March 3, 2010, - 5:08 pm

World Too Busy Attacking Israel to Heed HAMAS’ Latest Admission on Assassinated Mabhouh

By Debbie Schlussel

While the world continues its hilarious Keystone Kop-style “investigation” of the assassination of key HAMAS official Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh–and continues its usual attacks on Israel, HAMAS made an interesting admission.

They Are Heroes–Even More Than We Knew . . .


Alhamdillullah [Praise allah]: The Complete “Abu Abed” Hit Team


Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh, Now with the 72 Re-Virginized, Desecrated Israeli Bodies

It’s not like we didn’t know that Mabhouh a/k/a “Abu Abed” was the key weapons smuggler in the Iran-to-Gaza HAMAS weapons network.  But HAMAS now admits it and reveals yet more about his savagery.  Yet, despite this confirmation that Mabhouh’s erasure from this world was a  huge net plus, the world continues its stupid look at credit card records for false identities, which will prove nothing.  It’s comical, really.

Also comical, but not surprising in the least, is that I only saw the HAMAS revelation in a teeny-tiny, one-sentence blurb I might normally have missed, in today’s Wall Street Journal.  Didn’t see the news on any nightly newscasts or in any other major newspapers.  And even the tiny hint in the Journal didn’t include the story about how this animal celebrated by the corpse of Israeli soldiers.  Like I said, Israel did the world a favor eliminating this barbarian.

The right-hand man of a Hamas leader assassinated in Dubai has confirmed Israeli claims that his boss supplied weapons to Palestinian militants.

Mohammed Nassar spoke to Hamas’ Al Aqsa radio in Gaza from Damascus. A transcript was released Tuesday.

Nassar was an aide to Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, who was assassinated Jan. 19. . . .

Al-Mabhouh allegedly smuggled weapons from Iran to Gaza.

Nassar says al-Mabhouh “never stopped thinking about how to fight the occupation by supplying quality weapons to the Palestinian fighters. ”

The aide also describes how al-Mabhouh celebrated killing two Israeli soldiers in the mid-1980s by standing on one of the corpses.

The world didn’t give a damn about his murders of these two Israeli soldiers and countless innocent civilians who died at the hands of the weapons he killed. And yet, we’re supposed to be shocked–shocked!–at the rightful elimination of this cretin who murdered, celebrated, and desecrated.

Thank you, Israel, for taking out the garbage while the rest of the world whines over its shawarmeh, cries over its brie, and contemplates its navel.

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36 Responses

[Thank you, Israel, for cleaning up the garbage while the rest of the world whines over its shawarmeh or cries over its brie.]

OK, so there’s no doubt that Israel and Mossad were behind this.

If this assassination had been done in say, New York, the authorities would still have no choice but to prosecute this as a murder regardless who the victim was.

But now you can longer claim that Dubai is discriminating against Jewish Israelis passports since Israel has rightly or wrongly given Dubai a reason for doing so and don’t crap on celebrities (movie stars and athletes) who travel to Dubai.

Norman Blitzer on March 3, 2010 at 5:48 pm

Here’s Robert Baer’s take on the Mabhouh assasination:'s_Most_Popular

K: There are rumors that Baer converted to Islam. Also, this was a well-carried out assassination. They got in, snuffed the guy out, and got out, without injury in 24 hours. Baer is just jealous that he’s out of the game and didn’t pull something like this off. In this day of cameras and technology, as he notes, it’s impossible to get the job done and avoid the cameras. Still, that hardly means the mission wasn’t a huge success. It was. Sadly, Iran and HAMAS will quickly replace him. DS

Keamon on March 3, 2010 at 5:49 pm

“Do I have any pleasure in the death of the wicked,” declares the Lord GOD, “rather than that he should turn from his ways and live?” I am not glad that this man died. I’m not really glad when anyone dies (although he obviously got what he deserved–you reap what you sow, right?). When people like this die I often think of a wasted life. How much good could he, could they, have done? How many lives could they have impacted for the better? Instead of causing so much misery. Instead they choose to do evil. What a wasted life–and waste of life.

chuck poindexter on March 3, 2010 at 6:02 pm

Thanks Debbie, keep up the great work

jake49 on March 3, 2010 at 6:16 pm

:: Blitzer: If this assassination had been done in say, New York, the authorities would still have no choice but to prosecute this as a murder regardless who the victim was.

