August 1, 2006, - 11:09 pm

“Jew Nose”: Letters From My “Cousins”

During my doubted that Muslims in America actually want to attack Jews (and Christians) and send death threats. Is this really rocket science?
In the past, I’ve posted and written about just a tiny fraction of the multiple death (and torture and rape) threats and other hate-mail I’ve received from the “Religion of Peace” (some of them are , , , , and ).
Here are some of the newest, from yesterday and today–although they are like love letters compared to the past ones linked above:

— Mustafa Arat wrote:
From: Mustafa Arat
Subject: You are too ugly for TV! fat bitch..
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 14:05:53 -0700

Mustafa, Habibi:
Your brevity is appreciated.

— zeinab amin wrote:
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 09:24:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: zeinab amin
Subject: your ignorance
First of all i would like to start this off by saying “look who’s calling the kettle black”. I think you’re a disgusting, vile, waste of a life that has no sole
[sic]. You should be ashamed of yourself . . . . If you have the bravery in your heart like you do on your blog, why do you have to impersonate a Muslim by wearing the hijab to the rally’s in Dearborn. Why hide yourself behind the scarf, show the people who you are if you truly believe in what you write. Your not fooling anyone, your Jew nose gives you away there’s no hiding that. You are a true Nazi, you’re a journalist for God’s sake forget your a Jew for one minute and really think about what your writing.
From your “biggest fan”
Dearborn, MI

Zeinab, Habibti:
You are wrong–I have plenty of soles. I happen to like shoes. As for wearing a hijab, what’s the problem? Don’t you want all women to be modest? Or is that just reserved for precious Muslim women, whose “modesty” is to be treasured, while the rest of us are just cheap infidel whores to be scantily displayed, used, and abused by the “Religion of Peace”? Don’t bother answering. That’s a rhetorical question. We already know the answer.
Debbie & My “Jew Nose”

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55 Responses

I saw your interview today on FOX.
I was really disappointed that Cavuto should show skepticism….Really Cavuto was showing his ignorance.
However, after I saw the deference he gave to the self hating Rabbi from Natorei Karta…I am convinced he is has his own agenda. ….just like his friends in the MSM.
Keep up the good fight.

Gottrocks on August 1, 2006 at 11:56 pm

I too saw your interview and was equally disappointed in Cavuto’s defense of the enemy. He seemed awfully “left wingy” today with you.
Stuck to your guns though, easy to do when you’re right and he was wrong!

chicagoray on August 2, 2006 at 12:11 am

You modest religion-of-piss-follower Zeinab, get a life and come out of your hijab or burka or whatever the-hell-you-call-that-hideous-outfit you terrorists wear!
Arab women like you have to shave several times a day because you have all that hair growing out of every part of your body.
I think Debbie is beautiful and graceful. You had to stoop to personal attacks on her just because you are jealous and BUTT ugly, which most Arab chicks (or dicks) are! You need not make yourself feel better by putting down Debbie. You are just not upto her level, and will never go anywhere there, even if you have 100 lives.
Do a favor and stay behind the generous mask that your pedophile cult founder forced you to wear. We’ll have less ugly (and not to mention stupid!) women to look at.

anonymous twit on August 2, 2006 at 12:32 am

Mustafa and Zeinab are nothing more than Muslim occupiers, squatting on our land.
PS: Israel captured some Hezbollah militants. And they didn’t have to sneak and prance, and act like little prissy Hezbollah girls to do it. 🙂
Shove that little factoid up your Muslim snouts Mustafa and Zeinab.

Freudianslippers on August 2, 2006 at 12:33 am

How can Mustafa and Zeinab shove that factoid up their butts? Its already filled with camel hair and pages from the holy Qu’ran, the hate manual of Religion of Piss.
Note that Arafat’s head sticks out too, every once in a while…. and yeah its full of crap just like the terrorist supporters in Dearborn.

anonymous twit on August 2, 2006 at 12:49 am

Dear Debbie,
Good job on your interview today. Irrational comments like those here aren’t even worth your time to respond – although I do enjoy your sense of humor. Keep up the good work! 🙂
-Heather (The Voice of Reason)

The Voice of Reason on August 2, 2006 at 1:53 am

Way to go Girl!
Heard the interview on Foxtel. Glad to hear you tell it like it is. It’s interesting that no sense comes out of the mouths of your cousins. It is obvious there is blind hate but they have nothing to say so revert to swearing and name calling!
It’s easy for Cavuto to claim exaggeration he should read the ADL listing of incidents in the last week.
I suppose people like Cavuto won’t believe until the radicals go after them next!
In Aus people now have picked up a new term – referring to themselves as part of the “Judeo-Christian” communities as opposed to….. These people are obvioulsy a little more switched on!

