May 21, 2010, - 8:23 pm

Arab CNN Reporter Uses Anti-Semitic Slur Against Schlussel; Miss Hezbo USA Mocked Native Americans in Lebanon Pageant

By Debbie Schlussel

Yesterday, CNN’s Senior Editor for Middle East Affairs, Octavia Nasr, used an anti-Semitic slur to describe me in a gushing story over Miss Hezbollah USA Rima Fakih. While the story originally had the headline, “Miss USA:  Muslim Trailblazer or Hezbollah Spy?” CNN quickly changed the title and dropped the Hezbollah part, after liberal websites like Talking Points Memo whined.  But no one had a problem with Nasr’s description of me in writing and on video as a “neo-conservative.” Yes, Ms. Nasr is a bigoted, anti-Semitic pig, whom you may remember as CNN’s lying, anti-Israel lead correspondent during the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah War. It’s no surprise that the Crescent News Network picked this Islamo-pandering kalbeh [Arabic for dog or bi-otch] with an obtrusively heavy accent to cover the Middle East for Al-Jazeera Atlanta, er . . . CNN.



hezbollah4.jpgMISS USA

This is CNN: Octavia Nasr, CNN’s Mid-East Editor, is Anti-Semite, Cheerleader for Miss Hezbo USA

For the record, I am NOT a neo-conservative.  I am conservative, period.  The words “neo-conservative” and “neocon” have long been used by anti-Semites like Pat Buchanan (who has used it to deride me, among others, on MSNBC) and many anti-Semites, including Muslims, to negatively describe Jews and to question our credentials as conservatives because we are Jews and support Israel.  It’s a code word for “Jew” and a slur. I expect anti-Semitic slurs and worse from the many uncivilized, low-class Muslim commenters who’ve flocked to this site, but not from a television news network.  And it’s interesting that CNN doesn’t have a problem with that, but does have a problem with accurately describing Miss USA Rima Fakih’s Hezbollah ties and asking her to condemn Hezbollah and her pageant bid financier, “former” Islamic terrorist and immigration fraud perpetrator Imad Hamad‘s open support for that group and for HAMAS.  Hamad openly calls Hezbollah terrorists “the Heroes.”  Also for the record, CNN has a reading comprehension problem.  I never said Fakih is a “Hezbollah spy.”  I said she’s a Hezbollah supporter.  Two different job descriptions, same murderous terrorist group which killed hundreds of Americans.

And then, there is Miss USA Fakih’s mocking of traditional American Indian/Native American dress in the cheesy Miss Lebanon Immigrant pageant in 2008 (which she lost).  Watch the video, above, and ask yourself, where is the outrage against Fakih from Indian tribes?  You know–all of those groups who get outraged when teams call themselves “the Redskins” or “the Chippewa”?  Where are they when this woman is obviously mocking Indians to Muslims and Arabs in Lebanon who hate us? I’ll bet our friend, David Yeagley/Bad Eagle will have something to say about it.  But he’ll be a lone voice,  I predict.  I don’t hear the Sioux or the Cherokee decrying this. Why?

No one cares.  Because, hey, she’s  Muslim.  And like liberal Democrats, a la Barack Obama, they get away with everything.  Cue the crickets in place of the Native American outrage, which certainly has a place here.

Now, if the White, blonde, Christian Miss Oklahoma USA wore the headdress and full Indian attire, then the outcry would be deafening.

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227 Responses

Nidal Rafa and gang up to their old tricks? CNN has always been the network of Ted Turner’s opinion… which is hateful.

Noah David Simon on May 21, 2010 at 11:33 pm

WOW! The litle trolls are popping up left and…umm…left!
Keep up the great work Deb. Keep us informed and keep them on their toes!

theShadow on May 21, 2010 at 11:59 pm

Ms Schlussel: I certainly agree with you on this point: Ms Nasr’s voice (along with her demeanor) is annoying!

man_in_tx on May 22, 2010 at 12:11 am

Octavia Nasr’s voice and style of speech is unpleasant, offensive, and down right annoying!

I found it difficult to continue to listen to that arrogant tone in her foice, and that strained pronounciation. Is she middle eastern? (gin)

Of those I know from the Middle East, few, if any, speak like that.

Nevertheless, I noticed that the conclusion of Nasr’s commentary overlooked all that leftist, liberal, feminist mumbo jumbo about women being exploited and not having any respect for themselves as they parade around virtually naked in high heel shoes as people judge them on their “looks,” on their bodies.

In this case CNN, leftists, etc., took a holiday, perhaps to “celebrate” diversity, as an Arab-Muslim women becomes “Miss USA.”

Let’s see if she will stand for Truth, Justice, and the USA way. If not, then she is not Miss USA in essence, but only via a phony title.

William on May 22, 2010 at 12:52 am

Maybe some upset Native American tribal members will have their own pageant and come out in burquas. 😀

She does have plans to wear the Native American attire for the Miss Universe pageant.

However I don’t necessarily think wearing another culture’s attire is mocking them. But for the PC crowd, if they are going to shame colleges and professional sports team then they should shame her as well.

CaliforniaScreaming on May 22, 2010 at 2:14 am

    “Maybe some upset Native American tribal members will have their own pageant and come out in burquas. :D”

    Screamer, that was really good. I didn’t know you had it in you. 😉

    skzion on May 22, 2010 at 1:08 pm

On the same note:
Janet Jackson Hooks Up with Wealthy Qatar Businessman Wissam Al Mana. Seriously, how many vaginal tightenings has this has been had?

David on May 22, 2010 at 3:12 am

“Miss Hezbollah USA Rima Fakih”? “Ms. Nasr is a bigoted, anti-Semitic pig”? I’m sorry for you. It must be really painful living with so much hate in your heart.

Paco on May 22, 2010 at 3:17 am

CNN and nasir are lying, filthy Jew-hating scum. The muslim cultists I can understand their blind hate – they have their abject stupidity to blame – but what is it with neo-libs and anti-Semitism? Is it a reaction to terrorist jihad? Do neo-libs like Turner, UC Berkley neo-libs, et al. think muslim terrorism will stop if we let Israel be destroyed? Or is it middle east muslim oil money? WTF is wrong with these people?

DS_ROCKS! on May 22, 2010 at 3:36 am

    Interesting questions DS_ROCKS! I can tell video games have have hone your reasoning skills. Speaking for all new-libs, our one and only goal in using objective reasoning, and holding all fanatical groups up to the same kinds of criticism, is to piss off fanatical groups and watch them spinout into little balls of crazy. Thanks for playing your part in balancing out the crazy hate among different religions/clutures.

    frakkedinmi on May 22, 2010 at 1:00 pm

      Frak, sez:

      “Speaking for all new-libs, our one and only goal in using objective reasoning, and holding all fanatical groups up to the same kinds of criticism. . . .”

      As opposed to “unobjective reasoning”? If you actually were dedicated to reason, you wouldn’t speak for all “new-libs.”

      skzion on May 22, 2010 at 1:52 pm

    you have literally no idea what a neoliberal is do you

    Hon Kee Mufo on May 22, 2010 at 3:21 pm

BTW, the angry, Jew-hating nasir is one muslim b*itch who would definitely be more palatable being silent and covered up in a burqa sack with only eye slits for her to peep through.

