April 23, 2010, - 3:07 pm

“Rehabbing” Dr. Death: HBO’s Revisionist History of Jack Kevorkian

By Debbie Schlussel

On Saturday Night, HBO will premiere, “You Don’t Know Jack,” its version of the saga of Jack Kevorkian a/k/a “Dr. Death.”  Instead of the cold-blooded, macabre performer of euthanasia murders, this movie portrays Kevorkian as some sort of saint, some sort of civil rights crusader.


And he even gets one of the greatest contemporary actors, Al Pacino, to portray him (and although Pacino uses a Sarah Palin accent, not a Detroit-area one, he’s a dead ringer for Kevorkian).  From cold-hearted mob boss and killer Michael Corleone at the beginning of his career to cold-hearted killer with a medical degree Jack Kevorkian, at his career’s twilight, Pacino has come full circle in masterfully glamorizing what are essentially thugs who take human lives against the law and the dictates of a moral society.  One wore fancy Italian suits and headed up a Cosa Nostra family.  The other wears old, ratty, Mr. Rogers style cardigan sweaters.  But they aren’t that different, other than that Kevorkian’s victims made appointments to get whacked.

The gushing in the Detroit area and on the national stage is deafening this week.  There is so much unearned drool over Kevorkian, it could supply water for the entire Third World.  But let’s be clear.  Kevorkian was a mass murderer, not a savior or a great humanitarian.  He wasn’t even much of a doctor, having lost much of his ability to practice because of a series of strange behavior and action throughout his career.  Kevorkian’s “hobby” was painting sick photos of dismembered and disemboweled humans.  Look at this disgusting painting he made depicting himself and a beheaded human at dinner. Yes, there’s something wrong with the guy, a lot wrong.

Full disclosure:  my personal attorney and friend, Michael Alan Schwartz, was Kevorkian’s lawyer for each of the cases in which he was acquitted.  Yes, the face you saw on TV was that of Geoffrey Fieger, but Fieger isn’t really a criminal defense attorney.  Schwartz is, having been a prosecutor of violent killers and felons in Brooklyn, New York.  He was the brains behind each successful defense of Dr. Death and sat at the defense table at each one.  Fieger was merely the showman performing Schwartz’s strategy.  And while I disagree entirely with euthanasia and assisted suicide, Schwartz is a brilliant attorney.  And yet he isn’t even mentioned or depicted in the movie.  That’s just one of the many inaccuracies in the HBO flick.

But the most glaring one is that Kevorkian is some kind of folk hero.  Not even close.  He took us steps closer to “Brave New World” America, where people are put out of their misery at the drop of a hat.  And then it’s too late for them to change their minds, too late for a cure to treat them, too late for everything.  And in at least one case, it may not have been what the patient wanted in the first place.  A New Republic article, “The Selling of Doctor Death:  How a Savvy Lawyer and a Pliant Media Turned a Mad Scientists Into a Public Hero, reporter Michael Betzold writes:

Boston and Michigan papers, wire services and many other publications reported that Franklin Curren, a psychiatrist, was being probed for improperly prescribing drugs to his wife. Three weeks before his wife’s death, Curren had been arrested on a domestic assault charge.

Was this patient murdered?  Foul play or not, the answer is a definite yes.

The strange new respect visited upon Kevorkian was predictable.  He is, after all, the best kind of poster boy liberal Hollywood could wish for.  Kevorkian is a liberal, he’s weird, and he has an anything goes mentality.  He killed people for sport and mostly got away with it, with jury after jury acquitting him in a courthouse just a few miles from where I live. And a willing liberal press gushed over him and fed on the story, turning him into a cult figure with an ever-growing cult of personality and retinue.

Jack Lessenberry, a far-left Wayne State University journalism professor with zero scruples, slobbered over Kevorkian in his “reporting” for the New York Times.  Later, though, it turned out that he was working directly with Geoffrey Fieger, and essentially taking dictation from him, violating all journlistic ethics (not the first or last time for him).

