July 7, 2006, - 4:24 pm

“Conservative” Catholic Law School Aids/Abets Illegal Aliens

When Domino’s Pizza founder and billionaire Tom Monaghan set up Ave Maria School of Law, he claimed it was because all other Catholic law schools were liberal, and he wanted a conservative one.
So, given that, what the heck is conservative about helping illegal aliens? That’s the latest project of Ave Maria School of Law, which makes it . . . just like all the other liberal Catholic law schools. Question for our many conservative Catholic readers who are against illegal immigration: Is there any Catholic belief whatsoever that requires aiding and abetting illegal aliens?
More from “People Making News” in today’s Detroit Free Press:

Bridgette Carr, an assistant clinical professor of law at Ave Maria School of Law, was named director of the law school’s asylum and immigrant rights law clinic.

These Parties Aid & Abet . . .

(Tom Monaghan)

The Illegal Alien Invasion of America

Here’s more from the June 20th Detroit Spews:

The Asylum and Immigrant Rights Law Clinic at Ave Maria School of Law has named Bridgette Carr director. Carr, an assistant clinical professor of law, will now oversee the clinic, established in 2004 to provide pro bono services to immigrants in search of asylum and legal services.

Teaching those little kiddie lawyers-to-be how to help those illegal aliens. Because, G-d knows, there aren’t enough immigration attorneys, right?
The Ave Maria School of Law website is cute, too. It calls illegal aliens and their children not “illegal,” but the typical liberal “undocumented.” We note that Ave Maria provides lawyers to the children of illegal immigrants, so they can fight deportation. Gee, that’s the . Hardly conservative. And definitely NOT good for America.
It’s bad enough that Tom Monaghan and his paid stooge, Joe Cella, keep sticking their fingers into the Bush judicial nomination pie and mucking it up with outrageously horrid nominations like that of porn-addict, terror-sympathizer a/k/a Abu Porno. Now, he’s helping illegal aliens with profits from pizza you bought, enabling him to sell the company for gazillions.
Thanks, Tom Monaghan, for helping the invasion and ultimate destruction of our country.
Oh, and by the way, even though he long ago sold Domino’s, Monaghan still has an office at the company and maintains many strong ties and connections with it. He even owns much of the property utilized by and surrounding Domino’s Ann Arbor, Michigan headquarters. Don’t buy Domino’s. We can’t afford to finance more illegal aliens working the system.
Avoid the Noid. His name is Tom Monaghan. And his pizza is Domino’s (a/k/a the cardboard-flavored pizza).

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36 Responses

Sure, it’s bad enought that Tom Monoghan is proliferating the illegal alien agenda, but all you need to tell me is to not buy Domino’s Pizza because IT SUCKS!! Is there a worse pizza on this planet than Domino’s?!

Yiddish Steel on July 7, 2006 at 5:03 pm

Debbie, what is Monoghan’s contact info? I want to give him a piece of my mind

Craig C on July 7, 2006 at 5:59 pm

You shall not wrong a stranger or oppress him, for you were strangers in the land…(Exodus 22:21)
You shall not oppress a stranger, since you yourselves know the feelings of a stranger, for you also were strangers in the land…(Exodus 23:9)

The Canadien on July 7, 2006 at 8:18 pm

Three points:
1. I stopped buying Domin’s Pizza over 15 yrs ago because it did suck (crust was always like rubber) and I doubt its any different now.
2. After the scandals of the last few years the Catholics need to get more asses in the pews and this is one way of doing it.
3. Since Mexico is predominantly Catholic I would think that they would have prosperity there at least at the level of our country’s. If a country being Catholic were a good thing I would assume that God would bless that country beyond anyone’s imagination, but Mexico seems to have alot of poverty and corruption instead. Maybe the Catholics would like to have us pick up after their failures down there and try to quote us the Bible verses about “helping the aliens” as justification. I don’t mean to start a holy war but it begs the question: Why isn’t God blessing Mexico as much as other countries?

