July 21, 2006, - 5:17 pm

Go to This American Hero’s Funeral Saturday (in Detroit Area)

Two weeks ago, American hero, , a brave U.S. soldier and Army National Guardsman, passed away–after 8 valiant months fighting to live. (I wrote about him , , and .)
The Michigan-based man was the last of several U.S. military victims of a terrorist IED targeted at the HumVee in which they were riding. Despite horrible burns over 75% of his body, he tried to salute President Bush when he visited his hospital room and established a scholarship to help others–even though he was in dire straits himself.
Tomorrow (Saturday) Morning is his funeral. Many readers in the Detroit area have asked me if it is a public service, and, indeed, it is. In fact, unfortunately, outside. If you live in the Detroit area, I recommend that you attend. The information, from Detroit News reporter Edward Cardenas, is:

Sgt. Duane Dreasky, American Hero, RIP

A public memorial service will be held Saturday at Walled Lake Western High School’s football field for [Duane Dreasky,] a Michigan National Guard soldier who died from injuries suffered in Iraq. . . .
Visitation will be from 3 to 9 p.m. today in the O’Brien/Sullivan Funeral Home, 41555 Grand River, Novi.
A funeral service will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Walled Lake Western High School Football Stadium, 600 Beck Road, Commerce Township.
Burial will be Tuesday in Arlington National Cemetery.
Memorials can be sent to Duane J. Dreasky Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 23116, Lansing, MI 48909-3116.

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18 Responses

If and when you do protest, do not get in to a shoving match, yelling or screaming. Let them do all the hate spewing. Get together and sing hymns (Christians, Jewish, Muslims, Buddhists etc.) And take cameras. Take video cams and in case something does happen, don’t hit back except to defend yourself. Get it on film and sue the shit out of them. http://www.Godhatesfags.com are anti-semitic and by lowering to their level is fodder for their sick cause to spew hatred toward the Jews. Also, if they use megaphones, try getting large cardboards and block the sound from traveling to the funeral. Stand between them and the funeral. Stick close together and keep your anger to yourself.
Good luck and if there is a God, Sgt. Duane Dreasky, God is waiting for you

KOAJaps on July 22, 2006 at 3:34 am

I posted this on the thread from the 17th, but am also posting it here. Maybe just maybe one of those who were planning on going to demonstrate at the funeral in a negative manner will read this and stop and think…and walk away.
Whether or not one agree’s with the war, or the politics, or the views of the group mentioned above, people need to stop and look at the whole picture not just their little individual causes for a moment and realize this man did what he did because he cared, not just for those closest to him, not just for his buddy down the street or next door. He did what he did because he cared about every single person in the country he was acting to protect and serve. How incredibly selfless, to knowingly and intentionally risk his very life to protect countless people who he’d never even met.
Thank you

PsychoKat on July 22, 2006 at 4:55 am

Whn you go to the funeral tomorrow or when you get back, go o this site and ask yourself: was Sgt. Duane Dreasky’s death in vain?
After reading the link above, I may have to say yes

KOAJaps on July 22, 2006 at 7:08 am

G-d bless this brave man. May his life be not in vain. May his family have the strength and courage to carry on until they meet again.
I believe a few states have had to pass legislation to keep these “Godhatesfags” cult members from disrupting funeral services. They did appear at a funeral service where I live awhile back. Hopefully the police will keep these idiots away.
With regard to the sale of military equipment to the Saudis, plenty to say on that later. Mistakes just keep piling up!

Eric on July 22, 2006 at 10:45 am

I went to the Celebration of Life for Sgt. Dreasky and it was a wonderful memorial to the man who gave his life for his country. Oh sure, the small group of protestors were on the street outside the field but the large number of Patriots who showed up with their American Flags made them almost invisible to the family and those attending the service. Thanks must also go out to the OC Sheriff,Wixom and Walled Lake police for their presence to keep the peace. Although I left early I did not see or hear of any disruption or confrontation by the protestors.

NoviRonB on July 22, 2006 at 2:48 pm

God bless him and his family. We are very lucky to have men like him on our side.

