May 1, 2006, - 8:46 am

On Alien May Day, Remember: Immigration Chieftess’ Eagle is New Aztlan’s Eagle

As , it’s a disgrace that “our” chief of immigration, –unqualified sachem of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)–a/k/a “The ICE Princess,” .
In honor of Reconquistador May Day (today), we thought you’d like to know that this same “Aztlan Eagle” is the official emblem of the reconquistador illegal alien movement, whose supporters will be trying to disrupt America, yet again, today, with protests nationwide. Yep, the eagle is the emblem of “New Aztlan,” the part of the U.S. that they wish to reclaim for their own new country. It’s also the emblem of MEChA and other reconquistador/illegal alien militants.

ICE Princess Julie Myers’ Eagle is Mexico’s & AZTLAN’S(!) Eagle

ICE Chieftess’ Eagle is United States of Aztlan’s Eagle

Julie Myers’ Eagle is New Aztlan’s & MEChA’s Eagle

ICE Chieftess’ Eagle is on Aztlan’s Charming Flag

When we first posted the item about Ms. Myers’ unfortunate choice of lapel pin (again, NOT an ICE badge pin–which she now wears–but a MEXICAN eagle), a few extremist, far-right, intellectually-challenged websites which have a strange, non-reciprocated obsession with us, excused Ms. Myers by asserting that Hillary Clinton, Madeleine Albright, and sundry other leftist “beauties” wore it, too, and called it the “Liberty Eagle.” So what? It has always been the Mexican eagle, regardless of the fake name some silly lefty “babes” choose to bestow upon it.
We suppose, by their absurd logic, if the symbols, below, slap on the phony “Liberty” adjective and a faux pearl, it will now be acceptable for U.S. officials to wear the “Liberty” Swastika, and the “Liberty” HAMAS emblem, in their official capacities.

New “Liberty” Eagle, “Liberty” Emblem?

Reconquistadors, Aztlan Eagles, today. The National Socialist Party and its modern day version: HAMAS/extremist Islam, tomorrow. If we aren’t serious about showing the door to the first group that wants to take us over immediately, we certainly won’t be serious about the second group.
Until it’s too late.
For tips on what an AMERICAN Eagle looks like, .

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7 Responses

Why bother fighting any more wars when we’re going to be defeated from within?

Thee_Bruno on May 1, 2006 at 5:50 pm

“Reconquistadors, Aztlan Eagles, today. The National Socialist Party and its modern day version: HAMAS/extremist Islam, tomorrow. If we aren’t serious about showing the door to the first group that wants to take us over immediately, we certainly won’t be serious about the second group.
Until it’s too late.”
I could not have said it better myself! This is why I love you!

Paraclese on May 1, 2006 at 8:09 pm

Hello Debbie. Your allusion to the Nazis in this blog provided me with food for thought. Many of the Ibero-American countries south of el Rio Grande rolled out the red carpet and provided sanctuary for Nazi war criminals fleeing Europe through the “rat-lines” in the aftermath of WWII, bringing with them loot that they had taken from their victims. Therefore, shouldn’t these countries and their citizens (including those living and working in the USA) be obliged to pay reparations to Holocaust survivors (as well as Operation Barbarossa survivors, etc.) and their relatives, like Switzerland did? Perhaps someone in Congress should raise this issue.
That map of Aztlan is very questionable. When did Mexico ever own Idaho or Kansas? Perhaps the Aztlanites could take British Columbia and the Yukon as well. Watch out Canada, your’e next!
Moreover, didn’t Texas win its war for independence, fair and square, just like the 13 American Colonies in 1781? According to an excellent article in David Horowitz’s “frontpagemag” website, Hispanic Californians were always loyal to Spain, never did accept Mexican rule, and preferred to see President Polk take over the state.

Charley Varrick on May 1, 2006 at 8:51 pm

Oh, no, not again!!! Those EYES, those EYES, those Runaway Bride Eyes.
I am now under the spell of your hypnotic powers, Mistress Julie.

The_Man on May 1, 2006 at 10:29 pm

The_Man, you’re right! At first I didn’t notice it but those eyes DO have a hypnotic effect. (( ((((((00)))))) ))

Paraclese on May 2, 2006 at 2:21 am

Change a few words around in some of the Mecha group statements and they have an erie resemblence to KKK rhetoric. Also, while watching today’s coverage of the “Immigrant” protest here in Los Angeles, a local reporter actually used the term “her papers were not in order” instead of saying she was an illegal (or “undocumented”) immigrant when referring to a woman marcher who was unable to speak English. Surely a new low in P.C. language.

Rich B on May 2, 2006 at 4:16 am

Yes! Finally someone writes about rom.

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