June 27, 2006, - 8:56 am

Muslim Doctor Indicted for Immigration/Medicare Fraud; Family Tied to Hezbollah

**** UPDATE: Dr. Makki gave $1,000 to Democrat Congressman and pro-Islamist John Dingell. Will Dingell return the ill-gotten gains? Don’t bet on it. ****
On Friday, Dr. Ali S. Makki of Dearborn, Michigan, was indicted for Medicare and immigration fraud, helping illegal aliens–who CANNOT NOT SPEAK ENGLISH–get U.S. citizenship by lying about their mental and other medical conditions.
That Makki was allowed to engage in medical services for aliens is a cautionary tale of the incompetence of federal immigration authorities, particularly U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and its Michigan chieftess Carol Jenifer. His tardy indictment after fleeing to Lebanon is yet another example of ‘s incompetence and lack of concern about terror-related cases.
Sources say Makki, a Shi’ite Muslim of Lebanese descent, is related to the several notorious Makki family members (such as Hassan Moussa Makki, Tarek Makki, and another Ali Makki) who’ve smuggled and sold cigarettes and other goods on the black market to raise and launder money to Hezbollah. In 1999, Makki’s medical license was placed on probation because of mail fraud. Both of these facts should have been a clue to the government, but weren’t.
Despite mail fraud and ties to Hezbollah, Makki is a USCIS approved doctor, whose name is recommended on immigration lawyers’ websites. Gee, we wonder why.
The 39-count indictment says that Makki, 46, billed taxpayer-funded Medicare for seeing patients when he wasn’t in his office, patient appointments that never occured. In fact, some of the billings were for a period of time that he was away on a Carnival Cruise. He also ordered unnecessary tests and sold painkiller prescriptions to non-patients.
Allegedly, between May 2003 and July 2004, Makki charged more than 500 alien patients $150 each in cash–more than $76,000–to complete medical forms for green card applications. A la Congressman Jefferson, agents seized $76,000 from his home in 2004. But most disturbing is that Makki also charged aliens $300-$400 to fraudulently certify on a separate INS form that patients were mentally disabled and, therefore, prevented from taking/passing English and civics tests required for citizenship.
For those seeking citizenship, mental disability is the only way to avoid taking the test in English (and taking it at all–must be taken in English) and obtaining citizenship.
a/k/a “Abu Porno” did his usual shtick, raiding and seizing property from Makki’s home in 2004, without indicting him or preventing him from leaving the country. Thereafter, Makki went o Lebanon on “an extended trip.” He took a stupid chance and returned to Detroit, Friday.
Murphy’s indictment of Makki only alleged fraud by him during a yearlong period in 2003-2004. But how likely is it that someone accused of mail fraud in 1999 was only involved in this fraud for a year? Not very.
Then, there is U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan Magistrate Mona Majzoub. In an affirmative action program, she was picked for the job because she is “the nation’s first Muslim federal magistrate”–the way federal judges in Detroit touted her when they announced her selection.
But her Majzoub’s bias is apparent. Makki already fled the country once. Yet, Majzoub agreed with Makki’s lawyer at a Friday hearing that Makki was not a flight risk and didn’t need to be detained.
A Muslim doctor with ties to Hezbollah who engages in mail fraud is certified to fill out Immigration forms. Then, he’s allowed to flee the country by an incompetent U.S. Attorney–and a biased Muslim federal magistrate says he’s not a flight risk.
And we wonder why we are the laughing stock of the Islamic world.

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8 Responses

Celebrate diversity from the Turd-World!

Thee_Bruno on June 27, 2006 at 10:01 am

“U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy did his usual stick, raiding and seizing property from Makki’s home in 2004, without indicting him or preventing him from leaving the country.”
This is outrageous. Completely insane.

Marcubius on June 27, 2006 at 11:09 am

Debbie this guy is not at all unusual. Muslims in the US support terrorism to the same degree as their brethren all over the world. Islamic businessmen, physicians, lawyers, etc. with the resources do what they can. It’s basically parallel to the level of support for Israel amongst us Jews.

shleppy on June 27, 2006 at 11:28 pm

With Muslim organizations like ADC, insects like Makki proliferate. Makki is the unlucky insect that got caught. But isn’t he in the Moslem heart of America — Dearborn, MI? I-Mad Hamad and ADC will soon come to his rescue. Read this on ADC’s website.
Dear Members of Congress:
On behalf of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), the nationís largest Arab American grassroots civil rights organization, I am contacting you to express opposition to H.R. 4437, Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005. We urge Members of Congress to vote against this anti-immigrant bill next week when it is considered in the House of Representatives.
Further on,
What is currently needed is a realistic and comprehensive approach to fixing our nationís broken immigration system. We must find a way to deal with the 11 million immigrants already in our country, the 500,000 that arrive annually and the needs of American employers to utilize immigrant labor. It is important that our immigration policies be enforceable, bring immigrants out of the shadows, provide a path to citizenship, protect workers, reunite families, enhance security, and promote citizenship and civic participation. ADC endorses and urges Congress to pass the Secure America Act (S.1033 /H.R. 2330).
They said “It is important that our immigration policies be enforceable, bring immigrants out of the shadows, provide a path to citizenship, protect workers, reunite families, enhance security, and promote citizenship and civic participation.”
They DO want illegal immigrants to come out of the shadows and become citizens. Until then, Makki and the rest of the Mohammadens can continue their work under the table.

