October 11, 2007, - 4:27 pm

Nice Try, Media Matters Nazis, But Ann Coulter is No Anti-Semite

**** UPDATE #2: . Yup, next Hitler will up from the grave and call her “anti-Semitic.” ****
**** UPDATE: Ian Schwartz has the video of Ann and her comments. You be the judge. ****
The Internet and Mainstream Media are abuzz in their latest attack on Ann Coulter. This time, they’re claiming she’s an anti-Semite.
It all stems from an interview she did with CNBC’s horrid talk show host Donny Deutsch. Apparently, one of the two viewers watching this incredibly boring show was a Media Matters monkey trained to tape Ann’s every word and think of ways to twist it.

In describing the connections between Christian and Jewish beliefs, Ann said that Jews believe in the Old Testament, but Christians believe in that AND the New Testament. Jews need to be “perfected,” she said. Reading the full script (also read Omri Ceren/Mere Rhetoric’s and Allah Pundit’s excellent comments @ Hot Air), it’s abundantly clear what she was talking about. To wit: That we, as Jews, don’t accept the full Christian Bible, and therefore, it’s the Christian belief that we need to be fully accepting of it. She said “That is what we [Christians] believe we are–perfected Jews.”
Why should that offend me? I’ve had brunch with Ann, and we’ve had many conversations through e-mail, etc. During all of that, she’s never once told me she’s offended that I believe that I am part of the Chosen People. To you far-left Jews and other uber-liberals who want to rush off and call Ann an anti-Semite, that means that we as Jews believe Christians and Hindus and Bahai Faithers (and definitely, Muslims) are not Chosen. Does that make me a religious bigot? Nope. It just means I actually believe in my religion. Just like Ann does. Nothing more. Nothing less.
This whole thing is a lot of manufactured hype in order to try to play gotcha with Ann. Like I said, I know Ann personally and I like and respect her. She doesn’t have an anti-Semitic bone in her body. If anything, she is one of the most philo-Semitic gentiles I know, and her columns–constant attacks on the modern day enemies of the Jewish people and defenses of Israel and America–are strong evidence of that.
Contrast that with the villain here: Media Matters. It’s anti-American, anti-Israel, and . Hmmm . . . him versus Ann Coulter? That’s an easy choice. I’d much rather go with the woman who looks like an Aryan but is a friend to the Jews and their allies than the billionaire atheist Jew who’s lived his entire life like a Nazi.
Again, if she is not bothered that I think that as a Jew, I’m one of the Chosen People (and she isn’t), I certainly can’t be bothered in the least that she thinks that Jews must be perfected to Christianity. I think the fact that far too many of my fellow co-religionists have substituted unabated liberalism for Judaism is what gives so many a platform for questioning us, though I don’t believe that is what Ann was doing here.
And for the record, I believe Donny Deutsch was lying about his own religious status. When Ann started down this road, and Deutsch got so “offended,” Ann asked him why he doesn’t practice his religion, Judaism. He responded that he is a “practicing” Jew. I doubt that, since his show is on live during the Jewish Sabbath, and keeping the Jewish Sabbath is the most important commandment for a religious Jew to keep. I believe most religious Jews would not characterize Deutsch as a “practicing” Jew, not that it matters, but since we’re nitpicking along with the self-appointed nit-watchers here . . . . I, for one, enjoyed Ann needling him on that, since he needled her.
True religious Jews are not offended by Ann’s comments, though they really appreciate her alliance with our causes. It’s only the Jewish libs, like Deutsch, who are feigning this shock and outrage. That’s because she’s a threat to their real religion: liberalism.
If anything, perhaps Ann shouldn’t have used the word “perfected,” if only because it was a perfect word for liberals to twist and use.

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90 Responses

You nailed it Debbie!
You and Ann Coulter are two incredibly intelligent and strong women who can agree to disagree without offense. You and Ann are also two of the fiercest defenders of America and the American way. I always enjoy reading anything either of you write. (And did I mention that youíre both very easy on the eyes?)

