July 7, 2006, - 11:12 am

Schadenfreude: “The Nose” Can’t Sell Tix

Crocodile tears running down our faces today, as we hear the news that HRH Barbra Streisand, Queen of Nostrils just can’t sell tickets to her latest “farewell tour” (as opposed to her “farewell tour” of six years ago).
Yes, it appears that the former girlfriend of the late and sometime alleged bed partner of Prez Slick Willie (to the point of Hillary when Hill was away) cannot convince even loyal subjects of the Nostril Kingdom to pay ticket prices ranging from $102.50 to $800.
According to the New York Post’s Page Six, fewer than 3,000 tickets have been sold to the Mighty Nostril Queen’s two October appearances at the Detroit-area Palace of Auburn Hills. Given this, it’s hilarious that The Nose has a six-ticket limit. Especially since her concert promoters are now considering putting her in smaller venues that will be easier to fill.
Oh, and then, there’s the controversy over The Nose’s backtracking on her promise to donate proceeds of the tour to charity. Reports the Post:

Another issue is that Streisand has said she plans to “donate millions of dollars in proceeds to environmental, education and women’s health organizations through her own Streisand Foundation.” But she won’t say exactly how much – which means ticket buyers can’t write off part of the whopping ticket costs as tax deductions.
Babs also faces the wrath of fans who saw her on her last tour, which ended in September 2000 with two Madison Square Garden sellouts that grossed $14.4 million. . . .
Some fans who bought tickets to Streisand’s 2000 tour are threatening to sue, claiming they believed those were her last live performances. And some are apparently hesitating to buy tickets for the new tour because they suspect it won’t be her last either.

So sad, too bad.

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3 Responses

Who is winning the battle between Streisand and Cher for the longest running “farewell” tour? I’d say Cher, since she’s been on her “farewell” tour” uninterrupted for over 10 years.

Jeff_W on July 7, 2006 at 12:48 pm

Why any one would believe that 6 years ago she was truthful about a “farewll” tour is beynd me. The womans ego is as large as the continent of Australia.
I note that during Israel’s darkest times (since 2000) the allegedly “proud Jew” Babs Streisand never performed there.

Ripper on July 7, 2006 at 10:27 pm

Barbara who?

KOAJaps on July 8, 2006 at 3:23 pm

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