Speedmaster on July 22, 2006 at 6:41 pm

Sgt Dreasky did not die because of the sinful behavior of American homosexuals, as Fred Phelps & Co are preaching. Each man will give an accounting for HIS OWN SINS not the sins of others.
Phelps is a legalistic hypocrite. Scriptures tell us to be “good stewards” of the earth but most of drive polluting cars, contribute to the trash epidemic, and use dwindling resources, so we’re all guilty of violating the good steward dictate. I guess when Phelps passes on, we could say that God took him because wasn’t a good steward, but of course that’s not accurate, but it’s the kind of logic that he uses to twist the Scriptures.
Sgt Dreasky and 2500+ other US soldiers have died because they signed on the dotted line to wear the soldiers uniform in Uncle Sam’s military which has become hijacked by globalist pigs who create conflicts with phantom ‘enemies’ in an effort to implement the coming nwo–and of course, to enrich themselves and their friends.
We are told, ’19 Arabs from SaudiaArabia hijacked our planes and flew them into buildings,’ so we must attack…Saudi Arabia, right??? No. Iraq, Bu$ch tells the nation! Why? WMD’s of course. But even IF Saddam had them, why attack him for 9/11–there were no Iraqis on those planes?
Bu$ch never answered or explained that one, because despots do NOT submit to rational questions from informed Americans because that might tend to embarass them or stink up their dirty little agendas.
But if you want to live, you’d better question bad authority!
I never did ‘buy’ into Bu$ch’s, weird Iraq war-‘logic’ but millions of Americans did and so did Sgt Dreasky who, sadly, went along with the program, and now he is dead. (His family shouldn’t be ticked at the Phelps loonies but rather at the loonies who sent Dreasky to his death.)
You’ll live longer if you question the reckless authority handed to despots who do NOT have your best interests in mind. It is NOT ‘unAmerican’ to disobey immoral men or immoral institutions (even if they cloak themselves in the flag and fake patriotism) when they pursue evil agendas of slaughtering your fellow humans for nefarious agendas.
A wise man would worry more about answering to the Lord for his behavior than answering to the Bu$ch regime for refusing to slaughter Iraqis. Remember, ‘Thou shalt not kill?’
There is a federal law, I believe, that nicely prohibits me from encouraging soldiers to disobey orders or to go AWOL. But as I said, if it were me in uniform, I would be more concerned about what the Lord thought of my participation in a killing field than what the federales would do to me for refusing to murder innocents.
When you sign that binding contract these days to serve in a globalist-agenda military, operated by sociopathic squirts like CFR-member Weasley Clark, you’re very screwed, and you give up all of your Constitutional rights and fall under the draconian UCMJ.
After Clinton used the US military to murder 2500+ Serbs, and to implant Islamic terrorists in the Balkans, I knew then that the globalists had taken control of the military.

joemccarthy on July 23, 2006 at 12:19 am

You’ll live longer if you question the reckless authority handed to despots who do NOT have your best interests in mind. It is NOT ‘unAmerican’ to disobey immoral men or immoral institutions (even if they cloak themselves in the flag and fake patriotism) when they pursue evil agendas of slaughtering your fellow humans for nefarious agendas.
Posted by: joemccarthy at July 23, 2006 12:19 AM
Are you a mind reader? I just finished posting something on another forum in response to a comment someone made about questioning our government as being disloyal to the US. Then I refreshed this page and found what you posted.
My finishing quote from that forum had some serious similarities to what you said here
“If questioning the actions of our government, criticizing those actions if I feel they are not in keeping with the best interests of the people of our country, and critically examining all information available and openly consider any and all possibilities when questions are raised regarding the validity of information our government has given us, or motives behind their actions, is considered liberal or a democrat, then I’ll proudly wear that label if you like. Not doing so would be unpatriotic and potentially destructive to our way of life. Allowing our government to go unquestioned, not holding them accountable to the people and the constitution would in effect be handing the rule of our country over to despotism.”

PsychoKat on July 23, 2006 at 3:01 am

And now the Bsh administration is selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, which eventually will end up in the hands of terrorists. Sgt. Duane Dreasky, American Hero, RIP. Rest well hero.

