June 9, 2006, - 2:51 pm

DANGER: Your Daughter’s MySpace Suitor Could Be Muslim Man in Mid-East

If your under-aged daughter is on MySpace, your worries of sex-fiends targeting her shouldn’t be confined to the continental U.S.
Take the story of 16-year-old Katherine Lester, who lives in Western Michigan. She was lured by a 25-year-old Muslim Palestinian, over MySpace. And she flew all the way to Jordan, to meet him. She was on her way to meet the Palestinian Muslim, from Jericho, in the West Bank (Israel). As reported by CBS News broadcast reports, he used the screen name, “Abdullah Psycho.” Abdullah, a Muslim name, means “Slave of Allah.” You know what “Psycho” means. Online, the man claimed to be 14. Mid-Michigan’s WEYI/NBC 25 reports that the man’s name is Abdulla Babsheh.
It’s outrageous, but not surprising, that some media reports are referring to the man as an “Israeli.” He is NOT. I love how they are “Isrealis” when they do bad things against Americans, but they are “Palestinians” when they are “aggrieved” by the actual Israelis and want their own terror-based country from which to launch more attacks on Jews and Christians.
Her mother is lucky that the U.S. law enforcement authorities were able to persuade her to return home. If she’d married the guy in a quickie Muslim wedding, her parents would be out of luck. Shariah law requires the husband’s permission for a divorce.

DANGER: Your Daughter’s MySpace Chats Could Mean . . .

From THIS . . . to THIS

(Katherine Lester, Pictured at Left)

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28 Responses

Parental irresponsibility has taken new heights now. I hope more American parents, particularly mothers, watch real-life movies like “Not without my daughter”.
The girl is stupid and her mother is even more stupid. Why did her mother get her a passport if she was going to travel to Canada?!? I believe US citizens don’t need a passport to travel to Canada.
All the Arab coyotes are going to scream “racial profiling” or “discrimination” and will start appearing on TV shows to talk against this… because they just lost a potential hijab clad candidate. They need to re-group and plan a new strategy to get more idiots into their fold.
The FBI did something in the right direction, for once!
anonymous twit

anonymous twit on June 9, 2006 at 3:29 pm

Hey!!! Yahoo! News changed its title to “Jordan persuades ‘MySpace’ girl to go home”….. what the hell?

anonymous twit on June 9, 2006 at 5:16 pm

Did you see the last Dateline NBC program where they were catching pedophiles? They caught a rabbai and thought it was a good idea to put his “caughgt on tape” segment in the program. Of course, I didnt see any arab men caught on tape…

Avatar on June 9, 2006 at 5:28 pm

Of course they won’t be caught on tape with their real Arab names. They’d lie and use a Hebrew or Christian name (remember the two Saudi “students” who boarded the school bus – they lied about their country). Even if they use their real names, the MSM would not show that. They need to be sensitive to Arab/Mozlum pedophiles, you see! These people are used to using children from the days of their beloved Muhammad who married a 6-year old child.
If an Arab/Mozlum needs to satisfy his perverse pedophilic tendencies, its easier and safer to “order” for them (li’l boys and li’l girls) from places like Pakistan, Bangladesh or India (particurly Hyderabad). Or else, take the easy way out like Michael Jackson – take a vacation to Bahrain!!

anonymous twit on June 9, 2006 at 6:12 pm

Yahoo! again changed the title; this time to “‘MySpace’ teen persuaded to leave Jordan”.

anonymous twit on June 9, 2006 at 9:08 pm

Someone from Turkey saying this sort of thing is against his religion would be comical if it didn’t involve an underaged girl in danger.

KnightoftheImpaler on June 9, 2006 at 11:14 pm

Since he’s a pedophile his name might not be Abdullah, maybe it’s Ab-DOLL-ah.

CornCoLeo on June 10, 2006 at 1:49 pm

Stupid parents. Had she died or worse, become a bride of Abdullah, this would tell her parents that they did a louy job raising the kid. Take the kid away from the parents. Reminds me just before 9/11, some Christian morons decided to go to Afghanistan and proselytize. Ha! Stay out of them countries and let our soldiers do their jobs…KILL ‘EM ALL! You bombed us on 9/11? We turn your country to glass…save Israel of course.

