September 26, 2007, - 4:57 pm

Me on Michael Reagan Show Tonight

I will be on the nationally syndicated “Michael Reagan Show,” tonight at approximately 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time, discussing , the movie, “The Kingdom” (my writing on this pan-Saudi movie, and ) and assorted other topics. (For those who know I observe the , the interview was pre-taped, this afternoon.) Listen/Watch.

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2 Responses

I couldn’t find the show last night, as I think the station that once carried reagan went out of business recently.
Everytime I see that picture of you I….uh…nvm. *blush*

Squirrel3D on September 27, 2007 at 8:27 am

Michael Reagan ROCKS!!!!! He’s one of the few people who really seems to “get it.” He understands both what Ronald Reagan was working to accomplish, and he knows how to communicate it to others. Not only that, but he told the truth about what was going on in the Balkans as far back as the Kosovo War – back when scarcely anybody else had the nerve to speak up.

1389 on October 11, 2007 at 8:12 pm

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