October 2, 2007, - 12:31 pm

INS/ICE’s Roy Bailey Indicted for Bribes from Hezbos; Yet Again, US Atty Abu Porno Let Key Hezbo Perpetrators Flee USA

Executive Summary: A top U.S. Immigration official has been accepting bribes from Hezbollah operatives in America for years. But the U.S. Attorney–Stephen Murphy III, the Justice Department’s top official in Eastern Michigan–delayed indictment for FOUR Years(!), while he quietly allowed the Hezbollah criminals involved to flee the country.

: Hezbollah’s U.S. Attorney Sat on Indictment for FOUR Years so Hezbo Suspects Could Flee

Remember ? He’s the former INS and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Field Office Director for Detention and Removal Operations (DRO) I wrote about. As , he’s been collecting a full salary plus benefits while not working for four years. As I also told you, he owned a Dodge Viper and lived the high life–at least, a life much higher than his ICE salary could reasonably support. He was accused of taking bribes from aliens to stop their deportations and of taking property from aliens once they were in detention and on their way out.
Well, Roy Bailey was finally indicted (the indictment was unsealed this morning), for taking bribes from Hezbollah-affiliated Shi’ite Muslims. But it is years–at least FOUR YEARS–too late, and all of the key Hezbollah suspects have been conveniently allowed to flee the country. As I’ve noted many times before, this is standard procedure for pan-Islamist Murphy sat for two years on an indictment of Hezbollah cigarette smugglers from the Hammoud family and and getting the fanfare for pushing meaningless paper (which indictments against fugitives in Lebanon are–meaningless).
Abu Porno has it both ways. He gets to pretend that he is fighting corrupt federal agents and terrorists from groups like Hezbollah, while it’s all a sham. At the same time, , and he gives them a wink and a nod as they leave, finally indicting them when they are gone. Such has been the case with (whom Murphy raided several times but ), with , and now, with those Muslims who bribed Roy Bailey.
If I were Bailey’s defense attorney, I’d be screaming from the rooftops that a Black man (who is completely corrupt) is taking the fall while the racist prosecutor (and, yes, Murphy is a racist and has ) lets all of the Arab Muslim Hezbollah co-conspirators leave the country and live in comfort. In fact, Hezbollah financier Chahine is a co-defendant in Bailey’s indictment. Yet, Murphy a/k/a Abu Porno allows him to continue to draw from his Detroit-based bank accounts and restaurant chain, none of which have been frozen. Bailey, on the other hand, is Whit [no, not a typo] Out of Luck.
And Chahine’s fate is the same as another Bailey co-defendant, Mohammed Bazzi. Even though he was well know as a member of Hezbollah and authorities strongly suspected him in various Hezbollah money-laundering activities, including cigarette smuggling and other fraud, U.S. Attorney Murphy allowed him to flee America.
And U.S. Attorney Murphy continued to allow Bailey to draw four years of $140,000 annual salary and full benefits while he vacationed at home. Why? Because Murphy had to wait until his friend Chahine left the country.
Frankly, it’s not just Bailey’s assets that should have been scrutinized. It’s Murphy’s. Just how much is Hezbollah paying Abu Porno? A lot, it appears.
The questions is: Is Murphy really the United State’s of America’s Attorney or Hezbollah’s? I know the answer. And it isn’t the former. Incredibly, the Bush Administration continues to pimp this man for Federal Court of Appeals Judge.
Here’s more (with my commentary and corrections of bad Detroit Newsistan “reporting”):