At the same time the sleazy Lessenberry was “reporting” on the Kevorkian trial for the NYTimes, he was ghostwriting NYTimes op-ed pieces and Penthouse articles in Fieger’s name. That’s journalism?  Maybe that’s why, as the New Republic reported, Lessenberry’s “coverage” of some of Kevorkian’s killings reported as fact the request of Kevorkian’s patients to be put to death, when there was no proof they wished it, and now they were dead.  It’s truly incredible that this guy teaches college journalism.  Or maybe not incredible, given today’s state of journalism.

One accurate thing about the movie:  its portrayal of Richard Thompson, then the Oakland County prosecutor, who went after Kevorkian and lost miserably each of several times.  The man is incompetent and was soundly defeated at the polls at the next election in the Republican primary, completely unheard of in my county.  He was that bad.  Thompson is portrayed as a bad guy.  And he is–not because he went after Kevorkian, but because he’s a terrible attorney and a sleazebag as a person.

Now, Thompson heads up the Thomas More Law Center, where he regularly rips off contributors, lying to them about filing lawsuits against Muslims, many of which are never filed and others of which are filed but then withdrawn from a few months later, when he’s milked all the money he can from them.   An incompetent attorney under his employ, his former employee Emily M. Zanotti, spent all day long on his payroll blogging on her personal website instead of doing any work.  That included writing on her site in defense of anti-Semitic, Holocaust-denying death, rape, and torture threats against me and my family.  When he was confronted with it, Thompson helped Zanotti cover it up and made excuses for the comments he admitted were anti-Semitic, saying he was too busy to monitor his employees.  (More about Thompson and Thomas More Law Center fraud, next week.  Stay tuned.)

But Thompson’s portrayal, as well as that of a few other figures, is where the accuracy stops.  Especially the accuracy on Kevorkian and what he was doing:  legalized serial-killing.

Kevorkian wasn’t a normal guy who just wanted to put people out of their misery.  He’s a sick man who sounds like a nice guy.

HBO fell for the nice guy routine.  And didn’t care about the trend he set toward a nation where people make appointments to get snuffed out by guys like him, as if they are scheduling a haircut or a manicure.

Is the utter devaluation of human life really something to celebrate?

I don’t know Jack, but I know all about him.  He’s the angel of death, and not much of an angel at all.

But if you really want to “know Jack,” forget HBO’s propaganda and revisionist history and buy this book: Appointment With Doctor Death by Michael Betzold. It’s a far more accurate–and far more critical–telling of the story of Jack Kevorkian.

Watch the trailer . . .

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46 Responses

WOW. I did not know all this about Dr. Death. I thought he was a kind, soul who wanted to help those who were terminally ill. Guess I better read that New Republic article.

Jeez. Has the Media ever told the truth? I was thinking it’s just with the advent of MaObama, but now I wonder if they EVER tell the truth.

Skunky on April 23, 2010 at 3:34 pm

    Don’t forget THIS is media.
    Just sayin’

    Pete Bone on April 23, 2010 at 7:46 pm

I was always under the impression that except for his last one that 60 minutes broadcast and for which he was finally convicted, the person who died voluntarily administered the poison to themselves.

Based on what you wrote here I guess I was misinformed.

As for your expose on the Thomas Moore Center, I am already very interested.

I_AM_ME on April 23, 2010 at 3:38 pm

Debbie, the guy was a psychopath. Your typical serial killer except he killed people with a medical cum incurable illness mercy BS rationale. But he was a still a murderer.

And I don’t look kindly on any one who takes an innocent human life. It says a lot about our society that Jack Kevorkian didn’t get the receiving end of the needle that he shoved into the veins of hapless people.

NormanF on April 23, 2010 at 4:02 pm

    You have a lot of hatred here.

    There is a difference between killing someone who wants to live, and alleviating someone of having the most horrific pain non-stop, every single day of their life. They can’t move or walk… all they can do it lay on the couch and moan in pain 24 hours a day. Neither this circumstance or death is a choice I want, but I clearly know which one of the two I’d rather have.

