June 19, 2006, - 11:02 am

Father’s Day Leftover: Affirmative Action for Dads Needed?

Did you know that if you’re the average American you are discriminating against your father, in favor of your mom? More evidence of America’s attacks on fathers:
Both the National Retail Federation (NRF) and Discover Card report that we spend far less on Father’s Day gifts than on Mother’s Day gifts.
The NRF says the average person spends about $122 on Mom and $88 on Dad. Discover Card says it’s $41 on Mom and $31 on Dad. Wives are cheaper than husbands on the respective days, too. Discover says wives spend $43 on their husbands, while husbands averaged $63 for Mother’s Day.
Hmmm . . . maybe, we need affirmative action for dads and husbands.

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3 Responses

I’m the father of 7, but I don’t begrudge more being made of Mother’s Day than Father’s Day. My wife puts in 24 hours of work every day of her life and deserves what ever recognition she gets for it. Don’t get me wrong, working fathers put in their time too, but most of us get a break, even if its going out to work. Stay at home moms are in the same work place with the same people all their lives. If the children spend a few more bucks on Mom, thats OK with me. What I really object to is the medias portrayal of fathers as bumbling idiots who constantly have to be rescued by their much smarter wives. Can anyone tell me of a sitcom or movie comedy that portrays the mother as clueless and not the father? Not so easy is it?!

Architect on June 19, 2006 at 11:39 am

I don’t think it’s discrimination at all. Whatever I buy my mother, she loves it. She is so gracious. Whenever I buy my father something, he says, “Save you’re money. You’ll need it later in life.” Or “I’m returning this and I’ll send you your money. You shouldn’t waste your money on materials.” All that my father wants is a nice meal. I don’t think the stores track groceries or labors of love as Father’s Day gifts.

Linda426 on June 19, 2006 at 1:54 pm

My wife keeps demanding practical items for the house for Mother’s Day. So I spend a lot. I’m selfish. I want things for me. So she spends less. That’s probably fair.

sonofsheldon on June 19, 2006 at 6:25 pm

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