May 16, 2010, - 11:38 pm

Donald Trump, Dhimmi: Miss Hezbollah Rima Fakih Wins Miss USA; Rigged for Muslima? Miss Oklahoma’s Arizona Immigration Answer

By Debbie Schlussel

It’s a sad day in America but a very predictable one, given the politically correct, Islamo-pandering climate in which we’re mired.  The Hezbollah-supporting Shi’ite Muslim, Miss Michigan Rima Fakihwhose bid for the pageant was financed by an Islamic terrorist and immigration fraud perpetrator–won the Miss USA contest. I was on top of this story before anyone, telling you about who Fakih is and her extremist and deadly ties.

hezbollah4.jpgMISS USA

Rima Fakih: Miss Hezbollah is Now Miss USA

No, it’s not “just another beauty pageant.”  Donald Trump, Muslims (who mostly support Islamic terrorist groups, like Hezbollah, which features many of Fakih’s close relatives as top officials), and even Barack Obama will exploit this as propaganda for Islam.  Mark my word.  Hezbollah is laughing at us, tonight.  One of its auxiliary members won the Miss USA title without having to do a thing to denounce them and their bloody murder of hundreds of Americans, including the trampling/torture murder of Navy Diver Robert Dean Stethem aboard TWA flight 847, the 25th anniversary of which is next month.

Dhimmi Donald Trump simply didn’t have the guts to demand that Fakih denounce the Islamic group Hezbollah, whose martyrs and top terrorists are Fakih family members.  It doesn’t matter to the Donald that this is the terrorist group that murdered more Americans than any other after Al-Qaeda, and probably more, when you count its joint ventures with Hezbollah.  Trump made a bigger deal with Miss California USA and her bimbo activities, when–hellooooo–it’s a bimbo contest.  Now, Hezbollah has the chief USA bimbo.  And they’ll use it.

I don’t just wonder if this whole contest is rigged.  I have a feeling that it is.  Clearly, there is affirmative action for Muslim women in beauty pageants and other such “contests.”

We know that political correctness and bending over backward (and forward) to all things Islam, are the rules of the day.  I had a bad feeling they’d pick her to try to pander to the Islamic world some more because–ya know–the collective American nose isn’t yet brown enough from ass-kissing Islamic butt all around the world  . . . at least according to the conventional wisdom of idiots.  The Islamic world is especially laughing that a sequined gay man dressed like the world’s ugliest cross-dresser, Johnny Weir, helped make a woman from their intolerant world, Miss USA.  If they could, they’d still rip him to shreds and sever his penis, the way they torture their Israeli and even their own fellow Islamic victims.


Tonight, they celebrated and laughed at us from within at Dearbornistan’s Hezbollah restaurant, La Pita, where workers openly sing Hezbollah war songs and anti-Semitic “ditties” in the kitchen.  It was the site of Fakih’s victory party, where falafel, and hummus, and hate were all on the menu, as they usually are there and throughout Fakih’s community.

I wonder how much influence Miss USA’s Islamic sponsor Farouk Shami–the racist 9/11 Truther and Palestinian terrorism supporter whose Farouk Systems helped pay for the pageant and broadcast–had on this win.  A lot, I’d bet, especially since Fakih tweeted gushingly about hanging out with him.  He probably urged Trump and the judges to make sure his fellow Muslima won.  After all, it makes no difference that she’s a Shi’ite and he’s a Sunni.  She had the support of Sunni terrorists like Imad Hamad, who helped fund her bid.  And, as anyone who knows anything about the Islamic world knows, they’ll happily put their internecine Shi’ite-Sunni war on hold, if it means helping Islam in its propaganda war and fight to take over the West.

In her answer to a dumb question about insurance covering birth control, Fakih gave an even dumber answer.  But it was a feminist, big government, anti-business, politically correct answer.  And because she’s a Muslim, Fakih got away with her utterly conceited statement in a video profile:  “When people meet me, they see a very beautiful, very smart, very funny person.”  Hey, don’t be so modest.  We gotta beat that fake notion of “Islamic modesty” that really doesn’t exist in the real world.