CornCoLeo on July 7, 2006 at 8:32 pm

There is not anything in the Catechism which supports, in any fashion, theft and extortion. Even the Bedoins of the Negev will allow one to drink their fill at a water source. However, stealing the well is likely to be met with serious harm or worse. Perhaps the “law” school is looking for funds to pay the webhosting services back for Catholic Charities multi-million dollar web campaign for Pro-Illegal Alien pandering. Refilling the congregation is sorely needed. Perhaps, if the Hispandering wasn’t supported by Homilists and greedy Catholic Senates, and good ol’ “quit yer sinnin’ or you’ll get struck by lightnin’!” homilies would begin the reconstitution of the flock. Ya know, rumor has it that South American Catholics were TOTALLY ticked off when a “person of color” wasn’t voted in as the Pope.
Render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasars. Render unto ‘God’ that which is His.
Charity is donated and given from the heart, not spiritually extorted.
Cafe Catholics, and the U.S. Council of Bishops, forget the one about bearing false witness…and the thou shall not steal right?
…I haven’t given to the plate for over 9 months now.
P.S. Mexico sucks because of bad men, not bad religion. Kind of like comparing Southern Baptists to First Baptists right?

SickBoy on July 7, 2006 at 9:25 pm

If you look at the website and Google the thing, it seems like they might be doing good stuff. It says that the program helps out people who had to come to the US to flee religious persecution, and women who have been smuggled in in the sex trade. There isn’t anything about people like the day laborers I guess the people are undocumented because they had to come to the US becuase they were being persecuted or because they were forced here against their will. Its not really conservative, I guess, but it seems okay.
The pizza still sucks, though.

Minga on July 8, 2006 at 9:43 am

No one I know is oppressing or wronging illegal aliens, the issue is about money if you look close enough. Fraud by Religious Organizations is ubiquitous, I expect it from the general public but why should we suffer it from the Church? It shows lack of faith. The Bible also says, “Render unto Cesear that which is Cesear’s”.

code7 on July 8, 2006 at 12:09 pm

And the Bush admin turns a blind eye.

KOAJaps on July 8, 2006 at 3:04 pm

July 07, 2006
“Conservative” Catholic Law School Aids/Abets Illegal Aliens
By Debbie Schlussel
When Domino’s Pizza founder and billionaire Tom Monaghan set up Ave Maria School of Law, he claimed it was because all other Catholic law schools were liberal, and he wanted a conservative one.”
“So, given that, what the heck is conservative about helping illegal aliens? That’s the latest project of Ave Maria School of Law, which makes it . . . just like all the other liberal Catholic law schools. Question for our many conservative Catholic readers who are against illegal immigration: Is there any Catholic belief whatsoever that requires aiding and abetting illegal aliens?
Gee, that’s the same thing uber-lefty, pro-Palestinian Angelina Jolie supports. Hardly conservative. And definitely NOT good for America.”
This people, is what I’ve been talking about and Deb too. This same Tom Monahan created Catholic Town http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Monaghan for Catholics who are for the Catholic values, is aligned with Angelina Jolie? Has Tom gone liberal? Commie? Pinko?
Has Angelina gone conservative? Fascist? Racist?
But their ultimate goal is control. Controlling the masses using religious dogma to attract others. The Catholic Town is doing well and attract more members, and the church gets stronger. Tom and Angelina are polar opposites but their ultimate goal is controlling the masses:
Angelina: the U.N.
Tom: Religion
I’m a conspiracy theory nutcase but I this is how I see thing