KOAJaps on June 10, 2006 at 9:01 pm

KIG OF ALL THE JAPS;as you love to call youself.Aren’t you the guy on the stern show wanting to have sex with the man-woman-man-just to get on his show?.Yea,king of japs,and now tell me about little girls in danger.But You are not to be trusted with any little girl.

danny on June 11, 2006 at 12:08 am

KIG OF ALL THE JAPS;as you love to call youself.Aren’t you the guy on the stern show wanting to have sex with the man-woman-man-just to get on his show?.Yea,king of japs,and now tell me about little girls in danger.But You are not to be trusted with any little girl.

danny on June 11, 2006 at 12:09 am

Yea.Little girls+men as you.Come on remember ?It’s less than 3 weeks ago you on the phone, Howard’s show telling them “I’ll have sex with the _MAN WOMAN_MAN-that he had on.Yea,people in glass houses K O A,people in glass houses.

danny on June 11, 2006 at 12:14 am


danny on June 11, 2006 at 12:19 am

Thank God this young lady is safe. At 16 she hasn’t lived long enough to know the real danger she was in. This SOB must have been very convincing to actually get her to fly to Jordan. He needs to be fitted for a pine box. There are two things I cannot bare: (1) The suffering of a child and (2) a sexual predator (with sexual perverts a close third). I’ve seen too much of it. I’ve also had a gut-full of Jordan.

Marcubius on June 11, 2006 at 4:48 am

Hey Daniella, from a guy who claims to be a moral, up-standing Jew, you sure shock me Daniella by listening to that form of perversion. I have no religion and I scoff at all of them. The closest thing to respecting any religion is Judaism. But I call it all the same, money grubbing righteous trash. I hate Jesus. Jesus is not the Messiah, so yes, I listen to Howad Stern. I am a pervert Daniella, and damn proud of it. Guess what, I haven’t banged Siobhan yet Daniella, oh and I was wondering Mr. righteous, why don’t you tell everyone how did you got the name Daniella?

KOAJaps on June 11, 2006 at 3:08 pm

KOAJapsĂ–how could you hate JesusĂ–you donĂ­t even know JESUS.
Still the Japanese have always been SPIRITUAL FAILURES since the Gospel never took significant root there~
ItĂ­s of course hard to convert the Japanese, a people obsessed with DISNEY or ANN OF GREEN GABLES and other trendy, flashy consumerism.
But hey not all is lostĂ–at least these FLAT-SOULS can make good cars and electronics!
Former attorney Karl Keating who married a Japanese Catholic oversees Catholic Answers at http://www.catholic.com/default.asp so WE KNOW there is a least one Japanese Catholic out there~

The Canadien on June 11, 2006 at 5:17 pm

Look at this innocent little ìlost puppyî.
FORTUNATELY, US law enforcement agents saved her from this MUSLIM PalestinianĂ­s DECEPTION (lying and misrepresentation comes easy to them of course) and an unspeakable fate.
She would have ended up as an ABUSED TROPHY by this ISLAMIC freak, IĂ­m sure.
ENTER this PERPís name in the US ìNo Flyî or rather Selectee Watch List but ALLOW him to fly. As soon as he enters US or INTERNATIONAL AIRSPACE let him then be arrested for HIS deception and fraud.
Then WE can have the last laugh~~

The Canadien on June 11, 2006 at 5:48 pm

Not to change the subject here but I have a question for anyone who might know if this is true or not:
A friend of mine told me that Stern had a mentally retarded black man who was homeless come into his studio and told him to take all of his clothes off. Not knowing any better, the homeless man did it. Stern then began to humiliate the man for his friends to laugh about. I don’t know much about Stern. Is that really true?

Marcubius on June 11, 2006 at 8:26 pm

Hey Canadien, Jesus the savior story is comparable to that of the easter bunny and santa claus. During WW2, jesus right hand man the pope didn’t speak out against the atrocities against the Jews. The same thing according to about.com
Ariel Sharon And The Wrath of God
Evangelist Pat Robertson made sparkler-spraying headlines this week when he criticized Ariel Sharon for dividing up God’s land, suggesting that the Israeli Prime Minister’s recent stroke was the result of God’s wrath.
“God considers this land to be his. You read the Bible and he says ‘This is my land,’ and for any prime minister of Israel who decides he is going to carve it up and give it away, God says, ‘No, this is mine.”‘ Roberts said on a recent broadcast of the 700 Club. He pointed out in the book of Joel, the prophet “makes it very clear that God has enmity against those who ‘divide my land.”‘
And the catholic church hides priests who molests kids. Gee, is Jesus a molestor?
The mentally retarded black man was Beetlejuice. http://www.jollydwarf.com and he came in, got naked and tea-bagged a prostitute. Meaning, he humiliated her by putting his nutsack in her mouth.

