July 18, 2006, - 11:37 am

Wal-Mart Hires Apologist for Islamo-Fascism

It’s bad enough that Wal-Mart repeatedly pressures contractors to (and ICE–Immigration & Customs Enforcement–allows the retailer to get away with it). And that Wal-Mart –to be a spokesperson.
Now, Wal-Mart has hired ex-nun Harriet Hentges, formerly a top official of the U.S. Institute for Peace (USIP) to serve in a new psycho-babble executive position. (Before that, she was with the lefty old cat-lady League of Women Voters.) Hentges will be the new Wal-Mart Senior Director of Stakeholder Engagement. The New-Age crowd must be beaming at the title of this new gobbledy-gook job.
At the tax-funded (to the tune of millions) USIP, Hentges was in charge of mediating conflicts in Iraq and the Balkans. Yup, she was so successful. She also organized all kinds of “dialogue” and “conferences for understanding” with Islamofascists and other similar extremists.

Harriet Hentges:

Lefty Apologist for Islamo-Fascism Becomes Wal-Mart Exec

At one of those confabs, the claim that Islam elevates the status of women was a theme. Well, if elevate means going up to the 72-dark-eyed re-virginized, after you’ve been honor-killed or forced to commit honor suicide, maybe they have a point. Ditto for serving as a female homicide bomber. You get to be elevated all the way through the glass ceiling in the explosion. Palestinian and Iraqi terror supporters were her buddies of choice.
Hentges was also in charge of making peace in Bosnia–which under her “leadership” at USIP became infested with Al-Qaeda operatives and extremists. And contrary to U.S. policy, she associated with groups that recognized the existence of that non-existent country: “Palestine.” And Hentges worked with Islamo-apologist Anthony Zinni to bring peace to the Philipppines and end the MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front). Not very successful at that, either.
In her new job, Hentges will help develop Wal-Mart’s policies on the environment, health care, and energy use, and mediate with groups who’ve criticized how Wal-mart treats the environment and workers.
Mediate? Why would a retail chain mediate with it’s enemies. Well, if it hired Hentges, it’s consistent with her absurd thinking at the USIP: let’s understand the enemy and sympathize with them against ourselves, until certain death and destruction. With her on the payroll, watch for Wal-Mart’s “falling prices” to rise.
Fortunately, she’s now only in charge of doing this with Wal-mart’s global toilet paper on aisle 9, instead of U.S. foreign policy.
Want to help illegal alien employers and apologists for terror supporters? Then, Wal-Mart is your store.
If not, shop elsewhere for your Chinese slave-labor produced goods.

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9 Responses

Sounds like the Peter Principle big time to me.
BTW–be VERY wary of anyone who renounces his/her ordination vows. I’ve met a few priests who did, and they seem to verify the old Vietnam vet observation–“If they were screwed up coming out, they were screwed up going in.”
Just for the record, Maria von Trapp was not exactly Miss Happy Go Sunshine as depicted in the “Sound of Music,” either. And, technically, she was not yet ordained when she left.

Red Ryder on July 18, 2006 at 2:25 pm

Forget about not shopping at Wal-Mart, do you want to make cunts like Harriet Hentges: the Lefty Apologist for Islamo-Fascism Becomes Wal-Mart Exec obsolete? Use one of their lefty organizations to kick her and Wal-Mart out…http://www.seiu.org

KOAJaps on July 18, 2006 at 3:03 pm

The Fascism Scale

beepbeepitsme on July 31, 2006 at 2:35 am

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