    I don’t understand why anyone would want someone to suffer agonizing pain 24 hours a day, but apparently you wish this upon everyone who is unfortunately enough to be given such unwanted diseases.

    Jeff Wilks on November 28, 2010 at 6:33 pm

CNN’s Anderson Cooper also featured this mass murdering scumbag, Kevorkian. Had to turn it off. I despise Kevorkian and all he stands for.

J.S. on April 23, 2010 at 4:13 pm

    You need to get a life. I hope you end up terminally ill and have a long time to live afterwards. That way we can make sure you suffer without having to put you out. Whats is wrong with you people? All you spew is hatred. The people that died chose for this and they were prepared. It’s their choice, not yours or debbie freakin schlussel’s to make. Get a fkin life and stop trying to impose your way on others.

    G5 on July 18, 2011 at 3:39 pm

Debbie, there you go using logic again. The Left specifically despises the use of reason because it leads to the truth, not their preconceived outcome.

Alz on April 23, 2010 at 4:14 pm

In a sense, it figures that HBO would air such politically correct pap. They are, after all, the home of Bill Maher . . .

ConcernedPatriot on April 23, 2010 at 5:50 pm

Kevorkian was a pathologist, his only interest was death. Certainly he has the right bedside manner to be a pathologist.

smudge on April 23, 2010 at 5:52 pm

Local anchor bimbo Kam Carmen has a bit role in the film. Yesterday on the morning show they were GUSHING about this movie, as if Kevorkian was freaking Bono. It made me sick.

I guess euthenasia is OK now.

loren on April 23, 2010 at 6:13 pm

[Look at this disgusting painting he made depicting himself and a beheaded human at dinner. Yes, there’s something wrong with the guy, a lot wrong.]

Do you actually read your links, Debs? It’s the god, Mars helping a man (i.e., mankind) eat himself.

Norman Blitzer on April 23, 2010 at 8:28 pm

    Norman—every painting he did involved a bizarre horror story. The man was obsessed with Death. Legalization of Narcotics, abortion, and euthanasia—the unholy Trinity of the Culture of Death.

    Occam's Tool on August 11, 2011 at 3:02 pm

Shut up about the Thomas Moore Law Center you don’t know jack!!

Susie on April 24, 2010 at 12:07 am

    Rather than tell people to shut up about the Thomas More Law Center or any other matter, why don’t you come up with a semi-intelligent argument? As for knowing jack, a childish outburst does not denote knowledge or intelligence beyond that of a middle schooler.

    Worry01 on April 24, 2010 at 1:05 am

      All you people who assume that Kevorkian is some kind of unsung hero for murder consider these facts:
      1. Before assisting the suicides of disabled, terminally ill, and the non sick despairing, Kevorkian went to most prisons where executions are conducted asking to experiment on condemned prisoners.
      2. He never limited his killing practice to people with terminal illnesses. About 70% were disabled. Five of Kevorkian’s patients were not sick upon autopsy.
      3. Kevorkian took the kidneys from one assisted suicide victim–a man with quadriplegia–and held a press conference offering them “first come, first served.”
      4. Janet Good (played by Susan Sarandon), conspired with Kevorkian in his reign of lawlessness, even planning to help kill a patient and then, with Kevorkian, rush the cadaver into a hospital, so organs could be procured. (They never carried out the plan). She committed assisted suicide and her autopsy showed that her pancreatic cancer was not near the terminal stage.
      5. Kevorkian did not care much about alleviating the suffering of patients, (he once said he couldn’t remember their names) but rather called it “a first step, an early distasteful professional obligation” toward obtaining a license to engage in human experimentation, writing further…
      6. Kevorkian wanted to experiment on the brains and nervous systems of people he was euthanizing…

      Personally I think that the movie just convinced me even more of how Kavorkian is a lunatic and probably insane. They tried to make Thomas Moore Law Center and Dick Thompson look bad, but they failed miserably. Personally I felt that they looked like the hero’s. Kind of like Thompson was like Atticus in To Kill a Mocking Bird.

