May 1, 2006, - 1:00 pm

Signs the Illegal Alien Apocalypse is Upon Us

Our home state, Michigan, posts its webpage not just in en Espagnol, but in Arabic, too! All the better to welcome Jihadi illegal aliens to our country with open arms.
Our favorite items in Arabic:
* “Should I Be Suspicous?”
* “Description of DHS Administered Programs”
* Lots of Instructions on Getting IDs and SS#s, as well as Mucho Benefits (Maybe, it should be called “Fraud How-To Page in Arabic”)
Thanks to our Governor, Jennifer Granholm a/k/a “The Governatrix Gran-HO,” the nation’s first and only “Dating Game” contestant governor (no lie). (She’s a liberal Democrat, but her Republican challenger, Dick DeVos is no better, unfortunately. Stay tuned. . . .)

Extremist Imam/Hezbollah Supporter Hassan Qazwini

& Michigan Governatrix Gran-HO

**** UPDATE: Readers Chris and Dave inform me that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger was also on “The Dating Game.” But a) he was on “The NEW Dating Game” and b) he was an actor-bodybuilder/in showbiz at the time, so he doesn’t count. Still, to be accurate, The Governatrix Gran-HO was the nation’s FIRST–but, unfortunately, NOT ONLY or even LAST–“Dating Game” contestant Guv. (No accounting for the taste of voters in the Michigan and California electorates–on a number of counts.)
FYI, reader Dave provides links about the rudderless Governator’s Dating Game experience: here, here, and here.

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2 Responses

The “Terrorists in Turbans” who are here in the U.S. are no different from the “Terrorists in Turbans” who reside in the Middle East. Some Americans are fooled into thinking that just because these people are here, they have abandoned their evil agenda. That’s just plain suicidal thinking – as is the behavior displayed by our politicians towards these Muzlims. Unfortunately, too many politicos in this country don’t have the resolve or the desire to protect America as these barbarians’ resolve and desire to destroy it.

Thee_Bruno on May 1, 2006 at 5:28 pm

Debbie you must remember that the great terminator of California was on the dating game.

chris on May 1, 2006 at 6:58 pm

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