Rocky on October 11, 2007 at 5:12 pm

You NAILED it. First a little background. I’m Jewish yet I believe in Jesus. ‘Perfected’ may be a little strong for what happened but, at least in my view, it moved me in that direction 🙂
I totally respect your adherence to the Judaism that I was raised in and UTTERLY RESPECT Ann Coulter for being willing to defend following Jesus.
It would be soooo easy to cheapshot her over this and I honestly believe this is the one controversy where liberals think they may be able to end her career.
But I doubt it and besides, there’s always other brave women like you to speak the truth to power (LOL!) about what she was communicating.

BigDaddy on October 11, 2007 at 5:33 pm

It’s nice to see that conservative twit, Ann Coulter, dig herself a hole, regardless of what she really meant.
The lesson here for you conservative wenches is not to be in enemy territory. ;P

Norman Blitzer on October 11, 2007 at 5:39 pm

Blitzer: What are you talking about? Ann’s fine. I am not offended. I’m Jewish and I love Christians. Ann and Debbie are two of the most intelligent, important and influential writers on the scene today. Ann is not a twit, but you may be.

lexi on October 11, 2007 at 5:50 pm

I like Ann Coulter, but I am dismayed she let this get out of hand. Her first mistake was doing an interview with pseudo-newsperson-class-clown Danny the Douche.
Being an unbaptized heathen from virtually any faith’s perspective, I have no worttwhile relgious opinion, all I can say is I wish she’d not been on the punk’s show.

Zoyadog on October 11, 2007 at 5:55 pm

Blitzer…”conservative wenches?” WTF?

Zoyadog on October 11, 2007 at 5:58 pm

Debbie, If Ann were antisemitic, which is preposterous to begin with, why, after being harangued by Mr. Deutsch about what her America would look like Ann said this: “Well, everyone would root for America, the Democratic Party would look like Joe Lieberman, the Republican Party would look like Duncan Hunter Ôø?”
Some antisemitism, Huh? sarc Joe Lieberman? Lieberman…Lieberman…yep she’s antisemitic alright.

AndyB on October 11, 2007 at 6:09 pm

lexi posted:
[Ann is not a twit, but you may be.]
No, I’m not, lexi. But you and Ann are certainly twits. You obviously lack reading comprehension skills if you think Ann is an intelligent writer.

Norman Blitzer on October 11, 2007 at 6:17 pm

I am a Conservative, observant Jew, and I found Coulter’s remarks to be offensive. As I wrote on my blog: My point is rather simple:
“Coulter degraded my religion, and this is offensive to me. Does it offend me that most Christians believe what she said? No, because they don’t rub my face in it, like Coulter did.
I am not offended by Coulter because of her Christian beliefs. I am offended because she showed a complete disregard for the feelings of others, those others beings practioners of other religions.”
I think we do our cause a disservice by bending over backwards to defend comments such as these.
(For the record, I do not believe Coulter is anti-Semitic).

Dave on October 11, 2007 at 6:41 pm

Ann Coulter must be doing a bang up good job these days. All the liberals are trying to gang up on her. This is about as clear a sign of effectiveness as one could ask for. Debbie, it is nice to see that you are willing to support her in this. I certainly don’t think she intended her remarks to be anti-semitic, although Dave evidently took offense. Sometimes Ann can be pretty rough in what she says; it goes with her style of being deliberately abrasive to the liberals. You, Debbie, seem to see clearly that there is no conflict between Christians and Jews. We worship the same God. Jesus was a Jew, and as already noted, the Hebrew scriptures form what we Christians refer to as the Old Testament. Clearly we are closely related and there is no reason at all for us to be in conflict.

Dr. D on October 11, 2007 at 6:51 pm

Dave’s a sissy.

AndyB on October 11, 2007 at 7:01 pm

I saw the video. Her comments are offensive. The fact that the Liberal host may have been baiting her does not exonerate her.
AndyB, great argumentation. You belong to MENSA by any chance?
I am not comfortable with the implication that as a true religious Jew, I should not be offended by Coulter’s comments.

