April 29, 2010, - 2:09 pm

Favorite Job Interview Question of the Day: “Was Your Mother a Hooker?”

By Debbie Schlussel

So, let me get this straight.  Rush Limbaugh isn’t allowed to be a part owner of an NFL team because conservatism is “racism.”  Yet, an NFL general manager can ask a black football player whether or not his mother was a prostitute.  On the other hand, while the mainstream media wants you to believe the question was racist and in incredibly poor taste (but not illegal to ask, by the way), they’re not giving you the full story (including the race merchants and whiners at FOX News).


“Was Your Mom a Hooker?” Probably.

If you’re gonna invest millions of dollars to pay a player on your team who is from America’s killing fields, the question is legit.  Miami Dolphins general manager Jeff Ireland asked the question of then-NFL hopeful Dez Bryant a month or so prior to last week’s NFL draft, when Miami was considering drafting the Oklahoma State wide receiver, who was expected to go in the first round (and was ultimately drafted by Dallas).  Would you want to invest millions in someone with a troubled family background without doing due diligence and asking questions?  We know about the heaps of NFL players from such backgrounds who end up committing crimes themselves and end up off the rosters or suspended from games.

And, as it turns out, Miami Dolphins general manager Jeff Ireland’s question to wide receiver Dez Bryant has some basis.  His mother, Angela Bryant, was, in fact, a drug dealer and addict who was only 15 when she gave birth to him (and the father was more than twice her age–where I live, we call that statutory rape).  She is also a convicted criminal, who spent 18 months in prison, in 1997-98.  Because of this, Bryant was shuttled from relative to relative as a kid.

Given all that, it’s very possible and, actually, likely that she was hooking for drugs, as is not that uncommon for people of that ilk.  I note that these, um, “inconvenient” facts are strangely missing from almost all of the outraged–outraged!–indignant mainstream sports media reports.  When you talk pro athletes in the NFL and NBA, you ain’t exactly talkin’ class folks from the ‘burbs–and that goes for the Whites (babydaddy and babygrandpappy Brett Favre, anyone?) AND the Blacks, especially in the NFL.

So, the question was legitimate.  And in my view, Ireland wasn’t only responsible to ask it, he was required to, even if Bryant seems to have overcome this past.  Still, in the predictable mainstream sports media, he’s the “bad guy” for asking.  And he was forced to apologize.  Nauseating.

This is the NFL of today and basically for the last couple of decades or more:  kids whose mothers were drug dealers and possibly hookers.  Kids from broken families.

And, strangely, these are America’s heroes.  Wow, we aim high.  Don’t we?

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31 Responses

I guess the real question is why, apparently, neither the questions nor the answers were subject to confidentiality agreements.

Jewish Marksman on April 29, 2010 at 2:39 pm


There is no such question as a dumb one, except one that isn’t asked…like about say Obama’s past.

Bob Porrazzo on April 29, 2010 at 2:47 pm

D.S. is absolutely correct, Dez Bryants’ mom was a bad girl in her day and had to pay for her crimes. Dez himself was caught up in some drama by meeting with former NFL cornerback Deon Sanders (never left the field with a dirty uniform) for dinner. He was suspended for the remainder of the 2009 season.
Even with all that I think should’ve broken Ireland’s jaw, if you need to get the dirty information there are more tactful ways of doing so without embarassing or humiliating someone unless thats your desire to see if you can goad the young man into a confrontation thereby ruining his draft prospect and maybe his career. If Dez would’ve popped him one that would’ve been the lead story no team would draft Bryant because of his volitile nature and we know “all black people are violent” and long nose Schlussel would been all over it right.

