July 6, 2006, - 11:17 am

The New 40?: Bush & Rocky (Stallone) Turn 60 Today

President Bush and Sylvester Stallone both turn 60 today. Happy Birthday to both.
Yes, even Rocky/Rambo is now an old geezer. But he still looks good for his age. Here’s a pic from December of last year, when “Rocky Balboa (Rocky 6)” was shooting. In some cases, maybe 60 really is the new 40. As we reported, the original .
As for Bush, strange but true: even the Clinton Library is celebrating his birthday.

In Good Shape: Rocky’s Real Life Alter Ego Turns 60

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3 Responses

All these celebs look young for their age. After all, what do they do with themselves but get facelifts, bodylifts, tuckuslifts (even John Kerry had botox injections in his massive forehead during the last campaign), lip injections (Angelina Jolies lips, when she opens wide, look like a toilet plunger) etc. What God didn’t give these celebs, someone else did. Just take a gander at 102-year-old Hanoi Jane Fonda.
Sly not only had his face lifted a few times with a crane, but he also had his – yes, it’s true – ribcage enhanced/lifted (among other things enhanced – use your imagination, wink, wink).
Aside from doing the occasional movie, these celebs get to lounge around all day at the spa, and travel the world as they get all their needs tended to.
It’s not a bad life, but the body reconstruction is a pretty wierd price to pay.

Thee_Bruno on July 6, 2006 at 3:14 pm

Maybe Stallone has been taking “girlie feminate” skin moisturizing creams in order to look so young….

Avatar on July 7, 2006 at 5:21 pm

I’m actually not surprised that the Clinton Library celebrated Bush’s birthday. When Hillary actually faces a primary challenge for Senator here in NY because her own party thinks she is “too much like Bush” (LOL) and you see all the “photo ops” of Bill playing golf, etc. with the first Prez Bush and forming committees together (like for Katrina relief), it kind of starts to make sense, even though rather strange and surreal……

hairymon on July 9, 2006 at 10:11 am

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