KOAJaps on July 8, 2006 at 3:22 pm

Thanks for the story DS; Domino’s is kaput!
To illustrate just how ‘slow’ most Americans are re: this illegal alien threat, I recently asked a relative his thoughts about our illegal problem.
He stated that the new Mexican restaurant in town offered tasty food and the workers were ‘really nice.’ Unbelievable! I asked him how he felt about coughing up another 25-35 percent of his paycheck in taxes to pay for the welfare services of his ‘nice’ friends and all of their relatives, to which he had no reply, just more blank stares.
The Vatican, through individual Catholic churches, organized those massive marches a few months ago where hordes of sometimes violent, and often racist Mexicans, crowded into US streets demanding ‘their rights.’ Since Mexico is ruled by European elites (mostly Germans), it makes me wonder if the EU was also involved.
Bush-the-Globalist-Idiot wet his diapers when he realized that Americans didn’t want 30-60 million illegals in their nation, and so he and his fellow globalist scumbags (like Rep Mike Pence of Indiana) are trying desperately to sneak through an Amnesty bill so that he and his globalist pervert-friends can finish off this nation.
This dereliction of duty to defend our nation’s borders should have been the final straw for the Refublican Party in November, but mark my words, they’ll ‘Diebold’ the election in November so it doesn’t matter who you vote for. They’ll rig the machines (there’s a reason why they want electronic Diebolds in every US county), and those Bush-butt-sucking-jackal-Benedict-Arnolds will remain in office to finish off our nation as the last faked ‘vote’ is counted.
I’m afraid folks that we’re witnessing the decline and fall of the USA, hastened on largely by uninformed and unconcerned Americans like my own relative who is totally clueless. You try to warn them but they just look at you with blank stares.

joemccarthy on July 8, 2006 at 10:27 pm

“Thanks for the story DS; Domino’s is kaput!
To illustrate just how ‘slow’ most Americans are re: this illegal alien threat, I recently asked a relative his thoughts about our illegal problem.
He stated that the new Mexican restaurant in town offered tasty food and the workers were ‘really nice.’ Unbelievable! I asked him how he felt about coughing up another 25-35 percent of his paycheck in taxes to pay for the welfare services of his ‘nice’ friends and all of their relatives, to which he had no reply, just more blank stares.
The Vatican, through individual Catholic churches, organized those massive marches a few months ago where hordes of sometimes violent, and often racist Mexicans, crowded into US streets demanding ‘their rights.’ Since Mexico is ruled by European elites (mostly Germans), it makes me wonder if the EU was also involved.
Bush-the-Globalist-Idiot wet his diapers when he realized that Americans didn’t want 30-60 million illegals in their nation, and so he and his fellow globalist scumbags (like Rep Mike Pence of Indiana) are trying desperately to sneak through an Amnesty bill so that he and his globalist pervert-friends can finish off this nation.
This dereliction of duty to defend our nation’s borders should have been the final straw for the Refublican Party in November, but mark my words, they’ll ‘Diebold’ the election in November so it doesn’t matter who you vote for. They’ll rig the machines (there’s a reason why they want electronic Diebolds in every US county), and those Bush-butt-sucking-jackal-Benedict-Arnolds will remain in office to finish off our nation as the last faked ‘vote’ is counted.
I’m afraid folks that we’re witnessing the decline and fall of the USA, hastened on largely by uninformed and unconcerned Americans like my own relative who is totally clueless. You try to warn them but they just look at you with blank stares.
Posted by: joemccarthy [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 8, 2006 10:27 PM”
And most Americans neither know and if they do, care. Hey joemccarthy, click this link:

KOAJaps on July 9, 2006 at 2:28 am

…perhaps this is a better website to access information, grounded in fact, to read about Illegal Immigration.
Oh, and the “winner” of the Mexican election was a Harvard graduate too. Conservative? N’est pas! Technocratic Oligarchy.

SickBoy on July 9, 2006 at 7:08 am

There’s no mystery here Monaghan is a globalists and an Open Borders advocate. He and the President are allowing the devestation of our country by an influx of Millions of Illegal Aliens and they are still coming in droves. The border patrol is a joke, they are so overwhelmed by the numbers of illegals swarming the border they can’t keep up with it.
Today Clinton praised the President Bush for meeting with La Raza. He sent Karl Rove to meet with La Raza, they are one of the biggest anti-American groups in the country, they want voting rights for Illegals, Hospitol care for illegals, they want welfare for Illegals, They opposed the Patriot Act, because it would slow down their agenda of flooding this country with Illegals. They don’t care one whit about Security of this country it is just for them, the American people are expected to give, and give until we don’t have anymore to give.
I am tired of the double dealing of politicians who want it both ways. And am also tired of paying for Illegals health care, welfare, food and on and on.

mark on July 9, 2006 at 8:34 am

Earlier posting is correct. There is NO Catholic theology that asks one to give away his country.
What we have here, unfortunately, is the nexus of puerile sentimental theology and globalist agendas.
Complicating the analysis is that many who consider themselves “devout” Catholics are really nothing more than flower children, who are cadging convenient bible quotes while ignoring the big picture.
This used to be called “Liberation Theology.”
Finally, just because most of its citizens are nominally Catholic does not make Mexico a Catholic country in any functional sense.
(Anymore than the US is “Christian” country in any funcitonal sense.)