KOAJaps on July 23, 2006 at 3:55 am

Hey JoeMcCarthy, go to http://www.prisonplanet.com

KOAJaps on July 23, 2006 at 3:56 am

That’s interesting. The correct translation though is ‘Thou shalt not murder’. Iraq war unnecessary? Perhaps. Consider though:
Did Sadam agree to pay $25K to each Palestinian family that produced a suicide bomber in Israel? Did Sadam gas Kurdish men, women, and babies to death leaving their bodies to rot in the sun? Did Sadam show a clear propensity to use his forces to invade “US-friendly” countries, then mutilate and torture the civilians once there? Do Sadam’s religious and political beliefs dictate that Israel should be destroyed. That every Jewish man, woman, and child should be slaughtered without mercy? Did Sadam launch Scud missiles on Israel during the Gulf War despite Israel’s staying out of the war? Since Sadam had already used WMDs (on the Kurds) would he be likely to use even more powerful WMDs if he could get them? Did he show any indication that he wanted them? Would he have loved a N. Korean situation in the region? Was Sadam’s control so thorough in Iraq that the only practical way to remove him from power was a US invasion? Does said invasion establish a strategic foot-hold in the Middle-East for future military purposes? In the final analysis, will most Islamic nations in the Middle-East have to be dealt with militarily?
Some have said that war in the Middle-East is inevitable and that Iraq just happened to be a soft target for a ring-side seat in the coming blood bath. Some have said it’s all about oil. Still, others have said it’s part of some unseen globalist agenda.
I leave conspiracy theories to the theorists. One thing I do know though; three of the world’s major religions have spiritual investments in one tiny little spot on earth. When nonnegotiable beliefs are involved, things get dangerous very quickly.
On Bu$ch, I’m really beginning to wonder if he has taken up the crack habit. Every indication is that he is, in fact, a “globalist” of sorts. Actually, I think he is a man with very little in common with the average citizen. Whoever is advising him is thoroughly out of touch with the plain folk. The people Bush pretends to be one of. But he is just so generous with our money and our country that it makes it hard not to love him! Right? Don’t you just love shouldering the burdens he creates for everyone but himself when he is in one of those generous moods?

Eric on July 23, 2006 at 9:47 am

There will never be peace in the Middle-East. Only periods of suspended violence. Sorry to break that bit of harsh news to the Bush team.

Eric on July 23, 2006 at 10:38 am

By the way, there is nothing mystical or conspiratorial in that. It’s just common sense. Who was it that said “The argument is exhausted. We stand to our guns!”?

Eric on July 23, 2006 at 11:22 am

PsychoKat, your comments were well said. Keep on speaking out on more and more forums–that’s what democracy is supposed to be about. Wake up and shake up the masses. How did the cats on that forum react to your take? Did they resort to the usual name-calling because that’s all they are programmed to do?
If it seems like I was reading your mind, perhaps it’s just that more and more Americans are finally awakening to the ruses, jives and cons that these useless, scheming politicians and their puppetmasters have been foisting upon us for so long.
More and more of us are turning off the liars on CNNMSNBCCBSABCNBCFOXNEWS and turning to forums to communicate, because the mediashillsters do NOT speak the truth. That’s why their ratings are dropping.
“Did Sadam agree to pay $25K to each Palestinian family that produced a suicide bomber in Israel?”
Yes he did.
“Did Sadam gas Kurdish men, women, and babies to death leaving their bodies to rot in the sun?”
Yes he did, with gas he purchased from King Bu$ch I.
“Did Sadam show a clear propensity to use his forces to invade “US-friendly” countries, then mutilate and torture the civilians once there?”
I’m glad you mentioned that one.
There is evidence that Saddam was given the ‘green light’ to invade Kuwait by the ‘SS’tateDept, so that KingBu$chI would have a ‘reason’ to then invade Iraq. There is also much evidence to refute the alleged widespread ‘torture’ claims of Kuwaiti citizens by Iraqi troops. In fact, it was revealed that a young Kuwaiti girl who spoke before a House committee about this alleged ‘torture,’ was lying.
Kuwait, let us remember, was part of Iraq before the Brits carved it out in 1917 after they discovered oil there. I was against KingBu$chI’s little war against Saddam when I learned this.
“Do Sadam’s religious and political beliefs dictate that Israel should be destroyed. That every Jewish man, woman, and child should be slaughtered without mercy?”
You’re speaking of the religion of peace, Islam.
“Did Sadam launch Scud missiles on Israel during the Gulf War despite Israel’s staying out of the war? Since Sadam had already used WMDs (on the Kurds) would he be likely to use even more powerful WMDs if he could get them? Did he show any indication that he wanted them? Would he have loved a N. Korean situation in the region? Was Sadam’s control so thorough in Iraq that the only practical way to remove him from power was a US invasion? Does said invasion establish a strategic foot-hold in the Middle-East for future military purposes? In the final analysis, will most Islamic nations in the Middle-East have to be dealt with militarily?”
You’re right about most of that, but just remember that KingBu$chI ‘allied’ with Saddam in the 1980’s and provided him (through Rummy) military weapons to war against the Iranians.
But remember that it was the West that drew up the borders for Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq and even Israel (whom the Brits cheated out of a much larger promised area) which proves that they have much greater control over these Arab nations than most folks understand. They play these Arabs like silly chess pieces and the soma masses slop it all up without question.
My only contention, for which I’m called a ‘conspiracy kook’ by the unenlightened, is that certain globalist powers (CFR, Bilderberg, others) plot much of this destruction and warfare for their own purposes and agendas.
I submit that they are responsible for much of the world’s chaos and war. I still maintain that these ‘powers’ manipulate various groups against one another for their own benefit, and of course, they use the media (which they control) to further the lies to the Prozac nation.
(One of my lovely detractors here who couldn’t handle a new paradigm, urged me to get on the ‘meds,’ which made my point perfectly. If you’re zoned out on Prozac, then nothing will really matter to you and you can maintain your soma-state, until the meds begin to tell you to ‘go into your closet and hang yourself.’ There’s a reason why the pharmo guys advertise psycho-meds heavily during the network news hour! These are very dangerous drugs and if any of you have loved ones ‘on’ them, I urge you to do your OWN research about the high rates of suicides by people on psychotrophics.)