DS_ROCKS! on May 22, 2010 at 3:39 am

    Hehehe… *opens present* More words to show how exactly the same you are to muslim fundies. Keep up our war on silencing and covering women who express points different from yours, after distorting them into political talking points to fuel your crazy.

    frakkedinmi on May 22, 2010 at 1:04 pm

      Oh Jeez. You know how tiresome it is to see such a cliched comment? You might have added, “I’m pulling out the popcorn” as well, thus achieving ultimate banality.

      skzion on May 22, 2010 at 3:45 pm

        (I was replying to Frak.)

        skzion on May 22, 2010 at 3:49 pm

Fuck you all mother fuckers, you american pieces of shit, well we got it, so go fuck your selves

Mike on May 22, 2010 at 3:51 am

Miss USA 2010, membre d’une grande famille de terroristes du Hezbollah
Rédigé par JSS le May 17th, 2010 and filed under Occident, USA. Vous pouvez suivre les réponses à cet article grâce au RSS 2.0. Vous pouvez laisser une réponse ou un trackback à cet article
Elle est belle, elle est jeune, elle est sexy… Et c’est la nouvelle Miss USA !
Rima Fakih, la réprésentante du Michigan a pourtant un gros problème: sa famille ! Selon plusieurs politiciens locaux, la famille de Rima est davantage connue pour ses “martyrs” au sein du Hezbollah et du groupe chiite Amal que pour ses décolletés et ses strings dentelle…
Et malgré le fait qu’elle ait posé quasi-nue dans presque tous les journaux américains, le Hezbollah n’a cessé de promouvoir cette jeune femme… Que ce soit sur la TV officielle (Al Manar) ou dans les journaux de la milice libanaise… D’ailleurs, ils ne se cachent pas “tout ce qui peut faire avancer la cause doit faire avancer la cause” annonçait un chroniqueur sur cette chaîne.
Et comme JSSNews va très vite dans l’investigation, voici une liste non-exhaustive de ses cousins:
– Ali Fakih, haut responsable du Hezbollah;
– Haidar Fakih, haut responsable du Hezbollah;
– Alhaj Mahmoud Fakih (photo), un chef de file de haut niveau militaires / commandant d’Amal, qui a été tué par les Forces de défense israéliennes alors qu’il préparait une attaque.
– Osman Abd Alnabi Fakih de la ville de Maidoun dans la vallée de la Bekaa, terroriste d’Amal tué par Israël après une attaque contre les soldats israéliens.
– Ibrahim Mohamed Fakih du village d’Altairy, terroriste d’Amal tué par Israël après une attaque contre les soldats israéliens.
-Ali Said Fakih de Kafra, terroriste d’Amal tué par Israël après une attaque contre les soldats israéliens.
– Yousef Ali Fakih de la ville de Barish, terroriste d’Amal tué par Israël après une attaque contre les soldats israéliens.

Miss USA 2010 et son cousin
A présent voilà une liste de quelques terroristes du Hezbollah ou de l’Amal, tué par les soldats israéliens. Toutes les personnes cités viennent du petit village d’ou est originale Miss USA:
– Mohamed Kassem Jaber de Srifa.
– Ali Hasan Farhat de Srifa.
– Ali Ahmad Nazal de Srifa.
– Oussama Ramadan Hamoudy de Srifa.
– Mohamed Ahmad Ramadan de Srifa.
Selon plusieurs représentants Républicains, il est clair que le Hezbollah est actuellement en “train de bien rigoler” à propos des Etats-Unis. D’autres affirment déjà “qu’Obama va, et c’est certain à 100%, utiliser la victoire de cette femme arabe pour dire au monde musulman, voyez, nous n’avons rien contre vous. Au contraire!“. Voilà qui serait tomber dans le panneau de la plus belle manière!
Quoi qu’il en soit, s’il ne serait pas correct de juger cette personne pour ce qu’elle n’a pas choisi (le soutien au terrorisme de ses cousins et de ses voisins), je suis curieux de savoir ce qui naitra de cette polémique! Que pense t-elle du Hezbollah, est-elle prête à dénoncer le terrorisme ? Est-elle prête à dénigrer sa famille ? En attendant, comme on disait dans ma belle banlieue parisienne: “hey, mam’zelle! Hey, t’es trop bonne toi!”