Dave on October 11, 2007 at 7:05 pm

Only atheist liberals, who have no religion themselves and think no one else should either, are “offended” when they learn that other people actually believe in their religion.
Muslims take their religioun very seriously — and unlike Christianity, their religion has no room in it for Jews. None. Muslims want to kill all Jews. Just like Hitler. My heart aches for Israel (where I have many relatives), because eventually the Arabs will have the military power to wipe out that tiny little country. Yes, Israelis have strength and courage beyond their size and numbers. But the end will come, because Muslims will never accept Israel’s existence, and they are prepared to sacrifice millions of their own people to “wipe Israel off the map.”
The reason we are losing the war on terror and Muslims continue to infiltrate and take over our societies is because libs like Deutch do not understand that some people do, in fact, take their relgion seriously. Muslims MEAN IT when they say that their religion compels them to kill, convert, or enslave all non-Muslims.
But liberal cowards like Deutch would rather give Coulter a hard time because she is a believing Christian. What a bastard.
As a (non-religious) Jew, I am deeply ashamed, indeed infuriated, by the ignorance and ingratitude of lefty Jews, who show so little respect for the Christians in this country who have given us the best home we ever had — in the grand ol’ USA!
For a people whose very existence is ever at the mercy of the larger and more powerful peoples around us, Jews should be thankful for the wonderful Christian community in this country.
When Mohammed’s sharia police come knocking on my door, I would much rather have Ann Coulter by my side (carrying a Glock) than Donny Deutch. All that time spent in the gym honing his physique won’t do Donny much good if he isn’t prepared to kick ass. He isn’t. He’d rather whine that a Christian girl believes in her religion. What a pussy.

RepublicanPatriot on October 11, 2007 at 7:22 pm

How do you argue with a sissy who’s offended by what a Christian believes? There’s a religion already out there that practices victimology, so what’s to argue? Your offended. She a rich, popular, beautiful woman who can write.
She doesn’t believe Israel should be wiped of the map or that Zionism equals racism or even that you should burn in hell for eternity. So what’s your argument? That your offended and Ann Coulter offended you? That, my friend, makes you a sissy.
Ok, you want to argue. Let’s argue. You wrote, “I am not comfortable with the implication that as a true religious Jew, I should not be offended by Coulter’s comments.” Are you then, “comfortable with the implication that as a true religious Jew,” that you should “be offended by Coulter’s comments?” Because I know a lot of people who have more important things to ponder than their depth of offended-ness.
Oh, and the MENSA comment. I was offended. Not.

AndyB on October 11, 2007 at 7:30 pm

The name-calling is rather lame. Try stick to intelligent discussion if you can.
Read my comments again. I am not accusing Coulter of anti-Semitism. I do not feel threatened by Christian belief, and fully respect religious Christians. I am saying her remarks on television offended me. That is my right, just as it is Coulter’s right to make the remarks. Deal with it.
For the record, I am a tireless fighter for Israel and against Islamic fundamentalism, as anyone who reads my blog will attest. I am no bleeding heart liberal. And I left a cushy life in Australia to live in Israel, so your calling me a sissy definitely makes me chuckle.

Dave on October 11, 2007 at 7:43 pm

Tolerance vs. Acceptance. If we are truly honest with ourselves, we do not Accept anyone else’s religion but our own. Anyone practicing another faith blasphemes our own. All America asks is that we Tolerate eachother. Coulter’s was a message of non-acceptance, not intolerance. That’s what being a principled person is all about. She was being her honest self, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.
Debbie, as a fellow politically conservative Jew, I do not see this working out well for Jews in America if the ADL and other groups go after Coulter. A certain Jewish politically conservative radio host (I won’t name but you can probaly guess) is already going after her. Not only is this substantively wrong, but warriors against Islamofascism like her are the best friends the Jews of the world have.

melchloboo on October 11, 2007 at 7:58 pm

God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.
– Voltaire

feralcat9 on October 11, 2007 at 8:09 pm

Dave, I admire you for your tireless fight for Israel and against Islamic fundamentalism. I also believe in being honest with people. Brutally honest. So to call you a sissy isn’t honest enough. What I meant to say was I can’t believe that a warrior such as yourself, and I mean that literally, who fervently fights for Israel and faces down Islamic Nazi could possibly be offended by a woman such as Ann Coulter. Your sincere sensitivities at what a woman says on television should give you pause and maybe a little introspection is due. Maybe it isn’t what she said that offended you. Maybe it’s what you heard that you didn’t like. Nothing Ann said was untrue. Maybe thats what’s so offensive. I don’t know. Again, thank you for fighting a good fight.

