May 19, 2006, - 9:40 am

Iraq = HAMASastan 2?: Supports Israel Boycott

So glad our troops, including my cousin, helped liberate Iraq. So what do we get in return? Islamic law, a Shi’ite government that is inching toward Iran-style fundamentalism, and NOW, that country supports the Arab Boycott of Israel.
Our friend, Jerusalem Post reporter Michael Freund alerts us to his story, today, about the Iraqi government’s decision to participate in the Arab Boycott:

The US-backed Iraqi government sent an official representative to this week’s meeting of the Arab League Boycott Office in Damascus, The Jerusalem Post has learned, prompting criticism from members of Congress and the Bush administration.
Liaison officers from 14 countries met for four days this week to discuss ways of intensifying the Arab embargo against Israel. Among those taking part were delegates from several ostensible US allies, such as Iraq, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait.
Tom Casey, a spokesman for the US State Department, told the Post that Washington was unhappy with Baghdad’s action. . . .
Contacted by phone, a spokesman for the Iraqi embassy in London declined to comment.

Unhappy? That and $5 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks. specifically outlawing the Arab Boycott of Israel. They were passed in 1977, as amendments to the Export Administration Act and the Ribicoff Amendment to the 1976 Tax Reform Act. The federal statute citation is 15 CFR 760 et seq. And there is a federal Anti-Boycott Office to enforce them. Apparently, our State Dept. and Prez see those as mere formalities.
Where is our government and Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice on this? Too busy telling Bono and The Independent that , apparently.
We should be telling Iraq that if they boycott Israel, they don’t get funds. But we won’t. Just like we gave in and gave our tax $$$ to HAMASastan’s government.
Don’t hold your breath for that to change. Our foreign policy is consistent on one thing: Those who run it simply don’t have the guts. Despite all the self-promotion, PR, and hype about their physical fitness work-outs, when it comes to the real tests of strength, President Bush and are just plain wimpy.

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8 Responses

Wait a minute…weren’t it YOU GUYS who were telling me that the administration and these so-called ‘christians’ were so PRO-ISRAEL whilst i was telling y’all that Dostoevsky revealed the unwritten commandment over a century ago—Love thy neighbour but HATEE the Jews???
Now the chickens are coming home to roost, huh my Debskins?
Israel is only relevant when gas is plentiful…you don’t need to be a history major to KNOW that.

EminemsRevenge on May 19, 2006 at 11:06 am

These people are primitive barbarians. Try as we might, Muzlums have never really been capable of governing themselves via a democracy. They’re only capable of being ruled by dictators, monarchs, totalitarian theocracies. Sure you have Egypt and Pakistan that parade around as democracies, but they really aren’t.
Muzlums are this way because Islam cannot tolerate democratic rule. Islam is a rigid, unbending set of rules invented in the 7th century and require unyielding submission to it. Islam was invented in the time of dictators and monarchs and hasn’t evolved nor advanced itself thus allowing for such political experiments as democracy. Islam prohibits free will. Islam also forbids the separation of church and state. In Islam, Islam IS the state.

Thee_Bruno on May 19, 2006 at 4:29 pm

Islam is a rigid, unbending set of rules invented in the 7th century and require unyielding submission to it. Islam was invented in the time of dictators and monarchs and hasn’t evolved nor advanced itself thus allowing for such political experiments as democracy. Islam prohibits free will. Islam also forbids the separation of church and state. In Islam, Islam IS the state.
ORGANIZED “Christianity” which became state religion 300 years earlier and the theocracy of Adonai is chopped liver?

