST-AM 640 in Atlanta. Listen live here.
* 10:06 a.m. Eastern: “The Tom Marr Show,” on WCBM-AM 680 in Baltimore. Listen live here.
* 10:20 a.m. Eastern: “The John Gambling Show,” on WABC-AM 770 in New York. Listen live here.

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2 Responses

Just heard you on Gambling show. Great job, as always. Maybe someday this will help.
PC and denial are terrible things, allowing the Muslims to play the victim game to the hilt.
If these factors were in place a few hundred years ago in Europe, we wouldn’t even be having this discussion.

Red Ryder on August 2, 2006 at 10:38 am

Gee, you’re busy

KOAJaps on August 2, 2006 at 2:33 pm

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