ARISHEM on April 29, 2010 at 3:42 pm

I feel bad for Bryant. He hasn’t (to my knowledge) done 1/1000th of the bad stuff that say, Pac Man Jones has done and he has taken a ton of abuse for it. The lib-tard sports media is all over this guy’s case while you heard crickets chirping when it came to Santonio Holmes’ escapades (even Pac Man’s escapades were soft pedaled). Bryant had a tough upbringing BUT hasn’t been accused of anything worse than meeting w/ Deon Sanders and forgetting his favorite cleats for a workout I like happy ending so I hope that he isn’t a bad guy, has a great life and makes mega-bucks. On the other hand, maybe we haven’t heard all the bad stuff, maybe he’s a bad guy. They let lots of bad guys play in pro sports.

Either way, interviewers can ask whatever they want especially if you are in line to make millions of dollars. I’m not entirely sure how the Dolphins could justify asking the question – it’s not like Bryant had a chance to hit it out of the park on a yes or no question (it is possible that he doesn’t know if his mom was a ho or not since he was shuttled from relative to relative). If the Dolphins decided that Bryant was a great guy after his answer, why would he want to play well for a team that treated him like that? Either the Dolphins were hoping he would make a scene and they could draft him in the later rounds on the cheap or they just REALLY didn’t like the guy.

Pauly D on April 29, 2010 at 4:13 pm

    It would be relevant as a question in the sense that he could be distracted by family issues that would affect his performance. Remember, he is not applying for some clerical job here, but for a position that will pay more than 99% of Americans will receive as a salary.

    Worry01 on May 2, 2010 at 7:55 am

I agree that there was a more tactful way to ask but also agree that when you’re talking about boat-loads of money, the question needed to be asked. If you look at all the young players who join the ranks of professional sports who then systematically implode due to the pressure of dealing with the fame, money, plus the money-grubbing hangers-on who suck them dry financially and emotionally, then you realize teams are starting to get a little smarter about the caliber of individual they place in those positions. They do NOT want another Chris Henry. It puts a bad face on the sports, the teams and the leadership. They have to protect their product and in the process need to know to what length they will need to provide oversight to these young players who become instant millionaires.

Musiccgirl on April 29, 2010 at 4:15 pm

“So, the question was legitimate. And in my view, Ireland wasn’t only responsible to ask it, he was required to, even if Bryant seems to have overcome this past.”

It looks like all right wing chicks are dingbats.

abc on April 29, 2010 at 4:23 pm

    Was that your considered response after you finished off your Thunderbird, or bong hit? I would venture that most people on the left could come up with something better than your response.

    Worry01 on May 2, 2010 at 7:51 am

I think Ireland asked him a great question. Its funny to hear the nflpa president an obamabot come out and say general managers are no longer allowed to ask questions that may be “offensive.” I don’t know the presidents name but he’s got the nfl pretty much certain that he’s gonna cause a player lock out in 2011. He donated a ton of money to obama and is black. He’s really the last guy you want representing the players, he’s racist and is nasty. In some ways I’m glad roger goodell is gonna have to deal with him after seeing how he treated rush.

tyler on April 29, 2010 at 6:10 pm

I don’t think I’m with you on this one Deb. Yes his mom did horrible things, but why should that part of his life even be brought up to the public?

That’s like asking me a simular question about my parents’ history with drugs and drinking (which is a true story).

He didn’t commit any murders or felonys like other pro sports athletes did, yet you and other people are defending that reporter for asking such a damn question.

Squirrel3D on April 29, 2010 at 11:52 pm

    Maybe the question could’ve been asked in private in a different way.
    Maybe it’s yet another case of blacks being given free passes from answering important questions. It’s happened so many times that a club pays a promising rookie millions only to lose the investment because the scum bag can’t leave his old ways behind. Like maybe if momma has a bad day with one of her many fellas sonny boy does a little revenge tactic and ends up in prison for say, 10-20 years.
    He does come from a horrible background. We’ll probably hear about this kid doing something criminal soon. He’ll say, “Hey, they was ma boyz befo’, they be my boyz foevah.”

    samurai on April 30, 2010 at 10:37 am

In a couple of years Bryant will make a fantastic game winning catch, or score a game winning TD on a truly fantastic run and will then be called a hero, the latest in the pantheon of sport hero’s. It won’t matter if he’s been in trouble with drugs, or firearms, or with other team members or what personal baggage his family life has burdened him with. The TV talking airheads will bubble and gush over their latest hero. True hero’s, like for example Lt. Miroslav Zilberman who died in the N. Arabian Sea holding his E-2C Hawkeye level and steady so that his crew, his team members could bail out, will be ignored. What a country!!

kenny komodo on April 30, 2010 at 12:08 am

Dont care if he´s from a troubled background, thats about as offensive as you can get.

