May 17, 2006, - 2:06 pm
Low Class: Condoleeza Rice Says 1st Boyfriend is “Rocket Man”
So the most pretentious, self-righteous pop star in the world (no, not you, Madonna), , is the “guest editor” of Great Britain’s Independent, today. And most of the stories are about AIDS and Africa. That’s too bad, because we were really hoping for some investigative stories about:
* How much in taxes he pays in his native Ireland (zero) while he continues to soak American taxpayers to fund
* Why he , while he continues to soak American taxpayers to fund his pet African debt relief project
* How much he personally has given to fund his pet African debt relief project (VERY little), while he continues soak American taxpayers to fund his pet African debt relief project
* How soaking American taxpayers to fund his pet African debt relief project
Also, in the paper, Bono asked Secretary of State Condoleeza Clueless to tell us the top 10 songs in her IPod while she works out. For someone who’s supposed to be dealing with the problems of the world as they affect the U.S., she spends an awful lot of time giving media interviews about her work-outs (on TV, in the now-defunct George Magazine, and now this, etc., etc., etc.).
We don’t care for Rice because of–among other things– like, “The Palestinian people’s . . . aspirations for peace and a peaceful life remain unchanged,” right after they chose HAMAS in their elections. And . But one of her music choices makes her even less worthy of respect, Elton John’s “Rocket Man.”
It’s not the song. It’s her low-class editorial comment about why she likes the song:
It brings back memories of . . . my first boyfriend.
While we’re not going to ask what she means by that, we will say this: Get some class, Condo-girl. We figure that she made this sexual reference about a boyfriend to stop the everlasting rumors that the single, 51-year-old Rice is gay. But why dignify those by trying to respond with this VERY undignified response?
Then, she throws in that her all-time fave music is Mozart. Whatever. That’s not gonna bring her back from the gutter.
Great if she wants to be a phone sex operator, but not exactly the appropriate for a Secretary of State. Yet another reason why we laugh whenever anyone suggests this woman for Prez. Also in her music choices is Aretha Franklin’s “Respect,” but Condoleeza gets no R-E-S-P-E-C-T from us. Her other favorites:
* Kool & The Gang’s “Celebration” (Well, now we know she likes corny Bar Mitzvah party music.)
* Something she calls “Acid Rock” (What is that? Is that like the “Acid Jeans” which were in style for a day in 1983?)
Tags: Africa, Aretha Franklin's "Respect, Bar Mitzvah party, Celebration, Condoleeza Clueless, Debbie Schlussel So, editor, Elton John's "Rocket Man, Great, Great Britain, Hamas, iPod, Ireland, Libya, Rice Says, Rocket Man, Secretary of State, United States, USD
Shes’ going on MTV tomorrow to field questions about whether she wears thongs vs. briefs.
Then, it’s off to Emeril Live where she’ll prepare some of her favorite recipes such as Condoleezza Rice Pudding, Condoleezza Rice Pilaf, and Condoleezza Rice and Beans.
Then, it’s off to Ofrah’s Show where she’ll sing Rocket Man while jumping up and down on a couch.
Thee_Bruno on May 17, 2006 at 3:11 pm