EminemsRevenge on May 19, 2006 at 4:50 pm

To my America-Hating homey; M&M…Pick up these books and read them (if you are able to read – after all, “White Men Can’t Jump” – therefore, “Black Men Can’t Read” – if you doubt me…log on to the NYC Dep’t. of Education website and read the test scores for yourself);
A. “The Victory of Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom, Capitalism, and Western Success”
B. “How Christianity Changed the World”
Now, I know, as a black man, you’ve got lots of “issues” with America. However, answer me these questions;
1. How many issues, as a black man, would you have living in Africa or in the Middle East?
2. As a black man, what is your life expectancy living in Africa?
3. As a black man, are you better off living in this country, or living as a black man in a Muzlum country?
4. As a black man, are you better off living in this country, or living as a black man living in Cuba?
5. As a black man, are you better off living in this country, or as a black man living in Haiti?
6. As a black man, are you better off living in this country, or as a black man living in the Dominican Republic?
7. As a black man, are you better off living in this country, or in any country in Africa?
8. As a black man, are you better off living in this country, or in Mexico?
9. As a black man, would you be able to own a computer in Africa, Cuba, Haiti, or the Domincan Republic?
10. As a black man, would you be able to avail yourself of electricity, gasoline, healthcare, cars, and computers in the aforementioned countries?
11. As a black man, would you be able to avail yourself of universities and colleges in those countries?
12. As a black man, would you be able to avail yourself of elementary schools in those countries?
The answer to ALL of those questions is this: The turd-world possesses nothing but misery and destitution. Yet, listening to you, America is the source of all the world’s ills.
What a $cumbag!
How can I prove that you’re wrong?
Answer: Because millions of blacks flock to this country illegally (as do Mexicans) to live here to suckle at the nipple of the WHITE man – after all, America was founded by whites, built by whites, whites drive the economy, and whites fund all of the social welfare programs that the various leeches of society leech off – (illegal aliens, of all kins). (Hey, at least the invaders from Africa and the Caribbean and your Mexican counterparts have one thing in common – they’re ALL ILLEGAL!!!!!). They refuse to live under despotism, disease, hunger, genocide, malnutrition, starvation, and murder (look it up on the Internet), yet they all want to live in such a “terrible country as America” (by your standards).
So what’s your problem?!!!
They choose to come here despite your rants of “RACISM”.
If this country was so “RACIST”, then why are you, your kind, and the other kind invading my country?!!
If you have a problem living in my country, then kindly remove your ass from the USA and emigrate back to wherever it is that your turd-world ancestors came from (and don’t tell me that they were brought here as slaves because that’s a crock!). However, all of your protestations aside, you won’t leave. And, that’s becasue you’re a hypocrite! You like to tear down America, yet you benefit from everything that this country has to offer.
Tell me, M&M, what does that make you?
Answer: A Left-wing, America-hating, LIBERAL HYPOCRITE!
Now, I know you’re going to respond, but it’s going to be in your usual E-bonics-laden, drug-induced hysteria that no one can understand – not even Piss-Diddy.
So, stop tearing down my country, or do the right thing, and LEAVE!

Thee_Bruno on May 19, 2006 at 9:44 pm

The above comment is incredinly racist. I thought the Jews couldnt join the Klan.

lawman on May 20, 2006 at 8:16 am

Let me try the Q & A thingy:
1. What in the world does Deb’s post have to do with Christianity?
A. Zero.
2. Is M&M aware of that?
A. Yep, just another red herring thrown in there to garner attention to himself for who knows what reason.
3. Will I play his silly game?
A. Nope.

The_Man on May 20, 2006 at 8:39 am

To the Muzlum Law-lessman,
I usually have very little regard for anything anyone from the American Criminal Liberties Union.
I have even less regard from an ACLU America-hater who buys into the lies and depravity of deranged cult inventor.
(The ACLU was founded in the 1920s by Roger Baldwin and Crystal Eastman, described as a “progressive” and “the perfect feminist.”
Earl Browder was general secretary of the Communist Party of the United States from 1930 through its dissolution in 1944. When the party was reconstituted as the Communist Political Association later that year, Browder was chosen as its president. Browder proudly proclaimed that the ACLU functioned as “a transmission belt” for the party.)

Thee_Bruno on May 23, 2006 at 9:44 am

The QT interval was measured at one hour post dose because this time point approximates the average time of peak vardenafil concentration. ,

mcxbvzn on May 15, 2011 at 7:32 am

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