April 6, 2006, - 6:09 pm

Pictures Worth 1,000 Words: New NBC “Today” Hostess

We’re glad that former was not chosen to replace as the new NBC “Today” Co-hostess. Unfortunately, the network chose someone as bad, if not worse. Here’s Meredith Vieira (currently of ABC’s anti-male bitch-fest, “The View”) in pictures:

Anti-War: New “Today” Host Meredith Vieira, Daughter Lily @ Iraq War Protest (Photo from Media Research Center)

New “Today” Host Meredith Vieira’s Lesbian Kiss

w/AP Movie Critic Christy Lemire

Classy Chick: New “Today” Host Meredith Vieira Overflows

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15 Responses

I don’t endorse Vieira’s views, but wow!, forget Cleavage Katie, those are some really hot pics of Meredith Va Va Vieira. Now that’s cleavage.

The_Man on April 6, 2006 at 10:53 pm

    What do her politics have to do whith the way she’s put together?

    nunya on January 21, 2012 at 8:25 pm

I am not sure why anyone really cares about who is hosting these network morning shows and network news shows.
Network TV is a dying breed. With Tivo, PVR’s, on demand TV etc etc these shows compete with shows they never imagined competing against 24 hours a day.
As for Network TV news shows well that died years ago, I am surprised networks still have a nightly newscast. When people want news they tune to a news channel.

wisemonkey on April 7, 2006 at 12:58 am

Of course, wisemonkey is correct, and I’m sure Debbie realizes this.
Still, it is amusing to watch NBC confirm your worst stereotypes. From a marketing point of view, it’s a loser, but the fact is they have no possible winning strategy.
The Today Show demographics consists of retirees–mostly old ladies, I suspect, who think the Katie was a “nice young woman.” To skank things up with Vieria is not going to bring younger dem into this game. To the extent that younger dem is interested in news at all, they get it from all-news channels and the Web.
The Networks are really behind the curve. How many people will follow Katie to CBS Evening News that are of a worthwhile dem, anyway?
True, this is the prestige gig on Net news, and my old “K & E” is the best slide rule—who cares???

Red Ryder on April 7, 2006 at 9:10 am

Well you KNOW me and damn near everyone else on here is waiting to see the Debbie S overflows pictures…for informational purposes only…we NEED to analytically compare ALL assets;)

EminemsRevenge on April 7, 2006 at 10:02 am

Debbie VS the “competition”— http://www.phpbbforfree.com/forums/eminemsrevengea-post-1449.html#1449
Get that LATENT Ralph from the Stern show to do you make-up the next time you’re doing appearances Debster…you’re FAR HOTTER than that picture indicates!!!

EminemsRevenge on April 7, 2006 at 12:08 pm

Tom Wolfe remarked that a “newscaster” is the modern-day equivalent of a Linotype machine…an entity that reformats and displays the thoughts developed by others….

photoncourier.blogspot.com on April 7, 2006 at 12:33 pm

It’s no longer about talent, just image and looks.
Oh, and hi from a fellow Michigander.

sburstall on April 7, 2006 at 1:12 pm

Meredith Vieira is a skank. She really demeans herself by trying be sexy putting it all there.
She places herself along with the skanks and thugs that dominate hip hop and tattoo wearing low life’s.
It is totally disgusting that anyone would think she should be a news broadcaster. The only media fit for her is to star in the next issue of Hustler Magazine.

ScottyDog on April 7, 2006 at 1:18 pm

I’d like to see that Monique(sp)from phat girlz movie replace Couric.

smudge on April 7, 2006 at 7:01 pm

Ms Vieira is a long way from her Portuguese roots and the God she NEVER KNEW if she imagines her act of TV evangelization for the ìlesboî lifestyle, sealed by a kiss, is actually something ANYBODY wants to seeÖ
Message to the TV NetworksÖnobody is watching anymore and nobody caresÖ
While a woman with curves is always preferable to a stickÖthe gold-blooded male needs a little bit more~
The red-blooded (passionate) man loves only curvesÖcould a woman ACTUALLY HAVE anything more?
The pale-blooded man (the nerd) sees only an agreeable personalityÖheís actually afraid of sexÖand a real woman!
But the GOLD-BLOODED (the thinker and passionate) man sees intellect, spirituality and CURVES?
Öand he CERTAINLY isnít afraid of the complete woman~~

The Canadien on April 7, 2006 at 10:33 pm

while tongue-kissing /AP Movie Critic Christy Lemire, I wonder if Meredith Vieira’s tongue stirred her breakfast?

KOAJaps on April 9, 2006 at 4:58 pm

I would jump her in a split second

george Zimmerman on February 9, 2010 at 8:38 am

MEREDITH & her KILLER stocking legs is even HOTTER doing a lesbo tongue job! LUV 2 c her lock lips with Lex Steele or Jack Napier

bob on November 5, 2013 at 1:16 pm

Meredith is the hottest! She may not have the best body but for some reason she is a total turn on! I worship her!

Mike Hunt on February 10, 2016 at 3:21 pm

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