April 8, 2010, - 10:35 pm

Your Day in Islamic (Child) Marital Bliss

By Debbie Schlussel

Child brides, sadly, are nothing new or uncommon in Islam.  In fact, they are, tragically, all too common. And, also sadly, torture and other brutality are very common against these young sex slaves,er . . . “wives.”


And, now, there’s this sickening death. Actually, a murder via rape. It’s not the first one and won’t be the last.

A 13-year-old Yemeni girl who was forced into marriage died five days after her wedding when she suffered a rupture in her sex organs and hemorrhaging, a local rights organization said today.

Ilham Mahdi al Assi died last Friday in a hospital in Yemen’s Hajja province, the Shaqaeq Arab Forum for Human Rights said in a statement quoting a medical report.

She was wedded the previous Monday in a traditional arrangement known as a “swap marriage,” in which the brother of the bride also married the sister of the groom, it said.

“The child Ilham has died as a martyr due to the abuse of children’s lives in Yemen,” the non-governmental organization said.

Her death was a “flagrant example” of the results of opposing the ban on child marriage in Yemen, which was leading to “killing child females,” it said.

The marriage of young girls is widespread in Yemen. . . .

The death of a 12-year-old girl in childbirth in September illustrated the case of the country’s “brides of death,” many of whom were married off even before puberty.

Thousands of Muslims in Yemen recently protested a proposed law to ban marriages to women under 17.

Yup, that’s the “humane,” “peaceful” “Religion of Peace.” Uh-huh. The peace of the coffin . . . at age 13.

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28 Responses

and of course “islam” is not mentioned once in the report. They make it sound like a “yemeni” problem instead of a muslim world problem.

ender on April 8, 2010 at 10:49 pm


It used to be that royalty in one country would marry
royalty in another country to cement peaceful ties
between the two countries.

Since Obama wants so much to have good relations with
The Muslim world, he should marry of one or both of
his young daughters to the son of a Muslim ruler. Even
better, he should marry one of to Bin Laden himself.

I_AM_ME on April 8, 2010 at 10:52 pm

According to ‘The O’Reilly Factor’ last night, the guest host said that Bush reached out to the Muslim world as much as Obama is trying to now.

Lee on April 8, 2010 at 11:36 pm

    I never saw Bush BOW to those whom would have us dead should we refuse to convert.

    Sam Adams on April 9, 2010 at 7:56 pm

Lee, I would say that Bush reached out plenty but nowhere near as much as Obama. I would also say Bush’s motivations were more strategy and greed than Obama’s motivations of ideology and principal.

Bush knew camel shit when he saw and smelled it.

Obama eats it for breakfast.

Shy Guy on April 9, 2010 at 12:33 am

Nothing to see here. Move along move along.

Just sickening.

Joe on April 9, 2010 at 12:48 am

I would destory all islamic schools and make
pig fram there.F>>>> muslims ass.

master tom on April 9, 2010 at 1:35 am

Honestly, I am not sad that she died. High infant mortality especially female infant mortality in the Middle East actually slows down their “demographic bomb” threat.

Rex on April 9, 2010 at 1:36 am

    Rex, that’s disgusting. I’m guessing you’re one of those that would take a spider outside and release it rather than squish it. But human life? Who cares.

    Paulette on April 11, 2010 at 1:48 am

Rex, I agree with you but I’m still sorry that a child had to suffer that fear and pain. I’d rather the men all lose their testicles instead.

batyah on April 9, 2010 at 1:46 am

Well, considering muhammed was a pedophile. What does one expect?

Christopher Nelson on April 9, 2010 at 3:51 am

@Rex: You should be ashamed of yourself for being happy about death of a kid for whatever twisted reason you have.

@I_AM_ME: What does the president have to do with this? Obsessed much?

Kayle Igelstrom on April 9, 2010 at 4:01 am

Christopher Nelson got it right. The reason this is so endemic in dar ul Islam is that Mohammed did it, and if Mohammed did something, it’s good enough for Muslims to do eternally.

Like ender said, it’s by no means limited to Yemen.

Infidel Pride on April 9, 2010 at 7:53 am

These dessert primitives sicken me every time a story like this appears in the news. Such barbarity should have no place in this world. How any sick minded perverted individual allows such dastardly things to happen is beyond me. I think those who encourage child marriages (a.k.a. legalized pedophilia) should be tried for crimes against humanity and executed. There needs to be a revolution in the Middle East against the tyrannical Islamic regime or we will be reading more about little girls being sacrificed to their devious husbands.

American Sabrah on April 9, 2010 at 8:06 am

Thats sad. Very sad, but I don’t want my government spending my tax money trying to solve every wrong in the world. Not here, and certainly not there.

Frank on April 9, 2010 at 8:51 am

Here is a question for all American’s ask their national politicians. Which House and Senate committees holds jurisdiction over determining if Islam is a religion or just a 7th century cult started by a 7th century pedophile?
Google “Stephen Coughlin thesis” and read what he found when he completed a legal review of Islam, Koran, etc for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

TopAssistant on April 9, 2010 at 9:42 am

[You ever hear of Loretta Lynn. SHe got married at 14]

Good point, Adam.

After reading some of the comments here, I wonder who the real monsters are.