Red Ryder on July 9, 2006 at 11:33 am

Catholicism is a cult. I know there are good Catholics who very much love God. However, Catholic teachings are just paganism wrapped in Christian themes. That’s why you see mother worship, prayer to the “saints”, idolatry, 9 rather than 10 Commandments in the catechism, etc. So, it makes sense that this school would embrace illegals. The Roman Catholic Church has made a practice of accepting unbiblical teachings and simply coopting them into the Catholic Church.

Blayne on July 9, 2006 at 12:39 pm

I figured it would just be a matter of time until some moron posts a foolish anti-Catholic sentiment.
If Catholicism is a “cult” you best take it up with Jesus, who founded the Church. And, of course, it was the Church that canonized Scripture. All the Prots ever did was to remove books, although they keep having a problem with James.
Oh, and then you can explain what went on before the Reformation.
You’re certainly free to be a Protestant, but don’t embarass yourself by trying to justify it with logic or reason.

Red Ryder on July 9, 2006 at 12:51 pm

Where did Jesus say, “Pray to my mom, or Paul, or the Pope”? Besides, I’m not protesting anything. I’m simply following the Inspired Scriptures. James is a great book. So is Revelation, where God rebukes those churches who allow pagan practices into the church. I’m sorry you’re not open to that fact, but it is true. I love Catholics and want nothing more that to see them accept the true Gospel. Jesus died for our sins and He nows serves as our Risen Saviour and High Priest. The only priest we need.

Blayne on July 9, 2006 at 1:16 pm

When did the Catholics reduce the commandments to 9. I was brought up a catholic and we always had 10, so I don’t know where you are getting your information but it is flat out wrong.
Easy to criticise when you don’t understand what you are talking about.

mark on July 9, 2006 at 1:27 pm

Thanks mark-read your catechism closely. You’ll see the church has divied God’s Comendment of not coveting into 2 Commandments and removed the one about worshiping idols. For obvious reasons that one has been ignored.

Blayne on July 9, 2006 at 1:40 pm

Hey Debbie-my problem isn’t with Catholics-it’s with what they’re being taught. Thank you, though, for responding to my post. I’m a huge fan.

Blayne on July 9, 2006 at 1:54 pm

Well BlayneÖYour problems with Catholicism, to be effectively addressed, would take loads of apologetics, lots of grace and maybe even some fasting to achieve the desired result.
FORTUNATELY I donít feel there is a need to go to any great length to assist you in your obvious state of confusion.
Youíre more interested in bashing Catholicism INSTEAD OF thinking the Faith through and praying for understanding.
Not conversionÖjust understanding.
The Catholic Faith is very logical, and ENTIRELY BIBLICAL.
Do you know HOW MANY learned Protestant biblical scholars have become Catholic in the last two decades alone. SCHOLARS BlayneÖnot Jimmy with his Bible, or Rudy the pastor passing around a basket of snakes~
An ATTEMPT at honestly UNDERSTANDING CATHOLICISM will only happen when you can put aside PROTESTANT POSTURING of the 16th century and join TODAYíS scholars and try to UNDERSTAND WHY Catholics believe as they do.
But hey, some are lazyÖ

The Canadien on July 9, 2006 at 2:55 pm

Hey Canadien-good to hear from you. I’m really not bashing anyone. Believe it or not, I have studied the Catholic faith, but, I’m not a scholar. Nor am I impressed with what scholars believe. Many “scholars” believe in evolution and global warming. God has chosen the foolish to confound the wise. I’m grateful He had enough grace to choose this fool.