      Susie on May 2, 2010 at 7:11 pm

Dr. Kevorkian had fantasies, and found a way(at least intially)of acting on them without being prosecuted for murder or manslaughter. Finally, Dr. Kevorkian’s homidical luck ran out, and he finally had to pay a price for his antics. With Mr. Youk, he was no longer even a doctor, since his license to practice had long before been revoked.

With an enabling parole board and Governor Jennifer Granholm, Dr. Kevorkian successfully claimed that he was dying from Hepatitis C and had only around a year to live and was released after only serving around 8 years of his second degree murder sentence(http://abcnews.go.com/US/LegalCenter/story?id=2008364&page=2).
Apparently, the good doctor was not as ill as we were led to believe, since he ran for a Congressional seat in 2008. I wonder if anyone took note of that?

Worry01 on April 24, 2010 at 1:22 am

What a doctor and patient agree to is their business. If someone wants assistance in suicide, then that is their decision. It’s not up to some moralizing busy-body to decide whether this is “right” or “wrong”. Debbie is not a subtle thinker or a gentle soul. She is harsh, brutish and appeals only to the basest of instincts. She is retrograde.

Your Mom on April 24, 2010 at 4:06 am

    “What a doctor and patient agree to is their business.” Really? If a doctor decided to amputate the limbs of someone when it was not medically necessary, but claimed to have the patient’s consent, would that be alright? Sorry, I do not consider a doctor some sort of god who can make such decision contrary to the law. Also, you might actually try reading Debbie’s post. She clearly stated that, and other articles back her up, that Dr. Kevorkian made the claim that his victims gave their informed consent, while furnishing no proof(anything in writing)that such cosent was actually given. Also, Dr. Kevorkian continued doing his deeds long after his medical license was revoked, so he was not even legally a doctor any longer.

    I am glad that people there are people who moralize about things like this, such as Debbie. If there were more people her, there would have been fewer bloody butchers, such as Stalin, Hitler, and Mao. Yes, I do put you in their company, since you express their eugenicist views quite well.

    “Debbie is not a subtle thinker or a gentle soul. She is harsh, brutish and appeals only to the basest of instincts. She is retrograde.”

    Actually Mom, aren’t you really describing yourself with those words? Freud referred to that activity as projection.

    sorrow01 on April 24, 2010 at 5:15 am

Michael Moore was/is also a big Kevorkian supporter. On his thankfull short-lived tv “news magazine” show, TV Nation, he did a truly disturbing puff piece profile on Kevorkian, calling him “Dr. Life.” He even showcased Kevorkian painting that serial killer art of his.

Lee Welch on April 24, 2010 at 6:19 am

I’m puzzled as to why people even debate this. Kevorkian is a convicted killer. Fact. The Hippocratic Oath is abundantly clear in “do no harm” and “administer no deadly poisons”. Several of Kevorkian’s victims had no illnesses at all.

This assbanana is not a physician, he’s a murderer. Physicians find ways to help their patients, not kill them.

If we’re going to gush over critters like Kevorkian, we may as well be celebrating National Charles Manson Day.

Deeptoad on April 24, 2010 at 7:53 am

I am disturbed about what Debbie wrote of the Thomas More Law Center and am looking forward to more information. I was under the impression that they were doing good work, such as defending Lt. Colonel Chesani against the insane charges the Marine Corp. had filed against him.

Jerry on April 24, 2010 at 9:57 am

I remember reading Dr. K years ago before he went to jail. He was a sick man as a young intern. He decided to tap into the euthanasia movement as a way to legitimize his weirdness. At every turn, the left is just sick.