joemccarthy on July 23, 2006 at 8:59 pm

You’re beginning to grow on me Joe. Not quite like a fungus but… Just kidding. Henceforth, I will go over you’re every syllable with microscopic precision. I hope that, together, we can bring forth an enlightenment on world affairs that will stun Debbie’s readers into a drug-like state of awe and dumbfoundedness. All of the major network news outlets will be begging Debbie for her insider sources. Because of us (mainly you) she will become known as the goddess of news, movie reviews, and world events. Heads of State will demand her presence and bow low before her stunning beauty. Kings and Queens will marvel at her cranial capacity. Brain scans will be desired of her enormous brain in the hopes of revealing her secrets. All the while, with you safely stored away in her luggage, we will get the satisfaction of knowing that it is really we who provide her with the much-sought-after knowledge she exhibits. And such etc. and the like and so on.

Eric on July 23, 2006 at 10:26 pm

Eric, surely thou jests? That fungus you spoke about wasn’t ‘magic’ shrooms was it? If anyone in the mainstream ever adopted anything I have to share, they’d probably pull an Admiral Forrestal ‘suicide’ upon them!
Somehow I suspect that Debbie does not agree with the vast majority of what I have to say. But at least she is gracious enough and unafraid of free speech to allow me to continue to spout and spew on her forum.
Plus, I always rooted for her on the old Bill Maher program on ABC, as Bill did his best to always stack four rude meanies and a hostile audience against her. But she was undaunted and made mincemeat out of her opponents. Their only response, in lieu of good debate, was to all scream at her at once.
Now that was good tv–in fact, it was too good for the masses, so they axed it.

joemccarthy on July 24, 2006 at 12:08 am

Thanks for the compliment Joe. Actually on that forum only one person responded but it wasn’t as bad as name calling. They just asked if I was refering to the same founding fathers who thought women weren’t good enough to vote and believed in slavery. I had a reasonable response for that and it was dropped.
More often than not I tend to be a thread killer because I have a tendency to base what I say on facts that are readily verifiable if anyone is willing to take the time to do the research. This often leaves little room for an intelligent argument unless one is willing to put as much time in educating themselves as I do.
Ironically, my first visit to this site was in response to something Debbie posted that I fiercely disagreed with. I’ve been visiting since and although there are things I don’t agree with, there are some that I do, and it’s a very interesting and outspoken forum er um blog.

PsychoKat on July 24, 2006 at 12:36 am

I know this web site offers quality dependent articles or reviews
and additional stuff, is there any other website which gives such information in quality?

sizegenetics on July 2, 2013 at 6:21 pm

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