I knew the classy Miss Oklahoma USA, Elizabeth Woolard–who gave a good and somewhat educated answer about Arizona’s immigration law (watch the video, above)–would lose, the minute she said she supported the Arizona law.  After all, the right answer was to say how “unAmerican” and “oppressive” this law is and how great these illegal aliens are for doing “the work that some Americans just won’t do” (like kidnapping, rape, stealing jobs, and driving down wages).  It doesn’t matter that the question–uttered by judge Oscar Nunez–was incorrect, since his premise was that the law allows authorities to check the immigration status of anyone they think is here illegally (That’s not what the law allows at all).  Since she said the right thing for America and Arizona, not the politically correct answer to win Miss USA, she lost.

Oh, and she wasn’t a Lebanese Muslim Hezbollah supporter with relatives who are top terrorists and “martyrs” in the group.  If you don’t have relatives that have died killing some Jews and relatives who’ve murdered hundreds of Americans, you really don’t deserve to be Miss USA.

Do you?


**** UPDATE, 05/12/10: EXCLUSIVE: Miss USA Contestant is Shi’ite Muslim Hezbollah Supporter, Used Pageant Name to Promote Muslim Female Subjugation; Hezbo Taqiyyah Allows Bikinis? ****

**** UPDATE, 05/13/10: Meet Miss USA Contestant’s Hezbollah Family ****

**** UPDATES, 05/16/10:
* You Stay Classy: Muslim Miss USA Contestant Has “High-Class” Supporters; More “Islamic Modesty”
* Confirmed: Islamic Terrorist Financed Miss USA Contestant
* Miss USA Pageant Sponsor Attacked “Whites,” Bragged About Dad’s Massacre of Jews, is 9/11 Truther, Anti-Israel

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698 Responses

This just proves what I’ve known for awhile. Miss USA is a completely useless organization that focuses on all the wrong things. And I thought the commericals talking about the girls having to look “hot” in a swimsuit were awful! I’m thankful that the Miss America organization hasn’t completely sold out yet.

Tricia on May 17, 2010 at 2:10 pm

you the author, are a total, idiot, bigot, douchebag. part of me just wishes the south would leave the union so we can get rid of all of these fucking idiots.

Ray Weiss on May 17, 2010 at 2:16 pm

This is my first time come to know this web site and I feel such incredible hatred from Debbie Schlussel towards Islam and Muslim Americans. Perhaps Debbie forgot that her own father as a Polish Jew came to the USA in order to get a better opportunity in additional to survive the cursed Hitler’s killing of the Jews. And in one generation his own daughter is doing basically what Hitler did to the Jews – blindly hatred. Any non-ignorant American would call this as the American Terrorist. She simply injects the generalized hatred and fear into the American society. The cure to ignorance is ask. My years of Army service is to protect the freedom and provide peace to all. Debbie is undoing what our honorable service men and women did. Maybe it’s time for you, Debbie Schlussel, to return to your father’s homeland – Poland. We have no room for intolerance and individuals whose goal in life is seeking disharmony in society.

Col. James on May 17, 2010 at 2:19 pm

    Colonel, a very measured and well thought out response. I too share many of your views. Over the past couple of years I have served alongside American Muslims, and Allied Muslims, all risking thier lives to defeat the common enemy, “radical Islam”. This is not a condemnation of the entire faith, but only those extremists who pervert it for their own means. Articles like this merely accentuate the divide in the nation, rather than provide any sort of solution.
    I think perhaps our time in the military gives us a unique perspective. We are used to working with teams of many varied, unique individuals, all with their own values, faiths, and concepts. And we understand the contributions from all people’s no matter what group they fall into. That my freinds, IS AMERICA. Glad to know you Colonel.

    Gordon on May 17, 2010 at 2:28 pm

    Islam is sick and violent. Keep it up, your day is coming.

    Islam will die out or be wiped out.

    Hey muslims, your following a pedophile. But you knew that didn’t you?