In New York, there’s no prosecution for pest control.

Israel rocks!!

Anonymous Twit on March 3, 2010 at 6:41 pm

Of course “the world” doesn’t care that this ex-scum is a scum.

skzion on March 3, 2010 at 7:56 pm

LOL, I just learned that Mabhouh was electrocuted in the head to achieve the desired effect. Wish I could have watched the puff of smoke that undoubtedly wafted from his swarthy, nappy crown. I wonder if the hot-looking “Gail Folliard” administered the “coup de kabesa”, haha.

Graty Slapchop on March 3, 2010 at 8:54 pm

Norman Blitzer:
But now you can longer claim that Dubai is discriminating against Jewish Israelis passports since Israel has rightly or wrongly given Dubai a reason for doing so and don’t crap on celebrities (movie stars and athletes) who travel to Dubai.
Haha. If it’s true this is Mossad project, we know even before this project, Jewish Israelis were discriminated by Dubai and most other Arab/Islamic countries. Look, whatever Israelis do, even appeasing those Palestinian animals and kissing their asses, they’ll still be discriminated. Why? Because the law of hating Jews was written into their idolized holy books, their Quran and Hadeeths, and those unthinking idiots are obeying (hypnotized) blindly to the sacred words of “thou must hate, kill Jews”. So, yes, Israelis and all reasonable people can still claim those Muslims with animal natures are discriminating against Jewish Israelis UNTIL they reject and condemn their hatred verses from their holy books.

Is believing in barbaric hatred verses against Jews (or any other races and religions) AND acting upon it, the right thing according to you? If it’s right for you, then you are no different from those unthinking idiots.

SpicaChang on March 3, 2010 at 9:53 pm

If you follow Debbie’s logic, every Israeli arms dealer and manufacturer is open game for assassination. Debbie is such an extreme zionist.

StealthJihad on March 3, 2010 at 10:39 pm

    Arms dealing is a legit buisness, while arms smuggling or terrorism isn’t. Your logic is flawed.

    Nathan on March 4, 2010 at 12:37 am

    Israel certainly acts in its own self interest… even when that is not in the best interests of the USA. The difference is that Muslims are permitted by the Koran to fight the “enemies of Islam” which of course could be anyone. Muslims that I meet are generally hostile to the USA and foster a belief that they should control the world. They are intolerant and totalitarian. Like a cancer, wherever they go they crowd out opposing views and religions, even killing to further their goals. Just recently, Muslims killed several Christians in Mosul, Iraq for no reason other than “Islam”. I don’t recall armed Jews killing any Christians in Israel in the past decades.

    I’m no Zionist but when given a choice between a sometimes pushy, annoying people (Jews) vs a suicidal totalitarian people(Muslims), I’ll back the Jews every time. You Muslims will lose because you are ruled by emotion, have zero integrity, and can’t stop killing each other long enough to get organized. Most of your are dirty, bearded, angry, pigs.

    Samoyed on March 5, 2010 at 2:54 am

Debbie: “Thank you, Israel, for taking out the garbage while the rest of the world whines over its shawarmeh, cries over its brie, and contemplates its navel.”


JeffE on March 3, 2010 at 10:53 pm

Blitzer–we can always count on you to be our troll with the most asinine thing to say.

This justice was called for–and may there be plenty more happy replays on these murdering thugs.

bobblackmer on March 3, 2010 at 10:59 pm

Shame on those nations who cry for the muslime b*stards. They will be pounced upon by these vermin.

Israel did all decent people a favor.

G-d will surely curse those who curse his people Israel.

Hymie Zoltsveis on March 3, 2010 at 11:18 pm

I smile when i see the vision in my mind of one of the Angels of mercy standing on the HAMAS scum’s chest.

KK on March 3, 2010 at 11:26 pm

Yet his assistant claims that he has lost for he did not die with him and accused a close Arabic or country intelligence of doing the job for he has very important files and secrets about that country and HAMAS knows who killed him.

I do not give an F who killed him even though who ever did the clean up are the best.

They did confuse the whole world who are claiming the war on terror while they are not.

