May 4, 2006, - 11:12 pm
His Ego Size?: A Caption Contest
The Detroit Free Press had a caption contest using this photo. But the paper refused to print any captions involving Monica Lewinsky or Bill Clinton’s sex life, and that’s no fun. Given the man and his pose in the photo, it invites only that kind of caption.
For the record, the portrait of Bill Clinton does NOT feature a wedding ring (though the real-life version standing in front of it is wearing one). What’s your suggested caption? For the time being, we can’t think of any good ones.
Tags: Bill Clinton, Debbie Schlussel, Hawaiian Tropic Bikini Contest Judge, Monica Lewinsky, the Detroit Free Press, We Can, Yasser Said My
“My portrait is pretty nice, but you should see Hillary’s. Her ass is THIS BIG!”
William Smith on May 4, 2006 at 11:43 pm