Aussie Chick on August 2, 2006 at 6:10 am

First of all i would like to say WELL DONE to Zainab and Mustapha. Second, I would like to ask Debbie why she is sooo threatened by Muslims. Is it because we are the fastest growing religion? or is it becuase we do not use hatred and genocide to get what we want? or maybe it is because Muslims believe in god and are humble worshipers? which one is it Debbie??? If all of you just realized that the religion you are bashing is the religion decended by your god or gods and your people. Its a shame you can not come up with actuale facts about how “terrible” Islam is. Your obsessed with Muslims. You won’t leave us alone, and you know why? besides the fact that your obviously sick in the head, you know that what we speak about is right and that we are getting to people, and that scares the hellll out of you.

malak berro on August 2, 2006 at 9:47 am

I don’t look Jewish. I do have a Jewish ancestor though – and I wouldn’t be hated because I look like a Jew but because I think like one. And I wouldn’t change who I am for anything in the world whether or not I get death threats. Debbie made a good point – she’s listed a fraction of the hate mail she gets and five years after 9/11 people still don’t want to believe Islamofascism is real.
If the murder of Pamela Waecheter in Seattle won’t get people to wake up, what will? Its a serious problem in need of an urgent solution.

NormanF on August 2, 2006 at 10:18 am

malak berro: You ask why Debbie is so threatened by Mozlums? You have the answer in all the emails she has published over the years. Unfortunately for scum like you and “sensitivity-trained” retards like Cavuto, Mozlums worldwide threaten and kill the rest of us without much difficulty.
And why do all you 1.4 billion asses keep repeating the read-the-koran crap? We have already read enough nauseating pages from the koran and we know what allah wanted mohammed (piss be unto him) to do to us. Its all very clear – to kill or subdue kaffirs. Thats what you intolerant snakes are doing in this country and around the world.
Religion of Piss — kiss my kaffir ass…..

anonymous twit on August 2, 2006 at 12:54 pm

Malak, your so-called prophet is a pedophile. Muslims have an eerie obsession with Israel and the West. Islam has done nothing for civilization or humanity whereas the Jews have made many, if not the most, contributions to civilization and humanity. Malak, you and your brother and sisters are occupying Europe and North America. The majority of non-Muslim s have an unfavourable view of Islam. So I must ask, why squat where your not wanted? Selfish or what!

Freudianslippers on August 2, 2006 at 1:32 pm

Debbie- I Joined your blog yesterday specifically because of Cavutollah’s interview. Since his “expertise” is in finance , I don’t know where he gets the chutzpah to question YOU on facts that he is ignorant of. He needs to stick to the stock reports, which, with a few more years experience, he might become mediocre at. Even if FOX is the lesser of the Media Evils,( IMHO ), they still have a long way to go. As for “MALEK”, please carefully pack your copy of Aesop’s Koran under your head-towel and ignite it. Preferably in Dearborn.
P.S.- Deb- From one “Jew-Nose” to another, YOU LOOK GREAT!

Mister P on August 2, 2006 at 1:54 pm

malak berro:
First of all learn to spell correctly if you are attempting to communicate in English. Secondly it’s painfully obvious that you are confused when you use the word ‘God’ in reference to your moon-deity ‘allah’. They are entirely different things and not in the least interchangeable as the former is: the loving God of the universe and, the latter: an imposter demon who foments hatred among his zombie followers! Better luck next time.

descendantofacrusader on August 2, 2006 at 1:55 pm

You have a cute face. I wonder if Mustafa would like to go on the Howard Stern Show? A lot of Jews would love to call in and call him a terrorist. Let see if that homo would go on the Stern show

KOAJaps on August 2, 2006 at 2:36 pm

Malak, you are satirizing yourself!

