July 28, 2005, - 11:05 am

Shut Up, PETA: Group Targets Fishermen, Fish Eaters

By Debbie Schlussel
Do fish feel pain on a hook? Who cares. They taste good, and there’s no other way to catch, kill, and eat them fresh. (Fish nets are generally reserved by law for American Indian use.)
But that’s not how the butt-inskys of PETA (the so-called People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) want you to see it. Check out this article from today’s USA Today sports section (no, you can’t even avoid PETA in the sports section).
They want newspapers to stop running fishing columns. But that’s not enough. For the Citgo Bassmaster Classic, the Super Bowl of fishing, this weekend, PETA has posted billboards, featuring a dog with a fish hook in its mouth, and this message: “If you wouldn’t do this to a dog, why do it to a fish? Fishing Hurts.com” It’s part of PETA’s questionably-named “Fish Empathy Project.”

Let Them Eat Fish:

Citgo Bassmaster Pro Champion Marty Stone Shows PETA How it’s Done

But, at least in America, you don’t eat your pet dog. There are things we don’t do to fish, though, that the hypocritical, phony PETA DOES do to dogs: They gas them to death and dump them. No PETA Dog Empathy Project, though. Yes, PETA does things to dogs far worse than hooks in their mouths.
The only PETA worth considering is the one for the rest of us, People Eating Tasty Animals.

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7 Responses

PETA is hilarious! I saw that thing about them killing tons of dogs on the show Penn and Teller’s Bullsh*t (awesome show by the way). They’re such hypocritical a-holes.
Oh and Debbie, you can actually catch fish fresh without using a hook…ever hear of a fishing net? Not that I care if people do use hooks. I know I would if I still fished.

Clompo on July 28, 2005 at 11:40 am

Penn & Teller’s Bullsh*t is one of the best shows on. I can’t wait for Season 3 to come out on DVD (I dropped Showtime several months ago).
Anyone who listens to PETA oughta check out: http://www.petakillsanimals.com/
And, to paraphrase an old quote, my ancestors didn’t fight their way to the top of the food chain just so I could have a salad!

Yngvai on July 28, 2005 at 12:45 pm

You know I love meat and all, but I can understand some people if they don’t want to eat it. The one thing I totally don’t get, though, are vegans. How could you possibly give up milk, cheese, ice cream, and yogurt?
And I also don’t get PETA’s stand against having pets, and letting all animals go free. There’s no such thing as a “wild” cow anymore. They’re domesticated animals. And so are most dogs/cats. Letting them go free would be disasterous for their livelyhood. Those animals are succesful because of humans. They’ve thrived because of us.

Clompo on July 28, 2005 at 1:17 pm

A few comments to the comments:
1) Penn and Teller BS is one of my favorite shows too. Given the disdain I have for almost every “reality” show out there, I love the fact that it has an Emmy nomination for “best realty show”. Go get em Penn and Teller!
2) Debbie DID mention using a fishing net but noted that most laws do prevent using one.
3) And the reason is so that there’s enough fish to catch! What I find most fascinating about PETA is most true “animal lover” groups like animal shelters, etc. actually HATE PETA because they think they are the most extreme a-holes on earth and put animals over people no matter what the situation (I’m almost surprised that in a situation where a child is allergic to a new pet PETA doesn’t advocate putting your kid up for adoption instead of the dog or cat :-))
Fishing is very humane; in most cases if the fish are not to be eaten, they are sent back and they stay alive. And most states have laws on the size of fish you can catch to give them a chance. A lot of people who are against hunting would never question fishing; and most sport fisherfolk do approve of measures that prevent “overfishing”; after all, when the fish are gone there’s no more fishing (an exagerration, but not impossible, maybe something for Penn and Teller to explore, an offshoot of their “endangered species” episode).
Nice piece, Debbie, I was waiting to see when you’d take on PETA, they really need to get a life there (as well as eat a good New York or Texas ribeye)!

hairymon on July 28, 2005 at 3:22 pm

I think she added the net thing at a later time…or I skimmed this too fast.

