May 15, 2006, - 8:59 am

Video From Friday FOX News Appearance

Thanks to Ian Schwartz from Expose the Left for posting video of my Friday appearance on FOX News Live, regarding the absurd idea of Oprah Winfrey as America’s spiritual guru, the topic of a , which quoted me.
Puh-leeze. The Oprah “I am creation’s daughter . . . . I am spirit” quote is the most pretentious drivel I’ve ever heard. Proof that people, not just plants and grass, ingest fertilizer by the gallon.

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2 Responses

Thanks a bunch, Debbie, for posting the link since I missed it.
I think you nailed HOprah’s appeal. I’ve always wondered how anyone can watch that show as it’s pure garbage to me. Her, her guests, and her audience are just a bunch of phonies patting themselves on the back for an hour. You’re right, it’s just a complete worship of self. Plus, HOprah being a black woman is a double bonus in that the white chicks feel great “proving” they aren’t racists and black women have someone they feel is a role model. I guess I finally get it.
BTW, for once someone at Fox News pronounces your last name correctly….and, uh, have to say it, you looked really hot.

Jeff_W on May 15, 2006 at 11:18 am

Fortune cookies should come with your quotes on the inside.

Dairenn on May 15, 2006 at 1:46 pm

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