    GBo on May 17, 2010 at 2:42 pm

      Your comments sound eerily similar to another administration in Western History where one faith was blamed for all the evils of the world. Tell me “GBo” are you thinking Concentration camps, ethnic cleansing, or something new this time. Sorry for the Nazi comparrison but when the rhetoric matches what can one say.
      There are over 7 million loyal patriotic Muslims, many probably more patriotic than you. Climb off your high horse and join the rest of us. Either than or remain the self-appointed ruler of the “warped” image of America you have created. The one we live in respects all faiths and religions. Perhaps you should find a place where your intolerant views could find a home. For your words do not seem to exhibit an understanting of America at all.

      Gordon on May 17, 2010 at 2:47 pm

        Name one Patriotic Muslim who has or will publicly condemn Hamas, Hezbollah & the radical Muslim/Islam hatred of all Jews, and condemn the Palestinian/Iranian charter mandate that says they must seek to wipe Israel and Jews off of the face of the earth?
        And how many of your Patriotic Muslims will condemn the passport exclusion by Muslim country’s that deny peaceful people entry into the Muslim country if you have an Israel stamp on your passport? How about any patriotic Muslim (oxymoron) who will denounce the execution of anybody who brings a bible into the country?
        I can’t hear you…

        Who cares? on May 17, 2010 at 3:31 pm

          sorry to break it to you, but israel isn’t america.

          mwk on May 17, 2010 at 4:55 pm

    First time here, but you have an intimate knowledge of Debbie’s background? Not buying it. The nearly not-broken english is a nice touch too.

    I don’t often question people claiming to be servicemen, but I’m feeling some BS on this one.

    ef on May 17, 2010 at 3:53 pm

LOLed at the silly “I’m-ashamed-to-be-American” dhimmis attacking Debbie Schlussel on this blog.

Gordon, you’re a lying, dumb piece of work (the fact you never answer JM’s questions proved it).

Sue (poster at 10:54 am today), you are the very definition of American dhimmitude and cluelessness. Congratulations, so earn your Miss Dhimmitude tiara.

To other idiots attacking Debbie: she’s not a right-winger. Debbie loves to upset the left’s and the right’s nice-tidy applecarts. She can’t stand hypocrisy and people wearing horse-blinders from these people on the left and the right.

People, get this fact straight: Hezbollah is VERY BAD NEWS, it is heavily tied to the Islamic Iran, and anyone who associate with it or by family ties is endorsing terrorism against the United States of America and the imposition of Islam in America. American dhimmis should shut the hell up about Miss Michigan/Hezbollah winning the Miss USA pageant. The whole show is rigged from the start and it is rigged specifically to promote Islam in America by deception.

Bobby's Brain on May 17, 2010 at 2:24 pm

    Bobbys’s Braind” Actually did answer it there Champ, perhaps a simple case of “reading comprehension” would be in order. I also do find in humorous where we respond with measurer words, and your only response is through insults. That is usually indicative of working from a flawed position.

    And finally, if you opinion of my service actually meant anything to me at all, I would be concerned. But as it does not, I am not.

    If you wish to stand up for someone who basically disparages over 7 million Americans (American Muslims) that is your right, but forgive me if I respect the foundations of this nation too much to allow repulsive rhetoric to tarnish it.

    I would suggest you retunr “Bobby’s Brain”, and perhaps rediscover your own.

    Gordon on May 17, 2010 at 2:34 pm

    Hahaha, you called it “Hezbollah winning the Miss USA pageant.” Hezbollah WINNING the PAGEANT!

    You, my friend, are a laughable joke. This website is ridiculous and it’s people like you and this Debbie character that destroy our chances of having a harmonious society. And please don’t go on one of your “don’t talk to me about destroying harmonious society because terrorists already do that” rants because I already see that coming.

    Please, I beg you, for all our sakes, keep your mouth shut and rethink your perspective. Because I’m willing to bet that most half-intelligent readers can see pretty quickly that as far as brains go, Bobby don’t got one.

    You did make me laugh, though, so I suppose you’re good for something after all.

    Jeff on May 17, 2010 at 4:23 pm

Aren’t we in Iraq and Afghanistan helping Muslims fight terror?

If it were up to Deborah Schlusser we would be killing everyone including Muslims that are our allies.

