April 17, 2006, - 12:59 pm

Your GM Car Paid for $17 Million in Viagra

If you bought a General Motors car, you helped finance Viagra and Cialis for its employees.
It’s not just shareholders–demanding lay-offs of auto workers–who are bringing America’s auto industry down. It’s the auto workers’ own bloated health plans that are part of overpriced cars and out of control budgets (all negotiated by their union, the UAW).
Yesterday’s Detroit Spews reported that General Motors spends $17 million a year for Viagra, Cialis, and other impotence drugs (probably Levitra, too).
It’s yet another example of how HMOs–which are de facto socialized medicine and price fixing for health care–are driving up costs of products and putting people out of work. No industry–no matter how thriving–can survive unlimited health care spending and bureaucratic middle-men (HMOs) who do no work, taking their exacting pound-of-flesh cut.

Buying This Means . . . Paying $1,500 For This

And GM (and the rest of the auto industry) is hardly thriving. It lost $10.6 billion, last year. MORE THAN HALF of that was its overall health care expenditure of $5.6 billion per year.
And that little blue pill is expensive. You are paying an extra $1,500 per GM car (if you bought one) to pay for the out-of-control spending (and payment of HMO paper-pushers’ salaries).
The Detroit Spews reports that, given the growing elderly GM worker population (and retirees, too), the Viagra/Cialis/Levitra tab is likely to grow to “keep that spark alive” (the Spews’ words, not ours).
New name for GM cars: ViagraMobiles. The only way to stop the ViagraMobile syndrome is to return to out of pocket spending for health care.
That would lower prices (and return true competition ot the health care and medical marketplace) eliminate costly, do-nothing HMO interlopers from the equation and would allow end-users to pick and choose how they expend money on health care (which they’d do a lot less of).
Time to end ViagraMobile Syndrome. The biggest erectile dysfunction here is that of auto industry execs who refuse to stem expenses in the face of union demands.

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5 Responses

I guess that would explain the Solstice…

Blaise on April 17, 2006 at 3:19 pm

I’ll buy that about the Solstice. But what explains the Potiac Aztec? I think it was a joke. Some stylist got together and said we’re going to give them the ugliest vehicle ever. It’ll get shot down, but what a hoot. Years later, we have the Aztec. Do you think even one was sold over what it cost to make?

MarkD on April 17, 2006 at 6:08 pm

Unions are gonna ruin GM the way they ruined United Airlines. Hopefully GM will get it over with, declare chapter 11 reorganization and then a judge will tell GM employees how it’s gonna be from now on.

Dairenn on April 18, 2006 at 3:25 am

Republicans DO seem to have a problem with a good stiff one…LOL

EminemsRevenge on April 18, 2006 at 11:00 am

You have mentioned Viagra, Levitra and Cialas.
What are they? Can I find more details in yahoo directory

tinalaw36 on July 22, 2006 at 12:23 am

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