Categories: Occident, USA
Tags: hezbollah, Liban, média, miss, sexy, Terrorisme et Contre Terrorisme, TV, USA
71 Réponses pour
“Miss USA 2010, membre d’une grande famille de terroristes du Hezbollah”
Haim says:
17/05/2010 at 19:09
Elle semble tellement bonne que j’aimerais bien en faire beaucoup plus qu’un 5 à 7. Quand je pense qu’on risque de voir un jour un gros con qui en profite ! Ne sois pas bête ma Belle, fais l’amour à fond et pas la guerre, la guerre ça use et c’est inutile à tous!
J’ai bon cette fois ? vous allez pas encore me censurer ?
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alain says:
17/05/2010 at 19:13
je lui aurais bien lancé une roquette..
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salome says:
17/05/2010 at 19:14
Et, elle a dit comme toutes les miss élues:
“La guerre c’est horrible, je suis pour la paix dans le monde” ???????
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marco says:
17/05/2010 at 19:15
Elle est vraiment jolie,
rien a dire, qu en est il de ses opinions sur le terrorismes est effectivement la seul vrai question ?
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alain says:
17/05/2010 at 19:16
la mienne bien sure..
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David Masada says:
17/05/2010 at 19:50
C’est le debut de la fin, apre hussein obama, voila fatima la miss. momo le pedo doit etre bien content avec ses 72 chameaux.
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K says:
17/05/2010 at 19:50
c’est quoi ce BOEING !
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Maurice 2 says:
17/05/2010 at 20:17
Les USA ont leur président musulman leur miss musulmane et probablement bientôt un califat musulman avec un état major musulman
En tout cas hussein obama fait tout pour cela
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nesher says:
17/05/2010 at 20:31
J’en connais plein qui aimeraient lui montrer leur Scud….
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Yehoudi says:
17/05/2010 at 20:36
venant d’une famille explosive, cette bombe devrait se faire sauter dans mon lit
et je serait chahid, comme dit le proverbe
“Martyr c’est jouir un peu “
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chutzpanit says:
17/05/2010 at 21:43
combien a paye Obama ???? non mais la c est vraiment la fin des USA !
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Maud says:
17/05/2010 at 21:58
je suis née au Liban et j’habite au Canada depuis longtemps, et mon père est originaire d’un village au Liban plein de crétins et de gens qui ont fait la guerre. Ça ne fait pas de moi une responsable de la guerre et de la violence. SVP un peu moins de racisme envers les libanaises.
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admin says:
17/05/2010 at 22:00
Aucun racisme, c’est exactement ce que nous écrivons en fin d’article…
Avoir des terroristes dans la famille ne fait pas de la personne un terroriste… Reste plus qu’à dénoncer!
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ESPRIT says:
17/05/2010 at 21:59
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Abou niquab says:
18/05/2010 at 07:32
Ah en voilà un commentaire vulgaire, Foutre!!!!
Esprit tu n’en a guère d’esprit
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Le GlooGloo says:
18/05/2010 at 13:39
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lolo says:
17/05/2010 at 22:17
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??? says:
17/05/2010 at 22:31
Les terroristes sont les sunnites…
Mais un peu les chiites quand meme nan ?
JSS le sunite ! Trop drole !
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Le GlooGloo says:
18/05/2010 at 13:42
Des terroristes comme elle j’en veux tous les jours qu’elles viennent se faire exploser dans mon lit.
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Yehoudi says:
17/05/2010 at 22:17
le Liban ???
les hezballa en ont fait le Hizballistan
le Loubnane de papa a disparu
mais y en a qui ont l’ esprit d’ y croire encore
les pauvres
ils n’osent pas encore reconnaitre qu’ils devraient pleurer comme une femme le pays qu’ils n’ ont pas su défendre comme des hommes…
comme disait la maman du dernier des Abencérages, ce charmant Abdulrahmane
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pearl says:
19/05/2010 at 13:19
Yehoudi, marocain, musulman et tu te fais apeller Yehoudi?
Et tu parles d’hommes et de virilite? Tu connais la signification des deux ou de l’une d’elle? Tu parles des femmes Libanaises? Les marocaines ne peuvent plus renouveler leur permis de sejour dans les pays du Golf a force de s’envoyer en l’air !!!!!! C peut etre parceque vous manquez de virilite,non? Et de sens commun pacequ’apres ca vous avez l’indescence de vous attaquer aux autres. En tout cas vos femmes ne s’envoient certainement pas avec vous vue votre virulence immature synonyme de beaucoup de choses…
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Yehoudi says:
17/05/2010 at 22:24
les Libanaises ??
les femmes les plus vénales de tout le proche orient
normal les pauvrettes…y a plus de 4 filles pour un homme
qui se sont joyeusement étripés pendant des décennies
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jimmy says:
17/05/2010 at 22:25
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??? says:
17/05/2010 at 22:29
Et avec l’europe aussi
ainsi meme que la russie (tjrs sur la liste officielle)
Quand aux liens, faites un tour sur google US et vous verez que la polemique est grande !
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jacqueline says:
19/05/2010 at 14:40
pouvez-vous traduire votre PSEUDO , car il faut un clavier spécial pour vous nommer , et connaitre l ‘ hébreux !! ..faut pousser non plus !!
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lolo says:
17/05/2010 at 22:35
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tony says:
17/05/2010 at 23:31
il est con ou il est con ce lolo…
Yehoudi musuman marocain ! lol apres jss le sunite, ca continu de plus belles !!!
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Le GlooGloo says:
18/05/2010 at 13:46
La cosanguinité ça donne des débiles. La cause, tout ces marriage arrangés entre cousin.
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chutzpanit says:
17/05/2010 at 22:37
c est Terrible des qu on les demasque et qu on leur sort leur merdier
ils deviennent rouge de rage ! ben oui la verite blesse !!!
desolee mais une fille issue d une famille de terroristes , quelle belle imagine pour les Etats Unis qui ont vecu le 11 septembre ! y a pas comme un probleme la ???? ENCORE UNE INSULTE POUR LES FAMILLES ET VICTIMES DES ATTENTATS
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lolo says:
17/05/2010 at 22:43
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Bellar says:
17/05/2010 at 23:10
KE KI DI, KI KOI ? le lolo ?
Et notre Miss France ?? Habillée de vert comme un certain drapeau et qui s’appelle déjà ? ….Malikah ? dJAMILAH , Fatimah ? J”hésite entre les prénoms…
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Yehoudi says:
17/05/2010 at 23:15
“les marocains se croient des vrai musulmans
pov con!!
je suis Marocain et je t’ emmerde
comme j’ emmerde les mauvais Musulmans comme toi ya ouéld A7rame
c’est pas un connard de colonisé algérien qui va m’ apprendre ma religion
allez vas faire dodo
tu auras du lolo
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huss says:
18/05/2010 at 00:19
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admin says:
18/05/2010 at 01:33
A ce que je sache, Israel n’opresse pqs les libanais! Si le Hezbollah n’avais pas pour but affiché de détruire Israel, il n’y aurait pas de problème avec entre nous. Il faut faire la part des choses cher Huss !
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Ruben says:
18/05/2010 at 03:19
Putain mais c est un ton a coté des autres filles?
Elle a un gros pif, une gueule flasque, des sourcils gras! Beurk!!
Si c est pas une élection politique j ai rien compris.
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Ruben says:
18/05/2010 at 03:39
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La Mécréante ! says:
18/05/2010 at 07:22
ben moi, je trouve très rigolo qu’une hezbollette montre “ses promesses” en jetant sa burqa aux orties !!!
il va sans doute lui rester le choix de succomber sous les fatwas ou de se faire embarquer pour un harem lointain…
Son Président-muZ devrait la nommer “danseuse du ventre en chef” et organiser des soirées pour sa muZlimerie nostalgique. Sa Marilyne quoi ! ha ha ha !
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jacqueline says:
18/05/2010 at 08:56
Elle est canon la hezbolette , et ne joue pas avec les armes que sa famille de
terroristes !!
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Le GlooGloo says:
18/05/2010 at 13:52
Non en effet, elle à préféré l’arme du ventre et va nous faire plein de petits hezbolitte, au coeur même de nos société occidentale
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La Mécréante ! says:
18/05/2010 at 16:01
” et ne joue pas avec les armes que sa famille de
terroristes !!”
On n’est jamais sûr de rien Jacqueline… la Mata Hari n’était pas mal non plus…
règle d’or : “même pas leur parler !”
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JJ says:
18/05/2010 at 12:07
Une autre bombe pro-Hezbollah mais neanmoins peu adepte du tchador, c est la chanteuse Haifa Wehbe.
Regardez ses tubes sur YouTube, vous verrez…
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Maurice 2 says:
18/05/2010 at 12:47
Les histoires de miss ne m’intéressent pas ces petites fausses vierges n’ont pas grand chose dans leur cervelle de piaf et utilisent leur cul pour se faire connaitre
Mais force est de constater une levée de bouclier de la part des Libanais concernant les hezb
Alors les Libanais terroriste ou pas terroriste le hezb ?
Le hezb est une milice terroriste sinon elle devrait s’intégrer à ce pauvre pays qui est un patchwork qui va de traitrise en compromission et de compromission en assassinats et servitude même harriri a renier la mort de son père pour se soumettre craignant d’etre flingué à son tour
Le Liban est le vassal du hezb qui lui même est le vassal de la Syrie qui elle même est sous la coupe de l’Iran
Les Libanais disent que le hezb défend le pays mais contre qui Israel n’a aucune revendication ni litige avec le Liban
Comment appelle t on une milice qui commet des crimes et des attentats comme l’immeuble Drakar qui s’infiltre en Israël qui kidnappent des soldats qui les torture à mort pour finir au bout du compte à les rendre dans des cercueils contre des tueurs emprisonnés engraissés dans des prison cinq étoiles
Le hezb n’est pas terroriste mais attaque et tue des civils et applique la charia
Le hezb n’est pas terroriste mais commet des attentats hors de son territoire
En fait le hezb terrorise plus les Libanais que quiconque de par le monde mais ces pauvres Libanais on tellement la trouille que même les druzes les plus durs ont fait allégeance
Un mur de 22 KM est entrain de ce construire en plein Liban pour protéger la Syrie des blindés de Tsahal une sorte de ligne maginot non pas pour protéger leur Liban chéri mais le concombre assad
Continuez à leur lécher les babouches et vous verrez ce que sera bientôt le Liban
un banlieue de Damas
Merci qui merci le hezbobo le hezbobi le hezzebi !!!
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Maurice 2 says:
18/05/2010 at 12:49
Admin mon commentaire n’est pas passé
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huss says:
18/05/2010 at 13:09
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Abou niquab says:
18/05/2010 at 13:23
En Français ça donne quoi ton charabia?
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Yehoudi says:
18/05/2010 at 14:20
tu as forçé sur la Raqi
au pieu! vas cuver ton alcool ya fassède elli yesskèr
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Maurice 2 says:
18/05/2010 at 14:59
huss-bana quand tu dis :
“je sais que vous prennez tous au premier degré :d psq vos cervaux travail en 1 dimenssion l’argent et le pouvoire ”
Tu devras le comparer avec les vôtres qui fonctionnent en multi dimensions
mendicité pleurnicherie violes vols crimes t dictatures et j’en passe
hussein crois tu pouvoir comprendre mon coup d’espliquement
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huss says:
18/05/2010 at 15:05
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Gally says:
18/05/2010 at 15:29
Prend de l’altitude ? Venu d’un spécialiste de la spéléo, c’est savoureux
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Yehoudi says:
18/05/2010 at 15:45
allez laissez tomber ce môme
c’est un petit frankaoui qui entrave que dalle a l’ arabe
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huss says:
18/05/2010 at 15:57
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Gally says:
18/05/2010 at 15:58
AH parce que tu appelles ça du français ?
Vraiment intéressant l’échantillon :p
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boubou aylik says:
18/05/2010 at 16:15
huss c`est 1 ver de terre ou une larve de gourbil de banlieues,
ou bien meme 1ravet qui cherche de la merde pour bouffer,
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marco says:
18/05/2010 at 17:16
tu reverrai d’arriver a nos chevilles, ya hmar, !
jaloux en plus d’etre con !
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Gally says:
18/05/2010 at 17:24
Laissez le, c’est encore un de ses h’mar à 2 neurones qui s’imagine que lever la patte, c’est faire preuve de courage et de machisme. Ignorez le, c’est encore ce qu’il le vexera le plus ce crétin qui ne se sent exister qu’en venant faire chier les autres…
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marco says:
18/05/2010 at 17:34
ok, !
