May 26, 2006, - 2:26 pm

Hilarious: Saudi Dry-Run “Bus Riders” Here on “Cultural Understanding” Scholarship

Some of us understand Islamic culture very well. And many, many Muslims understand American culture VERY, VERY, VERY WELL (enabling them to take very good advantage of it–to our detriment).
So we were annoyed some months ago when we read that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, via an agreement with King Abdullah and President Bush, was granting scholarships to hundreds of Saudis to study at schools here. Even more annoyed when we learned, today, that in Tampa are here on such a scholarship.
What is there left to “understand” . . . other than their taqiyah (deception of all Infidels and non-believing Muslims) and our falling for it; their hatred of us and our desire not to want to violate the civil rights of those who want to take away our ultimate civil right, life?

Mana Saleh Almanajam & Shaker Mohsen Alsidran:

Saudi Dry-Run Bus Riders Here for Cultural Understanding

Yes, the two Saudi men who conducted an apparent dry run of hijacking a Tampa school bus, last Friday, are here on just such a “cultural understanding” scholarship. Looks like they got a lot of cultural understanding when they boarded a school bus without the bus driver stopping them or refusing to move the bus, lied about it to police, and ultimately, are walking free here. We doubt King Abdullah would stand for that if Americans did it in his country, er . . . Kingdom.
According to The Arab News, the English house press organ of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:

The two Saudis came to the United States via a scholarship program offered by Saudi Arabia to promote cultural understanding between the two countries.

Well past time to end this kind of “understanding” and give these two men a new version, as in deportation or jail.
More about the two Saudi men , , and , .
Thanks to eagle-eyed private investigator Bill Warner for the tip.

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2 Responses

It is foolish to war with an enemy without understanding them first. Ahh, the similarities between Sun Tzu and Islamic philosophy.

SickBoy on May 27, 2006 at 11:06 am

Judging from their pictures, I’d say Saudi Arabia is suffering from a much-needed infusion of human genes into their species.
I know that hybridization isn’t successful using different animal species, but at this point, anything is worth a shot.

Thee_Bruno on May 27, 2006 at 12:35 pm

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