AmericanJewess on August 2, 2006 at 2:51 pm

I hate the generalization that all Muslim’s are terrorists or facisits. I myself am not a Muslim, or of any religion. I am, however, half Iranian, but I was born and raised here in the United States, and have only lived a year over there. Anyways, the fact that ALL Muslim’s are evil is a gross generalization, and one that I hate seeing used. I take the same side when speaking to Muslims about Jew’s, and take the same stance. It’s wrong to generalize an entire group of people. That’s like saying all black steal, all white’s love nascar, etc.

Descent on August 2, 2006 at 3:47 pm

This Zeinab is just as retarded as the rest of the Muzlums. They think that by covering themselves head-to-toe that it’s because Muzlum women are modest. That’s a crock of shit! They do it because they are commanded to do so, and it has everything to do with a woman being a man’s possession. It has nothing to do with modesty. If it did, and they consider their women truly modest, then why is it that Islam prescribes beatings, torture, and killing of women?

Thee_Bruno on August 2, 2006 at 3:56 pm

Malak is a muzlum Froot-Loop.
Islam is the fastest-growing religion. LMFAO! That’s just more Muzlum propaganda. Another tactic used to deceive the infidel – as it is prescribed in the Qur’ an.
However, there are many institutions here in America that do have the greatest number of converts to Islam – The U.S. prison system (those converts already meet the prerequisites for conversion; thievery, rape, and murder).

Thee_Bruno on August 2, 2006 at 4:06 pm

Malak Berro While I kind of agree with “descent” re some of the generalizations appearing in these comments. Mr Berro opens himself up for a reply, when he writes ” we do not use hatred and genocide to get what we want” challenges Debbie to come up with “actuale (sic) facts”. Here is the short list 1) 9/11 2) London attacks killing scores of commuters 3) attacks on bali vacationers killing at least 100 4) attacks on Israeli embassy in Argentina 1992 and Jewish Center 1994, the latter killing 85 and injuring 200 5) murder of hundreds of Christian Copts in Egypt and destruction of Coptic Chuches. 6) Murder of 241 US Marines who came to Lebanon, in 1982, on a humanitarian mission to protect Palestinians. 7) Murder of US Special Forces, who came to Somalia on a humanitarian mission to bring food to the hungry. 8) Murder and enslavement of more than 2 million Christians and pagans in Southern Sudan by the Arab Moslem Government of Sudan. 9) Toture and murder of the Archbishop of Khartuhm and a Christian General by the Arab Islamist Government of Sudan 10 ) Murder and destruction of hundred of thousands of black African Sufi Moslems by the Arab Islamis Government of Sudan. 11) murder of 5 Christian schoolgirls in Malasia and hundreds of Chritians all over the globe.12) Arafats murder of 1500 Israelis of all religions as a response to Ehud Brak’s generous offer of a State in all of the “occupied Lands” 13) Murder of 500,000 Kurds and Shias by Saddam Hussein 14) the death of 200,000 Christians Jews and Moslems in the Lebanese civil war of 1975-76. The death of 2 million People in three Iran Iraq War in the 1980s. There’s plenty more but I’m tired.

Tim on August 2, 2006 at 4:36 pm

Hey Al Baba, Queen did a song about you:
Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah,
Will pray for you.
Mustapha Abrahim.
Al-lah – lah – lah – will pray for you.
Mustapha Abrahim.
Al-lah – lah – lah – will pray for you.
Hey – Mustapha
Mustapha Abrahim.
Mustapha Abrahim.
Al-la-ee, al-la-ee, al-la-ee,
Al-la-ee, al-la-ee, al-la-ee,
Mustapha (to end)

