May 10, 2006, - 3:48 pm

My Friend, Scott James of Border Patrol: We Were Forced to Help Mexicans re Minutemen

My friend, former Border Patrol Agent, is going to make a great lawyer.
He is quoted in today’s Inland Valley Daily Bulletin of Ontario, California, regarding the Border Patrol providing intel on the Minutemen to the Mexican government, in order to aid and abet illegal aliens:

Scott James, a former Tucson agent, resigned after eight years of service in February, citing a lack of support for agents by the Department of Homeland Security.
He said that U.S. Border Patrol officials provided office space inside their headquarters to Mexican consulate officials, allowed the consulate to dictate the agents’ activities, and gave the consulate information on ongoing investigations.
Such courtesies were not extended to consulate offices of other countries, James said.

I met Scott, former Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council Local 2544, in November of last year, when he attended a conference on illegal immigration at which I spoke. It was hosted by Maricopa County (Arizona) Prosecutor Andrew Thomas, one of the local officials who is doing the job that Homeland Security will not let its agents do.
Scott decided he was tired of fighting to secure our borders when politicians, like San Diego area Congressman , and Customs and Border Protection management were working against him. He told me he decided to leave to go to law school and use his knowledge of the borders and a law degree to help fight for our country outside of the U.S. Border Patrol. As I am a practicing attorney who went to law school in his native Wisconsin, Scott sought my advice.
Scott starts law school in Iowa, this summer. He will make a fine lawyer. And I hope the Minutemen will call on his services. Unfortunately, Border Patrol management worked against his services.

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3 Responses

This is simply outrageous, and I hope some GOP politicians have enough guts to call for an investigation. I’m not betting the farm that they do, though.

Bachbone on May 10, 2006 at 9:19 pm

Why don’t we just give the U.S. to Mexico and the rest of the Turd World and get it over with!
Maybe we can get the Mexicans to patrol the border? You know…they’ll be doing the jobs Americans aren’t able to do.

Thee_Bruno on May 11, 2006 at 9:43 am

This is sickening. Do you think House Resolution (HR2672), introduced May 2005, by Catherine Harris (R) Fl, and Chris Shays (R) CT has anything to do with this? We all know who’s who in Florida, and how many Northeasterners retire there and the such. Tin foil hat or what? Worth the read (HR2672).

SickBoy on May 11, 2006 at 7:41 pm

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