Daniel. on March 3, 2010 at 11:58 pm

“Do I have any pleasure in the death of the wicked,” declares the Lord GOD, “rather than that he should turn from his ways and live?”

chuck poindexter on March 3, 2010 at 6:02 pm


“When it goeth well with the righteous, the city rejoiceth; and when the wicked perish, there is joy.”
– Proverbs 11:10

Shy Guy on March 4, 2010 at 1:00 am

And as we speak, Europe is rounding up Jews for impersonating “real” people. //

pat on March 4, 2010 at 2:01 am

Norman B, for your info Dubai has always been in a state of war with Israel as part of the United Arab Emirates [UAE]. Hamas is also at war with Israel by its own choice. Its charter, article 7, calls on Muslims to murder all Jews at Judgement Day. Hence, Hamas is not only at war with Israel but promotes genocide of the Jews. Hamas is an ally and tool of both Syria and Iran, states that are at war with Israel by their own choice.

Mabhouh was therefore a soldier at war with Israel and was located in an enemy country to Israel [Dubai]. If Israel killed him, then this was a legitimate act of war, not murder.

One correction to the article that Debbie quoted above: the two Israeli soldiers referred to were murdered in 1989, not in the “mid-1980s” as stated in the article. Their names were Avi Sasportas and Ilan Sa`adon, May Their Memories Be for a Blessing.

Eliyahu on March 4, 2010 at 2:44 am

Mabhouh was neither murdered nor assassinated. He was executed for his capital crimes. So be it.

Sam Deakins on March 4, 2010 at 6:46 am

I am a non-religious Jewish Petroleum Engineer. It is well now that Muslim countries will not allow even USA based companies to bring too many Jews in their sh*T hole. It is like the main stream media never talking about Jewish refugees from asshole Muslim countries.

madman on March 4, 2010 at 8:25 am

While it’s true, as Debbie says, that this piece of excrement that was given his just ending will be replaced, I have no doubt that there was planted a tiny seed of doubt in the minds of other murderers. They fully understand that they can run, but they cannot hide. And that if they continue to wage war upon Israeli women and children they too, will be eliminated.

kenny komodo on March 4, 2010 at 11:24 am

I am convinced that this was a joint Fatah-Israel assassination. Nobody hates Hamas more than Fatah. And two Fatah guys were arrested in Dubai immediately after this action.

Fleiter on March 4, 2010 at 11:25 am

One down, many millions to go. Too bad they couldn’t take out a few more bad guys.

Jarhead on March 4, 2010 at 12:12 pm

This is a sad state of affairs when a terrorist is assasinated but the most of the world decries how it was done. I last read no innocent civilians were killed or hurt, therefore I would have reasoned the progressives would not be complaining so much. Just goes to show where their real agenda is.

Mario on March 4, 2010 at 12:22 pm

Hitler also killed his own officials blamed it on Jews to initiate violence and antagonism. You know? Hitler the ally of the Arabs and the Albanian MUSLIMS during World War 2. Hell they even had their own division.

Jim on March 4, 2010 at 12:56 pm

StealthJihad from pedophile hell sez:

“If you follow Debbie’s logic, every Israeli arms dealer and manufacturer is open game for assassination. Debbie is such an extreme zionist.”

What an imbecile…ALL you Jews are target of the muslims, the nazis and the commies.
Same as for ALL of us Kuffars, untermensh and Bourgeois capitalists…

By the way, it is totally absurd to call this on Mossad.
The Dubai police said that two of the assassins escaped to Iran…The leaders of the HUGE team, no doubts.

You guys already forgot Abu Nidal, the father of arab terror,
who tortured and murdered tens of thousands of fellow
muslim terrorists….to finally fall machine gunned
by good buddy Saddam Hussein!

The only thing the sand monkeys are any good at is kill each others!

Hotspur666 on March 4, 2010 at 11:53 pm

Bet Ma-mud Mah-babboo took a looooong time to die!!!

Hotspur666 on March 4, 2010 at 11:56 pm

I hope that muslim garbage suffered the utmost pain as he died. Three cheers for Israel !!!

David on March 5, 2010 at 1:42 am

It make me very happy to see one dog is dead.
Good job Israel.Muslims like him have no place in
the wourld.