KOAJaps on August 2, 2006 at 7:27 pm

I’m sorry, I got to do this. Let me begin by typing: Your English is horrendous:
— zeinab amin wrote:
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 09:24:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: zeinab amin
Subject: your ignorance
First of all(you need a comm or it’s a run-on sentence) i(capitalized) would like to start this off by saying (typing not saying) “look who’s calling the kettle black (who’s calling the kettle black, the pot? That is so cliche)”. I think you’re a disgusting, vile, (you need a conjunction to connect these words. Prefereablyan and)waste of a life that has no sole [sic]. You should be ashamed of yourself . . . . (why do you use an ellipsis if you are the one typing this opine?)If you have the bravery (define the bravery? Is it an animate object) in your heart like you do on your blog, why do you have to impersonate a Muslim by wearing the hijab to the rally’s in Dearborn.(? mark is more appropriate because you asked a question) Why hide yourself behind the scarf (?), show the people who you are if you truly believe in what you write. Your (sic it’s you’re) not fooling anyone, your Jew nose (what’s a Jew nose? Is it like a Muslim nose?) gives you away there’s no hiding that. You are a true Nazi (they were disbanded after WW2), you’re a journalist for God’s sake(, run-on) forget your (sic) a Jew for one minute and really think about what your (sic)writing.
From your “biggest fan”
Dearborn, MI
Holy shit, you type worse than me! There are Japs who write better and they’re in Japan!

KOAJaps on August 2, 2006 at 7:39 pm

And I’m sorry, but I just can’t stand pompus assholes.
I’m sorry, I got to do this. Let me begin by typing: Your English is horrendous:
— zeinab amin wrote:
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 09:24:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: zeinab amin
Subject: your ignorance
First of all(you need a comm{you mean comma?} or it’s a run-on sentence) i(capitalized) would like to start this off by saying (typing not saying{technically, yes, they’re typing, but they are expressing what’s on their mind, and I think that if you look up the dictionary definition of “say” you’ll find one of the variances to be similar to this:To express in words: Say what’s on your mind*1}. ) “look who’s calling the kettle black (who’s calling the kettle black, the pot? That is so cliche{cliche or not, it’s there to support their argument, and I think that you’ll find that everyone at one point, if not on a regular basis, uses a cliche to support their argument})”. I think you’re a disgusting, vile, (you need a conjunction to connect these words. Prefereablyan{ an } and{wrong, she doesn’t need a conjunction, they need to remove that last comma as vile is being used to describe the type of waste that they are speaking of.}waste of a life that has no sole [sic]. You should be ashamed of yourself . . . . (why do you use an ellipsis if you are the one typing this opine?{they have the elipses in there as an attempt to recreate what if read aloud would be construed as a dramatic pause})If you have the bravery (define the bravery? Is it an animate object{again you’re wrong, bravery is a noun, and as we’ve all learned in grade school, a noun is a person, place, or thing, therefore the clause “the bravery in your heart” is valid, as they are asking if Debbie has bravery(the thing) in her heart*2}) in your heart like you do on your blog, why do you have to impersonate a Muslim by wearing the hijab to the rally’s in Dearborn.(? mark is more appropriate because you asked a question{not nessecarly, in this case the questions are rhetorical, there for a period in this case, and the following would be considered valid.*3}) Why hide yourself behind the scarf (?), show the people who you are if you truly believe in what you write. Your (sic it’s you’re) not fooling anyone, your Jew nose (what’s a Jew nose? Is it like a Muslim nose?) gives you away there’s no hiding that. You are a true Nazi (they were disbanded after WW2{as a controlling party of Germany, yes, they were, but as a politcal entity, no, they wern’t*4}), you’re a journalist for God’s sake(, run-on) forget your (sic) a Jew for one minute and really think about what your (sic)writing.
From your “biggest fan”
Dearborn, MI
Holy shit, you type worse than me! There are Japs who write better and they’re in Japan!
…Don’t be an ass, you’ll just make yourself look stupid again.

Descent on August 2, 2006 at 9:41 pm

Debbie, point of clarification; I watched Cavuto and you’re not fattie, you’re a hottie!
PS . . . if I get into any legal trouble, I’ll call you.

biorabbi on August 2, 2006 at 10:10 pm

Zeinab, Mustapha & Malak Berro,
I hate to be the one to tell you but descendantofacrusader is right. Allah is indeed a moon-deity. It is why Islamic countries all have crescent moons on them. Its also probably why outdoor shitters often have crescent moon cut-outs in the doors. Allah is not God, Mohammed (enternal condemantion is upon him) is not a prophet, and a U.S. made toilet is far to good a place to dispose of a Koran.