Blayne on July 9, 2006 at 3:19 pm

I agree with Blayne 100%.
She’s not attacking individuals, she’s trying to alert you folks to the satanic element within Roman Catholicism (Vatican) which attempts to dilute and pervert the Scriptures, and which pushes people away from Jesus Christ.
(Did you know that Vatican II says that Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, witch doctors, animists, etc will go to heaven even though they bow to false pagan gods, but that Protestants are damned to hell? Do your homework people before you stand up for evil people and wicked dogmas!)
Of all people, Debbie, you should be a truth seeker no matter where it leads. It was the Vatican which engineered the Crusades where synagogues filled with Jews were burned to the ground and it was the Vatican that instituted the wicked Inquisition that forced Jews to convert toRoman Catholcism. It was the Vatican and the various Popes who waged murder and persecution against the Jews for centuries.
Why would you defend the capstone of Roman Catholicism (the Vatican) when it is engaged in a secretive war against Israel and the Jews today through such entities as the ‘SS’tateDept?
Ask yoursef this: If the KKK announced on Monday that they were removing from their ‘charter’ that they no longer hated Jews, would anyone in their right mind ever trust them, knowing their history?
Likewise, why would anyone–armed with the historical evidence about the Vatican and their ancient and current history of plotting against the Jews–ever trust them?
Wake up people! They haven’t changed their goals! They’ve only changed their tactics! They are still aiding the enemies of the Jews
and they are still working to bring about the Final Holocaust!
Individual Catholics are fine and good people–but most are deceived mainly because they–like MOST Protestants–have not studied the Scriptures (prophecy especially) with great devotion, and thus, they do not understand what the Lord has to say about ‘deceivers’ and ‘false prophets’ WITHIN the church!
The widespread sexual perversion among priests should have awakened the average Catholic and alerted them that something was very diseased within their chosen dogma, but long family religious traditions and cultural allegiances often fog the minds’ of folks who don’t want to see the truth.
It’s been said, ‘some people can’t handle the truth,’ but Jesus said, ‘You’ll know the truth and the truth will set you free.’
I attended a Lutheran kindergarten school, a Catholic high school and was raised a S. Baptist. But when I found out that about half of all S.Baptist preachers are Masons, I dropped that affiliation like a hot rock.
To me, the truth is FAR more important than some silly religious tradition!

joemccarthy on July 10, 2006 at 1:01 am

So, ok, the “real” issue to the above nutjobs is that the Catholics are worse than the Mujahadeen? I am a young lad, so are/were these Catholiphobes worried that Jack Kennedy was going to be controlled by Rome too? Let’s see, Catholics are “Pagans” because they venerate, and wish to emulate, those deemed by the church as Saints? Let me see, the next thing will be that Cromwell corrupted the religion way back in merry ol’ England right? So let’s see, Vatican II was a conspiracy to ease the mass of the world into Paganism through Jedi Mind Tricks? Personally, Pope Pius X is a bit more my speed, but I’ll refrain from evangelizing…oops, am I not a “true” believer?
Prithy wise one, please enlighten us with your wisdom, what’s the difference between a “Southern Baptist” and a “First Baptist”? Remember, you said the “truth” right? Perhaps, if you look inward, and towards your reconcilliation with fear you would be forgiven. Maybe the greatest risk to Western Civilization isn’t the Catholics, it just might be ignorance and Islam no?
Just because the MSM focuses upon the reprehensible Catholic Priest pedophillic obsessions does NOT mean the same sickening actions are NOT taking place throughout ALL religions. It simply means they are illuminating Catholics solely. You know, the Old Testament speaks of men taking on “maid servants” in addition to marriage right? Will Polygamists take over the world too?
I’ll admit messed up things have taken place throughout the millenia by ALL “religious” people. Money is the root of all evil. Here’s one for your “truth” seeking mind, Jews assisted in the negotiations between Muslims invading the Iberian, and the Catholic provinces during the first global Jihad. Catholic Nuns assisted the Jews in their flight from Nazi Germany. Oh, and here’s a wee bit of insight, I am a Catholic. I never “blamed” the Jews for crucifying Jesus. I blame man. Follow the “Big 10” and most of your issues, hell most of the world’s issues, will take care of themselves.
Were the Catholics going to ruin baseball when the Knights of Columbus owned the Giants?
Were the Catholics “ruining” the southern states when the aforementioned Knights defended southern Catholic plantations from the KKK because these plantations offered compassion to African slaves fleeing “Crackers”? (Ever see Gone with the wind”? Irish Catholics.
Personally, I really don’t think Catholics are “taking over”. If we look factually and TRUTHFULLY at the premise, would it be FAIR to assume WASP have that market cornered in the “West”? Truely and honest? Or are the Catholics working in concert with those “evil” Zionists? (Dr. Evil…paging Dr. Evil…*diabolical laughter*)