Joe on April 24, 2010 at 11:40 am

I disagree. If someone is worn out with life, who are we to keep them alive against their will. He did not murder the sick people, they asked for assistance to die in dignity. It’s really none of our business.

dougx on April 24, 2010 at 6:37 pm

I’ve known for years about this psychotic’s so-called “paintings”, awful than porno he created to evidently self-titillate and express his, er, “feelings”. If a deeply disturbed miscreant like Kevorkian could get a medical degree and the attention of even part of the public, then it’s possible a jihadist psychiatrist could become a U.S. Army officer; or a tax cheat be confirmed treasury secretary; or an alien, communist, race-baiting, unqualified, ghostwritten, quasi-Muslim, Israel-hating, disbarred lawyer achieve the Presidency.

Dernon Ruton on April 24, 2010 at 11:14 pm

Intellectually superficial, lame argument. I thought conservatives were for the idea of self-determination and small gov’t. But hey, the guy makes weird paintings, so that must mean what he did was wrong. It’s nice of you to condescend towards those who have had the courage to at least face life-ending decisions. But I’m sure they would rather have someone like you make their decisions for them.

Tom Mo on April 25, 2010 at 1:26 am

Nursed my Dad through the last week of his life with many problems and confusions. A great republican man left this world in pain for no reason.For the most part I like you, but you sound like an ill-informed moron on this.You believe in freedom, but not the right to die? Your not a libertarian, your a religious fanatic. Sad. Thought you used your head

Mood on April 25, 2010 at 2:44 am

Why is it that putting an animal to sleep or shooting a horse with a broken leg is considered putting it out of its misery but helping a human not spend the last few months of their life in excruciating pain is murder. I don’t think anyone and especially our government has the right to force people to live in pain. Maybe Dr. Death wasn’t the right guy for the job but if we have the right to life then we have the right to death.

Frank on April 25, 2010 at 5:04 am

Re the comments immediately above of Tom Mo, Mood, and Frank: end-of-life issues are indeed among the most excruciating dilemmas we can ever face, as patients or decisionmakers. What is most appalling about the sick, sick Dr. Kevorkian is the unseemly glee, the culture-persona of macabre death, the incongruous publicity-seeking, and the truly vulgar alacrity he brought to his advocacy of the concept of the “right-to-die”, if and wherever that “right” may or may not exist at the intersection of religion, law, society, and secular ethics.

Dernon Ruton on April 25, 2010 at 9:21 am

    Dernon it’s hard to take you seriously, despite your evenhanded response to my comment, when you spout off about Islamic presidents etc…why don’t you just ask us all for his birth certificate and get it over with? This is a question of rights, some of us believe our rights are inherent and inalienable, others apparently believe they exist by the good graces of our gov’t. Taken to its absurd extreme by using “big” gov’t to interfere in the end of life decisions made by schiavo family.

    Tom Mo on April 25, 2010 at 12:24 pm

      Well, Tom, if I thought you all had his birth certificate, I sure would ask you for it, because I don’t think he has it. And OK, I acknowledge that what you call my “spouting” about non-citizen Obama was a non sequitur to the topic at hand. I used it to show in high relief the degree of absurdity of Dr. Kevorkian’s investiture with the degree of medical doctor. But I don’t know why it’s hard to take me seriously. I wasn’t commenting on the putative right to make end-of-life decisions in the context of the modern debate on this topic. I was, rather, commenting on the disgusting doctor’s disgusting apparent delight in being way too much in the limelight of this difficult issue. With his paintings and his self-aggrandizement, he’s made what he would have us believe is his noble cause into a tawdry hobby, and a grotesquerie.

      Dernon Ruton on April 25, 2010 at 11:21 pm

Oregon has legalized physician assisted suicide now. Holland has it too. Living as a spaced out vegetable on drugs, crapping your diaper daily (and needing someone to change it), and occasionally coming off drugs into absolute agony from terminal cancer, is not living.

Truth on April 25, 2010 at 10:10 am

We need to be careful when ascribing rights to people because we have a history of abusing them. Terri Shiavo is the perfect “right to die” example. The state ordered the execution of an innocent woman so that her husband could marry another woman he had fathered children with while his wife lay in a hospital bed. Whether she was better off dead was arguable and irrelevant. Her right to die decision was given to someone else who had everything to gain from her death. People are notorious for taking a mile when given an inch.

gerob on April 25, 2010 at 10:57 am

Her husband just didn’t want her to revive, because she might disclose that he injured her.