KOAJaps on June 11, 2006 at 9:59 pm

It is a lesson that fear of American military power can motivate governments to do the right thing.

chsw on June 11, 2006 at 11:21 pm

KOAJackasses: Yes, the Pope kept quiet and FYI the Pope does not represent all Christians. What they did was condemnable, but they have moved on and have tried to make amends. Well, during the same time, lets look at what you Japanese morons were doing during WW2. You guys screwed around China, Korea, Philippines, even betrayed India, and then started messing with the US….. and oops… Hiroshima and Nagasaki showed you fellows your REAL place!! Until then, Japan was butchering everyone!
You have no right to talk about a few pedophile priests or pinpoint ONE evangelist and generalise it to the whole community. Japan has the lowest age for consensual sex anywhere in the world (I believe it is 13) and all the top-selling porn contains kiddie sex or some form of rape. You say you grew up in the US, but your tendencies are all very Japanese!
Off track, how is it you always keep gloating over the fact that some of your relatives “fought” for Debbie’s folks? How about the OTHER relatives — let me guess … they were busy planning attacks on Pearl Harbor at the same time; well they were not too smart… and you might just be a chip of the old block. Hey was your mother a geisha? I’d love to listen to her play music on that silly detuned prelude-to-foreplay-turn-off instrument.

anonymous twit on June 11, 2006 at 11:42 pm

KOJaps still thinks his emperor is god. I don’t know what’s worse; Followers of the Pedophile Profit Mohammad, or Japanese who still worship their emperor.

Thee_Bruno on June 12, 2006 at 9:41 am

Thanks anonymous twit for coming to the aid of the Canadien. Merci!
Back in Grade 5 classÖin the ìfreebirdî 70s, a Croatian and myself were the only two sensible youth who defended the American atomic bomb drops on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
WE kept saying that it was unreasonable to expect Americans to sacrifice any more sons just because Japan was so obtuse = beaten BUT stubborn. The PEACENIKS were unmoved by the logic of our argument. Course THEY rarely think these things through~
KOAJapsĂ–faith in Jesus is a gift and not everybody gets it.
And you canĂ­t figure it out, or reason your way into this faith because God is not a respecter of personsĂ–faith has nothing to do with IQ.
If you are leaning on Evangelist Pat Robertson to help you WADE through the Scriptures especially the Old TestamentĂ–then good luck because PAT is just as lost as you are!
Pick up an Orthodox Jewish commentary on the Old Testamony and build a proper foundation.
Then in a few years you and I will wade through the New Testament.
MANY JEWISH scholars have defended Pius XII actions in WWII. For references to some, see: http://washingtontimes.com/culture/20060425-090125-3941r.htm
REALITY and social evolution caught up with the Church and other organizations who were VICTIMS of these types of ìpredatory pervsî. These defrocked pervs are NOW going to jailÖexactly where they belong~~

The Canadien on June 12, 2006 at 10:23 am

I blame King of All Japs for the atrocities committed by the Japs in WWII. I blame KOJ for Pearl Harbor, murdering all the Americans. I blame KOJ for the murders and tortures of the Guantanamo Bay POWs. I blame KOJ every time a Honda breaks down.
Isn’t it silly to blame Jesus for every stupid thing people do? In fact, doesn’t the fact of the stupid acts named prove what Jesus said was correct?

Jeff_W on June 12, 2006 at 10:45 am

KING OF ALL THE JAPS(as youy love to call yourself)The ‘twit’ is right-on .as I said way, way back.”YOU STAND ON THE BACK OF GOOD JAPS SO YOUR HEAD PEEKS OUT of THE SHIT POOL THAT IS YOUR LIFE)it’s funny to read some of your hate-filled buddies here come down on you.

danny on June 12, 2006 at 5:08 pm

Canadien:o.k. but many here don’t have Christ in their heart. but try and say they do.KING OF ALL THE JAPS (as he loves calling himself) messed-up be typing “I hate …”But many here are worse by trying to tell that they are good,but really they are only hate filled.Just read the crap they post here in the name of Proud god fearing american’s.

danny on June 12, 2006 at 5:28 pm

King of All Crap can type hate all he wants, he’s still not getting into the Hate Club.
Does anyone else love reading Danny’s posts as much as I do? I get such a kick out of reading the stream of consciousness without editing himself.