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salome says:
18/05/2010 at 17:46
“”le niveauest vraiment trop juif””???Tu as raison , tu n’as pas le niveau, donc va pondre ailleurs
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Maurice 2 says:
18/05/2010 at 17:51
Pauvre hussein quelle nulité les arabo musulmans combien de scientifiques combien de chercheurs combien d’écrivains combien d’ingénieurs et combien etc quant aux prix Nobel on n’en parle pas à part votre pédophile d’arafat il n’y a pas grand monde
esma ya chikh el mouchekhckh bella asba rouh neyek ommok et kahba ou bou el atay rouh kouyed fi bladeck ya bni el kelb
elfine touanssa mey y ousslous fi zeb el Iyoud Ouchrak okhtek daymen kahba ya mneyek fel teurh
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lestat says:
18/05/2010 at 22:02
Sabine, vous voulez que je vous dise, franchement ?
Du balai !
votre déguisement n’est pas adapté.
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Gally says:
18/05/2010 at 22:04
les prix nobel met les toi dans le cul c’est pas qui fait avancé les humain
J’en ai déjà entendu des conneries, et j’en ai déjà vu des crétins creuser bien profond, mais alors toi, tu viens de battre tous les records…
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Gally says:
18/05/2010 at 22:07
PS : Maurice est né et a grandi dans le Maghreb, débile…
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Yehoudi says:
18/05/2010 at 22:59
meme si tu veux pas ,je vais te le dire
Dégage grosse conne!!!
(j’ en suis ravi)
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Yehoudi says:
18/05/2010 at 23:07
“Yan Huss
tu remarqueras que je n’ ai pas dit ya anus…
tu nous dis:
” pour fondre un dialogue parceque…”
je me disais bien que quelque part tu étais un peu fondu! aller vas plutot bien travailler et foder une famille avant que la folie ne vienne fondre sur toi
Pauvre Libanais en exil qui ne reverra jamais son petit lit blanc
t’inquiètes pas, ya rafidi, les sunnites et les Israéliens vont bien vous régler le compte
faut jamais oublier les jaouaneh de Tsahal!! elles bombarderont tout ton pays cette fois, sauf la vallée de la Kadisha ou nous pourrons aller en villégiature et le couvent de Mar Charbel on en fera un hotel de vacances
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Marock says:
18/05/2010 at 23:13
Moi, je vous comprend pas, perdre son temps à répondre à ces débilités.
Ce genre de minable, ça le fait jouir, on lui prête intérêt !
Il y a un proverbe, je ne sais d’où.
“Les chiens aboient, la caravane passe.”
Le celb, quand il aura fini d’ aboyer, il va rentrer à la niche.
C’est pas un loup.
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Yehoudi says:
18/05/2010 at 23:14
“yabn el charmouta ”
en attendant les bni charmouta ont écrasé ton pays de merde chaque fois qu’ils l’ ont voulu
et votre armée ??
on l’ a jamais vue ya yabn el qa7ba wa el kèlbe
el yahoud inoukou biladèke wa nssakoum be saif wa bé chitih
tu sais la jolie chanson “sanrji3ou fi yomène” pourquoi vous la chantez depuis 60 ans ??
parce qu’ elle sert a vous endormir
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Yehoudi says:
18/05/2010 at 23:23
Salut Marock
t’ as raison Grand Sage!!
allez assieds toi
je t’offre une galette au beurre sucrée et arrosée d’ un verre de Chateau d’ Ardennes blanc sec bien frais
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chutzpanit says:
19/05/2010 at 17:27
SI on devait faire une these de sociologie des malades mentaux du net , on aurait tous une mention vu les numeros qu on voit .
Alors message pour Lolo Esprit et sa bande de nazes qui croient que le Hezbollah c est l ile aux enfants , remarquez ils ont peut etre leur carte de membre et ils pensent donc que les attentats du Hezbollah commis dans le monde depuis 20 ans c est la de resistance oui ils ont la haine comme on dit dnas les banlieues mais eux sont vraiment des pourritures haineuses , il n y a qu a voir ce qu ils font aux chretiens libanais qui osent etre contre leurs idees.
Petit rappel pour les abrutis pro Hezbollah sur cette discussion
Attentats du Hezbollah hors du Liban
§ Décembre 1984 : détournement d’avion koweïtien ; 2 Américains travaillant pour l’Agence Américaine pour le Développement International sont assassinés.
§ 1985 :
· Détournement d’un avion TWA vers Beyrouth. 1 mort.
· Attentat contre un bureau de la compagnie El-Al à Copenhague ; 1 mort et 26 blessés.
§ 13 attentats à Paris entre décembre 1985 et septembre 1986, dont 2 manqués ; ces attentats ont fait au total 13 morts et plusieurs centaines de blessés.
§ 1988 : Détournement d’un vol Kuweit Airlines vers Alger où les terroristes s’échappent. 2 Koweïtiens assassinés.
§ 1992 : Explosion à l’ambassade d’Israël en Argentine : 29 morts et 242 blessés.
§ 1994 : Camion piégé devant un centre juif de Buenos Aires : 85 morts et plus de 200 blessés.
§ 20/11/2000 : bombe dans un bus de transport d’enfants en Israël : 2 morts et 11 blessés.
§ Entre 1983 et 2006, des milliers de roquettes du Hezbollah sont tombées en Israël…
Avril 2009
Le Caire accuse le Hezbollah de préparer des attentats sur son sol
Le parquet général égyptien accuse le Hezbollah de préparer des attentats sur son sol
Le parquet général a annoncé l’ouverture d’une enquête sur des accusations selon lesquelles le Hezbollah a recruté une cellule forte de 49 membres chargés de frapper en Egypte, l’un des principaux alliés des Etats-Unis au Proche-Orient.
Enlèvements, exécutions
Les enlèvements – de soldats ou de civils – sont une « spécialité » du Hezbollah. Le sort des otages est parfois caché des années, des décennies. Le plus célèbre kidnappé en Israël est Ron Arad, aviateur israélien capturé en 1986, et dont on est sans nouvelle depuis.
L’ONU parle de « disparition forcée » lorsque des personnes sont détenues contre leur volonté par des agents qui refusent ensuite de révéler le sort qui leur est réservé. Ce type d’enlèvements est considéré comme un crime non seulement à l’égard de la personne enlevée, mais aussi pour sa famille qui subit en plus de la disparition la torture morale de ne rien savoir.
Juillet 1982 : enlèvement de David Dodge, vice-président de l’Université américaine de Beyrouth, premier de la longue liste des otages du Hezbollah.
1983 : le Hezbollah enlève William Buckley, chef de la CIA à Beyrouth, puis l’assassine. Ses restes ont été retrouvés le 27 décembre 1991 dans la banlieue sud de Beyrouth.
1985 : 4 Français enlevés : 2 diplomates (Marcel Carton et Marcel Fontaine), 1 journaliste (Jean-Paul Kauffmann) et un chercheur au CNRS (Michel Seurat, exécuté en 1986. Son corps n’a jamais été retrouvé).
Le journaliste américain Terry Anderson, chef du bureau Moyen-Orient d’Associated Press, est détenu pendant près de 7 ans.
1986 : 6 Français enlevés, dont 4 journalistes d’Antenne 2.
1988 : William Higgins, un officier américain travaillant pour l’organisation de supervision de la trêve de l’ONU au Sud-Liban (UNTSO) est kidnappé par le Hezbollah, détenu pendant 528 jours avant d’être exécuté par ses ravisseurs.
2000 : 3 soldats israéliens sont enlevés le 8 octobre, et un civil, Elhanan Tannenbaum. En janvier 2004, les corps des trois soldats enlevés ainsi que Tannenbaum furent échangés contre 429 prisonniers libanais et palestiniens.
Attaques-suicides, attentats terroristes
18 avril 1983 : attentat-suicide au camion piégé contre l’Ambassade américaine à Beyrouth, revendiqué par le Hezbollah sous le nom de Jihad Islamique. 63 morts et 120 blessés.
23 octobre 1983 : explosions simultanées de deux camions piégés devant les casernes des « marines » américains et de l’Armée française à Beyrouth. 241 marines américains et 56 parachutistes français de la Force multinationale sont tués. La veille de l’attentat, les deux futurs « martyrs » étaient longuement reçus par le guide spirituel du Hezbollah, cheikh Mohamed Hussein Fadlallah.
21 décembre 1983 : attaque contre des soldats français de la FINUL au Liban Sud. Bilan : 10 morts, dont un soldat français, et 110 blessés.
1984 : l’annexe de l’ambassade américaine près de Beyrouth est frappée par un camion piégé : 16 morts.
1992 : le Hezbollah revendique l’explosion de l’Ambassade d’Israël en Argentine qui fait 29 morts et 242 blessés et ravage complètement le bâtiment.
20 novembre 2000 : une bombe placée sur la route en Israël fait sauter un autobus qui menait des enfants de Kfar Darom à leur école de Neve Dkalim, dans le Sud de la bande de Gaza. Il y a deux morts (deux adultes) et 9 blessés, dont 5 enfants. L’attentat a été revendiqué conjointement par trois groupes, dont un jusqu’ici inconnu, le Hezbollah en Palestine.
En France : entre Décembre 1985 et Septembre 1986, 13 attentats (dont 2 avortés) à Paris font au total 13 morts et plusieurs centaines de blessés. Toutes les pistes remontent au Hezbollah et à l’Iran.
Détournement d’avions
Décembre 1984 : un avion de ligne koweïtien est détourné et deux passagers américains, employés de l’Agence Américaine pour le Développement International sont assassinés. Les Iraniens qui prirent d’assaut l’avion après son atterrissage à Téhéran promirent de passer les pirates de l’air en jugement, mais ils les laissèrent quitter le pays.
1985 : le Hezbollah pirate un autre avion américain de la compagnie TWA, le force à aller se poser à Beyrouth où il est retenu pendant 17 jours. Durant ces deux semaines un officier de la marine américaine à bord de l’avion est tué par balle, son corps jeté comme une charogne sur la piste, sous l’œil des caméras.
Attentat contre un bureau d’El-Al et une synagogue à Copenhague. 1 mort et 26 blessés.
1988 : Détournement du vol 422 de la Kuweit Airlines reliant Bangkok au Koweït. L’avion se pose en Iran, puis à Alger où les pirates s’échappent. Deux otages koweïtiens sont assassinés.
Bombardements et tirs
Entre 1983 et 2000 : innombrables tirs de katioucha et autres actions armées contre le Nord d’Israël faisant de nombreuses victimes dans les rangs de la population israélienne.
4 avril 2002 : le Hezbollah blesse 5 membres de l’ONU pour les empêcher de passer.
10 août 2003 : des tirs du Hezbollah sur le village israélien de Shlomi tuent un adolescent de 16 ans, Aviv Dadon, et blesse quatre autres personnes.
Coopération active avec les groupes terroristes palestiniens
Les documents saisis dans les bureaux de l’Autorité Palestinienne par l’armée israélienne pendant l’opération Rempart (avril 2002) prouvent sans ambiguïté l’action de Téhéran, de Damas et du Hezbollah dans le terrorisme palestinien.
Activité militaire commune Hamas, Jihad islamique, FPLP, Hezbollah : Dossiers des services de renseignement palestinien, rapport du 31 octobre 2001 – Rédigé à l’intention d’Arafat par Jibril Rajoub, chef d’un des services de renseignement palestinien : « Des réunions intensives se déroulent actuellement à Damas. Y participent les chefs du Hamas, du Jihad islamique, du FPLP-CG et du Hezbollah. Grâce à l’aide financière de l’Iran, il s’agit d’accroître les activités militaires communes. Tout cela intervient après qu’un message iranien a demandé aux responsables du Hamas et du Jihad islamique d’empêcher que la situation ne se calme en lançant des attaques suicides contre les Israéliens. L’argent sera transféré via le Hezbollah afin de déclencher l’escalade dans les prochains jours. »
Bateau Karine A : intercepté en mer par les Israéliens en janvier 2002, contenait 50 tonnes d’armes offensives envoyées par l’Iran à l’Autorité Palestinienne d’Arafat.
Le 10 mars 2005, le Parlement européen a adopté une résolution dans laquelle il « demande à la Syrie de ne tolérer aucune forme de terrorisme, y compris l’appui à l’activité du Hezbollah ainsi que d’autres groupes armés », et il « considère qu’il existe des preuves irréfutables de l’action terroriste du Hezbollah et qu’il convient que le Conseil prenne toutes les mesures qui s’imposent pour mettre un terme à cette action
je revient apres pour voir si vous avez appris la lecon d histoire )
evidemment il y en a d autres la liste est bien longue …
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lolo says:
21/05/2010 at 16:30
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Gally says:
21/05/2010 at 16:37
Les arabes ont jamais fait de mal à personne ? XD Qu’est ce qu’il ne faut pas entendre comme connerie je vous jure, c’est probablement le peuple qui a fait subir les pires barbaries de l’histoire de l’humanité (rien que les dizaines de millions d’esclaves prélevés à la barbare en Afrique, pour commencer)
Aller, retourne jouer dans ta fosse septique “lolo”
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salome says:
21/05/2010 at 16:46
Je crois que c’est vraiment pas la peine de repondre à ce genre de type qui pond des commentaires à la sauce SMS, vu le peu que l’on puisse comprendre on a l’impression d’avoir à faire à un déficient mental…
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ahmadinejad antisémitisme arabe armée atomique bombe culture diplomatie Europe France gaza guerre géopolitique géostratégie Hamas hezbollah idf In English Iran islam Israël JSSNews judaisme juif Jérusalem Liban mossad musulman nazi nucléaire Obama ONU – AIEA – Institutions Internationales paix palestinien politique religion secret Syrie Tel-Aviv Terrorisme et Contre Terrorisme terroriste tsahal turquie USA égypte
Un palestinien vole une voiture, une femme et son bébé à l’intérieur !
Ne plus se tromper !
Les chiens de l’ONU
Bonne nouvelle: Dov Zerah risque de quitter le consistoire israélite de Paris!
La liste des 50 juifs les plus influents
Que lisait-on dans la presse un mois après la Guerre Des Six Jours ?
Mobilisation générale au Hezbollah!
Il y a un an, Israël ouvrait son ambassade au Turkménistan…
EU delegation ‘too anti-Israel’
Israël-Qatar: la vrai raison du refus israélien ; c’est l’Egypte !