Little Al on April 25, 2010 at 11:42 am

I don’t like Dr. Kevorkian. To be honest,I think he’s extremely creepy.

Ghostwriter on April 25, 2010 at 6:50 pm

I believe that he actually made a lot of money from inventing or patenting tools that doctors use to take cervical tissue samples. They call the tools “Kevorkians”.

Pinandpuller on April 26, 2010 at 1:00 am

Dr. Kevorkian was motivated by a desire to alleviate suffering. Euthanasia is a complicated ethical issue. I don’t know everything about Dr. Kevorkian, but I’m certain he’s not the evil monster some portray him to be. I am an RN who has seen plenty of suffering in my career and there were many times when doctors and nurses alike set the morphine pumps to deliver a high enough dose to knock out respirations. Why? Because that was how high the dose needed to be to touch the patient’s pain. Dr. Kevorkian was a public figure doing what many do in private. That’s all. Furthermore no one should forget that ALL of Dr. Kevorkian’s patients sought out him as well as his services. He is not a murderer.

batyah on April 26, 2010 at 12:21 pm

The sad truth is that we’re never going to know whether Kevorkian did what he did out of sadistic glee, clinical interest, earnest desire to alleviate suffering, or some combination of all three. Just because someone is weird or paints disturbing paintings doesn’t mean he or she is a serial killer, BUT just because someone says he or she is a good person and dresses nicely doesn’t mean they’re benevolent, either. None of us can read his mind and determine the truth, so we’re forced to go with what his state medical board and the legal system decided–he has no business practicing medicine (if he ever did) and he committed a crime for which he went to prison.

What really bothers me in reading the comments on this article is how viciously some posters attack others’ opinions or suggestions. It IS possible for anyone to be wrong from time to time, and only by listening to other opinions can we truly shape our own view of things. Refusing to even consider that someone else might have a valid point is the height of arrogance and the basis of fanaticism.

Jo on April 26, 2010 at 6:51 pm

Kevorkian is a satanic Jew like debbie “the cunt” schlussel, so whats the issue here jew girl? he is doing what the jew is good at. He is a heartless killing machine and a baby killer jew girl, just like the rest of this parasitic satanic tribe of yours.

JewNazi on April 27, 2010 at 3:07 am

You people are Jesus freak or what….
you would end the suffering of your dog but if a love one ask
you to do it for them you would choked…
Crazy,,,, compassion, never heard of it.
typical, American HYPOCRITE most of you are.

Eric Lachance on April 29, 2010 at 6:16 am

In Defense of
Doctor Jack Kevorkian
James E Pless
April 21, 2010

I lived only three blocks away from one of the stations where Doctor Kevorkian performed several acts of mercy for sufferers who were in terminal circumstances. Now we live fifty miles apart. I remember very well the quasi religious/political factions who regarded him as a murderer and criminal. They did so for personal gains such as the lime-light effect and other good ole buddy attributes. One of those men of law lives thirty miles away from my current abode. Two years ago his son died on a lake which is one quarter mile to the west of my house. I say these last things to suggest my familiarity of this case with Doctor Kevorkian. It is indeed a difficult issue to talk about from either opposing view. There were no men/women of the law or the medical profession, nor any religious institution that would come forward in support to get the laws changed, even though many of them knew that he was right. Furthermore, they do the very act of allowing death to come quickly in their own practices by omission or commission.

As gory as his assistance to the sick seemed to be, the fact remains that the good doctor performed an act of mercy. It was one which the courts should have but failed to permit. I see him as one of the most merciful men since Jesus walked with man. Jesus knew that he was going to the cross and doctor Kevorkian knew that eventually he would go to prison. Out of sincere compassion neither failed their mission of mercy to other people. God allowed Jesus to suffer for less than six hours – not for year after year and with having no other hope of relief. But through the courts the lime-light seekers had their day and won. Doctor Kevorkian and hundreds of suffers lost.