David on May 17, 2010 at 2:43 pm

    Very well said, and yes we do. Not only do we have literally hundreds of thousands of Muslim troops on “our side”, but many “American Muslims” also serving.
    I find it shameful that those who disparage their service are the ones who casts insults from the safety of their homes.

    Gordon on May 17, 2010 at 2:49 pm

Aren’t we in Iraq and Afghanistan helping Muslims fight terror?

If it were up to Deborah Schlusser we would be killing everyone including Muslims that are our allies.

Yeah, let’s got to war with the worlds 1.5 billion Muslims, that should be good for the US economy and our defense contractors.

David on May 17, 2010 at 2:46 pm

GBo, and Bobby’s Brain, your comments are very interesting, but I would prefer to read them in the original German.

Gordon on May 17, 2010 at 2:54 pm

David said,

“Aren’t we in Iraq and Afghanistan helping Muslims fight terror?

If it were up to Deborah Schlusser we would be killing everyone including Muslims that are our allies.

Yeah, let’s got to war with the worlds 1.5 billion Muslims, that should be good for the US economy and our defense contractors.”

Wake up and smell the coffee. We are there to insure a Hamas like democracy which will explode back in our faces as soon as we get out.

I’ve got a bit of news for you, we ARE at war with the Muslims just that the idiots in office don’t get it.

Facts Life on May 17, 2010 at 3:02 pm

    Facts of Life: We are at “WAR” with Muslim extremists, not all of Islam. Millions of moderate Muslims are on our side genius. And unlike you, they are taking the fight to the extremists on the field of combat, not hiding like keyboard commandos. If there is a clue to be found, may I suggest you begin looking.

    Gordon on May 17, 2010 at 3:19 pm

Ms. Debbie Schlussel
I have proof of your ties to Naziism (via the Judenrat) and early American Slavers. Shall I publish it here? You have a bloodline of betrayal. I wish infertility upon you.


Dirk on May 17, 2010 at 3:13 pm

In England our allies and our troops fought a decade long battle with the IRA (a terrorist organization). 100% of the membership of the IRA was Roman Catholic. Does that mean we were at war with Catholicism…..NO!!!!!!!! We were at war with the terrorists, who just seemed to all follow one regligious sect, but we “DID NOT” condemn the entire faith. Have some perspective here folks.

Gordon on May 17, 2010 at 3:16 pm

So does it even matter that Jews in the 1930’s WEREN’T blowing up other people all over the world?

Your comparing apples and oranges, sir.

Matt on May 17, 2010 at 3:19 pm

    Matt, and 99.9% of Muslims aren’t blowing up things all over the world. In fact, one hell of a lot more of them are fighting alongside our guys. Oh yeah………kind of forgot that didn’t you.

    Nazi comparrison remains.

    Gordon on May 17, 2010 at 3:21 pm

Man, you are insane. I think you’re just jealous because she is much better looking than you.

Bobbiibi on May 17, 2010 at 3:22 pm

Wow! I don’t even know where to begin with this one. First of all let me say that I’m not going to be returning to whatever hateful little site this is, so save your venom for the next guy. I’m just passing through here and leaving a comment. Here goes:
Yes, the article is crap. Yes, it was written by someone with no understanding. Yes, she is very pretty.
No, I am not a Muslim. I am an American and a Christian. I happen to know a bit about the Muslim faith, that they are misunderstood and vilified by many ignorant people. Are you not aware that religions have these things called SECTS? Last I checked, the Christian religion had more than I can count, and they do not all get along or stand in agreement. I doubt there are many things one could point at and say “ALL of Christendom stands in agreement on this issue.”
Likewise for Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, etcetera… So how are you justified in making ANY sort of generalizations at all. None of your generalizations are going to apply. They sound good though. To morons.
You are probably one of those teabagger types. Correct? Well, it was just a guess. You probably don’t feel ‘represented’ by your government. Correct? Guess what? Very few people feel ‘represented’ by their government.
We are all only people. Muslims are people. If ‘their’ government does something ‘your’ government doesn’t like, it is not a matter for you to take up and attempt to solve by spewing hate indiscriminately towards a whole group of people. You should keep in mind that they, as people, may also feel misrepresented by their government. You want to change your government– they may also want to change theirs.
I do not know of a single Muslim, out the the thousands which I do personally know, that wants to take over America and enact Sharia law. Islam is a religion of peace. Is all of Christianity to be judged according to the actions of Catholicism’s ‘pedophile priests’? “But I’m not even a Catholic!” you might say. Or a Methodist/Lutheran/Episcopal/Seventh-day Adventist/ Jehovah’s Witness etc… I hope you get my point here.
These false ( read: fictional) SECTS of Islam, do not represent Islam. They may claim many followers, but they are not representative of Islam. They exist in the world of your mainstream media. They are scapegoats. Islamic people don’t worship Mohammed. They worship GOD. Their word for GOD is Allah because … They speak a different language! Go read about the tower of Babel before you claim that they worship a DIFFERENT god.