CornCoLeo on August 2, 2006 at 11:02 pm


malak berro on August 3, 2006 at 8:07 pm

To malak dingleberry,
What you posted was nothing but lies…..lies……and……more lies.
You belong to a death cult because you are BRAIN-DEAD. Your prophet was a false prophet who invented a religion hell-bent on thievery, slavery, butchery, murder, and mayhem. Your death cult has kept you and your brethren mired in the Stone Age, while the rest of civilization has progressed and bettered themselves.
Please name ONE invention by a Muzlum (besides suicide bomb-belts) that has benefited mankind. Now, as you do this, please don’t try to pull the tried-and-true Muzlum tactic of claiming something another culture invented as your own after you conquered said culture.
If you want me to post anything from the delusional Qur’ an or the psychotic Hadiths to prove my point, then please, just ask.

Thee_Bruno on August 3, 2006 at 8:33 pm

Your “cousins”?? Don’t make me laugh, I just changed my diaper. Now where was that family tree again…

Eric on August 4, 2006 at 12:05 pm

I like your sweet little nose just as it is. You’re very attractive and sexy. They’re just jealous of you.

Eric on August 4, 2006 at 12:28 pm

“Please name ONE invention by a Muzlum (besides suicide bomb-belts) that has benefited mankind. Now, as you do this, please don’t try to pull the tried-and-true Muzlum tactic of claiming something another culture invented as your own after you conquered said culture.”
LOL. OK how about the wheel for starters.
Agriculture, writing, Counting, Algebra, metallurgy, alloys, glass, rotary motion, the alphabet, coins, wine/beer, windmall, vending machine, soap, nails, lock and key, ink, chess, candle etc etc
Anyways, if those two emails are representative of all muslims within America wanting to attack Jews and Christians, then this is in fact the funniest, flimsiest statement I have ever read! This is a pure hate site, nothing less”.”

Arun on August 6, 2006 at 12:18 am

Arun puked; “Agriculture, writing, Counting, Algebra, metallurgy, alloys, glass, rotary motion, the alphabet, coins, wine/beer, windmall, vending machine, soap, nails, lock and key, ink, chess, candle etc etc”
Nothing but lies.
The American Indians weren’t Muzlum, and they farmed.
Even cave men wrote on cave walls.
Jews, Christians counted before Islam was invented in the 7th century AD.
The Romans used metallurgy before Islam was invented in the 7th century AD.
The same for alloys, rotary motion, alphabet, coins, wine.
Beer was invented by the ancient Egyptians.
Windmills invented by Europeans – there’s not much water in the fucking desert.
The ancient Romans were using soap, nails (used to crucify Jesus), locks, keys, candles, etc.
Fucking little twit.

Thee_Bruno on August 6, 2006 at 11:06 am

Try doing a google search you dumb fuck. Various sites are all puking the wrong information?
And I was including Egypt as part of the arab world. No go crawl back under the hole you came from.

Arun on August 6, 2006 at 12:02 pm

Hey, Arun, fuckface,
Beer was invented by the ANCIENT Egyptians. 2000 years BEFORE CHRIST. Islam was invented in 634 A.D. The ancient Egyptians were NEVER Muzlum because they existed before Moohammad was even alive. Ancient Egypyt was NEVER, and to this day, part of the Arab World. FYI, Egyptians aren’t Arabs – you dumb, fuck, you.
Also, the Ancient Romans fall into this category as well.
Try Googling your ass, maybe it’ll stimulate your two brain cells.

Thee_Bruno on August 6, 2006 at 1:06 pm

Google all you want – Muzlums never invented anything, asshole. Islam was invented in the 7th century A.D.
All the supposed inventions by Muzlums that you cite have been around for thousands of years before Islam was even invented – you absolutely dumb piece of shit.

Thee_Bruno on August 6, 2006 at 1:08 pm

Lastly, how could beer and wine be an invention of Muzlums when;
A. Ancient civilizations were using it long before the 7th century A.D. (when Islam was invented),
B. Mohammad, as part of Islam, decreed alcohol consumption by Muzlumz is VERBOTEN!
Common sense would tell you all of this, but you have no common sense because you’re BRAIN-DEAD!