How would you feel if i asked “Is your mother a hooker?”

Zaza on April 30, 2010 at 3:42 am

lmao nice info dude.

limewire on April 30, 2010 at 3:56 am

King David’s great grandmother was a prostitute named Rahab.

mk750 on April 30, 2010 at 4:53 am

A bunch of ESPN personnel were saying that Des had the right to punch out Ireland. These personnel Mike Wilbon (racist and libeler of Rush) and Jim Rome should be fired on the spot. Asking a question is not illegal punching someone out is.

madman on April 30, 2010 at 6:05 am

Why is there Google Search results highlights ridden all above? This was tough to read

Infidel Pride on April 30, 2010 at 7:45 am


Your position is absurd. If you have to ask a question like this, then why interview the player to begin with? Why even consider drafting him? Why not limit the pool of candidates that you consider to guys that you DON’T have to ask this question to? It isn’t hard. Not every team interviewed Bryant, and not every team considered drafting him. The Dolphins could have been one of the teams who DIDN’T.

Also, why on earth are you praising the Dolphins over this? When they decided to trade for Brandon Marshall, a guy who has been 20 times as much trouble as Bryant has and whom they will have to pay a lot more money, to play the same position as Bryant does? Seriously, Bryant has only been accused of being immature and having insecurity issues. He has never been in trouble with the law or caused problems for his coaches. Marshall on the other hand has done both numerous times over several years, which was why Denver traded him to Miami in the first place.

Look, the people who are bashing the Dolphins over this aren’t “race liberals” (they actually include some pretty conservative people) but instead folks know this information already. They know that a lot of teams refused to interview Bryant because they considered him too risky. They also know that the Dolphins traded for a player with a far worse personal history, not stuff that his mother did but he did himself, who plays the same position. You are engaging in the typical tactic of not telling the whole story that puts this into context. It is in impossible to claim that the Dolphins were doing due diligence before making an investment in someone when they just made a huge investment in someone with an even worse history, and when they shouldn’t have interviewed Bryant in the first place if they were so concerned about him.

Finally, a lot of the “conservatives” who are praising the Dolphins for taking a stand against the problem children in the NFL are Donovan McNabb bashers and haters. You know, Donovan McNabb, the guy who has been married for over a decade (and has 4 kids), hasn’t had kids out of wedlock, earned his degree from Syracuse, has never been in trouble off the field or had a hint of scandal associated with him, continues the tradition started by the late Reggie White by leading the team prayer meetings, and is involved in the community? Here’s a class act (even though he isn’t from the suburbs LIKE BEN ROETHLISBERGER but rather is from Chicago) that conservatives still can’t stand. Some conservatives felt that Philadelphia should dump McNabb for problem child knucklehead Jay Cutler (another player that Denver had to dump), who happens to be another guy from the suburbs. Gee, wonder why.

Gerald on April 30, 2010 at 7:46 am

Any American who’ll pay good money to be entertained by sociopaths like Ryan Tucker doesn’t care if a player’s mother was a drug addicted sperm dumpster.

The Terrorist's Advocate on April 30, 2010 at 8:53 am

What was the purpose of the question?

Was his position in jeopardy based on his answer?

PS DS what is your beef with sports?