SickBoy on July 10, 2006 at 7:33 am

†One more thing, sorry, John is just ONE chapter. If you can say, in one breath, the ENTIRE name of ‘God’, as written over 5,000 years ago, you can call
me “Huckleberry Hound” ok? Hint: His name begins like this in English, “In the beginning…” Hell, YOU would be da man …for infinity. Go Joe Go!
The issue is cultists of Liberal White Guilt are corrupting and “hijacking” another religion through spiritual extortion period. There is not any opression
of “strangers in a strange land”, rather “natives” totally ticked off at the theft and extortion dare I say oppression of native rights and adherence to
U.S. laws and codes. Dare I say, “descrimenation”? Natives are pissed off because they’re held to account, but not others…Hmm. Anarchy? Seperate
but equal? Special treatment? Race baiting?? Psst, the European Catholics are NOT pulling this garbage…look at what a utopia Europe has become with
all the multi-cultural diversity eh… …and oops, look at that, predominant WASP …damn those Pagans sheesh.

SickBoy on July 10, 2006 at 7:54 am

Religion in general is OK, love your neighbor. But people like Tom Monaghan turns religion into a cult and steals from the working class by way of offerings and donation. Catholics are good people, I hang out and party with them bt it’s their ladership that’s corrupt. I’m sure the Black Pope is waiting for his turn

KOAJaps on July 10, 2006 at 1:36 pm

Do you know HOW MANY learned Protestant biblical scholars have become Catholic in the last two decades alone. SCHOLARS BlayneÖnot Jimmy with his Bible, or Rudy the pastor passing around a basket of snakes
And do you know how many Catholic priests have deconverted and how many catholic scholars have become Protestant? More than the opposite. The Catholic religion has the highest percentage of members moving out of their denomination than any religion in the world.
In fact it would be impossible for Catholics to do better in this regard. Such is the nature of the debate.
It is certainly not logical and certainly not more so than the majority of mainline Protestant denominations. The reformation happened for many good reasons, reasons just as valid today as then.
If Catholicism is a “cult” you best take it up with Jesus, who founded the Church. And, of course, it was the Church that canonized Scripture. All the Prots ever did was to remove books, although they keep having a problem with James.
Please. He founded the church, although many would say Paul had more to do with it. He didn’t put a brand on any one sect. And the verse Catholics use to justify this position has literally about 100 ways to take it.
Oh, and then you can explain what went on before the Reformation.
The Catholic church functioned as a government in some parts of the world. Corruption and killing where the name of the game. This after they absorbed the many Christian sects operating in antiquity. Now you should ask yourself why was the reformation necessary?
You’re certainly free to be a Protestant, but don’t embarass yourself by trying to justify it with logic or reason.
Logic and reason dictate to one being Protestant. Irrationality and the fallacy of ‘arguing from tradition’ are all that one has to argue for Catholism. Presuming oneself first doesn’t make one right.
But I digress. It is perfectly acceptable for conservative Catholics to embrace immigration for the simple reason that many of these people are the church. The Catholic religion is dead or dying among those of European descent. The church demographically belongs to members from South America and Africa. The hierarchy ha seen the writing on the wall and it’s not in the European nations.