Shemsuddin on May 17, 2010 at 3:22 pm

Wow, the Hezbollah are crafty, using a CATHOLIC schooled young woman to do thier bidding.

Brilliant I say! F*cking brilliant!

…and now back to your regularly scheduled NASCAR race

Earl on May 17, 2010 at 3:24 pm

Wow… Bigotry, hatred and misinformation abound.

JM: The question is, what cloud are you living on? Did you even get your GED? I am surprised at your “knowledge” of Islam. Looks like you take the extreme Jihadists, who even Muslims denounce, as representative of all Muslims.

By the way, did you know that Muslims worship the same God as Christians and Jews? Allah = Yahweh = God. The only difference between these religions is that Christians believe Jesus is God reincarnated, whereas the Muslims and Jews believe that God has yet to come. They all share the same Old Testament. Muslims do not worship Mohammed. Mohammed is simply a prophet, much like how Christians, Muslims and Jews also treat Abraham as a prophet.

Also, you mentioned a 6 year old who Mohammed married, and thus called him a pedophile. If you know anything about religious history, Aisha may have been 6 when Mohammed married her, but that marriage was not consummated years later. And by your definition, many figures in the Christian Bible can also be labeled pedophiles.

And you incorrectly called reward of virgins as hookers. Just look at the Christian Bible. People have offered their virgin daughters for peace, payment, whatever. Do you call these important figures in the Bible as pimps?

With your narrow point of view, you can also claim that Moses, the important prophet who brought the Ten Commandments, was an attempted murderer, right? And not to mention the many incests (and in one case, rape) done by several important people in Genesis, which gave birth to humanity (if you believe in the Bible).

So, JM, get a clue… Don’t be a hater!

JH on May 17, 2010 at 3:27 pm

How do you people get so stupid? Is there a class you take, or just repeated blows to the head?

CommiePinko on May 17, 2010 at 3:28 pm

miss Khara ( shyt) get over yourself, not everything arab do is about hezoballah, you need to come out with a new thought by noow, its been the same shyt coming out of your ignorant stupid month, obvusily noone cares about what you say or think,

Malak on May 17, 2010 at 3:33 pm

C’mon Deb!
Like killin ain’t the ‘Muricahn way??
Pop another Xani-bar, you alibaster cuntress.
She’s from Michigan! The killin kapital of ‘Muricah.
You, dear, are a Jealous Zealot, a Mongoloid Mary of Murderous thought; oh, and on Very Thin Ice. Your ideal America, with evangelical/trickle down economic Kool-Aid mustache, will NEVER come to fruition. De-Reaganize America, indeed.

American Taliban on May 17, 2010 at 3:37 pm

This whole discussion makes me that much happier to be an atheist. Have at it, kids! (Just leave the nuclear codes with sane people when you go…)

Mike or Sean. That's what everybody calls me, anyway. on May 17, 2010 at 3:39 pm

Stripper photos of Fakih discovered!

I especially like the one with dollar bills stuffed in her top!

Hmmm, I wonder what would have happened if Miss California did something like this?