AndyB on October 11, 2007 at 8:20 pm

Leftists hate Jews. Why so many Jews are leftist is the larger question.
Perhaps it’s like this:
Jesse Jackson does not hate blacks. Jesse Jackson and ‘the other Al’ simply do what they do to uplift and enrich themselves. Inner city blacks lose because of Jesse and ‘Al’. Both sides are happy.

628318-23 on October 11, 2007 at 8:31 pm

I don’t know. I read part of one of her books and the part that I read was good but I have to say this. I think the way she dresses is very over the top. I don’t know if that is so religious. It’s more important to walk the walk rather then talk the talk. She has never been married but does she promote family values. There are other conservative women who aren’t married but seem to promote family life more. Laura Ingraham promotes this more then she does. I also don’t like this Republican good Democrat bad type of atitude. Some people for various aren’t Republicans for various reasons including some bad things they saw among Republicans. I don’t if the sum of Ann is so great for the conservaitve movement anyway regardless of this issue.

adam6275 on October 11, 2007 at 8:37 pm

Dave, choose your battles. Any ‘real’ Jew should be offended by leftists. In EUnuchstan, Europe, there are no conservatives. The continent has divested itself from such low life scum (sarcasm intended).
That a contrary political entity exists in the US is odd. Leftists hate Jews. Leftists are the majority in EUnuchstan. Leftists stifle debate the way Hitler stifled Jews. (no sarcasm in any way).

628318-23 on October 11, 2007 at 8:40 pm

I rarely agree with you, but on this, you are one of the few who is exactly right. Thank you for being intellectually honest about her, and one of the few who seems to be approaching her comments rationally!

Minga on October 11, 2007 at 9:21 pm

As a jew myself, I am not offended by Ann Coulter’s comments nor do I commend it. I’m not such a big fan of her and I tend to disagree with many of her positions plus I don’t think she is one of the most brilliant women let alone commentators that the conservative movement has ever produced. I believe most conservatives are more sensible than her but thats a side issue. Her statements against the jews were defamatory but she had a history for making such derogatory remarks in the past so it isn’t a novelty. What am I suppose do to about it? Cry and moan to Abe Foxman? We can see alot of good he has done for the jews exspecially his deafening silence when the Iranian Hitler defiled Columbia U. with his presence coupled with his threat to incinerate Israel.
I just thought Ann Coulter was being childish and ridiculous for making her comments but thats her freedom of speech. I don’t pay much attention to what she has to say anyways. I’ve heard far worse inflammatory rhetoric coming from the far left and the radical islamists. Calling for the conversion of jews, as provocative as it may be, seems innocuous compared to calling for the jews to have their throats slit and their corpses tossed into the Mediterranean Sea. Then again, I exspect no less from these islamic subhumans anymore than I exspect common decency from the loud mouthed infantile left.
As for dear Ann, if the media finds her statements repulsive, instead of bitching about it, they should’nt give her publicity. The woman has been attacked enough( and I do feel bad for her) so give her a freakin’ break already! Put a quit to your bloody harping and let her jest as much as she desires!

Jew Chick on October 11, 2007 at 9:50 pm

I have the greatest respect for Jewish culture and Judaism, from what I’ve learned about Judaism on this blog and from a class I took this summer on the Old Testament.
Ann Coulter’s comments were not anti-Semitic. The word that many Jews who have converted to Catholicism, according to Roy Schoeman, but still maintain their identity as Jews is “fulfilled.” They don’t like the term “converted” because it implies to them they have somehow left their Jewish identity. Christ and the 12 apostles were Jews, so one can say Christianity is a Jewish religion adopted by the Roman Empire.
The Left, like Muslims, lacks such tolerance. It is stunning watching Leftists, who worship Ahmadinejad, love Palestinians, and hate Israel, claim that Ann Coulter is an anti-Semite.

