June 13, 2006, - 1:00 pm

OUTRAGE: Bush Helps Illegals Get Medicaid, Softens Law HE Signed

It’s no secret that illegal aliens have long been getting billions on Medicaid healthcare coverage, courtesy of your tax dollar.
But it’s illegal. Medicaid is reserved for low-income U.S. citizens and legal residents. That hasn’t stopped many, many doctors, hospitals, and other medical facilities from ripping you off to pay for the care of illegal aliens.
So Congress finally put a stop to it. Or tried. On July 1st, a section of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 passed by Congress and signed by President Bush was to go into effect to stop illegal aliens from illegally obtaining Medicaid. It required aliens to provide birth certificates, passports, and other documentation of U.S. citizenship in order to get Medicaid. Not that this would stop the fraudulently-documented illegal aliens. But it would make it harder.

Thanks W!: Bush Helps Illegals Get Medicaid

But President Bush didn’t like that. So, on Friday, he and his Administration moved to “soften” (ie., castrate) the law, and allow states to accept sworn affidavits from Medicaid seekers (stating they are U.S. citizens), when these documents are “unavailable.” Yes, “honest, law abiding” illegal aliens–who are already breaking the law by being here–are going to be honest and never falsely sign a document saying they are U.S. citizens. Right? They’d never do such a thing. They’d never lie.
To make matters worse, Mark McClellan (bro of former Bush spokesman Scott McClellan), a Bush appointee who heads the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, claims he’s unaware of illegal aliens ever fraudulently obtaining Medicaid.
Puh-leeze. It happens all the time. And a lot of the time it’s by those who don’t just want to earn money to send home to Mexico.
, the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS), a Dearborn, Michigan Muslim welfare agency, gave pregnant Muslim women from around the world phony social security numbers to get Medicaid to cover the births of their children (who also got U.S. citizenship–documents from which can be sold over the open terrorist black market). The organization and a hospital were raided by the FBI in 2002 for doing so.
Thanks, President Bush, for making their crime and rip-off of U.S. taxpayers, so much easier to pull off.
And thanks for saying F-U to both houses of Congress and your own signature (Bush signed the law he is now softening).

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4 Responses

What a great way to look tough to the constituents yet back-pedal to appease the businesses. Hey, it’s going to become worse and guess what, we can get rid of that if we have a one Americas and use currency caled Ameros…naw, that’s conspiracy theory. NAFTA and CAFTA were also conspiracy theories and guess what, it came to fruition

KOAJaps on June 13, 2006 at 2:05 pm

Thank you Debbie for exposing more limp-wristed Bush policy that once again, undermines our nation’s laws and our sovereignty. And another thanks for exposing more Bush cronyism by pointing out that Scott McClellan’s brother, Mark was appointed (by Bush) to run The Centers For Medicare & Medicaid Services.

Yiddish Steel on June 13, 2006 at 2:30 pm

This would all be solved if there was in the US, like in other countries, a national form of identification with your picture, social security number and your thumbprint – of course linked to a national database for corroboration.
Having voted for Bush, I’m deeply dissappointed not only of how he has handled the whole immigration issue, but also because of what Yiddish said “undermining our laws and sovereignity” – something no nation should ever freely give up.

La Ventanita on June 13, 2006 at 2:37 pm

This would all be solved if there was in the US, like in other countries, a national form of identification with your picture, social security number and your thumbprint – of course linked to a national database for corroboration.
Having voted for Bush, I’m deeply dissappointed not only of how he has handled the whole immigration issue, but also because of what Yiddish said “undermining our laws and sovereignity” – something no nation should ever freely give up.
Posted by: La Ventanita at June 13, 2006 02:37 PM
his is no longer the Republican Party we knew, loved and worked with. This is the New World Order, where Democrat Leaders and Republican Leaders gather at meeting places like the Bilderburg group and make policy and party up at Bohemian Grove. Hillary Clinton was booed by liberals in New York, does that tell you something? Heck there’s even a revolt in the Republican party because, they see the problems stemming from the Republican party. La Vent, there is a revolution brewing and it’s going to be a powerful one too.

KOAJaps on June 18, 2006 at 6:52 pm

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