Even to this day the courts have not stepped up to the plate and made the laws of the land to fit the dire circumstances that are so very real in everyday life. Would anyone else dare to give such comfort to the desperate human who begs for mercy? The scene reminds me of the title of an old hymn, “Who at My Door is Standing”? The great doctor heard that mournful call many times and responded with care and grace, which were given to him. He knew that he would eventually loose his freedom but not his dignity. Every hour of every day across this nation in every hospital many plugs are pulled from the machines that give “assisted Life support” to real people and so they die in peace and with dignity. Today many still refer to him as “Doctor Death”!

Doctor Kevorkian, you are my hero.

james e pless on May 3, 2010 at 6:49 pm

I was very interested in this movie, as I remember following this story when it was in the news during the late 80’s through the 90’s.

Thompson was an idiot, I would use another term but I’ll stay clean here.

My favorite quote from Fieger, while defending Kevorkian was a soundbyte on the news when he said in regards to Richard Thompson “My foot won’t get tired of kicking your A$$ around the courtroom.”

I find myself using that quote alot myself to this day.

The movie itself was a giant bore fest, definitely will not find myself watching this one again.

trewsdetroit on May 5, 2010 at 9:44 am

So what’s the difference between what Kevorkian did and what doctors do every day to those suffering from terminal illness. Doctors of terminally ill jack up the morphine until the patient is completely drugged up, unable to eat, which leads them to death by starvation OR overdose.

“God didn’t want us to commit suicide”, well I bet that YOUR god never had terminal illness. Too bad YOUR god wants people to suffer rather than be at peace.

Oregon, the only state that has it right.

You're a bunch of hypocrites on May 19, 2010 at 3:56 pm

Am right now reading the bio on Kevorkian by Michael Betzold. I am a born-again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. I find myself torn back and forth in my feelings. I have chronic spinal pain that is controllable now, but as I age, it could become intolerable. Should that happne, my decision would be to take as high doses of Oxycontin or Fentanyl as my physician would prescribe, and obviously my life would be cut short. Would Christ then revoke my salvation? No. He would not. In my heart of hearts I see what Kevorkian did as setting the stage for what the Nazis did. He made the killings sound palatable. But were they? In this declining and fallen world, the wages of sin is death. Kevorkian in my thinking uses fancy logic and reasoning to hide the fact that he is basically a satanist who loves death, as evidences by his horrific ‘paintings’. I do not agree with suicide, assisted or otherwise. If you know Christ, He gives grace to the dying who are in His Hands. The people who chose to opt out at Kevorkian’s hands made him God and cast the Almighty aside, and any options for relief that He would have provided them. As for Kevorkian and the Jewish slander, enough. He could have just as easily been a Gentile, so using this as a Jew-hate platform is unreasonable. People are lost and perishing and know not God…..so Kevorkian and others like him step in. There’s an old joke: What’s the difference between a doctor and God? God doesn’t think He’s a doctor. It’s not a funny joke or even true, because Christ is the Great Physician who enabled martyrs to die with a smile and a song on their lips. It all comes down to knowing the Lord and that He can take you through the valley of the shadow.

Genevieve on May 23, 2010 at 7:58 pm

PS it is medically legal for a doctor to prescribe as high a dose of narcotics as necessary to alleviate debilitating pain. This is not assisted suicide or euthanasia. The person is already out of it and their system weak….the narcotics that alleviate their pain will eventually shorten their life as a side effect. I am not saying the issue is clear or easy. It is anything but. However, medical science is perverted and death inevitable one way or another. We don’t need Nazi doctors offing the undesirables.

Genevieve on May 23, 2010 at 8:04 pm

Thank you, Doctor Kevorkian, for your brave and compassionate heart. Thanks a million.

Joanna on June 11, 2010 at 6:19 am

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