Chance on July 10, 2006 at 6:16 pm

SickBoy (interesting choice of names), you haven’t done your homework re: the Vatican and its sordid history, and you certainly are uninformed about biblical prophecy and what it has to say about the false church’s role in end times events.
What is more important to you: Loving Jesus with all of your heart, mind and soul or allegiance to a particular dogma?
You are one of those that I spoke of–a true koolaid drinker whose blinders are firmly in-place, probably due to your own family’s long legacy as Roman Catholics. For many, long family religious traditions are impossible to break away from due to pride and love of family.
I understand all of that, but until you love Christ more than your own family, your eyes will never be opened to see the truth. Jesus said, “He that loves his (family) more than me is not worthy of me.” I would also suggest that he that loves his denomination more than Christ, is not worthy of Christ.
For many, it hurts them (or angers them) to even briefly consider that Grandpa & Grandma, and Mom and Dad, and all of their uncles and aunts, etc were all duped by a false doctrine. But people are often creatures of habit and tradition, and as I said, if one doesn’t love Christ more than their own family, then it is very easy to witness generation after generation following along the same path.
But I suppose that if everyone truly sought out biblical truth and strove to love Christ with all of their mind, heart and soul, then there would be no one left to fulfill the prophecies that pertain to the end times.
Once again, this is not an attack upon individuals but rather upon ‘doctrine of demons.’

joemccarthy on July 10, 2006 at 8:46 pm

By the way, SickBoy, the answer to ‘who killed Jesus’ is in the book of John.
Since you probably won’t be reading the Bible tonight, I’ll give you the answer.
Jesus said, “No man takes my life. I lay it down of my own free will.”
..To pay the price for your sins and mine, of course. The Sadduces, the snarling mobs and Pilate were all merely bit players, simply fulfilling prophecy.
Those who blame the Jews are all liars and illustrate their ignorance of Jesus’ own words. In fact, the first followers of Jesus were Jews. Many thousands of Jews believed in Jesus in His time and the Gospel was sent FIRST to the Jews. Jesus even taught frequently in the synagogues and observed all of the feasts.
As my friend Randy Weiss says, ‘He was such a nice Jewish boy.’

joemccarthy on July 10, 2006 at 9:00 pm

“SickBoy (interesting choice of names), you haven’t done your homework re: the Vatican and its sordid history, and you certainly are uninformed about biblical
prophecy and what it has to say about the false church’s role in end times events.
What is more important to you: Loving Jesus with all of your heart, mind and soul or allegiance to a particular dogma?
You are one of those that I spoke of–a true koolaid drinker whose blinders are firmly in-place, probably due to your own family’s long legacy as Roman
Catholics. For many, long family religious traditions are impossible to break away from due to pride and love of family.”
…and now, personal attacks. Hmm. What’s next? “Damnnnaaation for eternity! Aaaamen…” *clearing throat* By your answer(s) is it safe to assume the Catholics were controlling JFK, plotting to take over baseball, did NOT defend the slaves, did not offer sanctuary to victims of true evil, etc etc? Psst, Joe, it is ok if 3:16 is on your breast pocket. Really.
There is not enough gigabytes to begin apolegetics, so I’ll be breif: YOU choose whom YOU choose to be. Dogmatic or otherwise.
Save the cermons ok? Ernest Angely has the market cornered. …oh, and the “Sick Boy” thing, well, you might not like it…but…at least it’s original “Joe McCarthy”…what’s next, the Pope is a Bilderberger?
*Alleluia says the congregation*
Stay on topic Joe. Your addictive personality will consume you. What do I believe?
Nicene Creed circa 325 AD.
P.S. Keep up with the “Steve Quayle” subscription ok. You seem to be the “Honor Grad”.

SickBoy on July 10, 2006 at 10:16 pm

Your “belief” in a “creed” is a sign that you place more value upon manmade concoctions and dogmas rather than upon the Living Christ and His word. Your “creed” cannot save you when you stand before Christ as you take your last breath. Believe in Christ alone and be saved.
As for ‘personal attacks,’ my earlier guess that you come from a long line of Roman Catholics hardly qualifies as such. Calling you a ‘koolaid drinker’ was a metaphor meaning that you blindly accepted a religious dogma without conducting any meaningful soul-searching for the truth on your own.
That is a worldwide societal norm not an ‘attack;’ most children follow in the dogma of their parents.
Your confusing jumbling of topics, individuals and assumptions seems to represent an unclear thought process, so it’s difficult to respond.
I’ve never mentioned one word re: JFK, but to illustrate your false assumption, I do not believe he was murdered because he was a “Catholic.” He was assassinated because he refused to commit US troops to Vietnam. He told Cronkite just months before his murder that, ‘I will not send US troops to fight a war that the south Vietnamese might fight for themselves.’
There is a Jesuit (read Vatican) ‘component’ to the Vietnam war, but I’ll save that pearl from being trampled by swine, for the moment.