Gabe on October 11, 2007 at 9:50 pm

One could “take offense” dozens of times throughout the day but does one? I’m sick of Jews getting offended every time you turn around but they’re not offended by Ahmadinejhad’s rantings, creeping sharia law in this country and the antiSemitism of Hollywood. Take a chill pill. Ann is our friend.

lexi on October 11, 2007 at 10:02 pm

Bravo Debbie!
to Blitzer–once again you display your ignorance for us all to behold. It never ceases to amaze me when you do! Your criticizing Coulter’s intelligence is the same as a moron’s criticizing of a masterpiece. Her writing is as spot on as can be found anywhere today. We’re so blessed to have a moron like you troll on this blog–what keeps you here? Please tell us we can get wisdom of Solomon.
to Dave–grow some skin. I am a Christian and I love the Jewish people–even thin skinned ones like yourself. One thing I love about Debbie is that she is unabashedly Jewish–and it is a beautiful thing. If truly religious Christians and Jews express their true beliefs–there is going to be a difference in understanding–but that does not have to mean one must be “offended” or THAT ONE MUST HIDE WHAT HE OR SHE TRULY BELIEVES! Are you that insecure?
As Debbie writes:
“Why should that offend me? I’ve had brunch with Ann, and we’ve had many conversations through e-mail, etc. During all of that, she’s never once told me she’s offended that I believe that I am part of the Chosen People….. Does that make me a religious bigot? Nope. It just means I actually believe in my religion. Just like Ann does. Nothing more. Nothing less.”
I have seen that every time that idiots like those at Media Matters come after Ann Coulter or Rush Limbaugh — they expose themselves for muck-raking rabble-rousers they are and Coulter and Rushbo grow even faster in popularity. This is seen right now with the case of the phony soldiers whom Rush called phony soldiers-Media Matters does not get it.
G-d bless you DS!!

BB on October 11, 2007 at 10:14 pm

Great read Debbie. Ann was expressing the view of most evangelical Christians. We feel as did the Apostle Paul that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ,and the fulfillment of all the promises given to Israel by God. I do no know personally a genuine Christian who doesn’t love the Jewish people and who earnestly cares about their spiritual well being.
I know many Jews resent Christians wanting them to come to know Jesus as the Messiah, but they should just remember we do so because we love you, not because we are trying to gain converts.
The MSM and the nutroots will make a big to do about this. Sad to say many conservatives are going off as much as the nutroots.
Anchoress is a perfect example. Her blog today was so off the wall it wasn’t funny.
As a conservative I for one thank you for standing in the gap for Ann.

edward cropper on October 11, 2007 at 10:21 pm

Debbie, I was wondering how quickly you’d respond to this one. I was disappointed (but not surprised) at your response.
She may not be as anti-Jewish as Hitler or the President of Iran in that she doesn’t wish us dead just for being born; but she is no different than the intolerant people who have tried to forcably convert us through the ages. If America could legally repeat the Spanish Inquisition would Ann say it is “intolerant” and “un-American” or would she say “hip hip hooray”? Yes she was “baited” by Deutch but her answer was telling. When Borat “baited” the rednecks in the Arizona bar about “throwing the Jews down the well” and they cheered, should we not be offended by them too? They were so stupid they probably didn’t realize the “baiter” was Jewish
While I do not understand Jewish liberals when it comes to how they deal with Muslim fundamentalists, etc. I also do not understand why Jewish conservatives are essentially “going to bed” so to speak with the Christian Far Right. The only reason they support Israel so much is that they need a strong Jewish Israel to fulfill their beliefts regarding the prophesies about the Rapture, “Second Coming”, etc. They are almost as much a “friend” as Osama, etc. is and certainly hate us deep inside as much as they did when Jerry Falwell ranted on 20+ years ago. Get a clue people (on both sides of the aisle)!

hairymon on October 11, 2007 at 10:40 pm

I wonder if Donnie D would have acted so offended if Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR had told him that this country would be better off if everyone was a muslim. Somehow, I do not think that would have upset him.

WillPower on October 11, 2007 at 10:43 pm

*I also do not understand why Jewish conservatives are essentially “going to bed” so to speak with the Christian Far Right.*
*she is no different than the intolerant people who have tried to forcably convert us through the ages.*
I think you have just answered your own question. Ann Coulter is NOT forcibly trying to convert you. Muslims are. Now do you understand why, despite doctrinal differences, there is an alliance between conservative Catholics, Evangelicals, and Jews?