Thee_Bruno on August 6, 2006 at 1:25 pm

Arun you dumbfuck, you seem to be an Indian. Don’t you know that our Indian ancestors invented the number system? And that the Arab invaders stole our number system and passed it off as theirs?
How else would it explain why Arabs write numbers LEFT TO RIGHT when their text is written from RIGHT to LEFT??
And if you observe closely, the so-called Arabic number system is SIMILAR to the Sanskrit number system and IN NO WAY RESEMBLES what the Arab plagiarists use!
Mozlums invented NOTHING….. even their suicide bombing is copied from the LTTE.
If you studied in a CBSE or ISC/ICSE school in India you would have learnt this before your middle school, but you seem to be one of those dropouts who love to align themselves with the secularists or other leftist communist idiots! how is Mulayam Singh doing these days? Has he wrapped more red communist or green islamic flags around his waist?

anonymous twit on August 6, 2006 at 6:24 pm

Again do a google search, rent a video, watch the History channel, go to the library…all these inventions were created by people spanning from Turkey to Egypt.
If you can’t handle this fact, then I let the fact that your completely inept, be your own punishment. Ohh and btw, it’s obvious who the real aggressors are judging by your vitriol.
And anonymous, I’m 1/2 east Indian, 1/2 Irish, and 100% Canadian. Like 100% of the retards on this site, you use generalizations and assumptions in order to try and convey weak points.

Arun on August 6, 2006 at 9:00 pm

gaddar Arun: 1/2 East-Indian….. that explains it. West Bengal (aka Communist state of India also home of naxalites) or East Bengal aka Bangladeshi islamic you-know-the-rest….
Yes my generalizations are based on REAL FACTS AND INCIDENTS. If you want to believe the Arab Mozlum lies that they invented 1/1000th of the things they said they did, go ahead and believe them. Thats what your forefathers did anyway, and you’re no different; assholes introduced communism and Maoist terrorism (naxalism) into India. And you are a hybrid product of it — you infuse islamic crap into your “thinking” ….. that is if you have a brain, to begin with. Jaake Hooghly me doob jaa haraamzade.
*gaddar = traitor in Hindi

anonymous twit on August 6, 2006 at 10:30 pm

haha wow you truely are a twit. You saying I’m muslim? haha. I was born in London Ontario, dumbass and I am agnostic, as is the rest of my family. Again your dumb generalizations, which again represent all of your comments. Your attempt to belittle muslim people as a whole, speaks volumes.
As for the rest of your message, sorry don’t know that language.

Arun on August 6, 2006 at 10:46 pm

Bengali babu: I never called you a Mozlum….. I only inferred you could be either from the communist stronghold or the islamic part of Bengal. You are obviously from both, even though you say you are agnostic like the other communist-supporting islamic-supporting assholes in West Bengal. Some facts are hard to digest, like your communist or pro-islamic roots. Ask your Indian parent if you need to. Do you want to know more about how the million odd Bangladeshi illegals have screwed north-east India and imposed sharia law? Do a google search and see what your retarded relatives have done by welcoming terrorists into a peaceful India.
So what if you were born in London or Ontario? Those places have enough home-grown terrorists… all of whom are immigrants from terrorist areas, and they get support from immigrant assholes from communist areas. No, I’m not generalizing…. its all in the records, you poor hybrid twit.
Don’t know Hindi? Want a translation?
“Jaake Hooghly me doob jaa haraamzade” translates into “Go drown yourself in the river Hooghly, you bastard”.

anonymous twit on August 6, 2006 at 10:57 pm

hahaha your a fucking joke. My dad was born in New Dehli you fucking moron where his roots are Hindu, however he doesn’t follow, practice or belief. People like you who hide behind their greasy monitors and act like cyber warriors are truly pathetic. Bangledesh people that invaded India..? WHY THE FUCK WOULD I GIVE A SHIT?
I see inequities for what they are, as do the majority of Canadians. You can go crusade as much want dumbass, doesn’t change the fact that this site gives Muslims a bad name.
It’s London, Ontario, CANADA. Come on up anytime.
and take your fucking hindu language and shove it up your ass. Speak ENGLISH bitch.