kate on May 22, 2010 at 5:49 am

    kate, that was annoying.

    skzion on May 22, 2010 at 1:12 pm

Désolée texte en Français ,mais vous pouvez avec Google traduction le lire . A ceux qui sont crédules , et ils ne manquent pas ,vous ne savez donc pas que le mensonge , la fourberie , sont entre autres, des grandes valeurs de l’islam ,et des musulmans , pour qui tout est bon pour arriver à leur fin !

kate on May 22, 2010 at 5:56 am

    Piss off Hateful Kate! The google translation makes even less sense than your stoopid French ramblings. I can’t wait ’til DS returns from her sabbath and eraces your long, annoying, nonsensical spew. Hateful twit.

    Skunky on May 22, 2010 at 1:27 pm

    kate, sweety, I could roughly translate your blather for myself, but I see no reason to bother.

    skzion on May 22, 2010 at 1:54 pm

If “Neo-Conservative” is anti-Semitic does that mean “Neo-Liberal” is racist?

I mean both refer to different sects within Capitalism and have nothing to do with race or religion but whatever.

Nestor Berkman on May 22, 2010 at 7:08 am

Well, this whole incident shows that the anti-Semitism of the major media has reached (or, rather descended) to the level in Europe, and is fast approaching the rabid anti-Semitism of the Muslim countries.

In one day, Debbie was able to cite anti-Semitic coverage of this disgraceful “winner” on both Fox News and CNN. Undoubtedly the coverage in the print media was similar.

Incidents like this, the crowing of Ms. Hezbollah USA have a way of cutting through all the manufactured smokescreen of ‘differences’ between the major media. On these kinds of issues there is no difference.

Little Al on May 22, 2010 at 7:56 am

I couldn’t care less about Miss USA or the history of anyone who wins it. The fact that anyone does care is absolutely baffling to me. CNN and Fox are garbage, and you waste your time and energy when you focus on anything they’ve said or done. It is irrelevant. It does not matter. AT ALL. Just as blogs like this don’t matter, and I’m wasting my time and energy posting here.

Debbie, there are so many important things you could be doing with your life – things that would actually be useful to your family or your country in some way. Instead you are trolling some of the most gullible people on the Internet, only to get attention. You are an intellectual terrorist and you should be ashamed.

Degenerate Monkey on May 22, 2010 at 8:54 am

    LOL, you ARE a degenerate horse’s arse.