A top immigration official in Detroit has been indicted by a federal grand jury for accepting tens of thousands of dollars in bribes to release aliens who were supposed to be deported and facilitate other immigration frauds.
Part of the scam involved a fraud whereby LaShish Restaurants employees were able to stay in the country through fraudulent marriages to other LaShish employees, according to federal officials and a grand jury indictment unsealed today.
Talal Chahine, 52, owner of LaShish and already a fugitive on criminal tax charges believed to be living in Lebanon, is one of five defendants named in the indictment.
Roy M. Bailey, 54, of Romulus, who was assistant director for the Immigration and Naturalization Service field office in Detroit and director for detention and removal operations, is charged with accepting bribes, conspiracy to commit bribery, conspiracy to commit extortion by a public official, conspiracy to defraud the federal government, failing to report a felony. . . .
Bailey was placed on leave in 2004, officials said.
It was not clear how much in total bribes Bailey is accused of accepting, but officials said it exceeds $50,000 in cash, jewelry, home improvements, landscaping and casino chips.
[DS: Not a surprise. We know that Talal Chahine . Since we also know that new was just as in bed with Chahine and voted for an inflated property purchase to benefit Chahine with millions, how much in bribes did O’Reilly get from Chahine?]
In addition to releasing and adjusting terms for aliens who were supposed to be deported, Bailey brought a gun across the border from Windsor for a local businessman, identified as “Samir L.” who gave him more than $10,000 in bribes, the indictment alleges.
Bailey, who accepted free meals at the businessman’s restaurants worth more than $5,000, also allowed an associate of Samir L.’s to enter the U.S. from Syria based on fraudulent documents, the indictment alleges.
Bailey is also accused of failing to report the theft of more than $300,000 from aliens housed at a deportation center in Monroe. Patrick Wynne, a former detention officer there, was sentenced to 57 months in prison in January 2006 for his role in those thefts.
[DS: The U.S. Attorney’s office has known about this activity for more than FOUR years. But DID NOTHING. Why? To allow the Hezbollah actors in this case to flee the country.]
Antonio “Tony” Ivezaj, 39, of Milford, a criminal alien who was subject to a final deportation order, is charged with bribery and conspiracy to commit bribery.
Ivezaj, who was released by Bailey, had a Ferndale construction company, TMI Construction Co., which did more than $5,000 in free residential construction work for Bailey, the indictment alleges. Ivezaj also obtained $50,000 in 2003 on behalf of another person in immigration custody who was released by Bailey at about the same time, the indictment alleges.
Chahine is not accused in the indictment of paying bribes to Bailey [DS: WHY NOT? Throw the whole book of charges at him. Thanks to Murphy, he’s not here to face any of them], but of conspiracy to commit extortion by a public official.
The indictment alleges Chahine obtained more than $250,000 in cash and real estate from the family of a Lebanese man through extortion.
Also named in the indictment is Mohamad Arzouni, 59, of Dearborn Heights, identified as a LaShish employee, and Mohammad Bazzi, 61, a relative of Chahine’s and a LaShish employee from 2001 to 2005. Bazzi, formerly of Detroit, is not yet in custody and may be in Australia, officials said.
[DS: U.S. Attorney Murphy let Bazzi flee the country. Hello . . .?]
Arzouni and Bazzi are each charged with conspiracy to defraud the federal government.
Murphy said the case is serious but he believes it is an isolated incident and he does not believe there is widespread corruption in the federal immigration service.

Isolated, my ass. This is regular practice for Muslims in America and those trying to get in.
And uh, no, Murphy doesn’t believe the case is serious, or he’d freeze Chahine’s assets and shut down his restaurants and bank accounts in America. And he wouldn’t have let at least two key Hezbollah defendants flee the country. On the other hand, he must have thought the charges were serious enough that he allowed his Hezbo buddies to flee the country.
Stephen Murphy III, Hezbollah’s U.S. Attorney. Your tax dollars and “Justice” Department at work.

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12 Responses

This is shocking and outrageous conduct! Abu Porno must be removed from office, and held accountable.
Thanks for reporting this important story Debbie. No one on the web or in the news media breaks more stories of national importance than you do.

Bomb Bomb Iran on October 2, 2007 at 2:03 pm

Hopefully during the trial of Bailey the layers of the onion will peel back. Who knows what info we could glean from this? Maybe Bailey can cop a plea to give info on others involved, particularly higher ups like Abu Murphy.

JasonBourne81 on October 2, 2007 at 2:57 pm

Remember, O’Reilly is the ass-hat mayor who withheld information for five days when the little Hezbollah-wannabe med student was found in full camouflage in a Dearborn park with a loaded AK47.
Last I checked dumbshit will be arraigned Oct. 21–assuming he hasn’t been allowed to flee the country. Stay tuned.

JohnAdams on October 2, 2007 at 4:39 pm

Here’s another travesty that doesn’t surprise me…hell, the U.S. Attorney’s Office won’t prosecute Identity Theft, Child Porn, Aggravated Felon Reentries, or illegal aliens in possession for firearms unless the case meets the insidious thresholds that were set by who knows. So, why bother to immediately indict a big wheel ICE monkey when you can let him retire and, in the meantime, let the other enemy (Yep, muslims) waltz out of the country.
Gee, where was Tracy Lembke and her boneheads from OPR when all this was happening? Oh yeah, probably investigating some poor SA or CBP agent who had a frivolous accusation filed on them by some dirtbag tonk who deserved to get deported and boohoo’d to some liberal laplicking group. Yessir…gotta keep the priorities in line; desecrate the career of a hard-working agent instead of pounding it to the real criminals who we have the misfortune of having in upper management.
Abu Porno needs to be fired, disbarred, and indicted along with teh other gutless shitball who had the audacity to ruin the lives and careers of two good Border Patrol Agents in favor of a drug smuggling piece of shit.
No wonder the world laughs at us.