David on May 17, 2010 at 3:40 pm

This article is hilarious. I really can’t believe that anyone can take this sorry excuse for an article seriously. It’s amazing the type of garbage and ignorance you find in America these days, this is an example of one of them. Rima Fakih is a beautiful woman and deserved to win. I’m actually glad that she won, because while a beautiful Arab-American woman winning Miss USA must really get under the skin of all of you confederate flag waving, cross burning, inbred POS’s; It shows me that America is still the freedom loving, free thinking, open minded society we real Americans all know it is and that ignorant hateful people such as the author are actually the minority.

Eric Rivera on May 17, 2010 at 3:45 pm


You are not in our military. You are a Muslim troll fraud, lying to protect your brethren. Why else would you be so obsessed with defending a religion you claim not to belong to.

The Shadow on May 17, 2010 at 3:53 pm



nur a din al musafir on May 17, 2010 at 3:54 pm


You are a lying Muslim troll fraud. You are not in our military. Why are you so obsessed with defending a religion you claim not to belong to?

The Shadow on May 17, 2010 at 3:55 pm

Wow. I can’t believe I just wasted 10 minutes of my life trying to take this blog seriously. I haven’t found anything on this entire website worth reading or even remotely grounded. By the way, nice photoshop work on some of your photos trying to connect Miss USA with known terrorists. I suggest you go back to graphic design class.

You are a ridiculous author, and this is a ridiculous blog.

Jeff on May 17, 2010 at 4:01 pm

Putting aside insults and toilet language, the facts are disturbing:

Considering Ms. Fakih’s background (even disregarding her family’s and her pageant sponsor’s connections to Islamist terrorist groups), it’s lame that Trump didn’t ask her the obvious question of interest for the first potential Arab-American Miss USA: “As a young Arab-American woman, do you believe the US could do more to prevent Islamist terrorism against US citizens, and if so, what specifically would you suggest?”

Hopefully, she would state her true opinion. Otherwise brazenly lying to an audience in front of the spotlights would break the facade of beauty.

If Ms. Fakih does share the normal mainstream Middle East opinion that Americans should either convert to Islam or be decapitated as filthy infidels and their children raped (Standard Operating Procedure in the Middle East for about 1600 years), at least the US would then be aware of the views of Donald Trump’s new Miss USA.

Geronimo on May 17, 2010 at 4:02 pm

I wonder if she’ll have to give up her crown in light of the stripper photos of her. Or will she be given a free pass?

Alan on May 17, 2010 at 4:04 pm

I thought America was all about peace, equality and TOLERANCE!! It’s sad to see some people remain close minded.. Where did you get your facts anyway? you did not prove anything to me

N.B on May 17, 2010 at 4:04 pm

Did you smoke a whole lotta crack before writing this article? Seriously? I mean, I heard rhetoric like this growing up in a conservative Jewish community, but you took the crazy to an entirely different level here. Muslims mostly support terrorist groups? Except for the like 93% that don’t, as evidenced by the Gallup poll. Forgot about that part. A beauty queen suddenly isn’t American enough because she’s Muslim? I would think you’d love her for trying to fit into mainstream society. But of course that’d mean you’d have to like something about teh evvil mooslims and that doesn’t work out. Too bad that racist little (and I mean teeny tiny) brain of yours can’t work out a global society…

Put down the pipe and back away. Seriously.

Noor on May 17, 2010 at 4:14 pm

While most Americans gloss over the results of beauty pagents with a yawn…conservatives seem to be keeping a sharp eye on them for political, racial and cultural correctness.

Tranlation: If anyone but a white Christian wins…check it out . Something sneaky is going on here. Some “an odd form of affirmative action”.

What I find odd is that some conservative thinkers are spending real time keeping track of beauty pageants to make sure they are “politically and racially correct”

Have you got nothing better do do with your time.

You are beginning to sound like the Germans in Nazi Germany who tried to perpetuate an Aryan race by belittling people whose race, skin color and background were not Nordic.

norris hall on May 17, 2010 at 4:19 pm


Shut up. I hope no one ever pays attention to you.

Have a nice day.

Trusty on May 17, 2010 at 4:22 pm

Wow.. your racism and bigotry is showing. But I know you are extremely proud of it. Extremists of any kind are dangerous, and you fit the category.