joemccarthy on July 11, 2006 at 9:57 pm

You little sweety…

Eric on July 12, 2006 at 12:10 am

Joe, Joe, Joe. I understand the Kool-Aid component. Circa Jim Jones in the ’70’s. Thanks for your concern about others salvation. Uh, no one mentioned the JFK assasination. JFK was feared by WASP because he was Catholic, re: Fear of Vatican influence. Are Gnostics “Satanists” too? I mean they accept Jesus as a messiah, AND consider the serpent as a good thing because of the knowledge extended. The Creed is a synopsis of beleifs. Not an idol being “worshipped.” Are the Eastern Orthodox also Satanic? Just curious. What about the Jews…are they plotting too? I mean aren’t they involved in the World Bank and the such? Psst, shhh, I’ve heard from sources that when Frank Sinatra visited the Pope during WWII, he signed a deal with Lucifer himself for a 10 album deal, and a side spot for Nancy and her boots. The frickin’ gall of that Unholy Trinity sheesh. Or, do you still listen to “Johnny Rebel”? Still waiting for the explaination of the differences of a Southern Baptist and the First Baptist. Why is there so much angst between them anyways?
You know, “Coast to Coast AM” would love to have you as a guest…
Again, thanks for your concern about the rest of us. Jesus and I get along just fine. The issue is the collusion between AILA and a supposed “conservative” law school. Not any implied collusion between Lucifer and Catholics.
…as I said, your addictive personality will consume you. As for the pseudonym you have chosen, I figure you’re in your mid-late 40’s perhaps 50. Weathered. Smoker, and / or had a substance abuse issue in your recent past. That’s cool. The Higher Power thing and all. Bill would be proud of you. However, the OCD can be treated with a little Ambien and Zoloft.
Here’s a final thought for you: Ever wonder why the Mayans, Christians, Krishnas, and Buddha’s mothers were ALL named “Mary”? What exactly happened to the “bright morning star” 3,500 years ago? Just philosophically speaking of course.

SickBoy on July 12, 2006 at 7:23 am

Wow, this is interesting. TM slammed for being a pro-Illegal immigrant type. Seen him been accused of everything under the sun in Ann Arbor/Ypsi area, ring up a new angle.
The Catholic-bashing part of it isn’t new – I will concede a different angle from what I am used to.

Boli-Nica on July 14, 2006 at 8:28 am

Hey Pope joemccarthy and Pope ChanceÖthatís right I call you popes because in Protestantism EVERY FOLLOWER is his own pope! Thatís why you have such chaos and infighting amongst Protestants because everyone believes a different thing and sooner or later the logical descent is to AGNOSTICISM.
You popes might learn something from the conversion stories of Jewish converts who have came over to Catholicism.
What are the similarities between Judaism and Catholicism?
What did THEY see in the SACRED LITURGY of the Roman Catholic Church that could not be found in the free-for-all, and often silly, worship services of the myriad denominations within Protestantism?
READ, ìHow Christ Said The First Massî and see why YOU donít like the Catholic ChurchÖor JudaismÖwait..I mean why you DONíT UNDERSTAND the Catholic Church, its Judaic springboard, itsí Christ inaugurated liturgy (why did Protestants replace the worship formula of Jesus? Who can supplant Jesus??) Öand why you fail to see your own worship services as grossly incomplete and ACTUALLY OFFENSIVE to the Lord Our God~
Oh well, I tried~~
MANÖI am SO FULL of myselfÖand way too nice to you schismatics~

The Canadien on July 14, 2006 at 7:10 pm

Yes I know not healthy at all but I could’nt eat no matter how hard I tried. ,

vbmzcxn on June 3, 2011 at 7:30 pm

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