June 22, 2006, - 11:43 pm

Terrorist Life Imitates Art: Did Miami Terror Cell Watch Showtime’s “Sleeper Cell”?; Wanted to Bomb Miami Heat Parade

Does life imitate art in the antics of terrorists? Definitely. And details of the Miami Al-Qaeda terror cell, busted today, bolster that.
And were they busted today to avoid them bombing a building at Friday’s Miami Heat victory parade (for winning the NBA Championship) in downtown Miami? The team is owned by Israeli Jews . . . er, “evil Zionists.” And the Heat had for American victim of Palestinian terror, (more ), during the NBA Play-offs.
The Miami terrorists, Black Muslims, behaved just like the terror cell in Showtime’s “” (more ). (Lots of videos of arrests of the Miami terror cell members, interviews with relatives of the terrorists, and neighbors from various Miami TV stations here.)

The ten-hour show, which aired in late 2005, is far better than “” (but for a few failed political statements about Islam and Gitmo) and highly recommended by . We’ll be posting a review of it soon, per many readers’ requests.
Eerily, several of the plans and behavior of the Miami Islamic terror cell:
* In “Sleeper Cell,” the 5 terrorists (there were 6, but they assassinate one of them for screwing up) in the cell live and train in the martial arts, etc. inside a warehouse in a seedy area of Los Angeles. They don’t go outside during the day.
In the real life Miami Sleeper Cell, the 7 terrorists (the Miami Herald says there were 12-15–that some escaped; most other news reports say 7) in the cell lived and trained in the martial arts, etc. inside a warehouse in a seedy area of Miami. They didn’t go outside during the day.
* In “Sleeper Cell,” the terrorists are infiltrated by an undercover FBI agent.
* In the real life Miami Sleeper Cell, according to the Miami Herald,

The group thought that they “were doing (the attacks) in conjunction with al Qaeda” but were really dealing with “undercover law enforcement,” the official said.

Other reports say, the man who infiltrated the Miami Terror Cell was an undercover information working with the FBI, but was not an FBI agent, himself.
* In “Sleeper Cell,” the terrorists blow up a building in Los Angeles and plan to poison everyone in Dodgers Stadium.
In the real life Miami Sleeper Cell, the terrorists planned to blow up the Sears Tower, the Miami FBI Headquarters and other sites.
* In “Sleeper Cell,” the terrorists, almost cultist–blindly following their leader Faris Al-Farik–wore military-style clothes and kept to themselves. They were urged not to have outside girlfriends who would compromise the operation.
In the real life Miami Sleeper Cell, according to the Miami Herald,

A man who lives across the street from the warehouse where the search warrant was served described the suspects as an unusual group of men, almost cultist, who wore military-style clothes and kept to themselves.

* In “Sleeper Cell,” one of the terrorists flees and escapes as do some members of two related-terror cells elsewhere in the U.S.
In the real life Miami Sleeper Cell, some members also escaped. A neighbor told the Miami Herald:

The 12 to 15 men in their 20’s and 30s appeared to be from Haiti and from the Bahamas.
“I bet they’ve gone across the water”‘ he said, believing some had escaped the federal agents. “They were not threatening but nobody messed with them.”

* In “Sleeper Cell,” two of the terrorists are U.S. citizens (including an undercover FBI agent), and the others are illegal aliens from France, Saudi Arabia, and Bosnia. They are all in their 20s and 30s.
In the real life Miami Sleeper Cell, five are U.S. citizens, one is an illegal alien from Haiti, and another is a resident alien from the Bahamas. They were all in their 20s and 30s.
And there are so many other similarities. Hopefully the FBI and other JTTF members watched “Sleeper Cell.” They could learn a lot.
The show contains terror plots that could easily be carried out undetected.

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5 Responses

More trouble from those wacky, peace-loving Muzlums.

Thee_Bruno on June 23, 2006 at 9:29 am

“Sleeper Cell” was on Showtime, not HBO. Overall, I thought it was a snoozefest. There were definitely some great moments and, for the most part, they did their homework with regards to the “Religion of Peace”. Overall, I thought it had tremendous potential but was disappointing. I heard there will be a Season 2.

Lover of Zion on June 23, 2006 at 4:14 pm

I hope in Season II that terrorists infiltrate the FBI and JTTF finding out they have little to worry about, but then that would be a snoozefest, wouldn’t it?
I added Showtime on your recommendation of the show, Debbie. It wasn’t bad, but TV or Cable has a long way to go in getting into some substance on the Arab issue. TE Lawrence the writers are not!

code7 on June 23, 2006 at 9:06 pm

Season II: Snoozer Cell?

code7 on June 23, 2006 at 9:07 pm


SHERRON on June 20, 2011 at 7:07 pm

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