Pete Bone on April 30, 2010 at 10:09 am

Um, I actually DON’T care if the player’s mother was a drug addled sperm dumpster. Why does that matter? I care what the player is like, and only in the following respects: can he play, and is he a danger to himself or others? If I get the right answers, I don’t give a damn what his mother or grandmother or best friend’s cousin are like. It was a rude question. No one asks you if your father was in the KKK when you apply for a job.

hellcat on April 30, 2010 at 10:45 am

..Humiliating question for him??….WHO was it that went and blabbed it to the media??…so now EVERYONE in the country knows yo’ mama was a ho’ , Dez??….how many more credits til you get that degree in Rocket Science, btw??

Catfur on April 30, 2010 at 11:05 am


Actually, Dez Bryant didn’t go blab it to the news media. He merely responded to a question from the media “what’s the strangest question you were asked during the predraft process”? And Bryant didn’t even identify the team or the personnel director who asked him the question. The reporter asked around and found out on his own, which means that there were people who knew what Miami had asked the fellow, and that it was a topic of conversation in some quarters.

But you are engaging in the typical “blame the victim” tactic. In order to keep the focus off the person who misbehaved (who by the way has already apologized for it publicly and privately, and Bryant accepted his apology), you blame Bryant for talking about it. Well, Bryant wouldn’t have to talk about it if it didn’t happen. Bryant is not responsible for what his mother did, and he is also not responsible for what the Miami Dolphins did. You only want to make it about Bryant because – like Schlussel – you resent Bryant. And again, since Bryant has never broken the law or harmed anyone to your knowledge, including you personally, what is your basis for resenting Bryant?

I wonder if Ireland asked Brandon Marshall about his mother before he traded for him. Somehow, I doubt it. Just like Schlussel and everyone else who is defending Ireland failed to mention the double standard between allegedly trying to investigate Bryant’s mindset and trading for a guy who has already been arrested by the police and suspended by the NFL in Marshall.

Gerald on April 30, 2010 at 11:19 am


If Ireland asked a player if his father was in the KKK, Debbie Schlussel and all the other “conservatives” that are defending Ireland would be accusing him of being a politically correct affirmative action reverse racist who hates white people and western culture.

Gerald on April 30, 2010 at 11:21 am

I agree with most of the responds, DS, your post was more than absurd, it offer nothing about if the question was even necc, which is wasn’t. Other posters have made comments on this, particulary Gerald, so no need for me to comment also. Just DS, you usually so more wisdom and thoughtful process in your postings. This had neither.

buckjohnson on April 30, 2010 at 1:32 pm

Do you remember the Obama is a Muslim stories and the Obama went to a madrassa stories? Your story reminds me of those false narratives.

buckjohnson on April 30, 2010 at 3:54 pm

    Obama’s mother was an atheist, his father was a muslim, which means HE IS a muslim…so what was your point?

    theShadow on May 1, 2010 at 9:21 pm

      Isn’t it possible to renounce your parents’ religion? I’m not being snarky here, I’m actually asking, because I don’t know that much about Muslims. Is it like Judaism where it sort of automatically passes down? And wasn’t he raised by his mother?

      hellcat on May 3, 2010 at 9:56 am

It is sad that more due diligence goes into vetting pro football draft picks than in examining the background of a candidate for President.

As for Dez Bryant, I’m no apologist for pro athletes; however, I agree with Gerald on this one. And I think the kid is doing quite well given his beginnings and should be applauded for overcoming–to put it mildly–unfavorable circumstances.

Just asking as I’m not fully aware of the details of this incident: Why hasn’t more scrutiny come down on Deon Sanders, given that he’s the adult, the former NFL superstar and a commentator for the NFL Network. Why does the kid get labeled as a troublemaker while Sanders is a leading ambassador of the NFL?

4infidels on May 1, 2010 at 8:51 pm

I would hate to insult hookers by comparing them to Dez Bryant’s mother.

Worry01 on May 2, 2010 at 7:48 am

I’m not sure exactly why but this web site is loading incredibly slow for me. Is anyone else having this problem or is it a problem on my end? I’ll check back later and see if the problem still exists.

Laila Aanderud on May 18, 2011 at 8:17 am

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