April 26, 2006, - 3:30 pm
OUTRAGE: Bush’s Chao Helps Illegals Get Paid; ICE Princess/Chertoff Do Nothing
You know all those show-arrests of illegal alien employees and employers, last week? Well, apparently, Bush’s Labor Secretary Elaine Chao doesn’t want anything to do with them.
In fact, today’s Wall Street Journal reports that Chao’s department is helping illegal alien employees of Katrina contractors to get paid for their work. The headline says it all: “Illegal Immigrants’ New Ally on Katrina Pay: the Government.”
Yup, our tax dollars are paying for our government to help illegal aliens get more money from our government. No strings attached.
When we say “no strings attached,” we mean that the illegals have no conditions put on the money (like, say, the condition that they voluntarily am-scray from the country, as in “voluntarily deport”). And Ms. Chao’s employees have no intention of turning them over to ICE–Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Bush Labor Department to America: Screw You
Victoria Lipnic, Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employment Standards, a Bush political appointee subject to Senate confirmation when Bush nominated her, gives America a giant F-U:
If you work, you must get paid. Whether they are documented or not documented is not within our jurisdiction.
In other words,
Hey America, Not MY Problem. It’s yours, you know–you fools who pay my salary and aren’t demanding the Prez give me my walking papers.
If Bush were really serious about the illegal alien problem–and he isn’t–he would publicly excoriate this woman and fire her. That would say a heck of a lot more than the phony mass show-arrests with resulting catch-and-release afterward.
And he would have words with Chao, too. According to the Wall St. Journal, a spokeswoman for her department
said that the agency doesn’t collect information on workers’ immigration status when they intervene on their behalf with employers. So it doesn’t know how many of the 241,000 workers it helped nationwide in the 2005 fiscal year, which ended Sept. 30, were illegal immigrants.
Of course not. That’s by design–the design of not wanting to really arrest these people. But the Labor Dept. does send Spanish speaking agents to help them “to show that Labor Department agents on are the job.” And what is the job again? Oh, yeah, helping illegal aliens courtesy of the taxpayer.
Where are Julie Myers and Michael Chertoff?
If and had any real intention to start going after employers, they would ask the President to demand that Chao’s department start collecting the records on the immigration status of these Katrina workers. And if Bush had any real intention to stop the illegal alien problem, he would demand that Chao do so and give it to Myers/Chertoff. But, truth be told, none of these parties has any such intent at all. Or demand that the departments send joint teams of agents.
Don’t count on that to happen. Ever. They just don’t give a whit.
Tags: America, Assistant Secretary, Bush Labor, Chao Helps Illegals Get, Debbie Schlussel, Department of Labor, Elaine Chao, Julie Myers, Katrina, Labor, Michael Chertoff, Ms. Chao, President, Princess, Secretary, Senate, spokeswoman, Victoria Lipnic, Wall Street Journal
I feel betrayed for voting for the guy. I know the Democrats are doing the same, but this is treason.
KnightoftheImpaler on April 26, 2006 at 4:10 pm