July 27, 2005, - 12:20 pm

Circumcision Update: Another Reason to Get a Bris

By Debbie Schlussel
A study I about (as published in the Wall Street Journal) was just released. It shows that male circumcision reduces female to male AIDS transmission by at least 65%. As I wrote, this should silence the NOCIRC and other bizarro anti-circumcision activists. (FYI, a “bris” is the Jewish circumcision ritual performed on males eight days after birth.)

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6 Responses

Yeah… The cost/benefit ratio of a bris worth it. After having a bris performed on me as a wee lad, the only side effect that I remember suffering was not being able to walk for a year.

Yiddish Steel on July 27, 2005 at 2:03 pm

I went to two brises (brisim? brisot?) last month. While I appreciate the religious significance and health benefits, hearing the baby cry out in his brief bit of pain isn’t pleasant at all. I’d rather they just did circumcision at birth while the baby’s less aware. But then I guess they’d have to do a “hatafas dam” a week later anyway for it to be a legit bris.
Still, it’s kinda funny to see all of the guys in the room cringe as the mohel does his duty.

Yngvai on July 27, 2005 at 2:28 pm

Flawed study – missing critical data.
It is already known that sensitivity is reduced after circumcision. The study says nothing about the amount of sex that those with and those without had. A few years ago, I had read that those without enjoyed sex better and consequently more often.
“it’s kinda funny to see all of the guys in the room cringe as the mohel does his duty.” I don’t think it is funny observing people react to pain.

Shannon on July 27, 2005 at 4:41 pm

“I don’t think it is funny observing people react to pain.”
I think you’re missing his point Shannon…I know I’m missing part of my point – HA HA!

Clompo on July 28, 2005 at 11:15 am

“…A few years ago,I had read that those without enjoyed sex better and consequently more often..”Yes,this sounds like the ‘flawed study-missing critical data’,you’re referring to(Penthouse Magazine?). Also,you can see the ‘guys cringing episode’ on Seinfeld-and please don’t admit you’re name is Goldstein.

jaywilton on July 28, 2005 at 11:19 am

circumcision might reduce the HIV transmission up to 60% but still you have to wear a condom so there is no point of getting circumcised the best method is wearing a condom and have sex with a trusted partner. beside circumcision reduces the sexual pleasure

Circumcision ablates the most sensitive parts of the penis.

so it’s NOT really worth and it’s also a mutilation it’s like removing the breasts of a woman to remove the risk of getting a breast cancer.

Albert on January 23, 2014 at 1:56 pm

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