June 7, 2006, - 8:39 pm

SCHLUSSEL vs. U.S. Senator Cornyn on FOX News re-Immigration

This evening, I was on FOX News debating U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) regarding immigration policy.
Except that I wasn’t on in person. Apparently, John Gibson, host of “The Big Story,” was my proxy.
Gibson said to Cornyn: “A blogger named reports that her sources say .”
Cornyn said he didn’t believe it. Well, Senator Cornball, believe it. is correct. The Bush Administration is hiring new workers to administer the new Amnesty that YOUR esteemed body passed in your esteemed immigration legislation.

Senator-in-Denial John Cornyn: My Doubter by Proxy

Amnesty is here, it’s ready, and–unless the House and voters do something to stop it–it’s happening.
Don’t forget, Senator Cornball is the same guy who originally said he opposed a/k/a “The ICE Princess” as head of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), and then suddenly did a 180 for no valid reason and supported her. Call him Senator Gullible. If he had an ounce of courage, he’d be hauling her in before his committee every week to explain why she and her agency are such a mess.
But he does not. And that’s why I was probably not on the show with him to defend my accurate reporting. He can’t answer tough questions regarding his hypocrisy on this issue.
G-d save our country. And next time, John Gibson and FOX News, G-d save my reports by, at least, allowing me to come on your show to defend them against naive Senators forever in denial.
BTW, John, since we’ve e-mailed each other before, you know how to reach me.

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5 Responses

It just boggles my mind that actual U.S. senators can be so clueless about what’s going on. Don’t these guys have staffs (many liberal senators have “staph”, but that’s a different story) that keep abreast of what big-time bloggers, like Debbie, are posting? It makes me believe that senators ought to be drug tested periodically.

CornCoLeo on June 7, 2006 at 11:21 pm

This little spark has the potential to make a stunning impact! Isn’t it wonderful how the MSM covers up for the pro-amnesty crowd, because they support that position politically themselves, leaving the public to report the news for them?
I’ll say it again — the MSM has become the 4th branch of government without the consent of the people.
MSM = bad

Marcubius on June 8, 2006 at 8:28 am

The only bright side I can see on this is that last time they offered amnesty they had Special Agents helping to do the paperwork to parole people in, this time at least they are hiring clerks. Anyways, God help us all. It’s like we watching a horror movie and screaming at the girl to run before she gets chopped up, only no one can hear you.

ICEAGENT on June 8, 2006 at 10:54 am

You think that due to the fact the DHS is increasing its federal agents by 70 new slots that were gearing up to let 12 million aliens recieve amnesty? You base everything off assumption! How navie are you?
Second of all why are you attacking Senator Cornyn? He is 100% opposed to amnesty. He is for a TEMPORARY guest worker (not leading to citizen) program for 6 years. He wants to set a 6 month deadline for people not in the program to return home, because 50% of the farming and 25% of the construction in this countries jobs are held by illegals. We have to have temporary relief for the morons that put us in the position like Ted Kennedy. John Cornyn is smart enough to realize this.
Senator Cornyn voted AGAINST S. 2611(the amnesty bill)! You make it sound like he voted for it! He devised amendments like felony background checks, department of labor crack down on employers, and voted against social security benefits for illegals!
Senator Cornyn has always backed Julie Myers into running ICE. Once again you are wrong! If I am incorrect prove me wrong and direct us to a web site.(or should I base it off your assumptions?)
Sweetie I know your mad because they didn’t put you on Fox News, but its because you don’t have your facts strait. You need to get your information together before you think you can leave the kids table.

LoneStarMan on June 9, 2006 at 2:45 pm

You think that due to the fact the DHS is increasing its federal agents by 70 new slots that were gearing up to let 12 million aliens recieve amnesty? You base everything off assumption! How navie are you?
Second of all why are you attacking Senator Cornyn? He is 100% opposed to amnesty. He is for a TEMPORARY guest worker (not leading to citizen) program for 6 years. He wants to set a 6 month deadline for people not in the program to return home, because 50% of the farming and 25% of the construction in this countries jobs are held by illegals. We have to have temporary relief for the morons that put us in the position like Ted Kennedy. John Cornyn is smart enough to realize this.
Senator Cornyn voted AGAINST S. 2611(the amnesty bill)! You make it sound like he voted for it! He devised amendments like felony background checks, department of labor crack down on employers, and voted against social security benefits for illegals!
Senator Cornyn has always backed Julie Myers into running ICE. Once again you are wrong! If I am incorrect prove me wrong and direct us to a web site.(or should I base it off your assumptions?)
Sweetie I know your mad because they didn’t put you on Fox News, but its because you don’t have your facts strait. You need to get your information together before you think you can leave the kids table.

LoneStarMan on June 9, 2006 at 2:46 pm

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