    I reckon you have spent waaaaay too much time kissing your Obamarxist poster and watching “American Idol” if you think what DS is posting on the slag Miss HezbaUSA is silly and non~consequential.

    Your stupid post shows how embarrassingly out of touch you are and it is sad. Now go play in traffic, you human waste. Topics like these are too advanced for your scrambled brain!!!!

    Skunky on May 22, 2010 at 1:15 pm

NB is mistaken in his comparison of neo-conservative to neo-liberal. It is true that the origin of the term in the 70s referred to the evolution of a group of Jacksonian (Henry) Democrats who became Republicans. This evolution is chronicled in many places, a very good recent book being George H. Nash’s “Reappraising the Right”.

However, like many words and terms in the English language, this political term has had a devolution starting in the 90s and intensifying during the present decade. It became used, as Debbie indicates, by Buchanan and others as a term of contempt for those favoring the Iraq war and other actions that Buchanan and his followers in the major media were opposed to. These people, Buchanan openly, and the others more subtly made sure the reader understood that the main neo-conservative culprits were, in their mind, primarily JOOOS. The historical refinements and nuances of the term were lost in the popular press.

Thus, the meaning of the term changed, especially since the original meaning as Nash and others described it, was read and understood only by narrow, generally well=educated layers of the population, while the vulgarization of the term by Buchanan and other major media “luminaries” or, rather “darkinaries”, clearly included anti-Semitic overtones; ‘these individuals were Jewish, and therefore acting on the basis of so-called narrow self-interests, rather than for the country as a whole”, as opposed to Buchanan and the reporters, who, incidentally used this epithet as an excuse to mask their own anti-Americanism.

Little Al on May 22, 2010 at 8:55 am

    The original meaning of the adjective was pejorative. Michael Harrington first coined it in 1973 to refer to former liberals who turned conservative. Later, it became a way of identifying conservative Jewish intellectuals as opposed to the paleo conservative Old Right – read Christian Right.

    NormanF on May 23, 2010 at 12:29 am

With all respect, Madame Schlussel, you are a “traditionalist” or a “fundamentalist” (don’t fear the f-word). “Conservative”, like “Liberal”, is a relative term. I could call myself “conservative” is relation to Obama, Clinton or anyone at MSNBC, yet feel quite “liberal” in relation to Reagan, Coulter and O’Reilly. But as a libertarian, these labels are moot.

Thankfully, I do have a life. For all I know, there is a either fascist 5th column amongst us or the coming of the apocalypse (or Gotterdammerung – same diff). Either way, it’s wise not to beat your chest in front of your enemies too much, lest you want them to know your intentions. Display restraint and conquer with knowledge and reason. The swords will follow later.

The "Reverend" Jacques on May 22, 2010 at 9:22 am

    Incorrect. A mixed strategy (with some rhetorical flamethrowers like Debbie) is superior to 100% your strategy.

    skzion on May 22, 2010 at 1:16 pm

      (I was referring to the Reverend.)

      skzion on May 22, 2010 at 1:18 pm

excellent work Debbie, now I know what that means…I was under the wrong definitions then. at least someone here used the 5th column correctly.

LP on May 22, 2010 at 9:34 am

Debbie, if your blog is to carry all the weight it truly deserves, try mightly to avoid overkill. Linking neo-conservatism as inherently anti Semitic slurs troubles me. Your lines contribute to making it so. So many prominent Jews from Leon Kristol to Charles Krauthammer identify comfortably with this reference to themselves. Why submit to Pat Buchanan’s use of this term? And so she wore an Indian headdress, so what? She didn’t burn it, tear it to shreds, or otherwise show it disrespect. Believe me, if all the Muslim women in the US dressed, spoke and were as free thinking as this pretty lady Muslim terrorism would be on no one’s agenda.

Arn on May 22, 2010 at 9:54 am

You are nothing but a racist hateful bitch.
I hope your children become disabled.

joe on May 22, 2010 at 10:14 am

    Uh huh, Joe. You’re telling us all you don’t really have anything pertinent to share.

    Stay classy!

    NormanF on May 23, 2010 at 12:31 am

Mein Komf seems to make sense sometimes

ajl on May 22, 2010 at 10:20 am

    It’s “Mein Kampf,” you idiot. Hitler liked you Muslims very much as well.

    skzion on May 22, 2010 at 3:51 pm

      He’s just told us why Muslims like it so much. When you drenched in Jew hatred, there are lots of reasons to “love Hitler.” Nope, he’s not denying it!

      Now when will people wake the heck up!

      NormanF on May 23, 2010 at 12:33 am

Ok lets analyze this:

1. Someone called Debbie Schlussel “neo-conservative”.
2. According to Debbie Schlussel “neo-conservative” equals “Jew” ergo Debbie Schlussel = neo conservative = Jew
3. Calling Debbie Schlussel jewish = anti semitic.

What follows out of her reasoning: According to Debbie Schlussel herself it is an insult to all Jews when someone calls her jewish.

murks on May 22, 2010 at 10:22 am

    You call that an “analysis,” murks? The relevant point is the use of “code.”

    Is there a single intelligent criticism of Debbie’s work on this topic?

    skzion on May 22, 2010 at 4:09 pm

What channel? and Who? I wouldn’t know, i never watch that channel or the other POS channel Msnbc. Msnbc used to be just Ok until The leftists took it over. Check their ratings compared to Fox. When i do get my news (everybody should see some news)it’s always Fox, only one I can trust.I know how DS feels about Fox,It’s the best of the bunch. If I want to watch a breaking news story where should I watch it Debbie?

who? and what channel? on May 22, 2010 at 10:34 am

Hey Joe, if your referring your little ignorant comment to Debbie, then I suggest you by yourself a shotgun, pull the trigger on yourself and end your life you miserable, welfare check collecting loser. Now to Octavia Nasr, CNN should fire this skank immediately for calling Ms. Schlussel such a derogatory anti-semetic slur, and it’s clear to me that Ms. Nasr has an invisible swastika hidden on her forehead like Pat Buchanan on that f**ked up & laughable network MSNBC/GE. But do you expect Ms. Nasr’s boss Mr. Klein fire her or give a her a one month suspension? The answer is NO! Because Ms. Nasr along with her fellow-travelling left wingers and radical islamist are all apart of the left wing cabal!

Isn’t odd that the radical left wing in this country are in cohoots with front groups for radical islamofascist? If any of these leftist were around between the 30s and 40s and they were in bed with nazi operatives in this country, then these left wing jackasses would either be speaking german or be a large piece of lampshade!

“A nation is identified by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on May 22, 2010 at 10:36 am

What the Hell is that thing from kate that’s takin up the whole web page?

who? and what channel? on May 22, 2010 at 10:36 am

To who? and what channel? I think it’s old replies on this website during the course of the week were we had radical islamist infiltrated this site and made death threats to Ms. Schlussel, if I was working in the FBI or CIA I would investigate all of these radical islamist who posted here and they would be sent to Guantanomo Bay, Cuba and deported out of this country. And I know who did this to us, it was Bill Clinton who did this, during his presidency, Clinton hired some woman to work for ICE, and this lady bought all sorts of immigrants from the middle east (I don’t have anything aganist middle eastern people for the record you left wing nutjobs), she even bought in immigrants from terrorist sponsoring countries over there. So I don’t blame either Obama or Bush for this, but it’s being continued under both of those guys.

Another thing before I leave and move on, we the american people are like the white blood cells in the body in order to protect the immune system, the radical islamist who are living in this country (yes they are here), are like the infectious disease and forgein materials that undermines the white blood cells in the body. And these radical islamist along with their fellow-travelling left wingers are absolutely ruining the body politic in this country!

“A nation is identified by it’s borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on May 22, 2010 at 10:50 am

While there has been plenty of name-calling and dismissals of DS’s reports, I have yet to see anyone actually refute that lovely Rima & family are Hezbollah supporters. The corporate media does not even have the balls to broach the subject, let alone conduct substantive journalism on the issue (other than the incessant Muslim a** kissing).