M tom on March 5, 2010 at 9:52 pm

If you want to inflict long utmost pain to the muslim barbarians, then it’s revenge oriented, emotion oriented. It’ll just satisfy short-term rage.

I would suggest approach which is purpose oriented. I believe the rational people want longer term peace, not constantly killing another wild animals and enjoy killing and torturing like the barbarians in Muslim cloth. In purpose oriented approach, we would start with question: to reach peace, what can we do to people who want to kill and dominate over Jews and other non muslim? What is the “life blood” that energized the Muslim wanting to kill Jews and other infidels? Isn’t it their blind faith of the superiority of their teaching? So to stop their “life blood” or strike to the heart of the matter, their blind faith must be crushed so that it can no more drive their motivation to kill or wreak havoc. Their blind faith is their idol, in the allegorical bible language, their Dagon.

1 Samuel 5:4 And when they arose early on the morrow morning, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the ground before the ark of the LORD; and the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold; only the stump of Dagon was left to him.
1 Samuel 5:5 Therefore neither the priests of Dagon, nor any that come into Dagon’s house, tread on the threshold of Dagon in Ashdod (Ashdodites = I will spoil) unto this day.

What’s the Muslim’s Dagon? What head and hands of muslim Dagon that can be cut? It’s their so called five pillars of faith, of which a visible one is the idolatry of holy site, Mecca. Now if deep in their teaching, some of the fanatical ones have concluded that their Mecca will never be destroyed and they have their full faith on it, then this full faith is their “life blood”. To stop one of their “life blood”, their faith of indestructible of Mecca and any other “holy” cities must be crushed. It’ll demoralize and make them question their faith and might even help them stop visiting their “house of Dagon”.

The other aspect is the “ark of the LORD”. The Dagon fell because of the ark. So this is important part of the equation. What is symbolized by the ark? This is subject to religious interpretation which can have different opinions of Babylonistic size. As we use the story of Dagon in allegorical manner, I would like to suggest that the ark represents the mature development of balance nature in human, like the balance spheres in the tree of life potrayal of Kabbalah. Example of the balance nature is the spheres of judgement and mercy in the tree of life. It is good to have mercy/compassion (the yin of yin yang), but to be complete or balance, there must be the yang, which is capability to execute fiery judgement as needed. You can’t just treat fascism like Hitler’s with Ahimsa and expect peace will surely come. Some Christians have lots of mercy but not enough necessary Judgement. The liberal lefts are easily moved emotionally but they don’t understand the need of fiery judgement on those with Hitler-like nature and they themselves have become opressor with their imbalance PC push, PC is their Dagon. The fanatical Muslims have too much of fiery judgement but lack so much in mercy and compassion. Through observation, we know the nature of this world is always moving to a balance state when imbalance occurs. So those yin yang imbalance is what create the violence and chaos in the world, if the hermetic principle applied: the imbalance within (human) will be expressed in the imbalance without (the visible world). So, the ark, the balance nature, is the responsibility to be developed in every rational people who want longer term peace. I know, doctrinally speaking, this may not be accepted by others with different belief system, so think of this as an idea of what can be done to reach the more enduring peace.

SpicaChang on March 6, 2010 at 10:16 am

Have we all forgetting what the children of Israel went through in the hands of Egyptians? Now it is time for revenge blame them not .. Israel though small but can never be defeated by its enemies is a divine promise.


Kachi on March 7, 2010 at 8:26 am

The Jews can never be subdued in the World, Nigeria government tried to do it during a civil war in Nigeria with people from eastern part of Nigeria who are regarded as Jews but failed.. The Jews are the most gifted people on earth and ready to over come their enemies no matter how little they are.


Frank on March 7, 2010 at 8:34 am

The Jews can never be subdued in the World, Nigeria Muslims North tried to do it during a civil war in Nigeria with people from eastern part of Nigeria who are regarded as Jews but failed.. The Jews are the most gifted people on earth and ready to over come their enemies no matter how little they are.


Frank on March 7, 2010 at 8:37 am

Those who want peace in the world should live and those who want destruction of the World should go six feet beyond

Me and U

Me and U on March 7, 2010 at 9:41 am

The mossad is very powerful . they killed ythe antisemite john Kennedy in a similar manner. dont you ever threaten us

yigel aaron on March 7, 2010 at 2:00 pm

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