1shot1kill on October 2, 2007 at 6:29 pm

I’ll take you off of “ignore” long enough to make one point, that needs to be made.
According to Debbie’s story, the violation(s) took place over four years ago. OPR has been required to give DHS/OIG the first right of refusal on each and every criminal case that comes to light, since ICE became ICE, and anything as “juicy” as a bribery case of this magnitude would have almost certainly been accepted by OIG, if not farmed off to the Bureau.
If I were a betting man, I’d be willing to bet you a case of the beverage of your choice that OPR didn’t have a thing to do with this investigation.
Traci Lembke doesn’t, and never has run DHS/OIG to my knowledge, and thus wasn’t responsible for this case. If you knew this, shame on you for throwing mud at a good person for no reason. If you didn’t know this, shame on you for sleeping through the last four years of your life.
DHS OIG worked the case on your “two good Border Patrol Agents” as well.
“No wonder the world laughs at us”. Isn’t that the truth?

EverVigilantSheepdog on October 2, 2007 at 8:36 pm

Yep, can’t blame this one on Traci Lembke. She let the perv indecent exposure guy keep his job, but had nothing to do with this corrupt guy. But just wait, I’m sure there are others that are in management that are being “investigated” by the OPR lackeys who will keep their jobs and cushy pensions. Traci has her SES position, even though she didn’t meet the qualifications for it. How in the hell can one go from a GS to HQ Director in less than 3 years, if that long????? Oh, but I must be wrong. The talented agents, RACs and ASACs that have left OPR for CBP IA MUST have been disgruntled lazy slugs, and it had nothing to do with gift-to-law-enforcement Traci, right? Right???? Then again, she’s getting all who are left in OPR to do REALLY BIG criminal cases. I’m sure she’s figured out how to get the juicy criminal cases past OIG.

sanantonioins on October 2, 2007 at 11:16 pm

Maybe prosecuting Bailey is the ‘top line’ of corruption. Having him get a deal in a plea or reduction in his time seems counter-productive to me.
You blogged (in part),
“So, why bother to immediately indict a big wheel ICE monkey when you can let him retire….”
He didn’t retire. I doubt now if he will as his clock has stopped. It is up to ICE-DRO to do their job and fire him. Regardless if he was allowed to retire by ICE-DRO or not, a Grand Jury found probable cause to believe he committed several crimes. What difference does it make. A person committing crimes is a criminal whether he gets his retirement or not. Ask anyone who has spent several years in jail and see if they enjoyed their retirement pay.
You are right, OPR had nothing to do with this investigation.
ditto for you, Lembke had nothing to do with this guy.
Anyone who has investigated a large scale conspiracy case like this knows that it takes more than six months to put the case together. Three to four years to thoroughly investigate a case like this sounds about right to me.

True American on October 3, 2007 at 1:08 am

Let me guess, you got passed over for a 14 by OPR, and can’t let it go right? Because you were by far the best qualified candidate for the job, right?
Your qualifications will certainly meet the SES criteria, where you found Traci Lembke’s lacking right? You amuse me.
OPR and Traci Lembke didn’t have SQUAT to do with letting “perv indecent exposure guy keep his job”. Anyone that knows anything about the system knows that OPR investigates, and the agency (OI/DRO/OPLA/FPS) management makes discipline decisions. To dump this pile on Traci is disingenous at the very least, and if not that, clearly uninformed rhetoric designed to make your feeble point, with flawed logic.
Your attitude is showing sanantonioins. True American nailed it. Listen and learn my friend.

EverVigilantSheepdog on October 3, 2007 at 3:40 am

hail to the victims valiant,
hail to the conquered zeros,
to what’s left of Michigan
not the leaders of squat…
first we get ms america and her taxes on baby shoe bronzers and now we get mr jock the fed that cant find his ass with both hands.
let me guess: its a secret sting set up to keep tabs on all these waiters at la shish (try the mediterranean chicken wings, theyre TO DIE FOR!!)
are we living in the weimar republic right before the hellacious s storm?
just remember that when you do this work dont let your one hand watch the other, dont let them blow this up as a DS story and not a camel’s nose in the tent story, pun intended.
I’m ten times more afraid of sellout than fallout, and it just amazes me to no end how many rinos there are out there and college boy govt clowns selling us down the river.
michigan hasnt had a capital punishment meted out since what 1842 or so, time to change that stat.