The Muslims are winning and laughing their a**es off down at your local mosque

Ace on May 22, 2010 at 11:15 am

I love how stupid you sound. But then again you are a jew. You have got to be the ugliest dirty nasty jew i have ever seen. I am muslim and its not the jews i hate its the zionist pigs that i hate. I know plenty of israelis that practice judism are in no way shape or form like the zionist pigs like yourself. So keep getting mad becuase your weak pathetic country is getting weaker and weaker each day. Have you notice how the world is going against you guys. You guys are weak irrogant pigs thats only way of defense is through the air. You call us terrorist what about all the israeli soldiers that kill innocent women and children everyday in gaza, they use 8 yr olds as human shields cuz there to scared to get hit with rocks. Debbie schlussel you have got to be the dumbest ugliest person i have seen in my life

arab pride on May 22, 2010 at 11:39 am

    I a glad that you are an Arab Moslem, as you accurately portray your “faith” and ethnicity.

    skzion on May 22, 2010 at 1:28 pm

    Its not about looks.. its about the fact you can’t stand any criticism. Islam cannot even be magnanimous in victory. If you think your Miss USA won fair and square, why the heck does what Debbie Schlussel write bother you so much? A Jewish woman who takes issue with Islamic supremacy, that’s what. And its galling even more she’s not a dhimmi Jewish man!

    Go take your anti-Semitism and insecure sexism elsewhere.

    Stay classy, arab pride!

    NormanF on May 23, 2010 at 12:39 am

Debbie keep up the great work. You are driving these losers up the wall.

D Tom on May 22, 2010 at 12:02 pm


Jw on May 22, 2010 at 12:10 pm

    They don’t need any incitement to kill us. They kill us because we’re infidels, pure and simple.

    Wake the heck up!

    NormanF on May 23, 2010 at 12:42 am

How sad this really is. First off I cannot see any truly religious organization that wants to have all women covered up and docile would approve of this woman in a bikini and pole dancing. Calling every Muslim a terrorist is like calling every southern woman in the stupid miss USA pageant a racist since she most likely has ties to the KKK.

Must have been one hell of a slow news day.

Harold Testes on May 22, 2010 at 12:27 pm

    The inaptly named Mr. Testes sez:

    “Calling every Muslim a terrorist is like calling every southern woman in the stupid miss USA pageant a racist since she most likely has ties to the KKK.”

    Duh, Mr. Testes, if a southern woman had funding sources and buddies and family members who were high up in the KKK, then one would also presume she is a racist. Anyway, Debbie never said that all Muslims are terrorists. (However, I’d say, personally, that non-terrorist Muslims are disproportionately likely to run interference for the terrorists.)

    skzion on May 22, 2010 at 4:06 pm

How an Arab can be antisemite?Arabs are a semitic people,that make no sense.
Debbie Schlussel is really dumb.

Iceberg on May 22, 2010 at 12:35 pm

    Duh, Iceberg. I’ve never heard that before. You’re so smart.

    skzion on May 22, 2010 at 3:47 pm

    Anti-Semitism means hatred of the Jews. It has never meant any thing else.

    And yes, Jews can be anti-Semites too so its nonsense to claim Arabs can’t hate Jews. They do as attested to by comments posted upon this website.

    NormanF on May 23, 2010 at 12:45 am

I loved your review on Waltz with Bashir, a movie made by a man who fought in the war in Lebanon based on his memories about his involement in a certain massacre and you laimed it was all lies.
He was there
you weren’t

Nestor Berkman on May 22, 2010 at 12:42 pm

Nestor Berkman on May 22, 2010 at 12:42 pm

I agree,this woman is mentally sick.
She’s a shame for the Jews.

Iceberg on May 22, 2010 at 12:48 pm

CNN being anti-Semitic… what a surprise. After all the hateful comments towards DS from the Muslims and dhimmis, I’m beginning to think most from those groups have Tourettes. I’m convinced after watching Miss Ghetto Hezbollah showing off her intellect and beauty that she is the Arab/Muslim version of Simple Jack, which would explain blue shoes with all purple in a national Fox interview that has made myself, all my friends and peers sore from laughing at the comedy gold.
Here is a clip from her brother Simple Jack.

Why would she dress up in Native American dress, maybe she should be wearing the full ninja with chains. Or she could dress up like Cleopatra or I Dream of Jeannie or Simple Jane. It is an insult for her to wear Native American attire which is heavily cliche at that.

Donald you have 49 more qualified to pick from… It’s not too late to stop this national embarrassment who makes you look bad as well.

soyphobia on May 22, 2010 at 12:58 pm

Feh! Just because a good amount of Americans are asleep at the wheel does not mean I am gonna buy this Islamo-pandering bullcrap!

We know what Fakih is Miss HezbaUSA and we are not fooled by the crap they are trying to sling at us.

Don’t stop ’til this slag sharmuta is run out in disgrace! All the trouble that gave Carrie Prejean last year (and she did not even WIN!!!) and this crap is flying under the radar.

Thank God for DS. The truth can be found here and the facts back it up!

Skunky on May 22, 2010 at 1:08 pm

Somewhat OT: The Moslems here (who usually don’t use Moslem names) do the unimaginable for me: they actually make me dislike Moslems and their totalitarian cult even more than I already do. I am glad that Debbie lets these types post here, as we need to see what they really are.

skzion on May 22, 2010 at 1:27 pm

Debbie – you (if you believe what you spew, that is) and those who gorge on your every word deserve the worldview you create for yourselves.

I’m a fan of cognitive dissonance, so I enjoy your blog. Your first paragraph is priceless – you could build a tank with all the irony (outrage that the “anti-semetic pig/Islamo-pandering kalbeh” insulted you – a little cartoonish, but still delightful). I have to say, learning that “neo-conservative” is an anti-Semitic term is absolutely the highlight of my day so far – even the Conservapedia didn’t know that. Thanks for the tip.

“In Paranoid Fear and Distrust” is no way to live. For me, anyway. The rest of you – have at it.

Zoot on May 22, 2010 at 1:29 pm

    If you are a “fan” of cognitive dissonance you put yourself in the camp of compulsives who live by cerebrally dictated formulas wholly detached from anything related to what two good eyes and half a brain can see. I’m sure yo had something else in mind.

    Arn on May 22, 2010 at 1:41 pm

      Well, Arn, I’ll have to take your word for that, since I always thought cognitive dissonance is a feeling caused by attempting to hold (or spew) two diametrically opposed viewpoints at the same time (i.e., “insulting people is bad, you pig/dog”).

      But maybe I was unclear…I’m a fan of watching people create cognitive dissonance, not actually experiencing it myself. I’m also a fan of baseball. That doesn’t mean I AM a baseball.

      Either way – I look forward to playing in my new “camp.” Compulsives often throw the best parties.

      Zoot on May 22, 2010 at 2:58 pm

        I’ll give you an example of Cognitive Dissonance.In November 2000 the television station France 2 showed a supposed “atrocity” with a Palestinian father crouching against a wall with his 12 year old son Mohammad al-Dura. The reporter describes how the Israelis, in a shoot-out with Palestinian militants, deliberately shot at the father and son and killing them. There were countries that issued stamps recalling this atrocity. Others named streets after Mohammad al-Dura. Then a French court demanded that the TV station show the entire footage of the shooting – and lo and behold – after being “murdered” the boy raises his hand and peeks at the camera through his fingers. It turns out that the whole event was staged by the Palestinian camera-man. So here you have a hard and dry fact that runs counter to what people chose to believe. They continued not to believe what the French court had revealed – and preferred to ignored the regrets of the TV station. This unwillingness to accommodate fact over preconception is Cognitive Dissonance.

        Arn on May 22, 2010 at 4:02 pm

Miss Schlussel,

The Miss Lebanon Emigrant competition required their contestants to dress a traditional dress that represents the country that they have emigrated to. I did not find anything insulting about her dress. If you look at the other contestants, they had all done the same. I don’t understand how you found it to be a humiliation to the Native Americans of your country.

I would also like to point out that we are not terrorists. Lebanese love life. I am from the South of Lebanon myself. Who ever they are, people who have gone through war and oppression are going to be bitter, no matter what side they are on, and no matter who their bias lies against. The mother who was looking for her 5 year old child’s body parts under the rubble in 2006 is not different from the mother who lost her child due to a suicide bombing. As a human being, you cannot stereotype people based on their nationality, nor on their religion, the same way you would find it insulting had it been done to you. As a journalist, you should not.