Arun on August 7, 2006 at 2:55 am

Bengali babu Arun: You are a retarded majli or razakar in disguise, pretending to be a Hindu or atheist. Give my warm regards to your Imams. Keep us informed of your future steps.

anonymous twit on August 7, 2006 at 3:36 am

Anomymous Twit,
You’re very perceptive.
BTW, don’t you find it amuzing about the number of “atheists” posting on this site (Arun, Descent, etc.). Every time we nail someone to the wall they automatically cry, “that’s how much you know. In fact, I’m an atheist”.
That’s like those people who call conservative radio talk shows claiming to be Republicans, then proceed to bash Republicans.
These Muzlumz try to deceive the infidel in every aspect of their lives. That’s what they are trained to do from birth. In fact, as you know, deception is taught in the Qur’ an and in the Hadiths.
This Arun can scream all day and all night about how Islam transformed the world into an industrialist supremacy. He knows it’s a lie, and all one has to do to realize this is to look around and see how every Muzlum country is a turd-world basketcase. The combined GDP of all Arab countries (oil-rich included) is less than that of Italy, and the combined GDP of all the Muslim countries is less than that of Germany (Arab countries included). That’s a fact, Jack!

Thee_Bruno on August 7, 2006 at 10:40 am

Well arun, I guess bruno know’s us better than we do. I guess we really are muslim, because he says so.
Cool, eh?

Descent on August 7, 2006 at 12:13 pm


DollarsandCents on August 7, 2006 at 12:16 pm

DollarsandNonsense, Descent into the Sewer, and Arun,
Froot Loops.

Thee_Bruno on August 7, 2006 at 2:05 pm

Its a very common pattern in India. I grew up there and have seen a lot of trash churners like Arun.
Arun said earlier his father was from North-East, which would most likely refer to West Bengal, India’s communist hotbed, which is also the home to “naxalism”, India’s version of Maoist terrorism. Naxalites kill police officers, ministers and their families whenever they get a chance.
Bengal broke up into West Bengal state(in India) and Bangladesh (first known as East Pakistan, later Bangladesh). Of late, many illegal Bangladeshi immigrants have found their way into West Bengal. In some of the major places, the Mozlum population has shot up from 3% or 4% to over 40%. These Bangladeshi illegal immigrant Mozlums have implemented sharia law in those places.
Last year, a woman was raped by her father-in-law. The Mozlum community did not let the Indian police get involved. Instead, the local imams stepped in and declared that her husband had to divorce her and marry her father-in-law. So now, her husband is her “son” and her 5 children are her “grandchildren”! Ya allah…
And guess who butted in… some of the secularist (communist) Federal ministers who said that the imams were “well-educated” and could not be wrong!
All this in India…… the largest secular country in the world.
These illegal Mozlum immigrants and their Indian counterparts also run terror training camps that can put the Afghan, Hezb and Hamas camps to shame. The lazy stupid Indian government does nothing about this and Mozlum (terrorist) head count keeps going up.
Why should you all be concerned about this? Because India is home to the second largest number of Mozlums (after Indonesia). If you have one secret or covert Hezb supporter in the US, you have a dozen OVERT supporters in India, generally in the secularist and communist areas.
Communists and Mozlums are strange bedfellows indeed….

anonymous twit on August 7, 2006 at 2:10 pm

Anonymout Twit,
Excellent post.
Very educational, insightful, as well as a portent of what’s to come.
It’s a shame that the Indian government can’t exert its control over West Bengal – it’s a perfect recipe for even more Muzlum invaders as well as an escalated terrorist threat to the rest of India. Communism and Islam are two philosophies (I should say inventions/state of mind) that have a lot in common, most notably, they are both TOTALITARIANISTIC. They also share the concept of being anti-establishmnet – that’s why both philosophies are very appealling to people who;
A. Have very little in life,
B. Life a life of poverty,
C. Want a better life,
D. Are uneducated and gullible and see life as competition between the have’s and have-not’s (class warfare),
E. Are looking for an easy way out of their dilemna by promises of utopia (economic utopia/Communism; religious utopia/Islam)
F. Looking for a leader(s) who can guide them (control) through life (the “cult mentality”).
Communism and Islam both believe that their way is the best way, although both end up enslaving their followers. Right now, both are using each other in pursuit of their goal to overthrow as much of society, and Greater India (and the rest of the world) as possible. However, the time may come when they will compete against each other (like the U.S. and the Soviets after WWII) because Communism is usually atheistic, and since Sharia Law is Islamic religious law, its precepts also interfere with Communism. Let’s all hope they start to kill each other first before they murder and enslave any more innocent people. But that’s not likely to happen.
As an aside, just as what’s going on with the illegal immigration into West Bengal and its ruinous effects, any country that cannot control its borders will cease to be a country – and I see the same thing happening here in the U.S.
As`for Arun, I knew he had an agenda because I could tell a phony from the content and tone of his posts. He’s one of those Islam-loving slaves.