Gabe on October 11, 2007 at 10:51 pm

“They are almost as much a “friend” as Osama, etc. is and certainly hate us deep inside as much as they did when Jerry Falwell ranted on 20+ years ago.”
I do not hate you. But, as a Christian, I am offended that you would compare me to OBL and the jihadists. Seems like your own bigotry is showing.

WillPower on October 11, 2007 at 11:19 pm

Are you sure Ann wasn’t actually talking about the Mormans?

brotheromalley on October 11, 2007 at 11:20 pm

I am neither “offended” by someone believing that they are the “Chosen People,” or by another believing that they have been “perfected.”
I find it “offensive,” that a fairly large percentage of homosexuals, Socialists, and other Communists believe that the West would be better off if the very culture which has TOLERATED their rants-namely the Judeo-Christian ethos-and which has also allowed for the development of an open society-was silenced and erradicated from the Earth.
Jesus was a Jew. John the Baptist was a Jew. Remember where you come from, you’ll know where you’re going. I left a prayer at the wall in Jerusalem. It said two things; keep my family safe, and keep ‘God’s’ people safe. …and yes, I followed the traditions at the wall. Point? Remember the struggle, don’t forget the strife.
The only thing I wish Ann would do is eat more cheeseburgers.

Nuggler on October 11, 2007 at 11:34 pm

Debbie, I think the real outrage is why Jews like Deutch keep putting on the Coulters and Malkins and not you. You are 10 times better looking and should be on TV more. I think you cause a lot of nail biting among the left wing TV Jews.

Anonymous1 on October 11, 2007 at 11:35 pm

It doesn’t surprise me that you are defending Coulter. I have seen outstanding ignorance by both of you. You, Debbie, showed your ignorance when it comes to atheists, and Coulter proved she was a moron when she started spewing her ignorance when it comes to evolution.
What would you be saying if this wasn’t Coulter, but a Muslim cleric stating that all Christians and Jews should become Muslims????

Bacon Eating Atheist Jew on October 11, 2007 at 11:37 pm

Ah, yes – now we get to hear from the Evangelical Atheist who eats bacon. Passion about nothing – how sophisticated you are.

CarpeDiem on October 11, 2007 at 11:53 pm

Ann is not antisemitic but she is either ignorant or does not understand our graceful God’s Law that includes a remedy for sin. Therefore Jews do not need Jesus.
That remedy is sincere repentance. It is vividly illustrated in Ezekiel Chapter 18 which concludes: “It is not My desire that anyone should die — declares the Lord God. Repent and live.”
It is also illustrated in Psalm 130 which concludes: “God will redeem Israel from all its sins.”

len613 on October 12, 2007 at 12:06 am

Debbie, you’ve hit this one out of the park you are so right.

MQ on October 12, 2007 at 12:16 am

Are you familiar with the story ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’? You’re like the idiots in the story who appease the King by not telling him that his new clothes are in fact no clothes at all. It takes a boy to point out this fact before everyone else admits it.
What Coultergeist said was stupid, and your defense of her only shows that you’re stupid as well. BB must stand for ‘Baby Brains’.
The full video of Coultergeist on Big Idea is here:
It’s important to note that her dream country would be like the Republican National Convention in New York where everyone was a Christian. Gee, I wonder if any conservative Jew at that convention will speak up against Coultergeist?
CarpeDiem, yet another post of yours that is no more insightful than a two year old’s finger painting.

Norman Blitzer on October 12, 2007 at 12:32 am

It’s late and I’m getting lazy so I’ll just copy what I posted on Roger Simon’s blog:
OK, I’m Jewish and not exactly thrilled with Coulter’s remarks. But let’s get a little perspective. Is she as “antisemitic” as:
Pat Buchanan who has been taking nasty shots at Jews for most of his useless life?
Louis Farrakhan who said Jews should be “punished with death”?
Jimmy Carter who made sarcastic, derisive references to Jews as the “Chosen People”?
No, no, and no. Not even close.

