April 10, 2006, - 2:22 pm

Hillary, Take Note . . .

Some conservatives, like Matt Drudge, are up in arms that a Democrat (played by Jimmy Smits), won the Presidential Election on last night’s “The West Wing.” On this liberal show, that’s hardly a suprise.
But, for a big reason, it was a good thing for fictional “West Wing” America. And real-life American politicians should take note: The key issue in the campaign was illegal immigration. And Smits’ character Matt Santos was tough on it. He wanted to tighten the borders, etc., much like Tom Tancredo wants to do. The Republican candidate, played by Alan Alda, was for a guest workers program, much like President Bush.
And he lost. Hillary (and Republican Prez hopefuls), are you listening?

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3 Responses

Interesting. Fiction imitating reality..accurately. Republican Party..are YOU paying attention?

John Sobieski on April 10, 2006 at 4:14 pm

Speaking as a West Wing fan, I really question why or how Drudge would know something like that. Looking back at the West Wing Spoiler Blog, Bartlet4America.org or any of the WW fan sites I see no evidence of the writers planning a Vinnick victory.
I mean, he paraphrases what Lawrence O’Donnell, an executive producer of the show, is supposed to have said in a “recent interview” – which has magically never appeared anywhere else and he doesn’t say where he got the interview from. Bartlet4America.org keeps damn good tabs on where West Wing shows up in the media and no such interview has ever shown up there.
If O’Donnell really did say something like that I’m surprised I didn’t see it either on any of the WW fan sites. It’s sort of a big deal, so you’d have thought it would turn up somewhere.
I smell a rat.

James on April 10, 2006 at 7:00 pm

Sorry Debby, I know it was on last night’s show.
I was referring to how Drudge would have known that the writers were planning a “different ending”, ie where Vinnick wins.
There’s never been any news either agreeing with that or to the contrary. John Wells, the lead producer behind WW was saying up when John Spencer died that they hadn’t decided who would win the election – which means Drudge saying that they’d decided on Vinick earlier sounds a bit off…

James on April 10, 2006 at 8:21 pm

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