Thee_Bruno on August 7, 2006 at 3:20 pm

Thanks Bruno. You know, these communists and Islamic jihadists WILL ultimately have a confrontation — but probably after the elimination of freedom loving Indians like myself.
This dope Arun may be an atheist as he claims, but he is definitely a pro-Islamist and/or communist as you can see from his posts.
Here is more evidence on this pattern, that is a world-wide problem now. I have some excerpts.
“These are starving people trying to make a meager living,” says Reena Bhadhuri, an expert on Islam at Calcutta University in West Bengal. “How can they be connected to Al Qaeda and the Pakistani intelligence agencies?”
“India is particularly worried that the terrorists will lend support to ethnic separatists who are waging insurgencies in India’s northeastern states. A host of militant groups in seven different states have demands ranging from increased autonomy to outright independence from India.”
“A government report published last December showed dramatic population increases in border areas throughout eastern states like Assam and West Bengal over the past 10 years. In some towns, the population increase was more than 20 percent, almost entirely from poor Muslim immigrants, according to the report.”
“In some areas you can’t find a Hindu family because the population mix has been so disturbed,” says Tarun Ganguly, a former editor of a leading Calcutta newspaper whose research organization, the Center for Social Research, studies West Bengal’s ethnic demographics. “There is a fear here among Hindus that they are being swamped by the Muslims.”
“As a result of the population movement from Bangladesh, the specter looms large of the indigenous people of Assam being reduced to a minority in their home state. Their cultural survival will be in jeopardy, their political control will be weakened and their employment opportunities will be undermined. This silent and insidious demographic invasion of Assam may result in the loss of geostrategically vital district of Lower Assam [on the border of Bangladesh]. The influx of these illegal migrants is turning these districts into a Muslim-majority region. It will then only be a matter of time when a demand for their merger with Bangladesh may be made. The rapid growth of international Islamic fundamentalism may provide the driving force for this demand … loss of lower Assam [the area close to Bangladesh] will sever the entire land mass of the northeast from the rest of India, and the rich natural resources of the region will be lost to the nation.”

anonymous twit on August 7, 2006 at 3:41 pm

I don’t know if you idiots realize this, but your are making fools of yourself.
Your rambling on about non relevant crap that encompasses nothing about how ALL Muslims are villianized by this hate site, and by other small minded individuals, like yourselves.
You fail to realize that there are many, many good muslims who do not follow the hard line policies of the more fundamental ones. Equally so for Israelis, or any group in general. What this site attempts to do is, through a blanket statement on most to all muslims, conjure up false perceptions that villianize an entire race. Just look at this article. It attempts to garner fear of Muslims by two non-threatening emails, by saying that Muslims are “out to get” Christians (yep gotta include the Christians to help brainwash them) and Jews.
Anonymous TWIT in his hallucinations and lack of reading comprehesive skills, continues to ramble on about crap that I 1. Could care less about, and 2. Is so far out left field it’s quite humourous. Again, you fucking twit, my father was born in New Dehli, the Hindu capital of India, and emigrated to Canada when he was 12. Athiest does not equal agnostic, not that it matters. Go educate yourself. I’m thinking that this is the MO of many here. To twist points and to try and get in the “last word” in the hope that these posters can insignificantly feel like they have achieved a win.
As your claim in that I’m a Muslim, only enforces that fact that your very uneducated, paranoid, and sheltered. Ahhh but you got me, because you said it, it must be true eh? LOL. I guess noone else would have my opinion as well. It can only be Muslims right? Better pull the shit out of your eyes, and take a good hard look.

Arun on August 8, 2006 at 1:52 am

I completely agree with you twit. Where do you live? I think we should get together and have a little fun 😉

Thee_bruno on August 8, 2006 at 9:32 am

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