March 31, 2006, - 4:38 pm

Ann Coulter vs. the Islamic Terrorist: A Tale of Two Voters

As , Ann Coulter is in hot water because she registered to vote at .
Not in a different state, or even different city, but a different precinct. Hardly the massive type of voter fraud elsewhere that should be looked into, but isn’t. And, , she has legitimate reasons (ie., stalkers) for not wanting her real address in a public record (ie., voter registration documents).
Now, according to the Palm Beach Post, Palm Beach officials are investigating Ann and even considering referring her to Florida’s Attorney General for possible prosecution on criminal charges. (Thanks to reader Karen L. for the tip.) All for voting in a different precinct.

Which Voter is More Dangerous?:

This One . . .

Or This One?

Contrast the massive inquiry into Coulter’s registration at the wrong precinct with Islamic Jihad founder and terrorist-in-chief, Sami Al-Arian’s ILLEGAL voter registration and that of his Islamic Jihad buddies in South Florida. They voted multiple times, even though they were NOT U.S. citizens and not eligible to vote–or even to become registered, qualified voters.
But they registered to vote anyway because a voter ID card along with a driver’s license is considered sufficient evidence of American citizenship in a lot of other countries, where they could freely travel and plan their terrorism.
Barely any investigation into that until years later, and never criminally prosecuted for that. And, hey, a jury didn’t even find the guy, Al-Arian, guilty of anything (and the O.J.-style jury).
So, who is more dangerous registering to vote: Ann Coulter, an American citizen, at the wrong precinct? Or Sami Al-Arian and the current leader of Islamic Jihad, Ramadan Abdullah Shallah when they weren’t even U.S. citizens and used their voting credentials to kill Americans, like American college student Alisa Flatow?
If you say Coulter, you’re insane. As are the Florida officials wasting tax money going after her when they turned a blind eye to the Tampa-based Islamic terrorist professor who shouldn’t have ever voted . . . anywhere in America.

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8 Responses

All you need is one, determined, left-wing, America-hating, Floridian scumbag prosecutor with a brain full of putrid LIBERAL indoctrination, from the time he was conceived in a petri dish to the time he left his Communist-loving mother’s breast at age 40, to persecute American heroes while turning a blind eye to America’s real enemies residing in his midst.
Just ask Rush Limbaugh.
BTW, does the name Janet “The Behemoth” Reno, ring a bell?

Thee_Bruno on March 31, 2006 at 5:10 pm

This is the way the left/liberals always operate. On the one hand, for those of whom they disagree/disapprove/hate/despise nothing less than the full force of the Law will be brought against them. That way they can puff themselves up an say: “See, we support the Law!” Coulter could have been ticketed for jaywalking and these clods would be seeking a felony conviction. On the other, if one is a member of a favored group, all mercy as if by angels will be summoned and forgiveness dispensed. That way they can say: “See, how humane and generous we are!” I loath and despise liberals for doing this, but I wish those on the non-Left would stop buying into their game, as if pointing out the contradiction will have a shaming effect. It never will. Giving them a taste of their own medicine might (as Dixie Lee Ray advised: “Sue, sue, sue.”) They’re cowards as much as they are bullies.

RightwingGuy on March 31, 2006 at 5:38 pm

Limbaugh, an American hero? How could you possibly justify calling Limbaugh an American hero, Bruno?

Manatoch on April 2, 2006 at 12:05 pm

All you need is one, determined, left-wing, America-hating, Floridian scumbag prosecutor with a brain full of putrid LIBERAL indoctrination, from the time he was conceived in a petri dish to the time he left his Communist-loving mother’s breast at age 40, to persecute American heroes while turning a blind eye to America’s real enemies residing in his midst.
Just ask Rush Limbaugh.
BTW, does the name Janet “The Behemoth” Reno, ring a bell?
Posted by: Thee_Bruno at March 31, 2006 05:10 PM
It’s the law of the land and apparently a Republican governor approves of it.
And Ann Coulter needs to go back to the kitchen and cook her man her meals. She wants conservative values? Get married, stay in shape, clean the underwears, fix the bed, make your man his breakfast and lunch and dinner and be submissive to your husband as stated in the Bible. Stop being a lawyer and bring attention to yourself but do what you preach. At least Debbie’s opened to all sides and is capable of being the greatest lawyer in America and commentator too. Not you Ann, Deb’s the greatest, you are not. Ann is a threat to America’s values, the guy is a threat to America’s safety

KOAJaps on April 2, 2006 at 4:27 pm

Michael Moore and Oliver Stone are filming ‘1984’
in Florida?

jaywilton on April 3, 2006 at 9:21 am

What’s the old saying “Don’t do the crime if you
can’t do the time.” Can’t wait for November so
we can get this country back on the right track.

billy59 on June 2, 2006 at 7:32 pm

Ann Coulter is an evil Nazi cunt. Next to her the Bitch of Buchenwald is Mary Poppins.

reeves6 on June 2, 2006 at 8:04 pm

So Ann Coulter had fairly reasonable justifications for putting down a false address on her voter registration card. Her bigger crime was stupidity in expecting to be able to vote in a different precinct near her actual home.
This seems to be a felony. Dumb for Florida to make such harmless, reasonably-intentioned acts a felony. But they did, and Ms. Coulter has run afoul of the law.
The column here presents a silly straw-man argument, deflecting the actual issue. Nobody has championed the right of non-citizens to vote. Implying that liberals want such nonsense is absurd.
I’m afraid that when a celebrity commits a felony, even when the law is stupid, that’s legitimate news. No major newspaper has put this incident on their front page; nobody has really brought undue attention to this. It’s mostly an embarassing, legally hazardous incident for Ms. Coulter. I’m mildly interested in the outcome. I’d hate for any news source to shy away from reporting this matter. Where, exactly, is the horrid liberal media bias in this matter?
Steve Coulter

SteveMDFP on June 8, 2006 at 5:09 am

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