playertwo on October 3, 2007 at 7:24 am

First off, I wouldn’t be too quick to put me on your “ignore” list…that’d be a mistake you can’t afford.
In stating that, let me go on to say I have enough spine and integrity to admit to being somewhat misinformed and I concede that. But in doing so, I again ask who’s responsible for investigating reprehensible acts like this? If OIG and OPR don’t, then who? The Director, Asst. Director, Mike Chertoff, Capt. Kangaroo? Yeah, my point is NOBODY because they just sweep this crap under the table, all the big dogs call in a marker or two, and tomorrow is another day.
You state Lembke is so great; maybe in your opinion but that doesn’t make it mine or the majority’s.
You stated, “A person committing crimes is a criminal whether he gets his retirement or not. Ask anyone who has spent several years in jail and see if they enjoyed their retirement pay.” If he/she is a criminal, they shouldn’t be getting it period! That is, if they ever truly face justice.
As far as “shame on you for sleeping through the last four years of my life”, I’ve been wide awake my friend and have seen more and know more than you think, a lot which could make a few folks shit toy hatchets. By the way, a lot of it’s no big secret; that’s one thing about secrets in this outfit, there are none.
Look, I’m not one of those clowns taking vicious potshots at you and dragging you through the mire. I just don’t happen to agree with you on some of your party-line rhetoric. Think for a moment…some of the information you get from your “trusted” sources may be a different set of lies over the same topic they feed different BS to others. Be wary who you get your information from…nobody in this outfit is to be trusted.
Be careful and stay healthy.

1shot1kill on October 3, 2007 at 6:08 pm

I appreciate you admitting the possibility that you may have been misinformed, and I apologize for lumping you into “that group” which I’ve battled with since June 1. You didn’t deserve that and I apologize.
Having said that, I’ll answer your questions.
You said “I again ask who’s responsible for investigating reprehensible acts like this?”
The answer is OPR can, but rarely do under the present agreement with DHS/OIG.
Any and all misconduct, to include criminal allegations reported to ICE OPR must be referred to DHS/OIG.
DHS/OIG gets the “right of first refusal”. Sometimes they don’t take them, but farm them out to the Bureau, and perhaps even CBP OPR if that route would be appropriate.
Only after all of this happens, may OPR investigate allegations of misconduct and/or criminal violations that OIG doesn’t have the time, resources, or interest in pursuing.
ICE/OPR didn’t make this $%!^ up, but they do have to live by the letter and spirit of this
You also said ” Yeah, my point is NOBODY because they just sweep this crap under the table, all the big dogs call in a marker or two, and tomorrow is another day.”
I don’t believe for a single moment that Traci Lembke, or any of the fine men and women that I know, who still work in ICE/OPR would sweep anything under the table, regardless of the offender, or be a party to such action. I just don’t buy it.
Everyone is entitiled to an opinion my friend, and I won’t tell you yours is wrong. I will tell you this though:
My opinion is formed over years of knowing Traci Lembke, knowing her work and her reputation for integrity. Traci was a damn fine investigator, before she went to work with Customs Internal Affairs, and later into management.
Traci played a HUGE role in a major case, involving a SAC out west, which made a tremendous difference in the quality of life for every agent in that SAC office. I know this, because I was one of the GS-15’s that gave sworn affadavits.
It frankly pisses me off when people that don’t know her, but get their information from this site, and the rumor mill, call her names, and take shots at her for no good reason. She doesn’t need me to defend her mind you, because her body of work speaks for itself, but I choose to speak up on here, and in person if the opportunity arises, because as I’ve said, I know who she is, and I’ll not allow anyone to hurt my friends if I have a say in the matter.
You attributed the following quote to me ” A person committing crimes is a criminal whether he gets his retirement or not. Ask anyone who has spent several years in jail and see if they enjoyed their retirement pay.”
True American said that not me. I don’t disagree with what he said, but wanted to correct the record, and give proper credit, where credit is due.
My sources are all people that I have known for many years, and whom I’ve trusted for years, sometimes with my life. I’m confident that anything I say on this site is true.
You see I don’t come on here to say ICE/OI is perfect, or everything is great over at ICE, but rather to say it isn’t as bad as some would have you believe, and while we are experiencing growing pains, we are making progress.
Is it sometimes frustrating as hell? You bet, but it’s going to take us all, to get to the next level.
All any one of us can bring to the job each and every single day, that nobody else can take from us is a positive attitude, and integrity that is beyond reproach. I’m the guy you heard about that always sees the glass as half-full.
Work safe friend,

EverVigilantSheepdog on October 3, 2007 at 10:04 pm

Your columns would be more readable and interesting if their titles were short and clever and you didn’t write about the same things all the time. Enough about Muslims and how much you seem to think they pollute the world. Aargh!

Carolyn on October 4, 2007 at 10:32 am

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