Gary Rosen on October 12, 2007 at 1:20 am

I think I’ve explained why I found her comment offensive. I am very secure in my Judaism, and do not feel threatened by Ann Coulter. We both know where the real threat is coming from. I just think that Ann Coulter’s comments – publicly denigrating my religion – were offensive. And she is providing more fodder for those like Media Matters.
This is just my opinion. Obviously, many fellow Orthodox Jews like Debbie were not offended. That’s fine. I’ve expressed my opinion, and do not think that this needs to be the issue of the year. We need to focus on the common enemy and work together.

Dave on October 12, 2007 at 1:41 am

Hi all,
This is my first comment on this blog while I’ve been reading a lot of it the past month.
First of all I was brought up with strong Christian feelings and I think one of the few non priest christians who read the entire bible in my country.
As Mensa was mentionend… my Iq is equal or above 156 as the test didn’t go any higher.
For those who don’t know what IQ means:
Intelligence Quotient but it actually does mean your ability to think, it does not mean you are smart, wize or actually posses commen sence. So IQ is overrated, not worth further mentioning.
to go back to the topic:
As a previous christian, and currently not affiliated to any belief I’ve attempted to talk to other religion followers.
My result: (my appologies for not naming the beliefs with there correct name or any spelling mistakes, as I’m still lacking full knowledge of the english language)
Jews: Intresting, openminded and willing to discuss and even take there religion to the test of discussion.
Christians: Sometimes don’t know the basis of there own belief but are in general followers of the idea behind it and try to be as tollerant as possible.
Hindu: a way of life that could perhaps work in life style with some Christians there many “gods” made me draw a line as if Christian profets and saits could partially also be seen as “gods” for them as I did in the past direct some of my prayers towards them…
HarÈ Crishnas(or something) are a lot similar to hindu in basis of attitude towards a lot of life issues, though there clothing and hair code should better be seen by them as something of the past. But that’s just my humble oppinion.
Moslims: I got beaten insluted and spit in my face for daring to talk about there belief and even attempting to question it. So all I know are there actions/words and the 3 online translations I found of the Quran.
I’m willing to talk openly to any and every body about religion. And my own belief that has become one without name as my search contious to what is True and Not for me.(wasn’t able to talk to mormons and others as I didn’t find them yet in my country)
But as I do support the idea of freedom of speech as most important to gather more knowledge, ideas and views. I find the trend that has been set as a wall. Tempering my search for knowledge. I am glad people as Debby exist as well as those responding. There is much to be learned from there oppinions. Therefor Islam has become in some ways my personal enemy as well as all that support the sencureship they are seeking. I don’t know if any of you ever has read “Kissing Hank’s Ass”. but here is the link:
This does show the danger of not questioning or close mindedness. For those who would fall for such a trap, know that I would pitty you and hope you’ll someday aquire the insight that it’s a trap.
As I’m probably currently lacking enough info to speak up in a correct manner of Moslims still so far my temporary conclusion. It’s a trap that promotes discrimination and violence. I could be mistaken and here: http://www.danielpipes.org/article/3144
There are people that talk from many sides.
From Christian, rightviewed, moslim, etc… point of views. Is he now an ally of Debby and/or Ann?
I do not know but he seems to some extent to be an ally of Truth.
Good job Debby!
I hope you’ll never stop.
(You and others that also talk openly, honestly about these things where the media seems to be failing in)
So far my rambling, sorry for perhaps going to wide on this issue but this is like all things I write, my personal view on things and I hope none who is open minded would take offence to this.

