May 26, 2006, - 3:24 pm

Qaeda Central: Religion of Peace in Somalia

Yesterday, the deadliest fighting in Somalia in 14 years broke out, but the U.S. wasn’t there. Muslims were there in spades, however. We’re sure they’ll find a way to blame it on us evil, capitalist, western Infidels anyway.
But we’d like to point out why the fighting is going on. Islamic terrorist militias are fighting secular militias in Mogadishu and beyond. It got worse Thursday because fanatical Muslims will not let others live in Somalia in piece. Muslim terrorists captured a strategic road junction and seized the Sahafi Hotel, owned by a member of the anti-terrorism Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counterterrorism. The fighting began in Northern Mogadishu and expanded eastward and southward.
A May 14th cease-fire, like all cease-fires with Islamic terrorists, means nothing. The Muslims have killed more than 60 people and wounded more than 150.

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4 Responses

Erradicate the Khat, stop the crap.

SickBoy on May 27, 2006 at 11:03 am

A perfect recipe for disaster. On the one hand, you have brain-dead Muzlum killers, and on the other, you have brain-dead secular warlords. And, it’s not just happening in Somalia.
Think about it; how many people are flocking INTO Africa?
What a continent!

Thee_Bruno on May 27, 2006 at 12:18 pm

Thee_Homophoby_bruno;”think about it””the perfect recipe for disaster” are people as you(bruno) around the sit back ,have a beer and cook beef, scartch your nut’s ,have more beer and kick the wife.

danny on May 28, 2006 at 7:09 pm

I see that the mental ward still gives you access to the Net.

Thee_Bruno on May 29, 2006 at 3:24 pm

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