July 24, 2006, - 10:44 am

Absurd, Whining Lawsuit of the Week: Arab Muslim Group Sues Govt. Over Lebanon Evacuation

Warned you about both demanding tax-paid evacuation (which they got–unprecedented–b/c they are Muslims and Arabs) AND about the a/k/a IslamoFascist Lawsuits ‘R’ Us.
Now, both are coming together to soak U.S. taxpayers for more in The Mother of All Whining Lawsuits. They whined, we paid, they got out. Now they want us to pay again. These terror supporters willingly went to a war zone–of their own volition. As my law professor Stewart McCauley always said, “You pays your money, you takes your chances.” But, not them. They’re suing US. Talk about chutzpah.
We’ve written a lot about IslamoFascist lawyer to the terrorists, , also a Plaintiff in the . Now, read this whole ABSURD press release from the Hezbollah-supporting, HAMAS-supporting ADC (American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee):

Nabih Ayad: IslamoFascist Lawyer Sues America for Lebanese Whiners

ADC to Sue Departments of State and Defense for Failure to Protect US Citizens in Lebanon
Washington, DC | Sunday, July 23, 2006 | The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) will file a federal lawsuit tomorrow claiming that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld failed to fulfill their constitutional and professional obligations and protect US citizens in a crisis or time of war.
In the lawsuit, ADC alleges that the defendants placed US citizens in peril by not taking all possible steps to secure the safety and well being of US citizens in Lebanon. Further, the lawsuit asks the Federal Court to issue an order compelling the Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense to request a ceasefire and to stop any shipments of weapons or any other military support to Israel during the evacuation of all US citizens out of Lebanon.
ADC is joined in the lawsuit by several American citizens who have returned from Lebanon after escaping the violence and others who remain in Lebanon. The lawsuit will be filed in Federal District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. ADC and its co-plaintiffs are represented by the law firm of & Associates.
A press conference will be held tomorrow [DS: Today] following the filing of the lawsuit-
When: 2:00 pm (EST) Monday July 24, 2006
Where: United States District Court
Eastern District of Michigan
231 West Lafayette Avenue
Detroit, Michigan 48226
Press conference will be held at the front entrance (Fort Street Entrance)
ADC-Michigan Office: 313-581-1201
ADC Legal Department: 202-244-2990

Nabih H. Ayad & Associates, P.C.
24500 Ford Road, Suite Two
Dearborn Heights, Michigan 48127
734-749-4029 (Cell)
313-792-8200 (Office)

No good deed goes unpunished, etc. All hail the Islamo-Whineratti class.

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7 Responses

“Further, the lawsuit asks the Federal Court to issue an order compelling the Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense to request a ceasefire and to stop any shipments of weapons or any other military support to Israel…”
It sounds to me like the ADC wants to put the State of Israel on trial in Federal Court.

There is NO Santa Claus on July 24, 2006 at 12:12 pm

As if their moaning and groaning last week wasn’t offensive enough they turn around and kick sand in the faces of the very people (us) that brought their @$$#$(wink)home(wink).
They sure have all the nerve, and they then wonder why they are disliked so much in this country, as if they forget about 9-11 and stuff like this.

chicagoray on July 24, 2006 at 12:53 pm

The British told Omar Bakri Mohammed, an extremist Muslim cleric who was deported from the country and who found refuge in Lebanon, to stay lost. They were not amused when he tried to sneak on board a British vessel evacuating British subjects from Beirut.
And now we have the chutzpah of Hezbollah sympathizers in this country suing our government for not taking them off Israel’s hands fast enough. Apparently, no bad deed goes unpunished either. Why couldn’t our government have followed the British example and told them to stay lost?
Then we wouldn’t be facing the sight of the American taxpayer taking one in the solar plexus to finance the Hezbully Love Boat home.

NormanF on July 24, 2006 at 7:26 pm

Anything that causes the ‘SS’tateDept some trouble is always a good thing. Why?
Because the ‘SS’tateDept has had a policy of ‘meeting’ with Islamic terrorist-support groups for a very long time. CAIR and other Islamic terrorist-support groups based in the US have always been welcomed by the Jew-haters inside the ‘SS’tateDept.
William Burns of the ‘SS’tateDept, met with Peace Now several years ago, a radical group devoted to destroying Israel. In one meeting with Peace Now, Burns lashed out at those “Christians” and “others” who were attempting to block the ‘SS’tateDept’s “roadmap” plot to steal Jewish land and give it to Arabs. He stated that “common sense” would override these positions!
Burns was one of the chief engineers of the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Gaza last summer, of which George W. Bush and Condi Rice supported. Don’t ever forget that! Judea and Samaria are next on the ‘SS’tateDept’s list.
We shouldn’t be surprised that the ‘SS’tateDept works so hard to destroy Israel and harm her people. A little background knowledge about the ‘SS’tateDept puts it all in perspective.
‘SS’tate employees who retire and set up orgs, like MEI, have long been paid huge amounts of money from their “good friends,” the Saudis to push the Saudi ‘agenda.’ It was the Saudis who allegedly concocted the “roadmap” idea in the first place.
I won’t go ino the Vatican’s role in all of this or the large number of Jesuit-educated ‘SS’tateDept employees in the NearEast department at ‘SS’tate, such as William Burns, but suffice it to say, there’s much more to the story that most understand.

joemccarthy on July 24, 2006 at 8:15 pm

Don’t worry, the suit has no merit. That would be like the people in Pearl Harbor having there families sue the Navy, for not shooting down the Japanese aircraft.

Craig C on July 25, 2006 at 10:01 am

Did anyone see Bill O’Reilly’s interview with Mary Rose Oakar of ADC? He kicked the hag’s saggy asss!!!!! That witch refused to answer if Hezbollah was a terrorist group or not, O’Reilly asked her many times and she just kept blabbering about how the Lebanese were killed and that sort of shit. OMG I’m laughing so much here!!!!!

anonymous twit on July 25, 2006 at 11:12 pm

They ARE whiners.

Har on September 11, 2010 at 10:23 am

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