Garifulla on October 12, 2007 at 5:05 am

Hi all,
This is my first comment on this blog while I’ve been reading a lot of it the past month.
First of all I was brought up with strong Christian feelings and I think one of the few non priest christians who read the entire bible in my country.
As Mensa was mentionend… my Iq is equal or above 156 as the test didn’t go any higher.
For those who don’t know what IQ means:
Intelligence Quotient but it actually does mean your ability to think, it does not mean you are smart, wize or actually posses commen sence. So IQ is overrated, not worth further mentioning.
to go back to the topic:
As a previous christian, and currently not affiliated to any belief I’ve attempted to talk to other religion followers.
My result: (my appologies for not naming the beliefs with there correct name or any spelling mistakes, as I’m still lacking full knowledge of the english language)
Jews: Intresting, openminded and willing to discuss and even take there religion to the test of discussion.
Christians: Sometimes don’t know the basis of there own belief but are in general followers of the idea behind it and try to be as tollerant as possible.
Hindu: a way of life that could perhaps work in life style with some Christians there many “gods” made me draw a line as if Christian profets and saits could partially also be seen as “gods” for them as I did in the past direct some of my prayers towards them…
HarȆÉrishnas(or something) are a lot similar to hindu in basis of attitude towards a lot of life issues, though there clothing and hair code should better be seen by them as something of the past. But that’s just my humble oppinion.
Moslims: I got beaten insluted and spit in my face for daring to talk about there belief and even attempting to question it. So all I know are there actions/words and the 3 online translations I found of the Quran.
I’m willing to talk openly to any and every body about religion. And my own belief that has become one without name as my search contious to what is True and Not for me.(wasn’t able to talk to mormons and others as I didn’t find them yet in my country)
But as I do support the idea of freedom of speech as most important to gather more knowledge, ideas and views. I find the trend that has been set as a wall. Tempering my search for knowledge. I am glad people as Debby exist as well as those responding. There is much to be learned from there oppinions. Therefor Islam has become in some ways my personal enemy as well as all that support the sencureship they are seeking. I don’t know if any of you ever has read “Kissing Hank’s Ass”. but here is the link:
This does show the danger of not questioning or close mindedness. For those who would fall for such a trap, know that I would pitty you and hope you’ll someday aquire the insight that it’s a trap.
As I’m probably currently lacking enough info to speak up in a correct manner of Moslims still so far my temporary conclusion. It’s a trap that promotes discrimination and violence. I could be mistaken and here: http://www.danielpipes.org/article/3144
There are people that talk from many sides.
From Christian, rightviewed, moslim, etc… point of views. Is he now an ally of Debby and/or Ann?
I do not know but he seems to some extent to be an ally of Truth.
Good job Debby!
I hope you’ll never stop.
(You and others that also talk openly, honestly about these things where the media seems to be failing in)
So far my rambling, sorry for perhaps going to wide on this issue but this is like all things I write, my personal view on things and I hope none who is open minded would take offence to this.

Garifulla on October 12, 2007 at 5:05 am

“You know you’re over the target when you start taking flak.”

gus3 on October 12, 2007 at 5:31 am

Michael Savage actually jumped on this antisemitic bandwagon last night (10/11). I know he doesn’t like her, and that’s fine. He just kept going on and on about how she was antisemitic and that her books were going to be number one on the best seller lists in the Middle East. I know Dr. Savage engages in a fair amount of sarcasm from time to time. But, I just kept looking at the radio in disbelief.

cirrus1701 on October 12, 2007 at 5:55 am

“You know you’re over the target when you start taking flak.”
To the person who wondered what that means: It’s a military quip regarding air corps in combat. When you’re within range of their guns, your target is probably very near.
WRT Ann Coulter, she takes flak constantly, because the targets are constantly in her cross-hairs (sorry, bad pun).

gus3 on October 12, 2007 at 6:54 am

Coulter is not an anti-semite. Let me put it this way, I think almost everyone is prejudiced to a degree in certain instances at least.
I think for one to be an anti-semite they have to be consistent in their overt criticism of Jews, or just admit they don’t like Jews.
Coulter is just an imbecile. Imbeciles will make stupid comments and then pretend they can back them up.

Bacon Eating Atheist Jew on October 12, 2007 at 7:03 am

Is it just me or does Ann Coulter have an adam’s apple and unusually large hands for a woman?

Bill Petty on October 12, 2007 at 7:21 am

To my Jewish brothers and sisters who are experiencing Coulterphobia: Big hands and adams apple aside, worrying about Ann Coulter is a waste of time. You may want to direct your concern toward those patronizing friends of Palestine, the Clintons. After all, it was Ms Rodham that unashamedly sucked face with Suha Arafat, and Bill could hardly get enough of her disgusting terrorist husband, “the Chairman”. I think a Clinton presidency is a far more serious threat to Jews, Christians, Israel and America than Ann (somebody give her a cheeseburger-lol) Coulter.
To Mr. “156 IQ” who posted above. “Brevity is the sould of wit”.

Southernops on October 12, 2007 at 8:48 am

“soul of wit”

Southernops on October 12, 2007 at 8:53 am

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