Natasha on May 22, 2010 at 2:12 pm

    Natasha, if you are a Muslim Lebanese, you do NOT love life. Given your location, I gather you are a Shi’ite.

    skzion on May 22, 2010 at 4:00 pm

Here is a sensible article about neoconservatism vis-a-vis Israel: Click on

This is an excerpt from the above article:

“The closer you examine it, the clearer it is that neoconservatism, in large part, is simply about enabling the most irredentist elements in Israel and sustaining a permanent war against anyone or any country who disagrees with the Israeli right. That’s the conclusion I’ve been forced to these last few years. And to insist that America adopt exactly the same constant-war-as-survival that Israelis have been slowly forced into. But America is not Israel. And once that distinction is made, much of the neoconservative ideology collapses.”

Jordan on May 22, 2010 at 2:21 pm

Clearly people think you’re the kelb Schlussel.. She’s one of the only reporters that stated the truth of the 2006 War. You are the last person who should be calling anyone Nazi’s. Clearly your ancestors paid good attention to your idol Hitler while they were massacring your cousins, since you all continue to mimic his sick ideology.

Elena on May 22, 2010 at 2:44 pm

Arabs are a Semitic race. You’re coming across as REALLY anti-semitic in this article.

matt b on May 22, 2010 at 2:46 pm

    Duh, I’ve never heard that before, matt b. You are so innovative.

    skzion on May 22, 2010 at 3:42 pm

    Jews hate Jews too – and they’re Semites. Your stupid comment proves nothing about Arab innocence.

    NormanF on May 23, 2010 at 12:46 am

hahahah neoconservative is a slur now?

okay we’ll just call you “evil imperialist fascists” that’s really much more descriptive and accurate anyway

Hon Kee Mufo on May 22, 2010 at 3:20 pm

Your ranting is both pathetic and somewhat amusing. Again you insult in Arabic (cool that you know couple of languages since most will only be better off having the skills to communicate with others of various languages)and the way you do it is just lame and bratty. Semite refers to also Arabs (Muslims and non-Muslims) those of Middle Eastern origins and also Ethiopians. Cry more since you are contradicting yourself by insulting people of that region. It’s so easy to label people but you are only fooling yourself and unfortunately anyone else that tries to find some sort of connection with you. It’s strange how the mind works and what human beings will do. So strange it’s frightening. This “they hate us” BS is just that BS you are trying to say every individual that is Muslim “hates us” -your stupidity is alarming. Don’t forget that one of “us” is a Muslim is too bad for you they aren’t what you want them to become. Don’t you see? YOU want ALL Muslims to be hateful and the type of person you want to see so you can feel better about your anger and hatred. Like I said -strange. It’s a tragic you aren’t any better than the next person. Calm down.

Sana on May 22, 2010 at 3:26 pm

    Sana, all GOOD Muslims ARE hateful. They (you?) are just following Islam. If you are a decent person, it’s time for you to renounce Islam.

    skzion on May 22, 2010 at 3:58 pm

Natasha, even conceding your point for the sake of discussion, Fakih is still anti-American. Let’s say that she is expected, in this Lebanese pageant, to wear traditional dress of her “new” country, i.e. the United States. It says something that she chooses to wear the clothes of an Indian. Is this traditional United States dress? It appears to me to be another rejection of Western culture, and that she is saying that she has no use for traditional Western values; by implication she is also charging Western civilization, as we know it, with stealing the United States from the Indians. Do you think that if Miss Oklahoma was in a foreign pageant and asked to wear traditional United States clothing she would dress as an Indian? i doubt it. I think she would wear some type of country/western costume, and not associate herself with political protest.

Little Al on May 22, 2010 at 3:39 pm

Debbie how come a google search for connections between anti-semitism and the term “Neo-Conservative” seems to turn up nothing but searches about Jewish-Anarchism and Jewish-Communism finds a lot of stuff?

It’s almost like “Neo-Conservative” is a term used to describe modern adherants to Conservative politics and has nothing to do with Jews and that most of the most influencal people in Anarchism and Socialism are Jews.

Nestor Berkman on May 22, 2010 at 4:31 pm

    Nestor, you don’t find Google hits because you’re an idiot. Try “anti-Semitism neocon”.

    skzion on May 22, 2010 at 7:40 pm


lol on May 22, 2010 at 4:46 pm

Hurrah for the comments coming from muslims above.

We can see by their own words how disgusting they are.

Jean Breban on May 22, 2010 at 5:31 pm

Since when is “neoconservative” codeword for “Jewish?” – that’s utter nonsense, and either you know it and are being disingenuous, or you actually believe that silliness.

For the record, neoconservatism was term coined to describe what are essentially conservatives who have embraced the welfare state – non-isolationist, non-libertarian, deficit spending, big-government conservatives. Like George Bush and Dick “deficits don’t matter” Cheney. It has nothing to do with Judaism, no relation to it whatsoever. The term was first used in an article from 1973 about conservatives and the welfare state in Dissent magazine.

When someone refers to Dick Cheney as a “neoconservative” is that… anti-Semitic? When someone calls Karl Rove a “neoconservative” is that… anti-Semitic? No, of course not. They’re not even Jewish, and they’re the poster boys for modern neoconservatism.

Get an argument that makes sense, and quit playing the victim. You’re just as bad as the far left liberals who take offense to everything when there’s nothing offensive being said. Quit whining.

Seth Gordon on May 22, 2010 at 5:43 pm

    Seth, it has become code. BTW, it turns out that plenty of anti-Semites think that Rumsfeld is Jewish.

    skzion on May 22, 2010 at 7:42 pm

      Yup. Along with the meme Jews start all the wars. Things like this take a life of their own and become conventional wisdom. That doesn’t make them true.

      Getting the truth out is thankless work. But it has to be told or those who seek to rewrite history to deprive us all of our hard-won freedoms will win.

      That must not be allowed to happen. Period.

      NormanF on May 23, 2010 at 12:52 am

Dear Ms Devorah Khazar Screwshill,

You are a talentless hack. To say your writing is sub-par would be generous. You, ma’am, are an embarassment to your people, and to Herschel Lieb the allegedly disgraceful homos-x-al. You are afraid to post your real photo at the banner of this page because you know you look awful at your crusty old age of 41. If you feel this is unfair, prove me wrong! Let’s see what you look like now, without photoshopping, cropping and image manipulation. What’s that? Too busy to take a photo? Can’t find time between hate mongering and spreading your delusional conspiracy theories?

As far as who is spreading sin, immorality, depravity, and sickness throughout America and much of the Western world, well, the facts speak for themselves. As hard as you try to discract, detract, obfuscate and derail, rest assured that the demonic agenda of your brethren and you is DOOMED to fail. People are learning the truth at a rapid pace, and you are actually motivating and galvanizing those you seek to slander, libel and intimidate. Good job. Not the brightest of the Chosenites, eh? I guess that why you’re just a 41-yo-old blog writer. Loser.


The American People

The American People on May 22, 2010 at 5:45 pm

    Warning: “The American People” links to, one of the better known anti-Semitic web sites.

    skzion on May 22, 2010 at 7:44 pm

      What’s scary about him skzion, is that while I deplore what he said, it was quite well written and articulate. If they’re getting “ejamicated” we need to be concerned.

      mk750 on May 23, 2010 at 5:38 am

    Sounds like the kind of folks who think a woman is less worth than a man… they dislike her being outspoken in addition to being a Jew.

    Stay classy, The American People!

    NormanF on May 23, 2010 at 12:12 am

    The American People try changing your name to the filthy Muslim people! Dont speak for me and the rest of us Americans. Majority whom I know hate you so next time dont be so 13. You sound like a teenager obsessed with a no talent beauty pagent winner. Wait for Miss America that is the real deal which actually has real talented women. Not whores. Too bad your muzzie shit wont be on! Thank God!

    JustFuckOff on May 23, 2010 at 5:26 am

    Uh, hey American People, I’m one of the ‘People’ and I sure as hell don’t need you to speak for me. I’m more than capable of doing that myself. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence can see you for who and what you really are. In the two paragraphs of ranting you didn’t say a word about what Debbie had written. You just called her names and presumed with your arrogance to speak for the people of this country. Quite frankly you haven’t earned the right to do that.

    gerob on May 23, 2010 at 9:58 am

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