July 20, 2006, - 5:59 pm

Me on Michael Savage Today

I will be on the nationally syndicated radio show, “The Michael Savage Show” at 6:35 p.m. Eastern, today, to discuss my columns over travel to the U.S., as well as .

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13 Responses

Congratulations for your activity and courage.
You are doing a great work for our country.

Dan Bostan on July 20, 2006 at 6:57 pm

I heard you today on Michael Savage and you impressed the heck out of me. Keep on doing what you are doing and we will all try to help you fight the good fight.

nangonzo on July 20, 2006 at 8:42 pm

I wish I’d checked earlier. If someone has the audio posted, post the link.
I love listening to Michael Savage. He is a true character.

The_Man on July 20, 2006 at 8:57 pm

I heard you on both Michael Savage then got a bonus when I tuned into the John Carlson show here in Seattle and there you were! A twofer!
Way to go girl. Thanks for having the stones to say what most people won’t.
Please keep up the great work!

Tina on July 20, 2006 at 9:14 pm

Just heard you on Savage show. Your info was astounding and enlightening! Thanks so much. My eyes were half opened by talk radio and now you have got them wide open! I support your efforts and anything you need in the San Diego area let me know, consider it done!

borderguard on July 20, 2006 at 9:50 pm

My favorite internet person, Debbie, on a show with my favorite radio guy, Michael Savage. Talk about a “dream segment”. Bravo!

CornCoLeo on July 20, 2006 at 10:19 pm

I live in Los Angeles, but I was born in Detroit. My heart breaks seeing what is happening in America’s Beirut (Detroit) . I was back for the first time in 10 years and I could not believe the change. Thank You to Michael Savage for bringing you to us. You are one brave American. Very pretty, Too!

thecolonel on July 20, 2006 at 10:40 pm

I heard about you, and you, first time today on Savage’s show. Would be nice if there were more people like you but then again would be nice if workweek would be four hours long. anyway, to pay back that muslim woman who threatened you with “sexual and physical” harm we decided to dedicate “Quran/Koran version 2006 to you! You give us their addresses and we’ll mail them the book which takes their koran apart, verse by verse. It will make a nice revenge and, who knows, it might influence younger muslims rethink their deidcation to beautiful but crazy ideology… With respect, Lazio Eterna.

lazio on July 21, 2006 at 12:17 am

I heard about you, and you, first time today on Savage’s show. Would be nice if there were more people like you but then again would be nice if winters would last two weeks. Anyway, to pay back that muslim woman who threatened you with “sexual and physical” harm we decided to dedicate “Quran/Koran version 2006 to you! I’m sure they will recognise your name hahahaha. You give us their addresses and we’ll mail them the book which takes their koran apart, verse by verse. It will make a nice revenge and, who knows, it might influence younger muslims rethink their dedication to beautiful but crazy ideology… With respect, Lazio Eterna.

lazio on July 21, 2006 at 12:20 am

Michael Savage? Bumers, I should have to you to ask Savage the connection between: The Isaeli and the Illuminati. He read the Patriot Act and said on the air that the Iluminati is real! That Bush is selling out America.

KOAJaps on July 21, 2006 at 3:55 am

Your drive to get to the cold, hard facts of a story that truly impacts us as Americans is a trait that has almost become extinct in today’s media beauty pagents. Your mission must meet roadblock after roadblock due to Political Correctness, but, your bulldog approach seems to cut right to the core of the problem. Our nation’s sovereignty cannot survive without media coverage that reports the true danger to our citizens morally and physically and to let the chips fall where they may. Thanks for your tenacity.

buck on July 21, 2006 at 11:26 am

Michael Savage folks:check out any of Debbie’s blog archives. Her work is really something.

danny on July 21, 2006 at 1:20 pm

Michael really likes you Debbie. Of all the radio appearances you have done recently that I know of, this one made the most impact and with the right people. Can you guess why? Michael has one flaw though as an interviewer — he has a habit of interrupting the speaker. But, I’ll tell you this, Michael has a very important voice and speaks for multiplied millions whose voices are ignored, ridiculed, and labeled. People who are in your camp in a big way. I hope he will have you on again soon. Also, Michael has very few guests on his program. Typically, only the one’s he considers important get air-time on his show. You should take that as a nice compliment.

Eric on July 22, 2006 at 11:27 am

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