May 23, 2006, - 12:02 pm

Sniper Trial Media Whitewash: Are you Traveling Along “Allah 1”?

The trial of John Allen Muhammad, the Muslim D.C. sniper murderer, is ongoing, with Muslim partner-in-crime Lee Malvo among the last witnesses testifying.
Is this the religion of peace? Their actions said otherwise. But we note that not only do none of the news reports of the trial mention Islam (or call the snipers what they are: Islamic Terrorists), more glaring is that they do not mention one key point in FBI expert testimony, which our astute readers caught:

The name the snipers chose for their route of killing, marked with skulls and crossbones to denote good potential kills, was called “ALLAH ONE.”

Yet, another pair of hijackers of their religion. Right? More like the other way around. Here’s what the whitewashing press DID report:

Allah One: Religion of Peace’s Preferred Travel Route

Skull and crossbones mark murder scenes on maps saved on the computer, John Hair, an FBI computer expert, testified.
The Falls Church Home Depot where FBI analyst Linda Franklin was fatally shot in the head Oct. 14, 2002, as she loaded packages into her car with her husband was labeled, “good one.”
Oladell Martin, sister of sniper victim James D. Martin, put her hand to her mouth when she saw the skull and crossbones over the Aspen Hill Shoppers Food Warehouse where her brother was killed Oct. 2, 2002.
Other maps trace routes between consecutive shootings and identify potential killing sites with comments such as, “Good spot off 95.”
Another file found on the computer reads like a rough draft of the notes demanding money that were left at three of the shootings.

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2 Responses

…and Lee Malvo and his Mom were/are Illegal Aliens from the Caribbean.

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