Clompo on July 28, 2005 at 4:11 pm

There is no shortage of material on the Vegetable Mafia ;but with fish-and Dennis Rodman,its members and issues may be becoming more normative;so we need to watch these muthas.One of their leaders had this to say about mass murderer
Tim McVeigh: “McVeigh’s decision to go vegetarian groups him with some of the world’s greatest visionaries.”(www.peoplekillinganimals.com)

jaywilton on July 29, 2005 at 2:38 pm

Hi there, I contacted PETA regarding the PetaKillsAnimals web site, and I have their response. Needless to say, there is more to this story:
Thank you for contacting PETA about the ?PETA Kills Animals? ad and the accompanying promotions for it.
We believe a lot of good will come from this shabby attempt to undermine PETA?s efforts to help animals. This campaign is the work of the deceitfully-named Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF), a front group for Philip Morris, Outback Steakhouse, KFC, cattle ranchers, and other animal exploiters who kill millions of animals every year, not out of pity, but out of greed. These companies are worried about the strides that PETA is making that are changing their industries and compelling them to take animal welfare concerns seriously, so they hope to scare people away from caring about animals by spending millions on ads like this. To learn more about CCF?which USA Today recently opined should rename itself FatforProfit.com?please see the following Web sites:
* http://www.ConsumerDeception.com
* http://www.CitizensForEthics.org/activities/campaign.php?view=3
* http://www.Prospect.org/web/page.ww?section=root&name=ViewWeb&articleId=8984
* http://www.PETA.org/mc/NewsItem.asp?id=6401
Despite its deceptive intent, we?re grateful for the opportunity that this ad provides to discuss the animal overpopulation crisis. We are on the front lines of the battle to turn back the tide of unwanted dogs and cats, and we need your help.
Our caseworkers tirelessly rescue homeless animals from environmental dangers, as well as cruelty and neglect (http://www.PETA.org/feat/cap/). They crawl through sewers, poke through junkyards, climb trees, and dodge traffic in order to reach animals in danger. During floods and storms, they are out saving lives at all hours.
We do not run a traditional shelter. In fact, we refer every healthy, cute, young animal we can to shelters. And some of the animals we rescue are lost companions whom we are able to joyfully reunite with their families. Of the homeless animals we take in ourselves, the healthy and adoptable ones are fostered, adopted, or taken to local shelters. However, most of the animals we receive are broken beings for whom euthanasia is, without a doubt, the most humane option. To learn more, please see our factsheet at http://www.PETA.org/mc/factsheet_display.asp?ID=39.
To cite a local instance, our caseworkers were able to gain custody of a dog?locked to a 15 pound chain?who was starved until she was severely emaciated. We had to carry her into the emergency clinic because she could barely walk. On the doctor?s advice, we gave her food and water in a comfortable room and monitored her progress overnight but, by the next morning, she couldn?t keep the food down, so we rushed her again to see a veterinarian. He recommended euthanasia due to the severity of her condition, she was in a lot of pain and faced an agonizing, lingering death otherwise. The most humane option for her was a peaceful and dignified release from her suffering. We are pursuing criminal charges against the person responsible for her condition. To learn more, please see http://www.HelpingAnimals.com/f-asiasstory.html.
On another occasion, when a power-line transformer explosion burned a flock of starlings, PETA was the only agency to come to the birds? aid; if our trained technicians had not been ready to end these starlings? misery, the injured birds would have suffered in agony for days before finally succumbing to a painful death. We also provide free euthanasia services for local residents who have very sick, critically injured, or geriatric companions but can?t afford to take them to a veterinarian. One family, lacking money for vet care and transportation, turned to us for help for their cat, who had barely crawled back home after being mauled by a pack of dogs. We were able to help by giving the cat a peaceful end to her intense pain.
The best way to save the lives of homeless animals is to reduce their numbers through spay/neuter programs, such as PETA?s mobile SNIP (Spay and Neuter Immediately, Please) clinic, which brings low-cost and free alterations and other procedures to low-income neighborhoods (http://www.HelpingAnimals.com/i-nobirth-snip.html). Since every animal purchased from a pet store or breeder means that another homeless animal must die, adopting an animal from a shelter or rescue group is the only responsible way to bring a furry friend into your life (http://www.PETA.org/factsheet/files/FactsheetDisplay.asp?ID=29).
To learn more about what PETA is doing for companion animals and how you can help, please see the following Web sites:
* Save homeless animals: http://www.HelpingAnimals.com/i-nobirth.html
* More ways to help dogs and cats: http://www.HelpingAnimals.com
* Become an activist for animals: http://www.AnimalActivist.com
Thanks again for writing and for your compassion for animals. We hope this information is helpful, and we look forward to working with you to save animals? lives!
The PETA Staff

somebigguy on August 4, 2005 at 4:36 pm

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