The_Man on June 12, 2006 at 9:26 pm

HEY DEBBIE, I’M LOVED! Like Danny said, I must love Jesus, Jesus was a Jew and a great carpenter and Rabbi, so I apologize. I love Jesus and see how all his Children are (read below). these are the real Christians and I shall follow their racist, xenophobic thoughts. Was Jesus a xenophobe too? Thank you for giving us the opportunity to post, you are the best and shalom Deb.
“KOAJackasses: Yes, the Pope kept quiet and FYI the Pope does not represent all Christians. What they did was condemnable, but they have moved on and have tried to make amends. Well, during the same time, lets look at what you Japanese morons were doing during WW2. You guys screwed around China, Korea, Philippines, even betrayed India, and then started messing with the US….. and oops… Hiroshima and Nagasaki showed you fellows your REAL place!! Until then, Japan was butchering everyone!
You have no right to talk about a few pedophile priests or pinpoint ONE evangelist and generalise it to the whole community. Japan has the lowest age for consensual sex anywhere in the world (I believe it is 13) and all the top-selling porn contains kiddie sex or some form of rape. You say you grew up in the US, but your tendencies are all very Japanese!
Off track, how is it you always keep gloating over the fact that some of your relatives “fought” for Debbie’s folks? How about the OTHER relatives — let me guess … they were busy planning attacks on Pearl Harbor at the same time; well they were not too smart… and you might just be a chip of the old block. Hey was your mother a geisha? I’d love to listen to her play music on that silly detuned prelude-to-foreplay-turn-off instrument.
Posted by: anonymous twit [TypeKey Profile Page] at June 11, 2006 11:42 PM
KOJaps still thinks his emperor is god. I don’t know what’s worse; Followers of the Pedophile Profit Mohammad, or Japanese who still worship their emperor.
Posted by: Thee_Bruno [TypeKey Profile Page] at June 12, 2006 09:41 AM
Thanks anonymous twit for coming to the aid of the Canadien. Merci!
Back in Grade 5 classÖin the ìfreebirdî 70s, a Croatian and myself were the only two sensible youth who defended the American atomic bomb drops on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
WE kept saying that it was unreasonable to expect Americans to sacrifice any more sons just because Japan was so obtuse = beaten BUT stubborn. The PEACENIKS were unmoved by the logic of our argument. Course THEY rarely think these things through~
KOAJapsĂ–faith in Jesus is a gift and not everybody gets it.
And you canĂ­t figure it out, or reason your way into this faith because God is not a respecter of personsĂ–faith has nothing to do with IQ.
If you are leaning on Evangelist Pat Robertson to help you WADE through the Scriptures especially the Old TestamentĂ–then good luck because PAT is just as lost as you are!
Pick up an Orthodox Jewish commentary on the Old Testamony and build a proper foundation.
Then in a few years you and I will wade through the New Testament.
MANY JEWISH scholars have defended Pius XII actions in WWII. For references to some, see: http://washingtontimes.com/culture/20060425-090125-3941r.htm
REALITY and social evolution caught up with the Church and other organizations who were VICTIMS of these types of ìpredatory pervsî. These defrocked pervs are NOW going to jailÖexactly where they belong~~
Posted by: The Canadien [TypeKey Profile Page] at June 12, 2006 10:23 AM (Hey canadien, see all the Jesus lovers? Oh, now I love Jesus)
I blame King of All Japs for the atrocities committed by the Japs in WWII. I blame KOJ for Pearl Harbor, murdering all the Americans. I blame KOJ for the murders and tortures of the Guantanamo Bay POWs. I blame KOJ every time a Honda breaks down.
Isn’t it silly to blame Jesus for every stupid thing people do? In fact, doesn’t the fact of the stupid acts named prove what Jesus said was correct?
Posted by: Jeff_W [TypeKey Profile Page] at June 12, 2006 10:45 AM
KING OF ALL THE JAPS(as youy love to call yourself)The ‘twit’ is right-on .as I said way, way back.”YOU STAND ON THE BACK OF GOOD JAPS SO YOUR HEAD PEEKS OUT of THE SHIT POOL THAT IS YOUR LIFE)it’s funny to read some of your hate-filled buddies here come down on you.
Posted by: danny [TypeKey Profile Page] at June 12, 2006 05:08 PM
Canadien:o.k. but many here don’t have Christ in their heart. but try and say they do.KING OF ALL THE JAPS (as he loves calling himself) messed-up be typing “I hate …”But many here are worse by trying to tell that they are good,but really they are only hate filled.Just read the crap they post here in the name of Proud god fearing american’s.
Posted by: danny [TypeKey Profile Page] at June 12, 2006 05:28 PM”

KOAJaps on June 13, 2006 at 2:22 pm

the_Man, daniella is the best

KOAJaps on June 13, 2006 at 2:25 pm

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