Lynda on May 17, 2010 at 4:34 pm

Waaaait. Giving a prize to a woman who is openly proud of her looks and wears revealing swimsuits in front of national television is encouraging to radical Islam?!!!! You know, the ones who claim that a woman must cover herself top to bottom and be subservient to men and stay hidden in her father’s house until she marries and then hide in her husband’s? The ones who claim women not doing this are such an offense to God that they cause natural disasters?

Methinks the author did not think this through.

Luis R on May 17, 2010 at 4:50 pm

Look people, this is America. There is obviously something wrong if a brown-skinned muslim beats a wholesome blonde Christian. Obama is not an American either. Can’t you people see that he is also a brown-skinned muslim!

We need to take our country back!

(This post is satire, but it’s hard to tell these days.)

racist on May 17, 2010 at 4:51 pm

I have to disagree with Debbie concerning her article about the new Miss America. I would like to know what her sources are and what does she have against Arab Americans. The new Miss America is an American just like the rest of us. I have been watching the Miss America pageant for years and I never heard the pageant being rigged as she claims in her article. I would like to tell Debbie that I am a big fan of Donald Trump. I would also tell her that I am a Italian-Irish American and proud of my heritage. Debbie needs to gets off of her high horse and come back down to reality.

laura on May 17, 2010 at 5:06 pm

What a joke. You are the real conceited one. This is such a laughable post. So anytime someone who is not White wins Miss USA, suddenly it’s affirmative-action? Well, I support affirmative-action for EQUAL OPPURTUNITY. Suck that up your ass. You’re just jealous of the beauty and grace Rima has but you don’t.

Laura on May 17, 2010 at 5:10 pm

Assuming that your hysteria is correct, doesn’t her participation in this event run counter to many of the stereotypes? Kind of makes it hard to force everybody into boxes based on their skin color and religion, as you seem prone to do.

Paul on May 17, 2010 at 5:10 pm

This is hilarious, comments more entertaining than the column. Deb, I was relieved to hear you “had a feeling” the Miss USA pageat was “rigged” — that’s good enough for me.

zzbottom on May 17, 2010 at 5:14 pm

Schlussel, why do Muslims upset you so much? Are you struggling with inner desires for Arab men?

Abdul America on May 17, 2010 at 5:16 pm

wow, haven’t heard the name “debbie schlussel” in several years, haha. just followed a link that said you were freaking over some beauty pagaent winner was muslim? awesome. can’t make this stuff up. you haven’t changed a bit. keep treading water and meeting my low expectations, miss career-lady.

i’ll say hi again if you ever to manage to get another link from anywhere besides freerepublic or whatever these mouthbreathing regulars in your comments read. seriously, thanks for the lulz, take care.

o0o on May 17, 2010 at 5:17 pm

First of all, this woman can’t help who she’s related to. We tend to not get a choice as to what family we’re born in, and as for why she didn’t openly denounce them, maybe she would understandably prefer to not draw attention to that.

But that is almost insignificant next to the ridiculous claim that her winning the pageant is in some way a victory for Islam, especially for Islamic extremists.

This woman will probably be a target for some time to come. There are innumerable Islamic radicals who would dearly love to chop her head off, after as many of them as could get their hands on her brutally gang-raped her. If they decided not to cut her head off, it would probably be only because they preferred that she live a long life of having to see her ruined body anytime she looked in the mirror, after they carved up her legs and breasts and gave her face a good acid make-over.

Sure, I would have preferred Miss Oklahoma had won myself, but that’s beside the point. Had this Muslim woman not won, she would still deserve some kind of prize for bravery for daring to even be a part of this, knowing the all too common attitudes of many Muslims, many of whom might well indeed live in her hometown and who might know her family, and for that matter might even target them as well.

The only criticism I would level at her is that she might be somewhat foolhardy. But if she is a terrorist sympathizer, she’s sure wearing one hell of a disguise.

PatrickKelley on May 17, 2010 at 5:19 pm

If you don’t have relatives that have died killing some Jews and relatives who’ve murdered hundreds of Americans…
You’re not the Pope!

