May 10, 2006, - 4:16 pm

China is Right . . . For Once: Uighur Muslim Terrorists

Like a broken clock that is right twice a day, China is right and we are wrong . . . for once.
The U.S. has decided to release five Chinese Muslims suspected of terrorism from Guantanamo Bay. But unlike other political prisoners in China–who are NOT Muslims, the U.S. is worried about the safety of the Uighur (pronounced “Wee-gur”) Muslims.
So what is our silly government doing? It is sending the five Muslim Chinese terrorism suspects to Albania–because Europe, and particularly the Kosovo region, does not have enough radical Muslims who are trying to take over and make their religion predominate all others.
China blasted the U.S. and demanded their return to China to face punishment. China says they are suspected members of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, which has links to al-Qaida and has received arms and training from the terrorist network. The Islamic terrorist group is waging a violent separatist campaign in China’s northwestern Muslim region of Xinjiang.
But rather than worry about whether they are terrorists, our government is worried China will give the men death or subject them to torture. Our humane government. Humane to the point of stupidity–and extinction.
Maybe we should call it “Abu Ghraib Bend-Over Backward Syndrome.”

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4 Responses

Hey Deb….
Do think there’s any value left in my collection of Garbage Pail Kids Cards?!

Yiddish Steel on May 10, 2006 at 5:14 pm

And yet, China still supports the nuclear dreams of Iran. What are the chances that Iran is helping to arm the Uighur “militants”? So just like we do in the West, they battle Islamic terrorism with one hand while supporting it with the other.

sonofsheldon on May 10, 2006 at 7:00 pm

These Chinese Muzlum terrorists will only find their way back to the U.S. once they’re in Albania because they have nothing in common with Albanians, other than being Muzlum. They won’t go back to China for obvious reasons, and they won’t go back to Assramistan because our troops are there and they don’t want to chance a return to Gitmo.

Thee_Bruno on May 11, 2006 at 9:38 am

Man. This is the most stupid thing I have heard all week.
We should’ve let China get these guys so they can beat their ass.

Dairenn on May 11, 2006 at 7:59 pm

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