July 18, 2005, - 2:21 pm

Bizarre Brit Treatment for Child Rapist Hollywood Director

By Debbie Schlussel
Boy, the Brits are odd. They welcome radical Muslims into their midst and protect them. Then, they are surprised when radical Muslims blow up London.
Then, there’s Roman Polanski. He’s the director who fled the U.S. after pleading guilty to raping a 13-year-old girl in 1977 (at Jack Nicholson’s home). In those days, that was really a crime. Today, it’s the way to get the #1 CD on the charts–ie., R. Kelly. Polanski lives in France, where he is free from extradition to the U.S. and won’t have to face justice.
Polanski is suing Vanity Fair for defamation about the rape and his other sexual exploits after his wife, Sharon Tate, was murdered by the Charles Manson followers. The rub is that Polanski is suing the magazine in Britain. He won’t appear there in person, because he doesn’t want the Brits to extradite him to the U.S. Yet, the Brits are allowing him to proceed with his suit, via video teleconference.
What good is an extradition treaty with Britain, if it allows Plaintiffs to benefit from their legal system, when it benefits them, but evade it (ie., extradition), when it does not? If this is par for the British course–and it seems to be–you can’t help but feel that they bring things upon themselves with their ludicrous sense of fair play. Especially when it comes to the U.S. and western interests.
Then there is the question of how a man who raped a young girl, pled guilty to it, and fled justice, has the chutzpah to pursue a defamation claim regarding his sex life. Hello?! . . . .
And his bringing up the Holocaust to justify his unseemly life is just beyond disgusting. He gets away with it, though, because as a liberal Hollywoodite, even if a fugitive escapee to France, he’s part of the immune class.

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5 Responses

The Brits?….odd?…*cough* ebbhead *cough*…Just kidding, a little, ebb! What can I say?, if Polanski had raped that girl in the last few years in California, he would be getting a multi-million book deal and movie deals out the ying yang after he was acquitted (ala OJ, Robert Blake, etc., etc.).
France, Hollywood, pinko hippies…what’s the difference?

The_Man on July 18, 2005 at 8:41 pm

Are you kidding me? That is sooo outlandish!

Ruslfish on July 19, 2005 at 4:45 pm

Roman Polanski using the Holocaust as an excuse for his actions just makes me puke.
As for his hiding from prosecution for statuatory rape, what amazes me more than Britain allowing his video testimony is that this guy still has the balls after everything to make movies, get richer and accept Oscars rather than “face the music” for his extremely immature and irresponsible action (I read that he drugged her with quaaludes for extra measure before raping her).
I’ve read that the woman (now in her 40s) has long forgiven him, I never would if I were her. For shame

hairymon on July 20, 2005 at 8:56 pm

Roman Polanski: Life in a Parallel Dimension

Polanski in “The Tenant” (1976) If Hollywood had presented it as a film, no one would have believed it. But, then again, Roman Polanski’s larger than life fable always did spiral and gravitate towards the surreal. In the world…

bennellibrothers.com on July 22, 2005 at 2:22 pm

Roman Polanski: Life in a Parallel Dimension

Polanski in “The Tenant” (1976) If Hollywood had presented it as a film, no one would have believed it. But, then again, Roman Polanski’s larger than life fable always did spiral and gravitate towards the surreal. In the world…

bennellibrothers.com on July 22, 2005 at 2:23 pm

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