anonymous twit on June 28, 2006 at 9:02 pm

With Muslim organizations like ADC, insects like Makki proliferate. Makki is the unlucky insect that got caught. But isn’t he in the Moslem heart of America — Dearborn, MI? I-Mad Hamad and ADC will soon come to his rescue. Read this on ADC’s website.
Dear Members of Congress:
On behalf of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), the nationís largest Arab American grassroots civil rights organization, I am contacting you to express opposition to H.R. 4437, Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005. We urge Members of Congress to vote against this anti-immigrant bill next week when it is considered in the House of Representatives.
Further on,
What is currently needed is a realistic and comprehensive approach to fixing our nationís broken immigration system. We must find a way to deal with the 11 million immigrants already in our country, the 500,000 that arrive annually and the needs of American employers to utilize immigrant labor. It is important that our immigration policies be enforceable, bring immigrants out of the shadows, provide a path to citizenship, protect workers, reunite families, enhance security, and promote citizenship and civic participation. ADC endorses and urges Congress to pass the Secure America Act (S.1033 /H.R. 2330).
They said “It is important that our immigration policies be enforceable, bring immigrants out of the shadows, provide a path to citizenship, protect workers, reunite families, enhance security, and promote citizenship and civic participation.” They DO want illegal immigrants to come out of the shadows and become citizens. Until then, Makki and the rest of the Mohammadens can continue their work under the table.

anonymous twit on June 28, 2006 at 9:02 pm

With Muslim organizations like ADC, insects like Makki proliferate. Makki is the unlucky insect that got caught. But isn’t he in the Moslem heart of America — Dearborn, MI? I-Mad Hamad and ADC will soon come to his rescue. Read this on ADC’s website.
Dear Members of Congress:
On behalf of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), the nationís largest Arab American grassroots civil rights organization, I am contacting you to express opposition to H.R. 4437, Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005. We urge Members of Congress to vote against this anti-immigrant bill next week when it is considered in the House of Representatives.
Further on,
What is currently needed is a realistic and comprehensive approach to fixing our nationís broken immigration system. We must find a way to deal with the 11 million immigrants already in our country, the 500,000 that arrive annually and the needs of American employers to utilize immigrant labor. It is important that our immigration policies be enforceable, bring immigrants out of the shadows, provide a path to citizenship, protect workers, reunite families, enhance security, and promote citizenship and civic participation. ADC endorses and urges Congress to pass the Secure America Act (S.1033 /H.R. 2330).
They said “It is important that our immigration policies be enforceable, bring immigrants out of the shadows, provide a path to citizenship, protect workers, reunite families, enhance security, and promote citizenship and civic participation.” They DO want illegal immigrants to come out of the shadows and become citizens. Until then, Makki and the rest of the Mohammadens can continue their work under the table.

anonymous twit on June 28, 2006 at 9:03 pm

With Muslim organizations like ADC, insects like Makki proliferate. Makki is the unlucky insect that got caught. But isn’t he in the Moslem heart of America — Dearborn, MI? I-Mad Hamad and ADC will soon come to his rescue. Read this on ADC’s website.
Dear Members of Congress:
On behalf of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), the nationÔø?s largest Arab American grassroots civil rights organization, I am contacting you to express opposition to H.R. 4437, Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005. We urge Members of Congress to vote against this anti-immigrant bill next week when it is considered in the House of Representatives.
Further on,
What is currently needed is a realistic and comprehensive approach to fixing our nationÔø?s broken immigration system. We must find a way to deal with the 11 million immigrants already in our country, the 500,000 that arrive annually and the needs of American employers to utilize immigrant labor. It is important that our immigration policies be enforceable, bring immigrants out of the shadows, provide a path to citizenship, protect workers, reunite families, enhance security, and promote citizenship and civic participation. ADC endorses and urges Congress to pass the Secure America Act (S.1033 /H.R. 2330).
They said “It is important that our immigration policies be enforceable, bring immigrants out of the shadows, provide a path to citizenship, protect workers, reunite families, enhance security, and promote citizenship and civic participation.” They DO want illegal immigrants to come out of the shadows and become citizens. Until then, Makki and the rest of the Mohammadens can continue their work under the table.

anonymous twit on June 28, 2006 at 9:03 pm

Debbie, thank you so much for exposing the Islamic snakes worming into US, thanks to the corrupt govt. Voices like yours are the only home US has.

Alert on June 30, 2006 at 7:42 am

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