Norman Blitzer on April 9, 2010 at 11:37 am

    aww, Blitz…there is such a jump in human sexuality from age 10-11 and ages 14-15…
    You should know that most young girls 10-11 are still playing hopscotch whereas 14-15 yr. olds are making out (or more) at the J.H.S. or H.S. dances…come on now, think!
    This is deviant pedophilia, plain & simple.

    esther on April 10, 2010 at 1:45 pm

Norman, loretta lynn didnt have her genitals torn to the point it killed her. And some of the comments, though uncalled for, still are just comments, not the actual ACTIONS of the religion of peace. There are bad in all groups, but that does not excuse barbaric acts against children and women.

thomas o'malley on April 9, 2010 at 12:02 pm

Is it Islam, or is it Middle Eastern culture? Then again, it is my opinion that Islam is merely Arabic culture imposed onto a religious, economic, political and construct. That is my secular opinion of Islam, anyway. I won’t go into my religious view of Islam based on my own religious beliefs.

So, as much as I hate agreeing with the ultra-Zionist Debbie Schlussel, it looks like she is right. The spread of Islam does mean the spread of barbaric Arabic culture (I will have to re-read Genesis to find out which culture) no matter where Islam goes, including European places like Chechyna and Kosovo, and Asian locales like parts of China as well.

Now I am not a “culture war” guy, but I can understand why the culture warriors like Schlussel are. The culture war really is the new Cold War, and the stakes are just as high.

Gerald on April 9, 2010 at 12:42 pm

Each American must contact their national politicians and ask, “Which House and Senate committees holds jurisdiction over determining if Islam is a religion or just a 7th century cult started by a 7th century pedophile?” CAIR and other Muslim Brotherhood groups are using they are a RELIGION when they are not. Google, Stephen Coughlin thesis and read his legal research paid for by DoD Join Chiefs of Staff. What he found in legal research is Islam was not hijacked by a few radicals, this is what the Koran and legal documents tell them they must do.

TopAssistant on April 9, 2010 at 1:47 pm

I could call Muslims Pigs and Dogs, but it would be insulting to Pigs and Dogs. Pigs make delicous barbecue and bacon, and Dogs make fine, faithful pets.

Dave from McKinney on April 9, 2010 at 4:34 pm

While it’s true that Islamic males have no monopoly on the abuse, assault, or exploitation of prepubescent girls, any culture or religion that actually tolerates or sanctions marriage and/or sexual relations between adults and children is seriously twisted and should be censured, disciplined, or destroyed.

How’s that for a run-on sentence? 😉

Graty Slapchop on April 9, 2010 at 5:26 pm

Islam has nothing to do with real religion. It is really only a way for every Muslin man to insure his legal right to rape, and totally dominate another human for as long as he wishes, with no worry or repercussion whatsoever. This makes him a “man” in the eyes of his peers.

Larry on April 9, 2010 at 7:18 pm


“Islam has nothing to do with real religion.”

Errr … you haven’t studied religions other than Christianity and Judaism exhaustively I see. Let me just point out that a lot of stuff goes on that the multiculturalists and pluralists don’t want you to know about. Even the viciously imperialistic nature of Islam can be found in a lot of other faith systems (i.e. the ancient Greek, Roman, Assyrian, Norse and Babylonian pagans).

Gerald on April 9, 2010 at 11:02 pm

“Even the viciously imperialistic nature of Islam can be found in a lot of other faith systems (i.e. the ancient Greek, Roman, Assyrian, Norse and Babylonian pagans).
Gerald on April 9, 2010 at 11:02 pm”

Yeah, no kidding. But all these pagan faiths have died off, yet somehow the Islamic faith, the last of the pagan, remains.
The ancient Greek, Roman, Assyrian, Norse and Babylonian pagans are no threat to civilization now, are they?
When was the last time someone sliced someones throat, blew up a building, raped, tortured, etc… in the name of Zeus or Odin?
Welcome to the 21’st Century…only one pagan faith still does this in the name of their god.
…Care to take a guess?

theShadow on April 10, 2010 at 11:12 pm

This was left by a poster in Feb. Translated from an unmentioned source.

“In islam, the Real Original and True Allah can not exists.
In islam, the Real Original and True Allah can not have life.
In islam, allah do not speak
In islam, allah have no sprit.
Conclusion, and the conclusion are the real revelation of muhammad.
In islam, allah is dead.
in islam, allah was murdered.
By who?
By muhammad, himself.
In islam, only satan exists.
Just outside of islam, the life, the true, the good Divine and good spiritual world of the ideas can exists.
aa on February 25, 2010 at 8:43 pm”

Took me a couple re-reads to figure out but Since Allah is a generic Arabic term for God I decided to try a second translation:
In islam, the Real Original and True God can not exist.
In islam, the Real Original and True God can not have life.
In islam, God does not speak
In islam, God has no sprit.

In islam, God is dead.
in islam, God was murdered.
By who?
By muhammad, himself.
Worse. (…this is the part that got me…)
In islam, only satan exists.
Just OUTSIDE of islam, the life, the true, the good Divine and good spiritual world of the ideas can exist.

…does this mean that the “Allah” of Islam is actually real and NOT a non-existant pagan god,
…but in reality, satan himself?

does it now begin to make sense?

theShadow on April 10, 2010 at 11:45 pm


noman on October 5, 2010 at 5:34 pm

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