Benny tha Rat on May 17, 2010 at 5:20 pm

Jews weren’t blowing up buildings, firing rockets into neighboring countries , detonating themselves in school cafeterias and buses, beheading journalist over cartoons, etc.

You islamo-apologists who are comparing the muslim problem to Nazi Germany’s treatment of Jews are idiots. Keeping muslims at bay and exposing them for what they truly are is vital to the survival of our country.

DS_ROCKS! on May 17, 2010 at 5:20 pm

    hey DS Rocks,

    your website you work for or publish has child pornography.
    you are digusting.

    Christine on May 17, 2010 at 8:19 pm

Hey Debbie, don’t forget to wear your tin-foil hat tonight when you sleep tonight so that aliens can’t read your thoughts.

JasonB on May 17, 2010 at 5:22 pm

Gordon: “There are over 7 million loyal patriotic Muslims, many probably more patriotic than you.”

7 million loyal patriotic Muslims?!! ROTFLMAO! Please, Gordon, tell me, what kind of weeds you’re getting high with? Park that high horse of yours, too.

The fact you never answer JM’s question about your military service and being in Iraq and Afghanistan, which you claimed being there, is indeed telling. I suspect you’re a supporter of the fraudulent IVAW and faking yourself to be a GWoT vet. I hate frauds and liars who goes around claiming to be military vets.

You, Gordon, are a sanctimonious DHIMMI. Where are the Christian churches, Jewish synagogues, Buddhist and Hindu temples in Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, the Sudan, etc? Muslims do not care for the foundations of the USA, they only care that the Koran replaces the US Constitution and make sharia law permanent in America. They’re biding their time, but with too many stupid dhimmis, like you, helping them to integrate into the USA over the time, they’re not going along with the foundations of America and would toss them out in a heartbeat.

And by the way, do you know how American soldiers got Muslims fighting alongside them in Iraq and Afghanistan?

ONE WORD: Money. Here’s the scenario:

American Soldier: Khalid, would you like to help us out by fighting against the insurgents in your town?

Khalid: Why should I? I’m a Muslim and Muslims should not fight Muslims.

American Soldier: Okay. How about $20 a day?

Khalid: *beaming with a smile* Where do I sign up, my friend?!

To Jeff: Muslims are not interesting in living in a harmonious society with others who are not Muslim under Western liberal rules. Muslims are interesting in an all-Islamic society in which non-Muslims must obey only Islamic rules 100%. Nothing in Saudi Arabia or Iran or UAE or Indonesia is that harmonious. Therefore, Jeff, your brain is shutting down due to dhimmitude infection. I’ll just keep going like an Energizer bunny, running over dhimmis.

Bobby's Brain on May 17, 2010 at 5:22 pm

Going around calling everyone terrorist-supporters? I really hope they find a good lawyer and sue Debbie for Libel for posting this ridiculous, hateful non-sense on the web.

JasonB on May 17, 2010 at 5:24 pm

One thing nobody seems to have commented on is that, for a young Muslim woman with those connections, she’s taking a huge risk. Even in the photo at the top, she’s showing enough bare skin to trigger off retribution, let alone what she shows if she’s ‘hot’ in a swimsuit. Actually, she’s obviously very much secularized and is a great role model for Muslim women in the West. Instead of attacking her, Debbie should praise her for her courage in showing her credentials as a westernized woman of Muslim background. Contrary to many posters, there are more than enough Muslims in the States and Europe who refuse to integrate with our societies and even plot to undermine or destroy it. That makes Miss USA all the more precious.

Denis MacEoin on May 17, 2010 at 5:31 pm

Oh, nice. So I can list Debbie Schlussel as another stupid cunt that self-references her own articles as sources for the purposes of hysterical paranoia and propaganda? Sweet.

Crapperton on May 17, 2010 at 6:01 pm

Ms. Oklahoma supported SB-1070? No wonder she lost. Anyone that supports that law doesn’t even understand the concept behind it.

PS –

Jeffrey Mason on May 17, 2010 at 6:03 pm

Please seek phsychiatric help at once!

Just The Facts on May 17, 2010 at 6:05 pm

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